[Top 15] Predecessor Best Heroes In The Game

21 Feb 2024


Epic Games created the game Paragon in 2016, which was shortly closed in focus of their popular game Fortnite, releasing their assets to Paragon in 2017. In 2022 Omeda Studio created the new Predecessor, first released on PC, then on console in the form of a closed beta with the use of those assets. With the second phase of the closed beta just beginning because of the games popularity, you may be wondering what the perfect character for you to play is. Here is a list of the top 15 heroes most commonly played in Predecessor.


#15: Muriel - Support

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This guardian angel doesn't lack the ability to cause real damage like a carry, but more importantly she contains the crucial elements to keep the allied team alive.

  • When paired with the card “Wellspring” her abilities can be the difference between a lost battle and a winMuriel grants allies a shield through “Alacrity” which also gives the ally a speed boost in order to escape combat or chase an enemy to secure the take down. Her other shield gifting ability, “Consecrated Ground” explodes after a few seconds, dealing damage to anyone underneath the orb. 
  • The “Serenity” is a piercing bolt of energy that slows enemy heroes and deals up to 220 damage upon impact. This ability also causes the enemy to take additional 10% damage from all sources for the duration of the slow. While her abilities are a nice touch to the game, her importance lies within her ultimate ability. 
  • The Muriel ultimate is the “Reversal of Fortune '' where she can fly to any ally in the map. When you land on top of the allied hero, all surrounding enemies are stunned for a short time. With the combination of the stun, shield drop and healing, the allied hero has an increased chance at either escaping the deadly conflict, or winning the battle against them. 


#14: Wraith - Midlane/Carry


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Wraith is most commonly seen in midline, though is classified as a carry as well. Wraith has the ability to sneak up on enemies and sneak out of combat. 

  • If he takes an enemy down while stealthed, he automatically gets his invisibility ability back, “Surprise Surprise.” 
  • His sniper ability called “Knock Knock” has the ability to pierce through walls to secure kills, as well as provide constant pressure to enemies with a cool down of only 6 seconds. This snipe deals up to 150 damage, and if the snipe deals damage or kills the enemy target, 100% of the mana used in the snipe shot will automatically be replenished and the cooldown reduced.
  • With a unique ultimate ability, Wraith is able to latch a tether on an enemy and after a short delay, rewind them to the original place of attachment. This often results in the take down of an enemy and can be the perfect counter to characters such as Crunch, Countess, and Kira who have well established get-away methods.


#13: Fay - Caster


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While Fay does not have a means to escape very well, and her movement speed seems to be stuck in mud most of the time, her damage dealt makes up for that. 

  • If Fay is to take down an enemy, per her passive ability, she does gain 15% increased movement speed for 5 seconds, which can help her escape deadly situations.
  • While her abilities all do quite a bit of damage, the game changing ultimate ability is the “Fly Trap” which can literally win your team the game.
  • One drop of that ultimate while the enemy team is on the allied core, can cause every enemy team member to drop. In moments like that, the allied team is able to push objectives all the way up to the enemy core and win the game. This is not uncommon in games played with Fay, especially late game when her ultimate is doing 400 damage to the characters stuck inside the ability and stunning them for 1 second. 
  • The real kicker about Fay’s ultimate is how fast she gets it back. With a cool down time of only 90 seconds in late game, she can drop it to escape an enemy chasing her, and use it again by the time she gets back to the base. 


#12: Countess - Jungle/Midlane

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While Countess is a midlane character originally, it is uncommon to see her there due to being a melee character who is most likely going to be paired against range. This means her most common position is Jungle. 

  • Countess is a beast when it comes to the Jungle position. Her passive ability is that she gains 1% magical lifesteal when taking down an enemy hero, which can stack up to 10 times. Her ability “Shadow Slip” is the perfect maneuver for a Jungle character looking to get in, do some damage, and get out quickly. This also makes for great tower diving. 
  • While her “Blade Siphon” is great for team fights or up close encounters, her “Eventide” is awesome at catching those enemies while they are running away, securing the kill. 
  • Paired with an ear stinging screech, this character's ultimate ability can deal up to 325 damage, and repairs her own health for up to 50% of the damage dealt. Countess attacks quickly and leaves with a take down almost every time. 


#11: Grux - Offlane


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It is pretty common to see other characters in offlane, specifically range characters that can poke the melee characters while they try to farm minions. Grux is a great character to play in one of those cases, as he lives off of lifesteal and tank cards in most games. 

  • Grux’ ability “Smash ‘N Grab” sends a wave forward, latching onto enemies and bringing them face to face with him, which can be the perfect counter to Range characters.
  • While he already does good damage, his passive ability is “Bloodlust” which creates a bleed effect dealing 5 physical damage over 5 seconds on enemies after a successful basic attack, which stacks up to 6 times. 
  • While Grux has no special ability for speed that helps him chase and secure kills, however he does have a quick dash forward that helps him catch up to his enemies. His pull can be a game changer for the team if he can pull multiple enemies at once. This opens up opportunities for other team members to use their securing abilities.  


