Pokemon UNITE Best Attackers (All Attackers From Weakest To Strongest)

Pokemon UNITE Best Attackers All Attackers From Weakest To Strongest
29 Nov 2022

In Pokémon Unite matches, attackers are characters with low endurance and high damage output who play a critical role in any team composition. In this article, I will rank all of the attackers from weakest to strongest in the current meta, which will allow you to outdamage the entire competition. These rankings are based on several factors, including scaling, accessibility, and ease of use. 


14. Cramorant 

Cramorant Stats (Level 15):

HP: 6301

Defence: 300

Special Defence: 200

Attack Damage: 286

Cramorant is a funny bird that functions as a ranged special attacker that can either engage in close-quarters combat with Dive and Air Slash or opt for a more traditional mage playstyle with the hard-hitting Surf and Hurricane. Unfortunately, Cramorant is overshadowed by every other attacker in the game due to the high skill ceiling needed to output disappointingly low damage compared to the competition. The Surf + Hurricane combo necessitates precise aim and denies Cramorant mobility, whereas the Dive + Air Slash combo necessitates precise positioning and the good fortune that your opponent does not have crowd control. Cramorant isn't a bad Pokémon by any means, but the support it requires to reach its full potential isn't worth it when other attackers perform just as well, if not better.

Cramorant Review

Surf + Hurricane provides a strong burst option

Dive + Air Slash is a great option for mobility and sustain

Overall damage compared to other attackers is underwhelming

High skill ceiling makes Cramorant difficult to play well

Needs to be accurate with landing moves and combos

How to get Cramorant:

Purchase the Unite License for 8000 Aeos Coins or 460 Aeos Gems in the shop


13. Decidueye

Decidueye Stats (Level 15):

HP: 5152

Defence: 250

Special Defence: 150

Attack Damage: 450/540

Decidueye is a ranged physical attacker that can assume the role of either a deadly sniper or a lethal minigun. This leafy bird can snipe opponents from afar with Spirit Shackle or mow down multiple opponents at once with Razor Leaf. Decidueye’s biggest weakness comes from the lack of proper dash moves, which is a big hindrance in a meta where mobility is essential. This downside is mitigated to some degree with Shadow Sneak’s increased movement speed and Eject Button. Still, the overall lack of a consistent way to get out of dangerous situations makes Decidueye a risky choice.

Decidueye Review

Spirit Shackle has one of the longest ranges in the game

Razor Leaf shreds the majority of the competition within seconds 

No dash moves or consistent mobility

Gets deleted by most attacks and moves

Requires proper positioning and aim for attacks

How to get Decidueye:

Purchase the Unite License for 10000 Aeos Coins or 575 Aeos Gems in the shop.


12. Duraludon

Duraludon Stats (Level 15):

HP: 5397

Defence: 301

Special Defence: 200

Attack Damage: 500

Duraludon is a ranged physical attacker that offers high burst damage and decent utility. With long-range attacks that can deal with multiple enemies, unprepared opponents will have a difficult time taking down this glass turret. However, Duraludon is a fragile Pokémon that lacks mobility. When casting moves such as Flash Cannon or its ultimate move, Revolving Ruin, Duraludon becomes an easy and stationary target for opponents to dive at. Although Dragon Tail provides a small form of repositioning, Duraladon requires extensive team support to stay alive during fights.

Duraludon Review

Standard attacks and moves can poke and harass enemies from afar    

Impactful attacks can deal massive damage to multiple moves 

No dash moves or consistent mobility outside of Dragon Tail

Remaining stationary for move cast times compromises positioning

Can get easily dived due to the nature of Duraludon’s playstyle 

How to get Duraludon: 

Purchase the Unite License for 10000 Aeos Coins or 575 Aeos Gems in the shop.


11. Espeon 

Espeon Stats (Level 15):

HP: 6320

Defence: 175

Special Defence: 135

Attack Damage: 289

Espeon is a ranged special attacker that is easy to pick up and play to great effect. Equipped with moves that offer great damage scaling throughout the game, Espeon can stun opponents with Psyshock, cripple movement speed with Stored Power, and supplement its attacking style with Psybeam or Future Sight. Like most other attackers that have been previously mentioned, Espeon lacks a consistent form of mobility. Despite having speed control tools and a powerful crowd control option in the form of its Ultimate Move, Psychic Solaire, Espeon’s limited playstyle requires its moves to land, which offers opponents ample opportunities to predict, dodge, and outplay.

