[Top 10] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Maps For Solo Queue

R6 Siege Top 10 Best Maps For Solo Queue
25 Jan 2024

10. Chalet


Solo queue can be intimidating to most players, but to many in the Siege community, it’s actually a great experience for improving yourself in the game while you’re not playing with friends. It can also be the game mode where you’d feel the most freedom because there’s not much pressure from your regular teammates to perform. With that, you can practice gameplay that you usually don’t do when you’re in a regular team, such as flanking or roaming the map solo.

And when it comes to flanking or roaming the map solo, Chalet is a great map. It’s not as big as other maps in Siege, but it’s pretty sizable and there are a lot of paths of attack that one can use. The spots outside of the mission building are also very usable especially when you’re on the attacking team, so a solo queue player can be very creative when it comes to choosing their path of attack and how to coordinate their gameplay to their random teammates.

Why Chalet is Great for Solo Queue:

  • The Chalet map is pretty sizable so a solo queue player can be more creative when it comes to choosing how they will penetrate the mission building
  • There are a lot of ways to approach the map because of its wide area, so flankers can be really creative, and solo queue players usually play the role of flankers.
  • Even its outside spots like the outside of Piano and the Office Balcony Terrace are very usable, and solo queue players can use those spots in coordination with their teammates
  • The map also has a lot of long angles which can be great for solo queue attackers who want to frag their opponents from long-range using snipers like Glaz or Kali


9. Emerald Plains


Emerald Plains is one of the newest maps in Siege, and even that alone is a valid reason why it’s a good map for solo queue players to play in. That’s because it’s important to learn completely new maps as they have very different outlines or blueprints than the old maps that were only reworked. So what solo queue players should do before they head out on a real match with real players is that they should warm up by choosing this map in the new game mode Versus AI.

When it comes to real matches with other players, Emerald Plains is a very fun map for solo queue players. That’s because it’s also quite sizable, so it presents a lot of paths of attack for solo queue players to get creative with. Solo queue players generally excel in flanking roles because they can do it solo and without much coordination with teammates. And when it comes to flanking roles, Emerald Plains is a great map because of its size and variety of paths of attack.

Why Emerald Plains is Great for Solo Queue:

  • Its wide area offers solo queue players a lot of paths of attack for them to get creative with, so they can penetrate the mission building in so many ways.
  • Flanking can be really good on this map because of its sizable area and many flanking spots, and solo queue players can excel at flanking as they don’t need much coordination with their teammates.
  • Emerald Plains is one of the newest maps in Siege so it’s always good for players to play in it when they have a chance, and now with the new Versus AI mode, they can play and master it much better
  • The inside of the mission building has so many angles that solo queue players can take advantage of when they’re approaching their enemies solo


8. Fortress


Speaking of maps with wide areas and lots of paths of attack, Fortress is perhaps the widest map in the game, and certainly has so many paths of attack. Most maps in Siege only have three or two ways to go up or down a story, but Fortress has four inside the mission building. That’s great for solo queue players because many, if not most of them, don’t really have good comms with their random teammates due to hardware issues or language barrier which happens a lot in different servers.

When a solo queue player doesn’t have good comms with their teammates, they tend to penetrate the mission building and roam solo. Because of that, they kind of default to flanking roles or roam hunting roles when they’re attacking and roaming themselves when they’re defending. And obviously, the wider the map is and the more flanking spots it has, the better it is for flankers or roamers. This map also has so many destructible walls which solo roamers can use creatively.

Why Fortress is Great for Solo Queue:

  • The interior of the mission building has four ways to go up or down, which makes it a great map for solo queue players as they usually perform flank or roaming roles
  • A solo queue attacker would thrive in this map because it has an abundance of paths of attack which they can use to penetrate the mission building without much resistance
  • Solo queue roamers would find the many destructible walls inside the mission building to be a great way to ambush attackers as they can rework them to their advantage
  • Solo queue players, even without a lot of communication with their random teammates, can excel in this map because of the many ways they can creatively use its rooms and paths

7. Presidential Plane


As the name implies, Presidential Plane is a map that was based on USA’s Air Force One. It’s one of the smallest and narrowest maps in the game, and if you’ve been reading the entries above, it may come off as a surprise to you why I’m putting this map as one of the best maps for solo queue players. While solo queue players will also have an abundance of ways they can enter the plane in this map, its narrowness can still pose a problem. However, this map remains a great one for solo queue because of its unique qualities.

