[Top 5] Predecessor Best Carry (Ranked)

21 Feb 2024


The carry in Predecessor is known to have to be supported early game, which is why they are paired in the duo lane. They spend the early game feeding off minions and growing in level to become extremely strong in the late game. These characters will in turn carry the allied team through the late game, destroying any enemy hero that comes in their path. 

Here are the top 5 best carries to play in predecessor, and why they are the best at what they do. 


#5: Drongo - Carry

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This hard hitting Junkyard Scrapper has a bit of a crazy twist to his dialog as he uses his treasure as explosives against enemies. 

  • Drongo’s ability “Old Rusty” is a boomerang, with the chance of hitting the enemy once on the way there and once on its way back. This deals up to 130 damage with a slow of 20% movement speed for one second. This is the perfect ability for slowing enemies chasing ally’s and to secure kills as they attempt to escape. 
  • The ability “Gag Grenade” is not one for damage, as at max level it only deals 40 damage, however it is extremely useful in fights as it lasts for 3 seconds and silences all enemies that are standing within it. This can be the difference between a secured take-down and an escaped enemy. 
  • His ability “Rad Rounds” are where his damage starts hitting hard late game. This ability enhances Drongo’s basic attack power, dealing an additional 40 damage, plus 15 every shot within the 3 second timer visible on the player's screen. After a short period of time the ability has finished, the rounds will detonate and deal damage to the enemy. 
  • Drongo’s Ultimate ability is the only escape he has to combat, as when he aims his ultimate it rockets him backwards into the air. On impact, the “Shrapnel Cannon” deals up to 200 damage to the enemy targeted. This is a great way to secure kills and to escape a combat area quickly. 


#4: Wraith - Carry/ Midlane

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This sneaky midlane and carry character has a special cloaking ability that can give the duo-lane an advantage over surprise attacks and ganks.

  • The ability “Surprise Surprise” is Wraith’s special cloaking ability, as after a short delay after activation this character enters a state of complete invisibility. This is great for rotating on enemies, discreetly maneuvering around minions to deal damage, and escaping a conflict as the enemies will lose you the moment you turn invisible. 
  • Wraith’s sniping ability “Knock, Knock” is the perfect ability for dealing quick, deadly damage. This long range snipe deals up to 50 damage plus 85% physical damage, which can be a quick kill securing method in a fight. The mana used for this ability will automatically be replaced in full if the target aimed at is damaged from the ability. 
  • This character’s ultimate ability “Back it Up” is a great securing method for escaping enemies as this ability latches onto an enemy and after 2.5 seconds, the ability pulls them back to the initial area of attachment. This ultimate is the cause of many deaths as well as a good means to escape. If this character is being chased, they can rewind the enemy to their previous location while you continue running for your life. 


#3: Kira - Carry

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This Shadow Huntress is one of Predecessor’s originally created characters, with a new take on the carries offered ultimate abilities. 

  • With two of her abilities paired together, “Dusk” and “Mercy” the enemy is slowed and is dealt up to 90 damage. This is a useful tactic to use when securing kills or the Gold Buff from the enemy team. 
  • Kira is a great choice for players who seem to get stuck in situations they cannot escape. The ability “Shadow Glide” is one of the most efficient escapes the carry characters have, and can mean the difference between dying and keeping your life. 
  • Her ultimate, unlike any of the other carry characters, does not target one specific enemy. This ability deals damage over time to surrounding enemies and is called the “Purge.” Kira spins in circles and shoots arrows from her crossbow, dealing up to 360 physical damage over the duration of the ability. This ability is great for team fights and pushing enemies back when they are playing aggressively in lane. 


#2: Murdock - Carry

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Murdock is a Lawbringer Sniper, hinting at his history of service when kneeling for his sniper shot “Just like my days on patrol” is his words as he takes his aim on low health enemies. 

  • Murdock’s ability “Buckshot” is a shotgun blast that is a great method of removing enemies from in front of you as it knocks them back upon the blasts impact. This shotgun blast deals up to 70 damage plus 110% physical damage and can save the lives of allied teammates under attack. 
  • His ability “Static Trap” places a circular trap on the ground that if stamped in by the enemy, they will become rooted in place for 1 second dealing up to 60 damage. These traps lay on the ground for up to 60 seconds if not stepped in. These can be strategically placed during fights, such as behind a backing enemy to trap them condemning them to a death. 
  • Lastly, Murdock’s ultimate ability, giving Murdock his reputation as a sniper. Lowering to a high kneeling position, he takes aim at any enemy on the map securing the kill. This universal ultimate can be something to fear as an enemy, running when low health all the way back to base instead of backing to detour the risk of being sniped while at a stand still. 


#1: Revenant - Carry

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This Bounty Hunter rightfully takes first place on our list as he walks amongst shadows and uses his revolver to reap the souls of his enemies dewaling damage from minute one to minute 50 of every game. From the beginning to the end, Revenant hits his enemies like a truck with his unexpected damage. 

  • His ability “Obliterate” uses his otherworldly connections to deal damage to targeted enemies, projecting forward a run of 10 missiles. Each missile deals up to 100 damage plus 75% and 45% physical damage. The enemy takes an additional 20% damage after the first missile locates them, making for a run of massive damage to them. 
  • Revenant's ability “Sacr” deals up to 10 damage plus 50% and 80% physical damage to the enemy marked by this ability. This mark lasts 5 seconds on the enemy target, and the next 6 attacks from Revenant create a stack of damage with this ability, slowing the enemy for 1.25 seconds. This also includes dealing additional 10% magical damage to them 
  • Revenant’s ultimate ability pulls himself and the targeted enemy into the spirit realm, rooting them for 0.5 seconds. While in this realm, Revenant and the target ignore damage from all other sources of damage including: towers, in-hib’s, the core, minions and other enemy heroes. This is a great securing method for Revenant, however if used too early could be the means to the enemies escape. It is important for the player to know when exactly to use this ultimate ability. 

There are a total of 7 different Carry characters to choose from in Predecessor.. While these are just 5 of the best characters, each one has specific attributes that are good in different matches and for different players.

Good luck to everyone and have fun in your gaming adventures!

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