[Top 10] Shadowverse Best Decks That Are Powerful

[Top 10] Shadowverse Best Deck That Are Powerful
24 May 2024

With the upcoming new expansion released last month, the meta in unlimited format has changed. The artifact portal which holds the crown for years has fallen. Every shadowverse player felt relief that the cancer has been lifted. Check out the new unlimited format best deck in Roar of Godwyrm expansion.

10. Earth Rite Rune

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Just stack the "stack" and ,baam, damage your opponent with third degree burn

Earth Rite or Burn Rune is a flexible deck where you will chip your enemy’s life. This deck revolves around one of Runecraft system called the “stack”. Before we go deep within this deck, we should know what the stack is. Stack is a new system where an amulet in Runecraft will combine into one card as long as a card which has “destroy” amulet effect doesn’t come to board. Using that system allows Superior Contractor, Magisa, Ruinfist Witch, and Forbidden Darkmage to unleash their full potential.

What’s so great about this deck:

  • Easy to draw. With many spells and amulets, you can find it easy to draw your core card.
  • Good control. Many spells such as Stone Bullet can help you clear board at a low cost.
  • Guarantee OTK on turn 8 as long as you have many amulets destroyed.

Tips for playing this deck:

  • Mulligan for Superior Contractor because she will be your main attacker.
  • Use Magisa, Ruinfist Witch only after you have 4 stacks.
  • If you have 7 stacks destroyed, use Superior Contractor to summon Holy King Lion.
  • Use Superior Contractor and Kaleidoscopic Glow combo to get max damage with minimum cost.

Here is the deck list of Earth Rite Rune.

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Earth Rite Rune deck

Earth Rite Rune Gameplay


9. Rally Sword

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Sweet maid who will help you slay the enemies

Full board commences! This deck uses many low-cost cards to invoke panic in your enemy. It has a defensive trait where you will easily survive while chipping your enemy’s life. Using the rally system, this deck will go full beast if at least 10 cards already come to the board.

What’s so great about this deck:

  • Low cost. This deck has many low-cost followers for your rally count.
  • Very defensive. There are many followers that have ward, heal, and reduce enemy attack effects.
  • Easy finisher. The only reason this deck is defensive is it has an easy way to give big damage to your opponent.

Tips for playing this deck:

  • Mulligan for Shield Phalanx and the other one cost follower.
  • Build your rally count quickly using Cat Admiral or Sera, Maiden of the Dawn evolution effect.
  • Use cards that have rally effects only if they are already active. Otherwise, it will be throwing away their potential.
  • Surprisingly there is no OTK option with this deck, so you must chip a bit of their life before going max damage with Erika Loyal Swordsavant.

Here is the build of this deck:

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Rally Sword deck

Rally Sword Gameplay


8. Artifact Portal

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Fill the field with the legacy from the past

The former king of unlimited format is still alive and kicking albeit weaker. With the limitation of Acceleratium and Augmentation Bestowal, this deck has turned upside down. Do they become unplayable? No, of course not. They still have an ace up one’s sleeve. They have a pretty straight curve about how to win the game.

So, what’s left with the former king:

  • Good draw. They have various ways to draw their cards.
  • Full board follower. With how low artifact cost is, they won’t spend the effort to fill their board.
  • Strong effect. Unleash their true potential after six artifacts with different names are destroyed.

Tips about playing this deck:

  • Mulligan for Spinaria, Keeper of the End to use their accelerate effect to summon Spinaria’s Artifact.
  • Focus on playing cards that give Paradigm Shifts. Then, if you have at least 3 Paradigm Shift, keep playing other different artifacts with different names.
  • Play Acceleratium and Augmentation Bestowal only if you have lethal damage because they are quite precious as the limited cards.
  • Because this deck is so flexible, you can finish the match with anything. You can use Airstrike Artifact, Ralmia, Astrowing, Artifact Impulse, or Cannon Artifact. Really, your imagination is the limit.

Here is the deck build:

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Artifact Portal deck

Artifact Portal Gameplay


7. Hozumi OTK Forest

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Control the enemy with a raccoon girl

With a few notable decks from Forestcraft, Hozumi shines to brighten the day. This deck focuses on OTK on turns 5-6. It is a pretty quick-pace deck from Forestcraft. What you need is simple, survive until all prerequisite cards are in your hand and you will go hard on your opponent’s face.

