[Top 5] PoE Best Armor Sets for Berserkers That Are Powerful
Berserkers are the king of Melee right now, being so popular that it outshines any other melee Ascendancy in the game by a landslide, especially because of how popular Lightning Strike is.
That said, there’s still a bunch of different builds that can clear all content, and here are my picks for the 3.19 Kalandra League!
5 – General Cry Blade Flurry Berserker
A staple from a forgotten age, Blade Flurry can still pack a massive punch, even if outclassed mechanically by other skills (like VLS), and what a punch this build packs, with incredibly powerful and synergistic items and pure power it dishes out!
To make Blade Flurry shine, you’ll use it with General’s Cry, which summons a Mirage Warrior to do the attack perfectly for you!
Abyssus is your go-to if you want to deal absurd levels of melee physical damage at the cost of survivability since it increases the physical damage you take by over 40%!
Body Armor
Here you can either go for the more budget option of Brass Dome or you go big damage and comfortability by using a +1 Curse Body armour with as much Attack Crit as possible, making it easier to cap on crit for your Blade Flurry. Getting Ailment Avoid, Max Res, PDR is gravy, but try to at least get as much Life as possible!
Oskarn is a standard attack gloves, as it gives a ton of accuracy, cheap and easy Assassin’s Mark Trigger, a bucket load of crit chance, as well as being an easy item to corrupt for a dual curse setup! Before getting the +1 Curse body, use a non-corrupted version of this pair.
This is a good place to get the remaining Ailment Avoid, as well as much Movement Speed as possible. What’s extremely crucial, however, is getting a Perfect Eldritch Implicit for General’s Cry CDR. This will amp up your damage significantly against them!
Paradoxica is a tried and true BiS weapon, and you’ll be hard pressed to find anything remotely half as good. No secrets here. As much Phys and Attack speed (Local!!) as possible. Rest is gravy.
This is what makes the build function. The Redblade Banner is a coveted, though fairly common and cheap, unique, for all Berserkers, as this allows you to trigger War Bringer to its maximum capacity, instantly capping you of Rage, which then allows you to use Berserk (the spell) to become nearly immortal and almost double your damage!
Any Rare should do, but you’ll want as much Crit Multi, Physical damage to attacks, and Life as possible, and everything else is gravy. Look for attributes and resistances that you’re missing.
Mageblood. It goes without saying that this is the best unique in the game, and the strongest and most expensive part of this build, but it’s what allows you to survive being a Berserker. Otherwise, you’d likely be toast, as you’re extremely squishy and would keel over at any point.
Same as the Amulet. As much as Physical damage, Crit Multi and Life as possible. Here’s a great slot to get Minus Mana and Channeling Minus Mana to make the build much smoother!
4 – Vaal Lightning Strike Berserker
A surprise to no one that VLS dominates the charts of melee builds, specially Berserker, as it’s the strongest possible scaling ascendancy for attacks, at the cost of fragility. This is an Omni build, and as such, it’s fairly common and repetitive. It does make use of some synergistic uniques to fully utilize the lack of attributes from Omni, but it’s as cookie cutter as possible. Not that it matters, as it can cut through literally anything in the atlas without even a thought. Trust me, I’ve been there.
You’ll want a Blizzard Crown here, as it’s a massive source of flat Added Cold damage (which we love) for VLS, which has a 450% added damage effectiveness! You’ll want stats, Life, res, all basic things, besides something rather crucial. Projectiles Pierce an Additional Time. You’ll want at least 2 to 3 sources of pierce for VLS to feel good for clearing!
Body Armor
Brass Dome. The tankiest chest-piece in the game, with a big drawback of removing any bonus life from Strength, which amounts to around 500 to 800 Life, a big big deal. But since we’re Omni, we don’t have any Strength anyways, so that downside is at worst a dead stat. Instead, we’re immune to crit damage, we have +5% to all our max resistance, and we have over 4k armour body armour!
This is where you’ll get the so coveted +2 Strike, as well as 2 other pieces for your VLS. It’s also a good place to get as much accuracy as possible since you’ll need at least 2 or 3 T1 Accuracy rolls on gear. Also try for some Spell suppression, if you can, to reach the 100% cap.
