[Top 5] Predecessor Best Offlane Heroes (Ranked)

21 Feb 2024


The Warriors of Solitude hold the offlane position as they focus on 1v1 fighting against the enemy hero. This position is filled by tanks and brute fighters as they continuously deal damage to each other in an attempt to starve the other from minion feed. Late game, the character that is more fed will be practically unstoppable, tanking enemy damage and tearing through their objectives. 

If you’re looking for the best Offlane heroes to play in Predecessor, here are the top 5 best Warriors of Solitude to play. 

#5: Crunch - Offlane/Jungle

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A Combo Brawler like Crunch naturally made the list as his combination of abilities late game can tear through enemy health bars in just seconds while they’re stun locked in place. 

  • Crunch’s first ability is “Forward Crunch” that catapults Crunch forward towards enemies. On impact of the ability, up to 60 (+70%)(+40%) damage is dealt to the enemy as well as stunning them for up to 0.25 seconds. When this ability is empowered, it can latch onto the enemies and drag them along with you when you make an impact on them. This is a great ability to have as it also serves as a good escape from combat. After the dash forward away from enemies is complete,it is nearly impossible for the enemy to catch up without using their blink.
  • His next ability, “Left Crunch” goes hand in hand with his ability “ Right Crunch” as his left swing deals an empowered attack on the enemy, and his right swing jabs the enemies into the air. This will slow the enemy for 60% lasting 1.2 seconds and when it is empowered it stuns them for 1.2seconds in the air. This deadly combination of swings is a great way to stun-lock enemies to secure takedowns. 
  • While Crunch’s ultimate ability titled “Recrunch” is a great way to secure kills as it repeats the last ability you used, his real strength comes from his passive ability. “Cross Crunch” is his passive ability that amplifies the magical damage of his next basic attack after using an ability by 15%(+15%). This passive ability also reduces all of his current cool downs by 1 second each. This ensures Crunch is not only doing extra damage, but also having quickened abilities with this natural ability haste passive. 


#4: Grux - Offlane/Jungle


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It is pretty common to see other characters in offlane, specifically range characters that can poke the melee characters while they try to farm minions. Grux is a great counter to range characters as he can pull them into his range with his abilities. 

  • Grux’ ability “Smash ‘N Grab” sends a wave forward, latching onto enemies and bringing them face to face with him, which can be the perfect counter to Range characters. This ability deals up to 230(+80%) physical damage to all enemies encased, as well as stunning them for 0.5 seconds, giving this player an advantage of opportunity strikes before they are able to react to the attack. 
  • While Grux already does good damage, his passive ability “Bloodlust” creates a bleed effect dealing 5 physical damage over 5 seconds on enemies after a successful basic attack, which stacks up to 6 times. This can be the difference between an enemy escaping a fight or being a confirmed takedown. 
  • While Grux has no special ability for speed that helps him chase and secure kills, his ability “Crush” dashes him forward, ending in an uppercut that can deal up to 70(+70%) damage to the enemy it impacts on. This ability is the perfect securing ability for escaping enemies as it stuns the enemy in a knock-up for 0.75 seconds. This allows for a combination of abilities to finish them off. 


#3: Steel - Offlane/Support 

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Steel makes for a very useful Offlane character with his “Force Shield” that blocks enemy projectiles, and slows enemies that walk through it which is a great method of self survival necessary for the Offlane position. 

  • Steel’s self survival relies on his tanky build, including the card“Raiment of Renewal” that regenerates 10% of damage taken over 6 seconds. This card will be crucial in a Steel Offlane position because it gives him the ability of being a bullet sponge, protecting him from lethal damage that can be given by other characters. Steel’s abilities “Bull Rush” and “Shield Bash” can be detrimental as it allows him the ability to stun-lock the enemy during an attack. The dash forward is also a great method of a quick escape if the enemy Jungler ganks your lane. 
  • The “Shield Slam '' is a radius stun that deals up to 400 damage upon impact. It can be used to catch up to enemies, escape them, and to help secure kills. By rendering the enemies within the stun radius imobile, you are given the opportunity to secure the kills with the remaining abilities. 
  • Steel’s shield bash and knock up work great together in Offlane fights as they can last several minutes without reinforcements of the team. The continued stun and damage dealt by Steel can either make the enemy retreat or they can be a secured kill with the use of all abilities during a fight. 