Why you should build this deck:

  • You love the forest. Yes, that should be the main reason.
  • Good control. Aside from core cards, this deck is full of control cards to ensure you survive until 5-6 turns.
  • Fast match. With just a few setups, you can go for OTK as early as 5 turns.

Tips for playing this deck:

  • Mulligan for Fairy Circle, Flower of Fairies, and Hozumi, Enchanting Hostess.
  • Keep Goblin Assault if by chance you meet Handless Blood.
  • Because of one card each for Omnis and Lymage, make sure not to keep them.
  • If you have a play point to spare, use Erosive Annihilation. This card helps you to clear low-hp followers.
  • Always save at least two Fairy Wisps and two Fairy to activate the Hozumi effect.
  • To finish the match use Fairy Wisp, Fairy Wisp, Fairy, Fairy, Hozumi combo or you can exchange one Fairy Wisp for Fairy if you are in turn 6.

Here is the deck list of Hozumi OTK:

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Hozumi OTK Forestcraft deck

Hozumi OTK Forestcraft Gameplay


6. Heal Heaven.

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Healing over and over and over again

Do you want your opponent to feel disgusted when you play? Then, my friend, this deck is for you. I introduce you to heal factory of Shadowverse. Their gameplay revolves around healing and healing. Yeah, you heard that right. Most of their cards have effects activated whenever they healed.

What’s great about this deck:

  • Plenty of healing. You will literally heal in every turn unless your luck is bad.
  • AOE damage. Bellerophon will give your leader the effect to give one damage to all of your enemies.
  • Good control. Marwynn, Repose of Despair will destroy all of the other followers except him if he doesn’t attack that turn.
  • Great finisher. Holy Bowman Kel will snipe your enemy’s head whenever your leader is healed which is a good combo with the effect of Bellerophon.

Tips on how to play this deck:

  • Mulligan for Holy Bowman Kel because he is a core card.
  • Pretty much prioritize evolving Bellerophon. But be aware of the situation and condition.
  • Keep low-cost heal cards such as Set, Sacred Ice-Crusher, and Smilecure Priest. They are usually used for activating Holy Bowman Kel’s effect.
  • If things go south, put Marwynn, Repose of Despair to clear the board.

Here is the deck build:

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Heal Heaven deck

Heal Heaven Gameplay


5. Atomy Shadow

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The big 'old skeleton daddy will once again brandish his sword

GO BIG OR GO HOME. That phrase really describes this deck. The thickness of every follower of this deck is no joke. You can put 8/8 follower Lord Atomy as early as 3 turns. How to play this deck? Simple, fill your board with 4 cheap amulets and Lord Atomy cost will turn to zero. It will destroy every amulet, but Shadowcraft is known for its last words. Their breath won’t be in vain.

What’s great about this deck:

  • Big follower. Except for Princess Knight, the lowest cards they have is 5/5.
  • Remember that face. You can target your opponent’s face if they can’t clear your follower in their turn.
  • Decent draw generator. If you are not so lucky with your mulligan, you can a bit rest assured because this deck has plenty of ways to draw.

Tips for playing this deck:

  • Mulligan for Lord Atomy. That must be prioritized.
  • Use Coffin of the Unknown Seal to burial rite He Who Once Rocked. or Zeus.
  • Whenever there is a chance, go face. Because this deck has no chance of OTK.

Here is the deck build:

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Atomy Shadow deck

Atomy Shadow Gameplay


4. Departed Soultaker Shadow

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Death? No problem, just reanimate them lol

Bored of playing Atomy? Here is another Shadowcraft deck that you can build. This deck focused on deploying Departed Soultaker by using Lara, Soul Taker. The difference between this deck and Atomy is this deck will summon a full board of giants for zero cost of Departed Soultaker.

Why you build this deck:

  • Many draw engines. You will be baffled about how easy this deck will draw its cards.
  • Good combo. The curve of this deck is pretty straightforward. You just burial rite every big card available, then fifth turn, you can burial rite Departed Soultaker and use Lara,Soul Taker to call former card with zero cost. Then, BAM, your board is full of giants.

