[Top 10] R6 Best Light Armored Operators

Top 10 Best Light Armored Operators in R6 Siege
02 Nov 2023


Light armored operators have 3-speed rating, and because of that they’re the fastest operators around. Because of their speed, they’re usually the first in the room as they can move from one place to another very quickly. With their speed, they’re able to surprise enemies and take control of areas with relative ease. 

Light armored attackers are usually the ones in the front lines or the ones performing secondary-entry roles as they can switch roles from taking map control to flank watch very easily. On defense, they’re usually the ones used for roaming and harassing the attackers with hit and run tactics.


10. Ash (Breach, Front Line)

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Ash is one of the original operators and is still one of the most popular in the game even after eight years. That’s because she’s incredibly powerful and it’s quite straightforward to use her. She’s almost an all-out offense type of operator so when playing her, most of the time, the user only has to concentrate on fragging enemies and causing destruction. And because of her light armor, she can move really fast. That allows her to be the first in the room when the attacking team is pushing, and she can secure it before her other teammates arrive.

With her special gadget, the Breaching Rounds, which she shoots from her M120 Crem, she can create entry points on unreinforced walls and hatches. She can fire two Breaching Rounds from her M120 Crem, and since they’re basically explosives, they can be used for destroying bulletproof defender gadgets that can really hinder the attacking team’s push like deployable shields, Maestro’s Evil Eyes, Melusi’s Banshees, and so on and so forth. The choices available to her for her weapons are insane because both the G36C and the R4-C are very powerful assault rifles.

What Makes Ash Great:

  • Because of her 3-speed rating, she can always be the first in the room and she’s able to make sure that it’s clear before her other teammates arrive.
  • She has both incredible firepower and speed with her and because of that combination, she’s well-known in Siege as an all-out offense operator who also has great utilities
  • Her Breaching Rounds are explosives, so they can be used for neutralizing pesky bulletproof defender gadgets such as Melusi’s Banshees, Maestro’s Evil Eyes, deployable shields, among many others
  • She’s one of the most popular operators for rushing because of her speed and also because her Breaching Rounds allows her to quickly create entry points on unreinforced walls and hatches

Best Loadout for Ash:



9. Caveira (Intel, Crowd Control)

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Caveira is a light armored defender and her presence in every match is always troublesome to the attacking team. With her special ability, the Interrogation, she can interrogate an attacker who’s in a down-but-not-out state and once it’s successful, it’ll reveal the real time position of the remaining attackers for several seconds. That means that when she’s in the match, an attacker who strays too far away from their teammates can spell the doom of their team, because usually, when an Interrogation is successful, it already means the loss of the round for the attackers.

What’s scary is that because of her speed that comes from her light armor rating, she can dart in and out of areas, and on top of that, she combines speed with stealth. That’s because her other special ability, the Silent Step, allows her to silence her footsteps for several seconds even while sprinting. Because of her Silent Step, it’s very hard to anticipate her and it can also be extremely difficult to hunt her down. Especially because she also possesses great utilities like the impact grenades, or even her SPAS-15 shotgun, that she can use to create rotation holes on unreinforced walls and hatches.

What Makes Caveira Great:

  • Her 3-speed rating allows her to be one of the best roamers in the game because she can move from one area to the next very quickly, and that’s very important when it comes to roaming
  • Her Silent Step special ability allows her to silence her footsteps even while sprinting. That means she can be both stealthy and quick, and that’s a deadly combination for roaming
  • She can perform the Interrogation special ability on attackers who are in a down-but-not-out-state and that will reveal the real-time position of the remaining attackers for several seconds
  • Caveira has the Luison handgun which is unique to her, and it’s a great help for her when it comes to performing her Interrogation ability because it always puts enemies in a dbno state first before inflicting a lethal shot

Best Loadout for Caveira:



8. Vigil (Anti-Gadget, Crowd Control)

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Like Caveira above, Vigil is one of the best roamers in the game not just because of his 3-speed rating but because of his stealth capabilities. He may not be able to perform the Silent Step and Interrogation abilities like Caveira, but his special gadget, the ERC-7, allows him to be invisible to enemy cameras. Now intel is a very important part of Siege’s gameplay because it’s a tactical game, and usually, the team who can get the most intel from the opposing team wins. But with Vigil’s ERC-7, it can be extremely hard for the attackers to gather intel on his current position.