#10: Phase - Support

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While phase can be a tricky character to play, her “Telekinetic Link” ability can mean the difference between life and death for allied characters. 

  • This link provides a visual line between Phase and the other character, continuously providing increased physical and magical power. If you get the card “Wellspring” as well, she is able to heal the other character while linked to them. 
  • Phase has an ability called “Energy Lance” that can be a bit tricky to aim at times, but if continued pressure from the energy beam is achieved, the enemy on the end of the beam is rooted in place while dealing 180 magical damage over 2.5 seconds. 
  • This root is the perfect set up for an allied gank, as you can root them in place while the Jungler and carry characters attack, giving your team the upper hand in the fight. Phase has a fairly decent escape with her ability “Psychic Flare” causes temporary blindness to the enemies within range.
  • This temporary blindness is the means to escape, as the enemies are waiting for their screens to regain sight. This can save you, and your allies that are in the situation with you. 


#9: Drongo - Carry

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Drongo is a hard hitter late game, and has great abilities to give your team an advantage early game. As an additional bonus for Drongo, his commentary resembles Iggy & Scorch as he laughs when hits the jump pad and sounds like a mad-man. 

  • Other than his physical damage hitting like a truck late game, his ability “Gag Grenade” can be the make or break element for team fights, as it silences anyone standing within it. This means their abilities are rendered useless for as long as they are standing in the area. 
  • While that is great for team fights, in the duo-lane it is important to be able to fight someone without the rest of the team there. With his ability “Rad Rounds” Drongo can deal up to 100 physical damage on the first attack, plus additional damage over time that can secure a kill, even if they are out of range to attack. 
  • This is due to Drongo’s passive ability called “Wastelander” that deals 1% damage of the enemies maximum health over the period of 3 seconds. It is not uncommon for support characters and mid-laners to be killed in about 4 shots or abilities from Drongo during late game. 


#8: Morigesh - Caster

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Morigesh is another one of those characters you fear if you are paired against. While there are some tactics and cards to use in order to save yourself from her ultimate, her damage over time may still get you in the end. 

  • Morigesh is able to regain health by using her “Swarm” and running through minions, which can be very useful when running from enemies, as it also gives you a speed boost, or even chasing enemies to secure a kill. 
  • The most deadly ability Morigesh has is her “Mark” as this controls who she can use her ultimate on. When an enemy is marked, they suffer from damage over time for a few seconds, but more importantly it places a voo-doo doll inside the back pouch of the character.
  • At any point in time, Morigesh can use her ultimate on whoever is inside her back pouch, no matter where they are on the map. Even if you make it back to base, she can use it and secure the kill before you regenerate your health. 
  • It is important to note that the “Magic” crest gives you the option to choose “Epoch” which places you into a stasis for 2.5 seconds, which can be just enough to save you from her ultimate, but might not save you from her damage over time. 


#7: Kallari - Jungle

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This shadow assassin is a character everyone wants on their team, and no one wants to be paired against. In lane, you are constantly fearing if Kallari is going to sneak up behind you and take you out. 

  • Her ability to become stealthed gives the team a large advantage of jungling tactics, as she can run through basically any character's health bar in a matter of seconds. If you think you are safe under a tower, think again. 
  • Kallari's ultimate ability catapults her forward, dealing up to 500 damage to the enemy hero, creating the perfect quick entrance for tower diving. While most Jungler’s are pretty difficult to play, this is one of the most difficult characters to play in the game. To play Kallari, it is highly recommended you are well developed in the game with experience on most other characters first. 
  • Like most other jungler’s, if Kallari is to fall behind on minion feed and enemy kills, she becomes quite useless in team fights and can become outpowered fairly quickly. If she is played correctly, this character can be the reason a team wins. If she is played incorrectly, like most Jungle positions, she can be the reason a team loses. 


#6: Steel - Offlane/Support

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Steel makes for a very helpful support with his “Force Shield” that blocks enemy projectiles, including Phase’ root, and slows enemies that walk through it. Steel can be built mainly two ways: straight tank, or damage. 

  • If you are thinking of taking Steel in the offlane, definitely build him mostly damage, with one tank card called “Raiment of Renewal” that regenerates 10% of damage taken over 6 seconds. This card will be crucial in a Steel offlane position to ensure you can hold your own when facing a character like Greystone. 
  • If you are looking to take Steel into the duo-lane as support, it is more important to continue building a tank build rather than damage build. As a support, you are there to protect your carry, and help them get kills. This is where Steel’s ultimate can shine. 
  • The “Shield Slam '' is a radius stun that deals up to 400 damage upon impact. It can be used to catch up to enemies, escape them, and to help secure kills for the alli team. By rendering the enemies within the stun radius imobile, the ally team is given the opportunity to secure the kills with their own ultimates or abilities. 