Tips for playing this deck:

  • Mulligan for Departed Soultaker or Lara, Soul Taker.
  • Don’t use them separately. Always use them for a combo.
  • Don’t be shy to burial rate large follower because there are plenty of ways to reanimate them.
  • Always go face given the chance.

Here is the deck build:

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Departed Soultaker Shadow deck

Departed Soultaker Shadow Gameplay


3. Handless Blood

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Wanna win? Throw away your cards

Always go face. This deck is also known as Disco Blood because it revolves around discarding your cards from your hand. They always give plenty of damage to the opponent every turn. Whenever you meet this deck, don’t let them empty their hands or it will end up bad. Very bad.

What’s so great about this deck:

  • Despite discarding every card in their hands, it is easy for them to draw a card.
  • Fast pace. It is one of the fastest deck you can possibly have. So if you have limited time to play, this deck is perfect for you.
  • Decent heal. Even though they have many self-damage effects, they still have plenty of healing cards to sustain their life.

Tips to play this deck:

  • Mulligan for every zero-cost cards and Briared Vampire. It will help you to clear your hands quickly.
  • Use Full Moon Leap to give Storm to allies. It is better to give it to Paracelise, Demon of Greed because it has good stat and is easy to invoke.
  • Better be quick. This deck is so easy to chip away enemy’s life. But this deck also has a weakness to opponents who have plenty of healing on their turf. So go fast or go home!

Here is the deck build:

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Handless Blood deck

Handless Blood Gameplay


2. Dimension Shift Rune

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True menace from the first expansion

Queen of unlimited format. The only deck which always stays on the first tier since the beginning of time. There will be no players of Shadowverse who don’t know this deck. Just play every spell or follower to Spellboost Dimension Shift and turns that card to zero cost. When you do that, you will skip your opponent’s turn and just beat them without them moving.

Why this deck is so great:

  • Best draw deck. Really, you can literally empty your cards in 7 turns.
  • Nice control. Low-cost card spell is usually used for clearing the enemy’s followers to sustain them to the sixth turn.
  • Relatively short match. You can activate Dimension Shift as fast as 5 turns and beat your opponent’s face using low-cost cards.

Tips to play this deck:

  • Mulligan for one Dimension Shift.
  • Just Speelboost your hands. Really that’s what this deck does.
  • If you don’t have Dimension Shift, always draw cards to find it fast. Because the only weakness of this deck is your bad luck.
  • Once you have it. Reduce its costs to zero by Spellbost.

Here is the build of this deck:

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Dimension Shift Rune deck

Dimension Shift Rune Gameplay


1. Resonance Portal

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The greatest newcomer in the history of Shadowverse

This deck is absolutely wicked! Do you want to draw multiple cards in one turn with minimum play points? Yes, please. This deck absolutely has everything. AOE damage, heal, draw, OTK, you name it. 

With the new expansion released, this deck was like a baby who got reincarnated with max level. No wonder the developer decided to limit one of his core cards. Does it stop him? No. This deck won’t stop with only one limit card.

What’s great about this deck:

  • Low-cost everything. Yes, this deck consists of low-cost cards. With the effect to restore a play point, it can end you in 3 turns.
  • Good aggro. This deck is as fast as a road runner. With low-cost follower, you can fill the board easily within 2 turns.
  • Great control. Your enemy got a full followers on their board? Don’t worry. Cassim, the Courageous will save the day with his AOE 1 damage whenever your resonance is active.
  • With how fast unlimited format is. Resonance portal offers you the OTK option in 7 turns if by any chance you can’t end the match in less than 7 turns.

Tips for playing this deck:

  • Mulligan for Robopup and Biofabrication. Considering Robopup will be your staple to draw a card.
  • Save Cassim, The Courageous after all of the prerequisite cards are ready in your hands.
  • Take out Yuwan, Dimensional Avenger if only you already have 10 resonance or more.
  • If you are in the late game, just drop Magna Zero, and boom! You win.

Here is the the build of this deck:

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Resonance Portal deck

Resonance Portal Guide + Gameplay


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