That’s very important because for attackers to be able to successfully push through the objective spot, they’d usually have to neutralize the defending team’s roamer first as they can hit them from behind and pick them off one by one. But with Vigil in the defending team, the attacking team can waste a lot of time hunting him, and not just because the ERC-7 turns him invisible to their cameras, it’s also because he possesses the means to escape from attackers who are hunting him. With his impact grenades, he can quickly make escape routes on unreinforced walls and hatches, and he can also use that for flanking enemies.

What Makes Vigil Great:

  • His special gadget, the ERC-7, allows him to become invisible to all attacker cameras. His presence, depending on how close he is to the camera, will only create a static feed.
  • His 3-speed rating allows him to go from one area to another very quickly, and that’s always great for roamers like Vigil as it’ll allow him to perform hit and run tactics on the attackers effectively
  • When attackers start hunting him in numbers, he possesses the means to escape through his impact grenades which he can use to create escape routes on unreinforced walls and hatches
  • Vigil also has great weapons available to him with the K1A and BOSG.12.2, and even when his primary needs to be reloaded, his secondary weapon choices are both machine pistols which are basically mini submachine guns

Best Loadout for Vigil:



7. Ela (Crowd Control, Trapper)

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Ela has a 3-speed rating but she’s more versatile than many people give her credit for. That’s because she can perform both roamer and anchor roles incredibly well. Of course, her 3-speed rating allows her to move quickly, and that’s great for both roles. But her special gadget, the Grzmot Mine, also works well for both roaming and anchoring. She has three Grzmot Mines, and they are proximity mines that get triggered when an enemy enters their radius. When triggered by enemy presence, the Grzmot Mine will explode, and while it’s non-lethal, it’ll inflict a very strong concussion effect on operators around it.

That concussion effect impairs their vision greatly and prevents them from sprinting. So for anchoring, Ela can deploy them on the entrances of the objective spot. That way, the momentum of the pushing attackers will be greatly disrupted. For roaming, Ela can use them for guarding flanking spots, and she can use them as indicators when enemies are in a certain area. That's because when a Grzmot Mine is triggered, Ela will receive a warning on her screen and the sound that the Grzmot Mine produces is also quite loud.

What Makes Ela Great:

  • Ela’s Grzmot Mines when triggered will inflict a heavy concussion effect on enemies within their radius, and that will greatly impair their vision as well as prevent them from sprinting
  • The Grzmot Mines are great for guarding entrances and flanking spots because they produce a loud sound when triggered and Ela also gets a warning on her screen whenever a Grzmot Mine is triggered
  • Ela can perform both roaming and anchor roles very effectively because her Grzmot Mines work well for both roles, and her 3-speed rating allows her to rotate or move from area to area with good speed
  • Ela also possesses great weaponry and utilities for fragging opponents or reworking the map to the defending team’s advantage, especially with her FO-12 shotgun and RG-15 secondary weapon

Best Loadout for Ela:



6. Pulse (Intel, Support)

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Speaking of great roamers, Pulse is definitely one of them and not just because of his 3-speed rating that allows him to move with great speed. It’s mostly because of his special gadget, the Heartbeat Sensor. With the Heartbeat Sensor, it’s almost like Pulse has a wallhack because when he’s using it, he’ll be able to detect enemies’ heartbeats within a distance of nine meters, and that’s in real time. That’s not only very powerful when it comes to dealing with them himself, but it’s a great way for him to gather intel on enemy positions and advise his teammates about it.

As for dealing with enemies himself, Pulse has a great arsenal of weapons and utilities that are great partners for his Heartbeat Sensor. That can especially be said for his nitro cell, as he can use it to perform the very deadly c4-under-the-floor trick. A lot of bomb sites in the game are on a wooden floor, and when Pulse is under that wooden floor and enemies are pushing that bomb site, he can detect them with his Heartbeat Sensor and using that intel, he can kill a lot of them by detonating his nitro cell under the wooden floor that they’re in.