The Presidential Plane has a lot of windows, and normally they’re bulletproof, so attackers can’t frag the defenders inside from the outside. However, Glaz and Kali’s sniper rifles are an exception to this rule. And luckily for them, there are platforms outside the plane that they can use for sniping the defenders inside. Sniping is a great role for solo queue players because it doesn’t require a lot of communication with their teammates. Most of what they need to do really is to shoot when an enemy comes in their line of sight.

Why Presidential Plane is Great for Solo Queue:

  • It’s a great map for solo queue attackers who want to perform the role of the team’s sniper because the plane’s windows are penetrable by Kali and Glaz’s sniper rifles
  • Despite the map’s narrowness, the interior of the plane offers a lot of ways to go up or down a story, and that’s always great for solo queue players who are flanking.
  • Solo queue defenders will find the map surprisingly good for roaming because its interior has a lot of hiding spots as well as flanking spots that they can use for outmaneuvering their enemies

6. House


The OG House is gone, but it has been reworked to solve the previous version’s balancing issues. Now, the House is a lot more competitive, and it doesn’t generally favor one side over the other anymore. It’s also taller and wider now, which makes it a good map for solo queue players because it offers a lot of ways to penetrate the mission building for attackers, and a lot of ways to get behind or outmaneuver enemies which is great for solo queue defenders.

When the objective spot is on the top floor, solo queue attackers can swiftly penetrate the mission building through the basement, and the chances are high that they will not be met with any resistance there. Since the current version of the House is now quite big, there are many ways for solo queue players to get around. Solo queue defender roamers can use the interior’s many flanking spots and hiding spots to ambush their enemies, or rework the map to their advantage by destroying soft walls for lines of sight or rotation holes.

Why House is Great for Solo Queue:

  • The current version of the House map is now bigger than before, and the bigger the map is, the better for solo queue attackers as well as solo queue defending roamers.
  • The interior of the House map has a lot of flanking spots as well as hiding spots which defending solo queue roamers can take advantage of when ambushing enemies
  • The House map also has a lot of verticality and soft walls that defending solo queue players can use to their advantage when they’re roaming and hunting attackers
  • Because of the map’s huge size, solo queue attackers have a variety of ways to enter the mission building alone without getting killed early in the round

5. Yacht


The Yacht map is quite unique in that like the Presidential Plane map, it’s not really a building, but a vehicle. That just makes it more exciting though, and dynamic, because its architecture would be very different from most Siege maps. Despite it being a vehicle and not a building, the map is actually one of the biggest maps in the game, and as mentioned before, big maps allow solo queue players to thrive. That’s because they’ll be able to use the map’s size to their advantage when outmaneuvering enemies.

Outmaneuvering enemies is important for teams in general, but it falls naturally to solo queue players to perform flanking roles because it doesn’t involve much communication with teammates. The interior of the map also has a lot of verticality and destructible walls that solo queue defending roamers can take advantage of by creating rotation holes or ways to go down quicker using destroyed hatches. This map feels a lot like a sandbox map where solo queue players can use a lot of creativity for outsmarting their enemies.

Why Yacht is Great for Solo Queue:

  • Despite being technically a vehicle, the map is quite sizable and that’s always great for solo queue players, whether they’re attacking or defending, because it provides them with plenty of ways to approach the game
  • The interior of Hatch has a lot of verticality and destructible walls that defending solo queue roamers can use to their advantage when ambushing attackers
  • Solo queue attackers can also use the map’s size, especially verticality to their advantage when penetrating the interior and trying to avoid being fragged early by the defenders
  • The Yacht has a lot of long angles from the outside because it also has a lot of exterior platforms that solo queue attackers can use for sniping or long-range support

4. Lair


Lair is the newest map in Siege and every player should try to play in it whenever they get the opportunity, even when they have to go solo queue, because their friends aren’t around. That's because the quicker they have mastery of this map, the better their life in Siege will be. That's because Lair is also in the ranked rotation playlist, and it will present a lot of trouble for you if it’s the map that the game picks when you’re still not familiar with it. So take advantage of the game mode that lets you play this map as much as you can.

Even when it’s not new anymore, Lair is still a great map for solo queue players because of its wide area and many pathways of attack. Solo queue attackers will find many ways to penetrate the mission building and flank around the objective spot in order to confuse the defenders and divide their attention when their other teammates are attacking from another direction. Solo queue defending roamers on the other hand can use the map’s side and verticality for outmaneuvering the attacking team.

