[Top 5] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Mute Loadouts That Are Excellent

The top five best loadouts for Mute in R6 Siege
15 Sep 2024

Mute is one of the original operators that remains very popular even after nine years, and that’s because he possesses the very unique ability to block the signal of enemy electronic gadgets, and not only is that very effective in preventing them from gathering intel on the defenders, but it also works well in preventing their offensive utilities from working.

On top of that, Mute has access to a variety of weapons, attachments, and utilities that makes him one of the most versatile operators around. Depending on the loadout setup that he’ll be running with, he can excel in particular situations, distances, and maps, and in this article, we’re going to examine those said loadouts and help readers gain insight as to which setups they should go for when playing him.


5. MP5K with Red Dot A and Compensator + P226 MK 25 with Suppressor and Laser + Nitro Cell

The compensator will greatly lower the horizontal recoil from the MP5K
Less horizontal recoil means more stable long sprays

This is one of the most viable loadout setups for Mute, because the compensator on the barrel of his MP5K submachine gun will greatly reduce the weapon’s tendency for horizontal and random recoil from all directions. This will make it so that for the most part, the Mute player will only have to focus on holding down the MP5K’s vertical recoil, and that’s a lot easier to do than manage horizontal recoil. When a weapon doesn’t have strong horizontal recoil, it generally offers a stable firing experience, and that translates to better accuracy as well.

As for the suppressed P226 MK 25 handgun, Mute can use it for shooting gadgets that the enemies have left behind, such as drones, claymores, and other utilities, with much less chance of alerting enemies to his presence. That’s because the suppressor on the P226 MK 25 handgun’s barrel will greatly muffle its gunshot sounds. The nitro cell on the other hand, will provide Mute with a utility that has a very high explosion power, which he can use for countering enemies that are pushing, and especially those who are attempting to plant the defuser. The nitro cell is also a great counter for shield operators.

Excels in:

  • Having much less horizontal and random recoil from all directions on Mute’s MP5K submachine gun due to the compensator on its barrel. That’ll translate to a more stable firing experience on the weapon, especially on long sprays.
  • The red dot A on the MP5K is an excellent 1.0x sight due to its simple center dot reticle which promotes pinpoint accuracy as it doesn’t obstruct the view of the target’s body at all.
  • The suppressed P226 MK 25 handgun will allow Mute to shoot and disable enemy gadgets like claymores, drones, and others, silently, which will be a big help to him when he’s flanking or shallow roaming
  • Having the capability to take out multiple enemies at the same time through the use of the nitro cell as Mute’s secondary gadget, which is a great utility for countering pushing enemies and their defuser plant attempts

Build details:

  • Primary weapon - MP5K with Red Dot A and Compensator
  • Secondary weapon - P226 MK 25 with Suppressor and Laser
  • Generic gadget - Nitro Cell

Recoil pattern test on the MP5K in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Recoil image test on the MP5K with a compensator
The compensator lowering the weapon's horizontal recoil really makes it easier to control


4. MP5K with Red Dot A and Flash Hider + P226 MK 25 with Suppressor and Laser + Bulletproof Camera

The flash hider will greatly decrease the MP5K's vertical recoil
For player who prioritizes vertical recoil

If what you’re looking for as a Mute player is to have the best recoil control possible on his MP5K submachine gun, this setup is going to be for you. That’s because the flash hider barrel attachment is great at reducing the overall vertical recoil of weapons, and if you look at the recoil image pattern of the MP5K, you’ll see that most of its recoil are vertical and that it doesn’t have much tendency for horizontal or random recoil from all directions. That’s because its recoil diamonds are not that big.

So by lowering its overall vertical recoil, the user is practically getting the best recoil value on the MP5K. The great thing about the flash hider is that, as its name implies, it doesn’t just reduce the overall vertical recoil of weapons, but it also removes their muzzle flash. That could make it harder for enemies to immediately spot where Mute is shooting from, and another less seldomly talked about benefit of the flash hider is that it can also clear out the user’s vision of their target as well. That’s because it basically eliminates the chances of the user’s view being blurred because of their weapon’s muzzle flash.