Espeon Review

Great utility and damage scaling throughout the game     

Relatively simple playstyle 

Decent crowd control options with slows and Unite Move stun

No dash or mobility moves 

Requires proper teammate support to utilize effectively 

How to get Espeon: 

Purchase the Unite License for 10000 Aeos Coins or 575 Aeos Gems in the shop.


10. Sylveon

Sylveon Stats (Level 15):

HP: 7148

Defence: 260

Special Defence: 191

Attack Damage: 363

Sylveon is a ranged special attacker that offers a wide mix of offensive and defensive utility to the team. Opting for the Calm Mind and Hyper Voice turns Sylveon into a mobile screaming turret while choosing Mystical Fire and Draining Kiss is a more reliable option for mobility and sustain. Although Sylveon has defensive options compared to other attackers, the fairy Pokémon requires proper set-up and positioning to reach its full potential, limiting how often it can function as a hard-hitting character in crucial moments.

Sylveon Review

Great offensive and defensive options 

Bulkier compared to most other attackers 

Hits consistently hard throughout the game

Heavily relies on positioning to deal damage

Requires proper teammate support to maximize damage output

How to get Sylveon:

Purchase the Unite License for 10000 Aeos Coins or 575 Aeos Gems in the shop.


9. Gardevoir

Gardevoir Stats (Level 15):

HP: 6320

Defence: 174

Special Defence: 138

Attack Damage: 334

As one of the oldest mage-style ranged special attackers in the game, Gardevoir deals in long-range burst damage and disables. Future Sight and Psyshock provide a constant form of area damage through the built-in cooldown resets, while Psychic and Moonblast provide slows and stuns. Although Gardevoir’s long-range attacks give considerable distance away from enemies, the caster’s reliance on crowd control to compensate for mobility means that Gardevoir is easily bursted down if enemies can manage to dodge moves and close the distance. 

Gardevoir Review

Devastating area of effect moves 

Many slow and stun opportunities

Unite Move is one of the strongest teamfight tools in the game

Dependence on the player ability to land skillshots 

Reliance on moveset crowd control to circumvent lack of mobility

How to get Gardevoir: 

Purchase the Unite License for 8000 Aeos Coins or 460 Aeos Gems in the shop.


8. Delphox

Delphox Stats (Level 15):

HP: 6290

Defence: 174

Special Defence: 139

Attack Damage: 292

Delphox is a versatile ranged special attacker who can deal significant damage and disables. Delphox's low cooldown moves, like Gardevoir's, allow him to constantly pressure enemy formations with Fire Blast or Mystical Fire, while Fire Spin or Flame Charge provide consistent options for stuns or dashes depending on the playstyle. Although Delphox’s battlemage style of gameplay offers more utility in a variety of scenarios, players must still be mindful of Pokémon that also have similar mobility and burst options.

Delphox Review

Devastating area of effect moves 

Low move cooldowns 

Strong team fight presence and capabilities 

Wide variety of available playstyles

Dependence on the player ability to land skillshots

How to get Delphox:

Purchase the Unite License for 10000 Aeos Coins or 575 Aeos Gems in the shop.


7. Glaceon

Glaceon Stats (Level 15):

HP: 6350

Defence: 175

Special Defence: 134

Attack Damage: 469

Glaceon is a ranged special attacker that relies heavily on a unique ice crystal mechanic. Whether you are using Icicle Spear or Icy Wind as your main form of damage, Glaceon can launch a relentless barrage of ice missiles through proper understanding and the generation of ice crystals through both moves and standard attacks. That being said, Glaceon’s damage output is directly correlated to his ability to utilize the ice crystal mechanic effectively, which requires skillful manipulation of his attacks and positioning.

Glaceon Review

Strong move synergies offer flexibility and options 

Snow Cloak ability offers a get-out-of-jail card against crowd control

Many tools to quickly lower enemy movement speed 

Slower scaling can leave Glaceon’s damage output lacking when behind

Damage directly correlates with manipulation of the ice crystal mechanic 

How to get Glaceon:

Purchase the Unite License for 12000 Aeos Coins or 575 Aeos Gems in the shop.


6. Alolan Ninetales

Alolan Ninetales Stats (Level 15):

HP: 6299

Defence: 175

Special Defence: 135

Attack Damage: 289

Alolan Ninetales is a ranged special attacker that offers strong defensive and support capabilities. Through the unique freeze mechanic, Alolan Ninetales can stop enemies in their tracks with boosted attacks, hindrances, and movement speed reduction. However, Alolan Ninetales suffers from a general lack of mobility outside of Aurora Veil, which compounds with the late-game power stagnation, making it difficult to keep up with other attackers. 

