[Top 10] Risk of Rain 2 Duos

Risk of Rain 2 Duos
14 Oct 2022

10. Engineer and Captain

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The Engineer's turrets (shown above) provide cover and good opportunities for the Catain to get up close and personal.

This duo is all about area-control. With the Engineer’s staple, Bustling Fungus, and the Captain’s Healing Beacon placed on the teleporter, you can create a veritable fortress that heals faster than many enemies can hit you. With the damage output of both classes, it can be quite a challenge to get this right and get the correct items (Unless you’re using Artifact of Command), but when it works, it feels really good.

9. Commando and Huntress

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The Commando and Huntress' (above) versatility in attack range, gives coverage for enemies both near and far.

A classic. This is one of the first duos most players will use, and of course, it is quite effective. The combined ranged strength of both compliments each other well. Huntress being more close-range, and commando being in the mid-range, they create a dance as they dodge in and out of combat. A lot of this will depend on the skill-level of the players, as the more skilled, the more complex a dance they will create, a timeless classic combo, scaling with the skills of the players.

8. Mercenary and Bandit

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This duo of Bandit and Mercenary (above) absolutely annihlate large hordes of enemies easily.

What I like to call the Blitzkrieg combo. This pretty much entirely relies on getting in and causing havoc ASAP. Bandit’s Hemorrhaging can cause large enemies to fall quickly, while Mercenary’s quick and overwhelming attacks will thin out hordes of monsters quite handily. I’ve often found myself asking myself, “Wait, that was all?” when playing this duo, as intimidating mobs will crumble before the right builds when these two are put together well.

7. Bandit and Railgunner

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High damage and quick shots is this duos key feature.

All about separation, this duo focuses on the damage both classes can do if in the ideal environment. Railgunner can easily annihilate foes from a distance when given the time to line up a shot, and can quickly dispatch bosses and other high-health enemies with her charged shot. Bandit can keep the attention on him, causing havoc and applying stack after stack of hemorrhaging to enemies and finishing off low-health monsters with his Lights Out special. Together, they can control the battlefield in a way that benefits them, and keep the odds tipped in their favor.

6. Acrid and Bandit

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A deadly combo of poison and final blows, the Bandit and Acrid (above) crush enemies effortlessly.

This combo hinges on Acrid’s poison, and Bandit’s Lights Out abilities. While Acrid reduces opponent's health to 1, Bandit’s Lights Out will instantly recharge all abilities, including itself on kills. This leads to massive horde-wipes where Bandit repeatedly crushes the enemies that Acrid leaves in its wake.

5. Commando and Railgunner

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A duo that doesn't need to be together to be effective, Commando and Railgunner are long ranged beasts.

Commando and Railgunner work together well during boss fights, functioning like Bandit and Railgunner, but more mid and long-range focused. Keeping the two separate, while covering each other can be tricky, but is incredibly rewarding when done right. The duo is very delicate, and so it’s relatively advanced, as most new players won’t be able to stay alive while separated to the degree necessary.

4. MUL-T and Void Fiend

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Stacking status effects is the key for this duo, Mul-T (above, right) has that very well covered.

This team works around the concept of MUL-T being able to land multiple status effects with the rapid-fire attack, and Void Fiend coming in and mopping up what’s left in either form. The duo is very good at annihilating enemies in groups and whittling down larger bosses together.

3. Huntress and Engineer

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This duo is a good healing and defense build, especially with Engineers turrets (shown above).

Huntress and Engineer are a simple team, but very effective, they work together by giving a safe place for Huntress to retreat to, while Engineer sets up a defensive perimeter around the teleporter, giving both room to explore the map, knowing part of it is secured.

2. Loader and Bandit

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Another duo able to quickly get through hordes of enemies, the Loader and Bandit can be extremely effective.

Loader and Bandit are a peculiar team, but with Loader’s high damage output, and Bandit’s ability to finish off weakened enemies, many beefier foes will find themselves falling before the unexpected duo much faster than one might expect!

1. Railguner and Void Fiend

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Both long (Railgunner) and short (Void Fiend) range is covered with this duo, however Railgunner (above, right) can also double as a mid to close range.

The team here is very interesting, as Railgunner is solely long-range, so that leaves mid and close-range to Void Fiend, which is surprisingly effective, as Void Fiend covers each field in one form, leading to a hectic switch between offensive and defensive play. Experienced players are heavily urged to try this one out, as I’ve had a lot of fun doing this!

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