#5: Dekker - Support

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It is not uncommon to see this character in other lanes, such as the offlane or even mid-lane.

  • Dekker makes for a great support character with her ability “Containment Fence” that can last  up to 3 seconds, paired with her stun and “Photon Disruptor” that resembles a  laser, can trap an enemy, stun them, and deal damage to them within a short period of time. 
  • On many occasions, Dekker has the ability to stop an enemy from chasing a low health ally, as well as help the team catch up to low health enemies trying to escape. Dekker’s stun in itself can deal up to 210 damage, and paired with the laser damage of 250, she can cause a high positive impact on a team fight. 
  • Though most other characters have to get the card “Galaxy Greaves” to have a high jump to escape, Dekker’s passive ability is “Rocket Boots” which gives her the ability to jump while airborne, with the cooldown reduced by 3 seconds every time she uses an ability. This gives her a double jump to escape from combat. 


#4: Kira - Carry

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This Shadow Huntress is one of Predecessor’s originally created characters, with an interesting addition to the other duo-lane character abilities.

  • With two of her abilities paired together, “Dusk” and “Mercy” the enemy is slowed and is dealt up to 90 damage. 
  • Kira is a great character for those who are just starting out in the carry position, as her ability to dash in the direction she is looking in makes for the perfect get-away capability. This is one of the only get-away methods any of the carry characters have, while the next best thing is Murdock and his siren speed boost. 
  • Her ultimate, unlike the other carry characters, does not target one specific enemy and rather deals damage over time to surrounding enemies. This ability is called the “Purge” where she spins in circles and shoots arrows from her crossbow, dealing up to 360 physical damage over the duration of the ability.


#3: Gideon - Caster

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If you have already played Predecessor then you probably know that there is no medium to Gideon.

  • This character is either using his ultimate in the air, not damaging a single person, or he is bullying the enemy team and stealing their Jungle. This means the player has to be confident in their abilities in order to effectively help the allied team.
  • Gideon’s superpowers rely solely on his magical damage,  where a single rock drop late game can take over half the health of an opposing mid-laner. His ultimate, named the “Black Hole” has the potential to deal 261 crowd control damage, slowing the enemies trapped within so their only escape is to use a blink or to be rescued by a stun to Gideon mid ultamate. 
  • Gideon is well known in the Predecessor game to steal kills by simply dropping a rock on an escaping enemy then using his teleport to make a quick get-away from combat. Though he can be grimy, if played respectfully he can be useful in team fights and objective pushing with his ability “Void Breach” which slows enemies upon contact. 


#2: Khaimera - Jungle

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This cave-man looking character has created quite the reputation as many jungler’s, new and experienced, have claimed Khaimera as their favorite.

  • This character's passive ability is the regeneration of health after dealing damage to jungle minions and enemy heroes. 
  • The use of this health regeneration, along with his ability to cleanse damage overtime and crowd control ultimates such as Fay’s ultimate, gives players the perfect character for long lasting health in fights. 
  • It is not uncommon to see a Khaimera fighting half the team by themselves and making it out of the fight with over half health, depending on their character card build. Khaimera paired with any lifesteal card, such as Kingsbane, can create the perfect damage dealing, health stealing character. 


#1: Greystone - Offlane

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Finally, in first place we have Greystone, the versatile Offlane or Jungle melee character.

  • Greystone can be very useful for new MOBA players, as his ultimate ability, called “Stone Forged Soul” upon activation puts the character into a stasis. This restores up to 18% of maximum health, basically giving the player a second life. The activation also deals up to 70% damage to nearby enemies, and when paired with a crowd control stun, can be deadly. 
  • While Greystone can have many different card builds to create the desired character, the most common focus is a tank build. The beginning crest recommended when the game loads in is the “Warrior Crest” which initially regenerates 8% of total physical power, and once the character restores 200 health, the crest is able to be upgraded into the “Fenix” crest. This crest, upon activation, marks your current location and if you are to die within the following 4 seconds after activation, you are resurrected at the sight of activation with 40% maximum health. 
  • Just in case you lost count, because we did, that is a total of three lives. This is the perfect character for anyone who is just starting out in the game, as well as anyone who is looking to push objectives with little to no backup. When the team is pushing mid-lane or split pushing, Greystone has the ability to push a lane by himself. If he happens to come across the team he can use his ability “Assault the Gates” to jump away or use all three of his lives.


There are a total of 33 different characters to choose from in Predecessor. While these are just 15 of the characters, each one has specific attributes that are good in different matches. It is also important to understand the character card build plays a major role in the effectiveness of these characters as well as the players personal abilities and confidence in their game play.

Good luck to everyone and have fun in your gaming adventures!


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