Excels in:

  • The flash hider on the barrel of Mute’s MP5K submachine gun will greatly lower the weapon’s overall vertical recoil, resulting in a much more stable shooting experience with the weapon
  • The dot dot A 1.0x sight on Mute’s MP5K submachine gun will be a good sight for him because of its center dot reticle. It’ll also provide Mute with a +5% aim-down-sight speed boost.
  • The suppressor on Mute’s P226 MK 25’s barrel will greatly silence its shots, making it a great utility for him when it comes to shooting enemies gadgets like drones and claymores stealthily
  • The bulletproof camera as Mute’s secondary gadget will provide another utility for the whole defending team when it comes to surveillance. It can also disable enemy electronic gadgets with its EMP blasts.

Build details:

  • Primary weapon - MP5K with Red Dot A and Flash Hider
  • Secondary weapon - P226 MK 25 with Suppressor and Laser
  • Generic gadget - Bulletproof Camera

Recoil pattern test on the MP5K in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Recoil image test on the MP5K with a flash hider on its barrel
The flash hider will provide the best recoil control on the MP5K especially in short bursts


3. MP5K with Red Dot A and Extended Barrel + SMG-11 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, Vertical Grip, and Laser + Bulletproof Camera

The extended barrel on the MP5K will increase its firepower
Mute will inflict the best damage with the MP5K from this setup

For a lot of players, being able to inflict as much damage as possible is the best way to go. Afterall, the faster you can take out your opponent, the higher your survival rate will be as well, and we can’t deny that's a big factor in winning matches. With this loadout setup, offensive power is going to be the priority, and that’s because the extended barrel on Mute’s MP5K submachine gun will increase its base damage from 30 to 33, and I know that may not sound or look like a lot on paper, but trust me, it’s a big deal.

That’s because the MP5K is a fully automatic weapon and also has a pretty fast rate of fire of 800 RPM. So on paper, the damage increase from the extended barrel is only 3, but if five bullets hit an opponent from this setup, that would be 15 more damage compared to an MP5K without an extended barrel. And in many situations, that difference in damage could mean the difference between being able to down your opponent or not. In addition to that, the secondary weapon in this setup is going to be the SMG-11 machine pistol equipped with a flash hider on its barrel. So basically, there’s no stealth here. Just all around firepower.

Excels in:

  • The extended barrel on Mute’s MP5K submachine gun will enhance its base damage from 30 to 33, and that’s a very decent increase in damage especially if you factor in the fact that the weapon is fully automatic and has a very decent rate of fire
  • The red dot A 1.0x sight on Mute’s MP5K submachine gun will not only provide him with good sight and reticle for targeting opponents, but it’ll also add a 5% aim-down-sight speed boost for Mute.
  • Having a great secondary weapon for finishing off opponents when the primary weapon needs to be reloaded in the middle of combat, in the SMG-11 machine pistol which is an excellent weapon offensively
  • The flash hider and vertical grip attachments both specializes in lowering the overall vertical recoil of weapons, and they will provide the best recoil control possible on Mute’s SMG-11
  • The bulletproof camera as Mute’s generic gadget will be another utility for the whole defending team for intel gathering. It can also shoot EMP blasts that can disable enemy electronic utilities

Build details:

  • Primary weapon - MP5K with Red Dot A and Extended Barrel
  • Secondary weapon - SMG-11 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, Vertical Grip, and Laser
  • Generic gadget - Bulletproof Camera

Recoil pattern test on the MP5K in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Recoil image test on the MP5K without a recoil control providing attachment
The recoil from the MP5K in this setup will be manageable as long as you pace your shots well


2. MP5K with Red Dot A and Suppressor + SMG-11 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, Vertical Grip, and Laser + Nitro Cell

The suppressor on the MP5K will provide stealth benefits that'll make Mute hard to detect
The stealth benefits from the suppressor will leave enemies confused

The suppressor on the MP5K’s barrel will greatly silence its gunshots, and that goes so well with Mute, don’t you think? But aside from being in line with Mute’s name and theme, it plays a major role in gameplay as well. Because the more silent your gunshots are, the harder it will be for your enemies to know where you are. That will afford you the opportunity to use the element of surprise against them or make it easier for you to avoid being hunted and fragged. Silent gunshots will also allow you to hear other sound cues while you’re shooting, which is very important for your own survival.

