[Top 5] Rimworld Best Weapons

28 Feb 2022

The last line of defense in any colony will be the colonists themselves. When considering what to arm them with, it is important to weigh the properties of the weapon to match the circumstance they are in. Be it rate of fire, damage, penetration, or range, the key is to understand the nature of both your colonist’s skills as well as whatever is thrown at them. Below will be a few options that can add an edge to your defense in most scenarios, or better yet pull your colonists out of a particularly awful scenario.

5. Assault Rifle

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The assault rifle is a strong all-rounder weapon that provides a steady hail of stopping power that has a decent balance of accuracy at all ranges. If you’re hurting for what to make in bulk to hand out to every colonist without considering their skills and traits, rarely will handing them an assault rifle go wrong. Point enough assault rifles in one direction and the problem generally will go away. Get some!

Advantages of an Assault Rifle:

  • Rapid fire rate thanks to reasonably low warmup and cooldown time.
  • High range compared to its contemporaries.
  • Decent accuracy at nearly all ranges.
  • Industrial era tech, meaning it can be accessible reasonably early with most scenarios.

How to acquire: 

  • Research Precision Rifling.
  • Have a machining table available in the colony.
  • Have a colonist with a minimum of 6 in crafting .
  • Requires steel and components to craft.

For more info, click here.

4. Monosword 

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While melee, in general, is a risky endeavor even in the best of cases, it is also an inevitable part of combat that must be addressed. In terms of the best options out there, few can compete with the monosword. With one of the highest penetration values out there, this weapon will tear through heavily armored late-game enemies with high damage values. In the hands of a strong melee colonist that has psy-casting and they’ll be cleaving through foes with ease. 

  • Advantages of a Monosword:
  • High penetration means it can hurt anything.
  • High damage value means most things will feel the hurt.
  • Works great with melee psy-casters.

The monosword cannot be crafted in vanilla but can be acquired through:

  • Quest rewards.
  • Purchased through trading.
  • Looted off of enemies.

For more info, click here.

3. Greatbow

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What? A greatbow? Really? Yes. Really. This weapon shines in the early phases of playthroughs where barely any technology is unlocked. It deals fairly high damage for a weapon of its era with a great deal of range to boot. For hunting purposes and handling early tribal attackers, this weapon can carry your colony through the hurdles. Humble but reliable. 

Advantages of a Greatbow:

  • Neolithic tech means you can research it straight away.
  • High range that is nearly as much as the assault rifle.
  • High damage for a weapon of its era.
  • Decent accuracy at mid and close range..

How to acquire:

  • Research Greatbow.
  • Have a crafting spot or smithy available in the colony.
  • Have a colonist with a minimum of 6 in crafting.
  • Requires wood to craft.

For more info, click here.

2. Charge Rifle

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This is a general step up from the assault rifle in terms of damage output. Firing in bursts, the charge rifle can generally punch through late-game enemies that may come to threaten your colony. It sacrifices a little range as a result, but the trade-off of how much hurt it can put out is more than worth it. Plus, it’s a late-game weapon that can be crafted, unlike Monoswords that can only be found on occasion. With all that said, this weapon requires a decent shooter from your colony or most shots will struggle to connect. 

Advantages of Charge Rifle:

  • High fire rate.
  • High damage output.
  • Reasonably good range.

How to acquire:

  • Research Pulse-charge Munitions.
  • Have a fabrication bench available in the colony.
  • Have a colonist with a minimum of 7 in crafting.
  • Requires plasteel and advanced components to craft.

For more info, click here.

1. Charge Lance

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If you’re looking to punch holes into something, accept no alternative. Charge lance is hands down one of the most intimidating precision ranged weapons available. No doubt players who have come across them versus mechanoids have learned the pain of watching colonists get downed in a single shot thanks to its high damage potential. With its ridiculous accuracy that can get nearly to 100% if given masterwork quality, you can never have enough of them to gun down enemies with.

Advantages of Charge Lance:

  • Incredibly single-shot shot damage.
  • High accuracy, even absolute novice shooters can usually hit their targets.
  • Good range.
  • Good penetration

How to acquire:

  • Research Pulse-charged Munitions
  • Have a fabrication bench available in the colony.
  • Have a colonist with a minimum of 7 in crafting.
  • Requires plasteel and advanced components to craft.

For more info, click here.

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