[Top 10] Rocket League Best Body That Look Awesome!

Rocket League Best Body
02 Oct 2021

Choosing the right body isn't just about looks and aesthetics!

In a game like Rocket League, you’re first and most important choice you’ll have to make is choosing your car. Rocket League is all about working together as a team and winning with your mates, but you’re on your own when you're mid-air trying your best not to whiff that game buzzer shot! That’s where choosing the best body suitable for you comes in.

Now you may think choosing the body of your car is just another customization option or a way to show off to your friends. And, you’d be right! Except, there’s also one other thing called a hitbox.

You may be wondering to yourselves “what the hell is a hitbox?” Well, the word hitbox consists of two words, hit, and box. The box part is an invisible rectangle and lines surrounding the body of your car. It tries to match the car’s visible body the closest way possible. The hit part is to signal that the ball will always hit the invisible box surrounding your car, and not the car’s actual visible body.

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Representation of different hitboxes

So with the boring technicalities out of the way, let’s take a look at the best 10 bodies in the game right now!

10- Merc

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The Merc Body

Surprised to see the Merc start off the list? Although highly unpopular, the G-class looking ice cream truck is highly underrated in the Rocket League community. It’s certainly not the body for everyone, but those who use it know its worth. Its large scale is great for newbies to start off learning the basics with.

It has a huge hitbox compared to the other cars. The Merc is superb for hitting balls in the air due to its size. It also makes doing defensive plays and blocking look easier. If you’re looking for a demo on an opponent, if you’re that type of player, well, you can’t miss with this bad boy. The Merc has a unique hitbox named after it which is only present on a few other cars. It might be weak in turning and boosting, but it’s a beast in terms of sheer mass and strength.

9- Mantis

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The Mantis body

Another underrated car makes the list in the form of the Mantis! It’s probably an unfamiliar-looking body for you and most players really. It’s one of those hidden gems that players rarely decide to try out if they even unlock it. I mean, it looks literally like a Mantis or the batmobile’s little sidekick. Makes sense why nobody gives it a shot.

It’s worth it however. It has an amazing ability to dribble and flick. If you can master these skills with this, you’ll be climbing the ranks in no time. I’d tell you that it has a large hitbox, but that wouldn’t be accurate. Its Plank hitbox covers a lengthy amount but isn’t the tallest vertically. It makes you have to jump more often, but this car covers a lot of ground to make up for it. At ground level at least.

8- Endo

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The Endo Body

The Endo probably has the curviest body in the game. It might look cute for you and others, but don’t let it fool you. It can deal a lot of damage. It’s a great all-around car and excellent for beginners.

First, it has a Hybrid hitbox meaning it’s somewhere in the middle of all hitboxes. That makes it good at everything, but not the best at anything. The Endo is a great option for you guys who want a big car while not giving up a lot of height. Its handling is better than most in the game, giving you good enough control on the ground. The downside though is it takes some practice to get used to shooting accurately. But still, great offensive and defensive choice.

7- Aftershock

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The Aftershock Body

Looks like a toy, hits like a missile. Don’t be fooled by this psychopathic car’s looks. The Aftershock has incredible reaction time and feels smooth as hell to drive. It has its negatives, but I believe it has the best handling in the game. Actually a fan favorite too.

It has one of the best hitboxes in the game, the Dominus. It’s fairly easy to get used to it which is a huge plus for beginners. You want this for attacking plays. That pointy end isn’t just for show. You can get insanely powerful shots with this if you master it. However, it lacks in the air dribbling department as its body doesn’t have the best box-like edges to dribble on. Ground dribbling though is a different story. Great little demon for flicks.

6- Batmobile

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The Batmobile Body

The Mantis’s older brother. Even though it looks shorter than the Mantis. Coming straight out of the Batman movies, this superhero car really makes you feel invincible when flying around the arena. I’d say a con of it would be the adrenaline rush it gives you every time. Seriously, you wouldn’t believe the number of times I’ve overestimated my abilities just because of how cool this body makes me look and feel. Maybe I just suck, give it a shot.

If you don’t care about height, this car is for you. It’s not the best choice for beginners because its Plank hitbox is built for dribbling mostly and taking control of the ball on the ground. Flicking is so easy with it and shooting is incredibly fun. It performs well enough in the air at maneuvering. However, one downside is its air dribbling. Very tough to get used to, steer away.

5- Takumi

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The Takumi Body

The best-looking car on this list in my humble opinion. What it lacks in a hitbox, it makes up for in beauty and Mitsubishi knock-off looks. Seriously though, it’s the closest thing to looking like a real-life car while having a great all-rounder hitbox for every type of play you’d like to make. That spoiler on the back is probably useless though.

The car has an Octane hitbox making it deadly for both dribbling and airborne plays. The best hitbox in the game. The body doesn’t accurately fill out the hitbox which is probably its only downside, leading to some defensive problems. A great upside is how smoothly it can turn and break every ankle on the field with its incredible dribbling ability. This is easily one of the best bodies in the game.

4- Breakout

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The Breakout Body

Originally part of the three default cars you’re given at the start of the game. If not for the Octane, everyone would have chosen this car to start with! Some even do start with it just because of how good it looks! It has that classic Lamborghini feel to it. Another great choice for beginners.

The breakout has a unique hitbox named after it, the Breakout. Its flat hitbox is really great for striking the ball and receiving it on its narrow hood. Great at dribbling and handling, its only real letdown is its difficult handling in the air due to its shape. Overall, it’s still a reliable choice.

3- Dominus

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The Dominus Body

Now that we’re in the top 3, any one of these cars could be considered the best. I’m going to rank them based on the general popularity among players.

Onto the Dominus. All the fans of muscle cars unite to support this ultra fan favorite. It almost has its own fan club due to how unique of a look and hitbox it has. Resembling a 1969 Dodge Charger, it's no secret as to why it's not only one of the best offensive cars in the game, but the best looking too.

The Dominus can hit hard with that unique Dominus hitbox. It's especially good for shooting and both ground/air dribbling. It’s not your average all-rounder. It excels at everything you want to do with it while having that medium height and extra length to reach things faster than your opponents. A literal beast.

2- Fennec

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The Fennec Body

Coming in at number 2, we have the Fennec. This bad boy’s popularity exploded on release. Players saw an easy cube-shaped car and went nuts! A flat-shaped body that matches the hitbox so well? Impossible! Someone kidnapped Psyonix’s designers! But seriously, it’s probably the easiest car to get used to.

The Fennec is cube-shaped and bulky. The ball feels really good while striking it because the timing of the “body to hitbox” impact feels right on the money. It’s a “jack of all trades” type of car which excels at everything you throw at it. It’s wide and long enough while having excellent height for those air dribbles. Pretty satisfying in every area to say the least. It’s a cute hatchback too!

1- Octane

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The Octane Body

I think we all saw this coming. Introducing the ever-present number 1 Rocket League car since the release of the game! I don’t really know why this legend was never once knocked off its perch. Psyonix just never really treated us to a better overall car, or maybe it’s just that good! Either way, it’s a flawless beauty both on and off the pitch.

The Octane’s hitbox was also named after it, the Octane. It’s one of the three default cars, so it’s fantastic for both newbies and professionals alike. It’s used by the largest and broadest number of players. You’re favorite RLCS Esports players still use the octane to this day. It’s the king of shooting, dribbling, flying, etc. It’s easy to memorize edges just really stuck with everyone. This car has been available since 2015. After 6 years of use, you start to do amazing things with it. Just flawless.

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