But that's not the only thing that makes the suppressor such a great barrel attachment. That’s because it will also remove the directional threat indicator from the MP5K shots as well as the weapon’s muzzle flash. That means that especially from medium to long range, it will be harder for opponents to ascertain where Mute is shooting from. That will of course make it harder for them to counterattack, at least immediately, and in many cases, it can also prevent them from protecting themselves effectively. That’s because they wouldn’t know where the gunshots were coming from.

Excels in:

  • The suppressor on the barrel of Mute’s MP5K submachine gun will greatly silence its gunshots, making it hard for the attackers to hear where his gunshots are coming from
  • The MP5K having a suppressor on its barrel will also remove its shots’ directional threat indicator and muzzle flash, making it harder for enemies to see where Mute’s shots are coming from
  • The SMG-11 machine pistol with a flash hider and vertical grip makes the most sense as the secondary weapon for this setup since it complements the suppressed MP5K’s strengths really well
  • The laser on the SMG-11 will provide Mute with a +10% aim-down-sight speed boost with the weapon and that’s really handy especially right after switching from his MP5K primary weapon
  • The nitro cell has a large blast radius and most operators who are caught within that or were near that blast radius will be dead or be put in a down-but-not-out state, making it a great utility for countering pushing attackers

Build details:

  • Primary weapon - MP5K with Red Dot A and Suppressor
  • Secondary weapon - SMG-11 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, Vertical Grip, and Laser
  • Generic gadget - Nitro Cell

Recoil pattern test on the MP5K in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Recoil test image on the MP5K with a suppressor on its barrel
Same with the extended barrel, the user should pace their shots well in this setup


1. M590A1 + SMG-11 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, Vertical Grip, and Laser + Nitro Cell

Mute will excel in both close and medium range in this setup
Making Mute even more versatile that he already is

This is the best loadout setup for Mute because it’s what will give him the most versatility and what will play into his role as a defender better. With this loadout setup, Mute can really be a menace at both close and medium range, and in many cases, depending on the player, even on long range. That’s because for his primary weapon, Mute will be running with the M590A1 shotgun which has devastating stopping power at close range. It can down an opponent with just one shot at its optimal range, and its recoil is also very manageable.

As for dealing with opponents outside the effective range of the M590A1 shotgun, Mute can just easily switch to his SMG-11. Now, the SMG-11's weapon kick can be very challenging to control, but with the flash hider and vertical attachments both on the weapon, its recoil will be more manageable, and as long as you pace your shots well, it can be easy to hit opponents at medium range with it. Experienced players are even able to use it effectively when shooting enemies that are in long range.

Excels in:

  • Mute being an absolute beast in close quarters combat due to the M590A1 shotgun which can down an opponent with just one shot from its optimal range, and that’s regardless of their armor rating
  • Mute having the capability to frag opponents from medium and long range due to the SMG-11 machine pistol being his secondary weapon, which is also a headshot machine when used with proper crosshair placement
  • Having the best recoil control possible on the SMG-11 machine pistol because of the presence of both the flash hider and vertical grip attachments that specializes in reducing the overall vertical recoil of weapons
  • The SMG-11 being equipped with a laser attachment will provide Mute with a +10% aim-down-sight speed bonus which is very helpful when aiming at opponents right after switching from the M590A1 shotgun
  • Having a utility in the nitro cell that has the capability to take out multiple opponents at the same time due to its very powerful explosion and wide radius, which makes it perfect for countering pushing attackers and their defuser plant attempt

Build details:

  • Primary weapon - M590A1
  • Secondary weapon - SMG-11 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, Vertical Grip, and Laser
  • Generic gadget - Nitro Cell


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