#2: Shinbi - Offlane/Jungle

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This musical Offlane character at first glance seems a little less like a threat and more like a pest in the game, however rest assured, Shinbi’s damage is impactful from the very start to the very finish of every game. 

  • Shinbi’s ability “Rushing Beat” adds a little razzle dazzle to the game as she dashes through enemy heroes dealing up to 100(+50%) damage to any enemies she dashes through. There is a short time countdown visible on the screen to the player after initiating the ability where the player can press the dash button an additional 2 times after the first dash. This can be the perfect get-a-way in deadly conflicts or ganks as well as a great securing method to low health enemies. 
  • “Line Tempo”is Shinbi’s next useful ability as it summons a wolf spirit and sends it out in a straight line from her position. This line can pass through any enemies within its path, dealing 75(+55%) magical damage. This is a perfect ability for the Offlane players because it gives this melee character an opportunity to poke the enemy hero without engaging in combat with them. 
  • Shinbi’s ability “Circle Rhythm” grants her 30(+45%) shield when activated as well as dealing 18(+22%) magical damage to all enemies within the circle over the 3 second duration of the ability. 
  • The ultimate ability this character wields is deadly to enemies as it is universal for a short amount of time. Shinbi’s passive ability allows her to create stacks on enemy heroes when dealing them damage with abilities. When Shinbi uses her ultimate it will target the enemy with the most stacks on them within an 8 second time span. This ultimate ability deals 50(+16%) magical damage per spirit wolf, wich is roughly about 10 wolves. Max stacks is 8, and paired with the ultimate ability “All Kill” Shinbi is a deadly character to fight. 


#1: Greystone - Offlane/Jungle

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Finally, in first place we have Greystone, the versatile Offlane or Jungle melee character. Greystone is a dangerous Offlane character to be paired against as his ultimate ability, called “Stone Forged Soul” upon activation, puts the character into a stasis.

  • The ability “Stone Forged Soul” restores up to 18% of maximum health, basically giving the player a second life. The activation also deals up to 70% damage to nearby enemies, and when paired with a crowd control stun, can be deadly. This is the perfect ultimate ability for an Offlane character because when you’re fighting and both you and the enemy are low health, Greystone can use his ultimate and finish off the kill while remaining in good health. 
  • The beginning crest recommended when the game loads in is the “Warrior Crest” which initially regenerates 8% of total physical power, and once the character restores 200 health, the crest is able to be upgraded into the “Fenix” crest. This crest, upon activation, marks your current location and if you are to die within the following 4 seconds after activation, you are resurrected at the sight of activation with 40% maximum health. 
  • Three lives to keep track of is really a significant factor of his character, as it gives him more leeway in objective pushing. Objective pushing on Offlane can oftentimes be difficult as both characters deal significant damage, but Greystone can tank this damage and continue to push the objective by using his lives. 
  • “Make Way” creates a circle around Greystone for a total of 4 seconds that continuously deals up to 255(+100%) physical damage. The four seconds is increased by 0.5 seconds for each successfully landed basic attack on an enemy hero or minion. This is Greystone’s main damage dealer in fights as it can damage many enemies at once, specifically melee enemies who have to be close in order to deal damage. 
  • Greystone’s last ability “Sacred Oath” increases the damage dealt by basic attacks as it casts your sword into flames, slowing the enemy target by 12% for 1.5 seconds of its 5 second activation. This ability increases your basic attacks to deal 20(+20%) bonus physical damage. This ability paired with his “Make Way” is a deadly combination for enemy heroes to face in Offlane. 
  • Greystone has the ability to push a lane by himself because of his tanky nature as well as his prolonged ability to hold pressure in a lane. If he happens to come across the team he can use his ability “Assault the Gates” to jump away or use all three of his lives. Greystone is #1 on our list because he is the best Offlane hero for beginners, average players, and experts at the game. 


There are a total of 15 different Offlane characters to choose from in Predecessor. While these are just 5 of the characters, each one has specific attributes that are good in different matches and some may work better for certain players.  

Good luck to everyone and have fun in your gaming adventures!


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