[Top 10] SilkRoad Best Builds That Wreck Hard!

Greatest fun online is represented in Silkroad!
31 Oct 2021

SilkRoad is an old but gold kind of game. If you ever played it then you probably remember spending hours and probably days stuck in your chair trying to grind your way through it!
The game is still alive through private servers which can be really fun and bring some good nostalgia!
But if you’re new to the game then you should probably check it out if you like grinding through games, doing trades, and being a businessman in ancient times, and if you just want to have massive fun with your friends (or even make new friends there).

In this article, I will be showing you the best ways to play SilkRoad and have the most fun!
Here are the top ten builds in SilkRoad:





10. Wizard/Cleric Build:

Aeolus FTW 29/2/2020 Wizard/Cleric

This is the most common build in SilkRoad because it offers a lot of damage and a crazy amount of buffs! You can enjoy a lot of leveling up easily and be highly wanted in any party.
Going full INT almost guarantees you get the necessary MP for your skills and you can output the most damage available.
In this build, it’s preferred to go with Light Armor so you can have better Physical defense which is your biggest weakness.

What Wizard/Cleric Excels In:

  • Dealing high damage to both monsters and enemies.
  • Buffing other party members while leveling up or farming SP in order to protect them. 
  • Being a true team player, as your buffs can help your team stay alive while also being able to Res (revive) dead party players.

Build details:

[Guide] Wizard/Cleric UPDATED Guide




9. Wizard/Bard Build:

Silkroad Wizard/Bard Kara Grinding & News

Some players favor this build due to its high damage and movement speed buffs.
You can deal the same high damage as a wizard while also granting you the necessary skills to have a better party like noise and speed which can simply get you to walk instead of buying horses. Noise will prevent you from getting one-shot from any monster.
There is no other way than going full Robe but in order to compromise the weak defenses, you need to do some alchemy work (+5 and full blue items).

What Wizard/Bard Build Excels In:

  • Dealing a great amount of damage as a typical Wizard.
  • High in demand as Bard players are needed in every party to ensure that everyone has a good movement speed while also providing protection with your Noise skill.
  • Farming alone. Your Noise skill can protect you well enough to keep farming.

Build details:

[GUIDE]The Full Wizard/Bard Guide {17/10/08} Updated!




8. Warrior/Wizard Build:

Silkroad Online - Wizard/Warrior - The best build ever in action

Now don’t get me wrong, I know it’s not your usual build in Silkroad but bear with me.
Using the unique PvP advantages of the warrior build is great, but what about combining them with the high damage dealt from the wizard side?
This would make you feel too strong!
It is a must to wear Light Armor as otherwise, you won’t be able to keep up with your MP hunger as this build is full STR.

What Warrior/Wizard Build Excels In:

  • As usual, dealing a lot of damage and being able to nuke people and mobs.
  • Being tanky while also having all the warrior advantages (Dull, Stunn, and other debuffs). 
  • Having a good combo and eventually being able to delete enemies thanks to the critical strike you’d be able to land on enemies.
  • Farming well due to the wizard nuke powers.

Build details:





7. Warrior/Cleric Build:

"Electus" Warrior / Cleric Pvp "Reflect" 110 cap

Warrior/Cleric was how classical Silkroad players played this build!
You can have the strength of the warrior while still grabbing the sweet buffs from the cleric.
Warrior can be one of the best builds if you want to play a lot of PvP and become an important part of any party, especially during the FTW.

As most balanced Warriors this build will surely be a full STR.

You can go with Robe, Light Armor, or Heavy Armor but it’s best to choose Light Armor as it provides you balanced Magical and Physical defense while also being good for MP.

What Warrior/Cleric Build Excels In:

  • Being tanky and grinding through any fight or PvP.
  • Being a god in most of PvPs which can get you a lot of gold by building your reputation and joining strong guilds.
  • Dealing insane damage with your 2H sword.
  • Having healing power thanks to the Cleric part.

Build details:

[GUIDE] Warrior/Cleric




6. Warrior/Warlock Build:

Silkroad Online - Best Euro Character PvP Event - Warrior/Warlock

Building a warrior character is great as it gives you tankiness and great damage!
But what if you could also debuff the enemy even further than a normal warrior build?
This is where the Warlock comes into play!
The build will surely be full STR to become tanky. 
For this build, you would use the Robe option since you’re already full STR and only nukes would deal good damage against you.