This is a great spot to pick up some extra attributes (remember we’re an Omni build) and a big tier of Spell Suppression, to help us reach the 100% cap.
You’ll want an Imperial Claw, as it is the fastest attacking claw (Nightblade) while also giving us a bucket load of LGoH. Highest EleDPS possible (doesn’t matter which kind, though you definitely want Cold for Brittle on it). Getting some Dex is also good, so don’t feel like it’s a dud if you hit it.
This is where the bulk of your Spell Suppression will come from, as well as being a great place to pick up some more accuracy and as much life as you can.
Crystalized Omniscience is the BiS and Build defining unique and the reason you can ignore resistance on gear as well as not care what sort of attributes you’re picking. All elemental penetration on the same amount as elemental resistance? It’s so brokenly strong that is being nerfed by 33% effectiveness and yet still will be strong and BiS.
Mageblood as usual, the strongest item in the game and enabler of all sorts of wonky play styles as well as providing insane power through your flasks.
A tried and true method of acquiring a ton of damage ‘easily’, with a Mark of the Elder and a Shaper-influenced Ring, to get upwards of 90% increased attack damage with catalysts. On the rare ring, it’s the best place to get as much attributes as possible, as well as one of the only sources of Minus Mana Cost.
3 – Strength Stacker Chaos Venom Gyre
An insanely strong build that, through some incredibly synergistic items, can reach millions of damage while being entirely comfortable to play, and quite tanky, despite being a Berserker and not wearing a Mageblood.
If you aren’t rich, you’ll want a simple Hunter/Warlord Influenced helm, with Accuracy Rating Equal to Strength and Nearby Enemies have -9% Chaos res. But if you’re rich, you’ll want both of these mods elevated, as that gives a bucket load of crit chance, for free, as well as increasing damage taken. Then, getting as much Strength and life as possible.
Body Armor
One of the core tenets of any strength stacker nowadays, getting an Iron Fortress, in combination with Battlemage’s Cry and Iron Will, makes it so your strength bonus, which only increases melee damage becomes general attack damage, but not only 2% per 10, but now 4,5%. This is a massive damage boost for Str stackers, who will usually get anything from 1800 to 2500 Str.
This is where you’ll want to get as much Spell Suppression as possible, reaching just about over 30%, since you won’t be able to get it from boots, helmet, gloves, chest piece or shield. It’s also somewhere you’ll get Intimidate, crucial for damage, and as much life and resistances as possible, with some extra Strength to boot.
This is what makes the build, a build. It’s where we get all our flat damage from. Replica Alberon’s Warpath, which grants 1 to 80 Chaos Damage per 80 Strength. Though it has massive variance of roles, it’s still insanely strong, and the bulk of our damage. So always aim to have just enough strength to roll over one of the multiples of 80 for optimal damage.
A claw again, preferably an Imperial Claw, with a ton of crit chance and crit Multi, and the most attack speed possible. Anything else is gravy, but getting double damage is fantastic, as well as getting Spell Damage (remember, this gets converted to attack damage at x1.5!) and Chaos Pen for Attacks.
This is how we make our build function and generate infinite power for our Battlemage’s Cry, to get it to 150%. It also synergize well with War Bringer and gives us a ton of Rage, even if we’re not going through that route, and picking Blitz instead.
For all jewellery, you’ll want % Increased attributes or Increased Strength, and then craft those with essences to get as high Str as possible, as well as some Int. On the Amulet, besides getting life (always try to get life), you’ll want Crit Multi, Spell Damage, and Attributes.
Same deal, % Strength, using Catalysts to further increase it, crafting as much Strength as possible, Life, Res, whatever else you might need it.
This is where the bulk of your Resistances will come from, but it is also a great place to get as much Strength as possible, with % Str Bases, as well as being a great source of Minus Mana Cost.
2 – Rage Vortex
This one takes a different spin (pun intended) to the usual Rage Vortex that wants to scale as much rage as possible, using Bear’s Griddle. It goes instead into the chaos variant and strength stacker by making great use of Replica Alberon’s Warpath, and an ever better use of Echoes of Creation, a fairly new unique item made for slam builds, but one that works wonders with Rage Vortex, since it snapshots its damage.
