[Top 3] RDO Best Weapons for Deer (And How To Get Them)

21 Jul 2022

Let's get to know the best weapons against deer.

Hunting is one of the best perks of Red Dead Online. To be a successful cowboy you have to master this trait. Hunting is essential to cook better quality foods, keep the trader business running, and earn some cash if needed. Deer is one of the best animals to hunt in the Wild West. So, let’s get to know the weapons you could use to hunt deer.

3. Reinforced Lasso

Body Image
Your good friend, the lasso!

Price: $350 and 1 role token
Rank unlocked: Bounty Hunter rank 1

This is the only role item on this list. The reinforced lasso is one of the best tools to kill large animals. You just need to lasso that 3-star alpha and struggle a little before finishing it off with your knife. This is the only tool that’ll cost you zero money to get a clean kill. This is the best way to hunt a deer if it’s running or if you’re on horseback.

2. Bow

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The best silent weapon!

Price: $124
Rank unlocked: 10

Not having this on your horse is not an option for an RDO player. From small to massive, anything can be killed with this sneaky badass; except for moderate animals. You need to use small game arrows to kill small animals like frogs and squirrels. Regular arrows are good for medium animals like deer. If you’re hunting large animals you should use poison arrows for a quick and cleaner kill, but the regular arrows would do the job, too. For massive animals, improved arrows are your only choice.

1. Bolt Action Rifle

Body Image
The best rifle in the game!

Price: $216
Rank unlocked: 7

This is one of those weapons you’ll carry throughout the game. This is the most balanced weapon in the game. You can kill anything with it except small and moderate animals. You’ll probably make a grin when you see that bear 10 times your size fall to the ground after just one shot to the head or to the heart. I find this to be the best weapon for hunting deer. Of course, you could use the Carcano but I’ll always choose the Bolt-Action.

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