Alolan Ninetales Review

Unique freeze mechanic stops opponents in their tracks 

Support capabilities offer valuable utility to the team

Great tools to control the pacing of fights 

Struggles late-game where other attackers have more opportunities to deal damage

Lack of mobility and dash moves 

How to get Alolan Ninetales: 

Purchase the Unite License for 8000 Aeos Coins or 460 Aeos Gems in the shop.


5. Cinderace

Cinderace Stats (Level 15):

HP: 5399

Defence: 250

Special Defence: 149

Attack Damage: 418

Cinderace is a ranged physical attacker who functions as a standard  late-game hyper carry. High attack speed and critical hits let Cinderace melt enemy compositions, while moves such as Blaze Kick and Flame Charge offer extra mobility and dash options. However, it takes time for Cinderace’s potential to ramp up, and decent team support is recommended to help facilitate this transition. 

Cinderace Review

Strong standard attacks and long-range melt enemies quickly from a distance

Numerous mobility options grant many positioning opportunities

Solid team fight capabilities through strong damage and movement options

Needs time and team support to reach full potential 

Abysmally weak early game 

How to get Cinderace:

Purchase the Unite License for 8000 Aeos Coins or 460 Aeos Gems in the shop.


4. Pikachu

Pikachu Stats (Level 15):

HP: 6300

Defence: 175

Special Defence: 135

Attack Damage: 290

Pikachu is a ranged special attacker that excels at shocking opponents with area-of-effect damage and stuns. Built-in paralysis within Pikachu’s point-and-click moves means beginners can quickly pick up the character and harass opponents with crowd control left, right, and center. Although Pikachu lacks mobility, high damage output and a low Unite Move cooldown turn Pikachu into a walking electric powerhouse for any who dare approach. 

Pikachu Review

Moveset is simple, deadly, and adaptable based on preferred playstyle

Many area of effect stuns and crowd control

Low move cooldowns 

Easy to pick up and play 

No mobility 

How to get Pikachu:

Purchase the Unite License for 6000 Aeos Coins or 345 Aeos Gems in the shop.


3. Greninja

Greninja Stats (Level 15):

HP: 5152

Defence: 250

Special Defence: 149

Attack Damage: 460

Greninja is a ranged physical attacker that plays as a borderline speedster. The expansive arsenal of mobile and evasive maneuvers gives Greninja the agency to pull off dangerous stunts that most other attackers cannot dream of attempting. While Greninja requires a strong mastery to circumvent its low fragility, a comprehensive understanding of this ninja frog’s strengths and weaknesses will allow a competent player to easily steamroll enemy teams.

Greninja Review

Powerful melee and ranged options

Double Team and Smokescreen function as great evasive tools

Can dismantle enemy teams pretty quickly

Extreme fragility leaves no room for error

High skill ceiling and master required for full potential

How to get Greninja:

Purchase the Unite License for 10000 Aeos Coins or 575 Aeos Gems in the shop.


2. Mew

Mew Stats (Level 15):

HP: 6500

Defence: 230

Special Defence: 180

Attack Damage: 300

Mew is a ranged special attacker who is the ultimate jack-of-all-trades. With access to a wide variety of moves, Mew can easily change playstyles on the fly and adapt to almost any situation it faces. This means that Mew can capitalize on a team’s strengths and supplement their weaknesses through many offensive, defensive, and support options. Mew’s greatest obstacle is the sheer amount of button input and timer management needed to attain full mastery.

Mew Review

Wide move option choices make Mew a flexible choice 

Offensive sets (e.x. Solar Beam + Light Screen)

Offers team defensive and support utility (e.x. Surf + Agility)

Fits into almost all team compositions 

Requires mastery and button management for optimal performance


How to get Mew:

Purchase the Unite License for 15000 Aeos Coins or 575 Aeos Gems in the shop.


1. Venusaur 

Venusaur Stats (Level 15):

HP: 6500

Defence: 225

Special Defence: 170

Attack Damage: 293

Venusaur is a ranged special attacker that is also a mobile walking fortress. Either Solar Beam and Sludge Bomb, built in the traditional artillery style, or the walking sustain tank style, Giga Drain and Petal Dance, are guaranteed to wreak havoc in enemy formations. Although Venusaur does need some proper aim to succeed, its simple but impactful design makes it a great addition to any composition and an absolute menace to the enemy team.

Venusaur Review

Versatile movesets cater to numerous playstyles

Massive area of effect moves 

Easy playstyle offers high-impact results 

Dangerous from both up close and from afar

Primary damaging moves in Giga Drain and Solar Beam require aim

How to get Venusaur:

Purchase the Unite License for 8000 Aeos Coins or 460 Aeos Gems in the shop.

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