Echoes of Creation. It makes it so you sacrifice life per warcry you exerted your attacks with, with the upside of getting up to 15% more damage per warcry used. This, combined with over 4 different Warcries, it means you’re essentially boosting your damage by 60% More, which is a truckload of damage.
Body Armour
The Iron Fortress. It enables the Strength stacking archetype, by unlocking a ton of damage and a bunch of attack block, just by equipping it. It’s also the best chest to use the double combo with Iron Will and Battlemage’s Cry, to reach over 600% increased global attack damage.
This is a great place to pick up some extra damage, using Eldritch implicits that grant damage per 100 strength. You’ll want as much life, strength, and resistance as possible.
The reason this build deals any damage. Replica Alberon’s Warpath, granting a ton of Flat added Chaos damage per 80 Strength. When you’re reaching over 1,7k Str, this means you’re not only getting a lot of flat damage but also a bunch of global increased damage from the Battlemage’s Cry and Iron Will combo.
Most builds here would go for a Paradoxica here, for the 100% Double Damage. But since we’re using Intimidating Cry for our Warcry rotation, we’re already dealing 100% double damage. As such, you’ll want the fastest foil you can use, with as much Chaos Pen, Crit Chance and Spell Damage.
Redblade Banner. The reason the whole build works, by making all your warcries to the maximum effect, with infinite power.
Here’s a great slot for you to stack as much attributes as possible. You’ll want % Strength and % Attributes, with as much flat Strength as possible, and Life if possible. Getting 1% Damage per 15 Strength is also a fantastic grab if you can get it.
Synth belt with % Strength, as much flat Strength as possible, Life, Res, Chaos res.
Same as the belt. Res, % Attributes, Flat Strength, life.
Build details: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/gabrielzer/CatsOnRage?i=0&search=class%3DBerserker%26skill%3D!Generals-Cry%2C!Venom-Gyre%2C!Lightning-Strike%2CRage-Vortex%26sort%3Ddps
1 – Sunder
Recently buffed in 3.19, Sunder was one of those skills that every melee player loved and hated to see it be nerfed to the ground. Now, it seems to work really well, when you lean into certain mechanics to speed up the wave projection.
Since we’re stacking a bunch of strength, it makes sense to go use a Maven’ed orb helmet with Accuracy per Strength, which also grants Critical Strike Chance per 10 Strength. This alone is almost enough to cap us on crit, with nary an effort!
Body Armor
The Iron Fortress, once again. It’s just too good of an item to pass up, as a strength stacker.
You’ll want as much Fire Exposure here, but otherwise, as much Strength, Life, Resistance as possible.
Since we’re going for Fire Damage instead, you’ll want a regular Alberon’s Warpath, just to help scale your Strength. It’s also a great item to mass corrupt in order to pick up a +1 Endurance Charges.
Brutus’ Lead Sprinkler. The source of flat fire damage, granting 4 to 7 Fire damage to attacks per 10 Strength. This, when you have over 2,200 Strength, means you’re dealing upwards of thousands of flat fire per hit. It’s also a good weapon as a whole, with high crit chance and fast for a mace.
As usual with any Strength Stacking Berserker, Redblade Banner. It enables the whole build to work and is a great shield because of it.
Your whole jewellery set will look fairly similar. You’ll want %Strength in all slots, with as much Flat Strength and other attributes as possible, as well as Life and, if possible, Minus Mana Cost Crafts.
Same deal as before, getting as much strength as possible, in a Synth % Strength base, with a ton of flat strength, and resistances and Life.
As cookie cutter as the above. Lots of Life, %Strength Synth bases, lots of Flat Strength, and resistances as you need them.
Build Details: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/Chef_Gourmet/Sunderbus?i=4&search=class%3DBerserker%26skill%3D!Generals-Cry%2C!Venom-Gyre%2C!Lightning-Strike%2C!Rage-Vortex%2CSunder%26sort%3Ddps
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