[Top 10] Smash Ultimate Best Doubles Characters

Smash Ultimate Best Doubles Characters
11 Jun 2021

10. Mario

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Mario Smash Ultimate render

Mario is your basic character. He’s the default. What makes him so good in doubles? His strengths are amplified and his weaknesses are less obvious. Mario’s strong punish game is great for doubles and his back throw is an easy setup for a teammate to follow up on. His weakness of getting in is made a lot less relevant when you have a teammate controlling space as well.

  • Back throw allows easy follow-ups
  • Great punish opportunities with his smash attacks

9. Inkling

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Inkling Smash Ultimate render

Inkling is strong in doubles for roller, obviously, but the ink is also super strong. Inkling can use neutral b to create space and color opponents making them take more damage and knockback. Roller can ground opponents and make for easy follow-ups from a teammate. 

  • Roller grounds opponents
  • Ink'd opponents take more knockback

8. Pokemon Trainer

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Pokemon Trainer Smash Ultimate render

Pokemon trainer really shines in doubles. Ivysuar alone can gimp super early, deleting the enemy team’s stocks rapidly. You can also use Squirtle’s water gun to create space for your team and maybe push a charging teammate into opponents. Charizard also makes good use of his power to get hard punishes.

  • Extremely versatile because of the access to 3 different characters
  • Water gun can be used for clever team tricks
  • Ivysuar’s gimp potential can lead to easy leads

7. Mr. Game&Watch

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Mr. Game & Watch Smash Ultimate render

Game&Watch has bucket. Teammates can fill bucket. That’s scary. While it’s not the same as if an enemy fills bucket  (a deliberate nerf in one of the early patches), it can still be a great tool for damage and KOs. Game&Watch also can bury opponents with his down smash for hard punishes from teammates and can escape most pressure with up b. 

  • Bucket can be filled by a teammate
  • Down smash buries
  • Can escape with up b

6. Cloud

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Cloud Smash Ultimate render

Cloud’s limit is so strong for doubles. He was banned in smash 4 for doubles because he was so strong but in ultimate, limit actually goes away so he’s not as strong. Limit break side b and finishing touch can KO super early. Cloud’s large hitboxes also help keep out opponents and his mobility makes him good at getting follow-ups.  

  • Limit moves are super good for KOing
  • Big hitboxes control space

5. Wario

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Wairo Smash Ultimate render

Waft is strong in singles. Having an extra person helping you land waft makes it even stronger. Wario is a solid character with an amazing recovery so he can dish out damage and live for a long time. Once waft comes online, all you need is a grab from your teammate, and Wario can land that waft easily. 

  • Early kills with waft
  • A solid recovery making gimping him hard

4. Jigglypuff

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Jigglypuff Smash Ultimate render

Jigglypuff isn’t the best character in singles. She has a very predictable game plan and not many ways to get in and make it happen. In doubles, she can play a super campy style, wait for her teammate to hit someone her way so she can rest them. Having a way to consistently get rest and a teammate to hit you out of the sleep mode rest puts you in, makes Puff a super useful character in doubles.

  • Early kills with rest
  • Good mobility to get to a spot to hit rest. 

3. Lucario

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Lucario Smash Ultimate render

Lucario shines in doubles based on something called the Anubis strategy. Lucario starts off super weak in smash, but when he’s losing or has a lot of percent, he gets stronger. This is called his aura. Aura actually gets stronger when your teammate dies in doubles, so some players will kill the non-Lucario player at the start of a match to get aura up and start Lucario off as a stronger character. Having a super-strong character really helps in doubles and the more you try to kill him, the stronger he gets.

  • Anubis strategy
  • Crazy kill power

2. Snake 

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Snake Smash Ultimate render

Snake is the most versatile doubles character. His C4 can be placed on a teammate and when that teammate grabs someone, it automatically gets transferred over to the grabbed enemy. This can lead to crazy easy kills. That along with his super strong moves and great, hard to gimp recovery makes Snake one of the best doubles characters. 

  • C4 combos
  • Strong KO potential

1. Hero

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Hero Smash Ultimate promo art

Hero struggles in singles by not being able to scroll through his menu easily. In doubles, you can have a teammate protect you as you get your buffs. Also, those buffs allow you to kill crazy early. They can also make you move super fast. They can also make you have a constant reflector. Not to mention, Hero gets random crits on his smash attacks. Hero is busted in doubles.

  • Free to use menu
  • Insane kill power
  • Can turn into a walking reflector 

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