What Warrior/Warlock Excels In:

  • Being a typical warrior tanky character which is necessary in any party.
  • Winning PvPs! As apart from your high damage and debuffs as a warrior character, you get extra debuffs from the warlock build.
  • Being unique as it’s not your common Warrior build. This will probably make you wanted in many guilds which can help you have more fun!

Build details:

[Guide]Warrior/Warlock Build



5. Full INT Spear Nuker Build:

Simply1337 pure Int Spear Nuker pvp 11D

This build is all about power! You as a Nuker deal a ton of damage to everyone and every mob around you. 
Using Cold is a must as it can build up your defenses and help you survive strong blows.
Fire is the pillar of your power and damage so it would be an important part of being a good nuker.
Of course, as a Nuker you would surely go full INT. 
Garment is recommended in this build as it would reinforce your already good magical defense while also being the best option if you want to be fast.

What Full Int Nuker Excels In:

  • Dealing the most damage in the game! 
  • Being dependable as a source of damage in any guild and fights (FTW).
  • Farming easily later on as he can deal a ton of damage to mobs.

Build details:





4. Full STR Ice Bow:

[SRO] STR Bow Fire Cold vs INT Spear Light Cold

Bow character is one of the absolute best characters in Silkroad as you can attack from a range which can be great in farming and also in PvP.
Some might not see that Ice (Cold) is a good choice but the physical defense that comes with it is surely noticeable! It’s also great against Warlocks due to the Ice Wall.

For a Cold Bow, Garment is perfect because as an STR character you have a good physical defense so you would need Garment to gain some magic defense and good movement speed.

What STR Ice Bow Excels In:

  • Winning PvP matchups as Ice can grant you good defense which can be really useful against nukers.
  • Jobbing as Cold Imbue is great to use on Thieves/Hunters who have just been ressed and with no buffs on them.

Build details:

[Guide] Pure Str Ice Bower [100 Cap]




3. Full STR Force Bow Build:

Silkroad online Bow/Force PVP 2016 ZSZC

As a Bow character, you have a lot of HP and you’re usually strong! 
Choosing fire is a must in all Bow builds but when combined with Force then it’s lethal if used properly!
Garment is still the right choice for a Bow character as it adds some magical defense while providing 20% movement speed and reduces your MP consumption by 20%.

What STR Force Bow Build Excels In:

  • Being a PvP god! As Fire can deal good damage while Force debuffs the enemy and provides you with the ability to land a stun and a knockback.
  • Being a team player as he’s always needed in a party as you can Res other dead members and also give them buffs.
  • Participating in fights especially in the FTW.

Build details:

Silkroad Online Guides: Force Archer LvL 110




2. Full STR Glaive Build:

Body Image

The beauty of a Glaive can't be denied.

Having a Glaive character in Silkroad is surely one of the most fun experiences in the game! You can dominate PvP, FTW, and look so good!
This build requires full STR points in order to be tanky and play this right.
As most STR Chinese characters you will go with Garment as it provides movement speed and compensates for the bad magic defense.

What STR Glaive Build Excels In:

  • Having the most HP in all Chinese characters so you’re mostly too tanky.
  • Dealing a lot of damage in PvP.
  • Withstanding a fight in a PvE, making you a great team addition to any guild especially during the FTW.

Build details:

[Guide] Pure str glavie guide[100 cap]




1. Full STR Force Blader Build:

Sro Latino Blade fire force vs Bow Fire Force

This is not a very common build as it’s mostly used for PvP showoffs but that’s sometimes too much fun which is why the game even existed!
Going full STR is a must on a Blader so that’s how this build will go.
This build grants you good physical defense as most STR builds while also giving you the sweet spot of dealing a lot of damage thanks to your Blade and Fire. 
Choosing Force here is purely for PvP so you can get more debuffs on the enemy.
Usually, you’re going to use Garment unless you need to level up or go hunting.

What STR Force Blader Build Excels In:

  • Crushing in PvP. It stayed on top for a long time and even after some hybrid builds showed up it was still a good build to win a PvP.
  • Being fun! After all, this is what gaming is about.

Build details:

[Guide]Perfect Ultimate Force Blader Build Cap 1OO



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