What Makes Pulse Great:

  • With his Heartbeat Sensor, he’s able to detect enemy positions in real-time through their heartbeats and that allows him to advice his teammates well and deal with them himself more effectively
  • With his Heartbeat Sensor, he’s very effective when it comes to performing the deadly c4-under-the-floor trick as he’s able to know the real-time position of enemies within nine meters
  • Pulse’s 3-speed rating allows him to go from one spot to the next quickly, and that’s important for his role of gathering intel on enemy positions and being able to respond to their push
  • With his M1014 shotgun, he’s also able to harass enemies from below wooden floors and when enemies begin hunting him, he’ll have the superiority when it comes to close quarters combat

Best Loadout for Pulse:



5. Grim (Front Line, Map Control)

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Grim is a light armored operator and he uses the speed he gets from that to gain map control, gather intel, and watch the flanks. He used to be an unpopular operator even though he’s relatively new to Siege, but due to recent buffs on his loadout and special gadget, he’s now one of its most popular operators. His special gadget, the Kawan Hive Launcher, as its name implies, launches Kawan Hives. He can launch five Kawan Hives per round and that’s terrifying for defenders because each Kawan Hive has a wide radius.

Defenders who step inside that radius will get pinged for several seconds in real time and it will be visible to the whole attacking team. That means that Grim can use his Kawan Hives for guarding flanking spots as well as general area-denial purposes. Because obviously, defenders would always want to avoid going to an area where a Kawan Hive is active. He also now has two modes for launching his Kawan Hives. One is the default mode where the Kawan Hive will stick to the surface it’s been shot at, and the other is where the Kawan Hive will bounce a bit after hitting a surface.

What Makes Grim Great:

  • His Kawan Hives are great for general area-denial purposes as well as watching the flanks as they will activate a ping to any defender who steps into their radius and that ping will last for several seconds
  • He now has more versatility when it comes to launching his Kawan Hives as they can now be launched in either its default sticky mode or bouncy mode which will allow him to launch them from behind cover
  • Grim has great utilities in the bailiff 410 shotgun revolver for reworking the map to his advantage and the claymores which are great utilities for protecting himself and his teammates from roamers
  • His 552 Commando assault rifle can be equipped with a scope 2.0x and he’s the only operator that can do that for a 552 Commando. With that, he can shoot opponents with great accuracy regardless of distance

Best Loadout for Grim:



4. IQ (Intel, Support)

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When you want to play an operator who can move quickly due to their light armor and be able to contribute well to your team, IQ is one of the best you can pick. That’s because her 3-speed rating allows her to sprint quickly and get to places on the map faster than other operators. And once she’s in position, she can use her special gadget, the Electronics Detector, to detect any defender gadgets that have electronics in them, no matter how small. And most utilities in Siege have some form of electronics in them since Siege is set in the modern day.

This is extremely helpful for the attacking team especially because IQ can now ping enemy electronics she’s detected even through concrete walls and floors. That allows the whole attacking team to know more about the enemies they’re going to face because even when a defender wasn’t scanned during the prep phase, if IQ pings their gadget, that operator’s identity will be revealed. IQ is extremely useful against operators like Kapkan, Valkyrie, Echo, and others who have electronic gadgets that can easily be hidden.

What Makes IQ Great:

  • With her Electronics Detector, she can scan enemy electronic gadgets in real time, and that allows her to gather a lot of intel from the enemies, especially when it comes to their utility setups
  • When IQ scans and pings an enemy electronic gadget, the owner of that gadget’s identity will be revealed, and that allows the whole attacking team to know more about the enemies they’ll be facing
  • Her 3-speed rating allows her to be the first in an area and be able to scan for enemy electronics before her other teammates arrive, that way, the attacking team will be aware of the utilities that they’ll encounter
  • She’s able to use her P12 handgun when she’s using her Electronics Detector and that allows her to disable those gadgets through unreinforced walls and wooden floors as well as defend herself

Best Loadout for IQ:



3. Capitao (Front Line, Map Control)

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Speaking of being first in the action, Capitao is one of the best in that role, not only because he’ll be in the front lines first because of his 3-speed, but also because his special gadget is an important utility for the whole attacking team when it comes to pushing. His Tactical Crossbow shoots two types of ammunition. The asphyxiating bolts and micro smoke grenades. Capitao can fire two of each kind of ammunition per round, and the asphyxiating bolts cover large spots in fire while the micro smoke grenades work basically like normal smoke grenades.

With that said, unlike normal smoke grenades, the smoke from Capitao’s micro smoke grenades start popping off immediately after they’ve been deployed. Which is why they’re great for surprising enemies. On the other hand, Capitao can use his asphyxiating bolts for area-denial while the attacking team is pushing and playing the defuser. The best way to use them is to shoot them on areas or angles that the enemies can use to effectively counter the attackers. As for dealing with enemies himself, Capitao has the Para-308 assault rifle which is one of the best weapons in the game all-around.