Why Lair is Great for Solo Queue:

  • Its wide area provides players with a lot of pathways by which they can approach the match, and that’s great for solo queue players as they usually don’t stick with their teammates.
  • The interior of the map has a lot of angles and soft walls that defending solo queue roamers can use for rotation holes and murder holes when ambushing attackers
  • Solo queue attackers may find it fun to penetrate the mission building because there are a lot of creative ways to do it and not get fragged very early on in the round
  • Flanking roles, which solo queue players usually take, generally excel in maps with a wide area, and this map is no exception.

3. Tower


Tower is a very unique map, even after the rework, because there’s not much in the way of spawn peeking. That doesn’t mean, however, that it heavily favors the attackers, because it can also be dangerous for them when penetrating the mission building, especially if it’s through the many windows of the map. It’s great for solo queue players though, even attacker ones, because they can get really creative in their approach to the map. That’s mainly due to the wide radius and abundance of paths of attack.

As mentioned before, the Tower has so many windows that attackers can choose to enter the building from. A solo queue attacker can choose any of these windows when penetrating the building separately from their teammates. Of course, the safest way is still through the platforms on the top floor because it’s dark and defenders will find it hard to frag attackers there, also because it is a vantage point. Solo queue defenders on the other hand can roam the map well because of its many rooms which will provide them with hiding spots for ambushing attackers.

Why Tower is Great for Solo Queue:

  • It provides solo queue players, especially attackers, with a plethora of ways to enter the mission building and it will be very hard to guess by the defenders
  • Solo queue defending players can find it quite easy to outflank attackers, especially on the lower floor, due to the map interior’s many rooms and hiding spots
  • The map’s interior has a lot of verticality, but in this case, it generally favors the attackers, so a solo queue attacker can take advantage of that when hunting roamers
  • There are a lot of flanking spots and angles that solo queue players can use for outmaneuvering their enemies or for escaping from them when they’re being hunted

2. Favela


Speaking of the availability of hiding spots and angles that solo queue defending roamers can use for ambushing attackers, the Favela map may have the most of it among all Siege maps. Its design very much fits the urban warfare theme that Siege has. It’s practically a big house, and its many rooms and tight angles are perfect for ambush. The map’s area itself is quite wide, but when one thinks about the Favela map, it is guaranteed that what comes to their mind is its verticality.

It’s not uncommon for attackers to often pick the rooftop as their point of attack, but there are two main ways from the rooftop to enter the mission building, so a solo queue attacker who’s fulfilling the role of a flanker can enter the alternative one. That’s great for dividing the attention of the defenders because when they only have one direction to worry about, defending can be too easy for them, and if you’re an attacker, you don’t want that. All in all, the map is great for solo queue players because it allows them a lot of creativity on their approach to the match.

Why Favela is Great for Solo Queue:

  • The Favela’s interior is full of rooms and tight angles that solo queue defending roamers can use for ambushing or outmaneuvering their enemies, as well as escaping from them.
  • Its interior is also full of destructible walls that solo queue defenders or attackers can use to their advantage by reworking them with rotation holes or lines of sight
  • The Favela map has a lot of verticality, which both defending and attacking solo queue members can take advantage of because it presents them with more ways to approach the match.
  • Solo queue attackers can use the many different angles and flanking spots in and on the mission building in order to divide the defenders’ attention while the rest of the attacking team are pushing from another direction

1. Border


Border isn’t really that big of a map but it’s great for solo queue players both defending and attacking ones because of the gameplay that its structure brings to the teams. For attackers, there are many established ways of pushing the map’s objective spots, and for a solo queue attacker, there are angles that they can take advantage of when attacking in a different direction from the rest of the team. A good example of that is the platform outside the cement area where the solo queue attacker can provide support or diversion.

When it comes to defending, solo queue players may find it a bit hard to roam because of the map’s small size, but they can also divide the attacking team’s attention by harassing them with gunfire from certain angles even when they’re just anchoring. That’s highly possible because of the abundance of destructible walls in the map’s interior which defenders can use for creating rotation or murder holes. Because of the many defensible spots on the map, even a solo queue defender alone in one of them can hold the area for a long time.

Why Border is Great for Solo Queue:

  • Even when they’re just anchoring a spot alone, a solo queue defender can hold off attackers who are pushing for a long time, because of the many defensible spots in the map’s objective spots
  • For solo queue attackers, even though the map is quite small, it has a lot of angles that they can use effectively when it comes to flanking and dividing the defending team’s attention in general
  • Solo queue defenders may find it challenging to roam in this map due to its small size, but they can take advantage of its many soft walls that they can rework with lines of sight and rotation holes
  • Border has a lot of verticality, and both solo queue defenders and attackers can use that to their advantage when ambushing enemies or catching them off guard


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