What Makes Capitao Great:

  • Capitao’s Tactical Crossbow allows him to fire asphyxiating bolts and micro smoke grenades which are great for pushing as one can be used for area-denial while the other is great for providing cover
  • Capitao’s 3-speed rating allows him to be the first in the action, and it’s important for his role to be in the front lines especially because his Tactical Crossbow is a great utility for initiating the push
  • He can bring two claymores per round and they’re great for guarding the flanking spots while the attacking team is pushing, especially when they’re deployed in an angle where they can’t be easily seen
  • He has one of the best primary weapons in the game with his Para-308 assault rifle due to its high stopping power, very manageable recoil, and compatibility with high level scopes

Best Loadout for Capitao:



2. Alibi (Intel, Trapper)

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Despite being nerfed a bit, Alibi continues to be one of the most popular light armored defenders in the game because her special gadget, the Prisma, simply causes so much trouble to the attacking team, and her 3-speed rating, long with her weapons and utilities, allow her to be one of the most versatile operators around. The Prisma is a device that projects a volumetric display of herself. She can bring three Prismas per round, and the volumetric display they project looks exactly like her. Obviously, that can confuse enemies, especially when they’re very reactive.

What usually happens is that enemies, when they first see Alibi’s volumetric display, will shoot it thinking that it’s the real alibi, and when that happens, the Prisma will put a marker in the form of a ping on the attacker that shot it and it will last for several seconds. That doesn’t only apply to shooting the Prisma volumetric display, because it also works on anything from the attackers, be it their utilities or their own bodies. Because of that, Alibi can use her Prismas for a wide variety of purposes like intel gathering, entry-denial, and others.

What Makes Alibi Great:

  • Her Prisma projects a volumetric display that looks exactly like her, and when it’s shot by enemies, they will be pinged for several seconds, and that ping will be seen by the whole defending team
  • Her 3-speed rating combined with her Prismas, allows her to perform both anchor and roamer roles very effectively as her Prismas are great utilities for both roles
  • She can set up the bomb site with rotation holes and lines of sight using her bailiff 410 revolver shotgun due to its high destruction rate per shot, and it can also be used for finishing off enemies
  • She has access to great weapons like the Mx4 Storm which is a rapid firing submachine gun and the ACS12 which is a slug shotgun which has heavy firepower and very manageable recoil

Best Loadout for Alibi:



1. Brava (Intel, Anti-Gadget)

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Brava being a light armored operator is a big reason why she’s a great operator. That's because it allows her to catch up to her teammates. That’s very important because her gameplay involves her being stationary a lot of times due to her having to control her special gadget, the Kludge Drone, from her observation tool. She has access to two Kludge Drones per round and each of them can convert or neutralize three defender utilities that have electronics in them. This makes Brava one of the best anti-gadget operators around, as mentioned before, gadgets play a huge role in Siege’s gameplay.

Brava’s Kludge Drones can convert a lot of enemy electronic devices and a lot of them are damaging, like Kapkan’s EDDs, Maestro’s Evil Eyes, Fenrir’s Dread Mines, and so many others. The ones that can’t be converted will be disabled instead, so either way, the defenders will be losing a lot of their gadgets, provided that all six of Brava’s Kludge Drones hit their target. After using up her Kludge Drones, Brava can use her 3-speed rating to catch up to her teammates that are pushing, and it’ll also allow her to perform other roles like flank watching or being the team’s flanker herself.

What Makes Brava Great:

  • Being a light armored operator, she has the speed to catch up to her teammates after performing her role of controlling her Kludge Drones to convert or disable enemy electronic devices
  • Brava’s Kludge Drones can turn enemy electronic devices into allies and a lot of them can cause a lot of damage like Kapkan’s EDDs, Maestro’s Evil Eyes, Thorn’s Razorbloom Shells, and many others
  • Each of her two Kludge Drones can convert or disable three defender utilities that have electronics in them, so that’s a total of six electronic devices either converted or disabled
  • She can bring two claymores per round and that’s very important for her role as the claymores can protect her from roamers and run outs while she’s operating her Kludge Drones

Best Loadout for Brava:



Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment:

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