[Top 5] Path of Exile Best Farming Builds That Are OP

Path of Exile Best Farming Builds
18 Jun 2022

[Top 5] Path of Exile Best Farming Builds That Are OP

In Path of Exile, there are a plethora of builds capable of a myriad of things. Some excel in certain areas while others suffer from it. And as such, there are some that dominate each and every aspect of the game, and when you excel at something, you can often turn that into profit, if done well, with proper strategy and game knowledge. Here are five builds that take that notion and apply it to make insane profits!

5 – Vaal Lightning Strike

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Vaal Lightning Strike against the Maven

Being able to be played by a variety of Ascendancies, most notably Berserker and Raider, VLS is a fantastically strong build that you can play right from league start, and gather enough currency to fund every expense you have. It’s a build focused mainly on pure mapping and going quick.

One of the most crucial things you’ll need is a +1 or (preferably) a +2 Strike Skills glove. Those come either from Eldritch Influence or Elevated Warlord’s Influence mod. Until you get that, allocating Tribal Fury is crucial. You’ll also need Pierce to be able to clear comfortably. Usually, you can get it from Helmet Enchants, Alt Quality Lightning Strike (you still NEED it as Vaal LS), Helmet and Gloves Crafts, and if even that fails, you can always get Piercing Shots from the Passive Tree.

What VLS Excels In:

  • Super easy and enjoyable to play.
  • Abuses Nightblade and Elusive Effect for ludicrous amounts of Crit Multi.
  • Can clear all content with investment and can League Start.
  • Each upgrade you make is impactful and you feel the difference of every investment.

Pick Vaal Lightning Strike If You Like:

  • Clearing full screens of monsters.
  • Deleting bosses in seconds.
  • Playing a build from scratch and reaching the utmost limit of the game with it.
  • Tons of damage without sacrificing Defense.

4 – Kinetic Blast Corrupting Fever

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Transcendence Exsanguinate MTX in Blood Aqueducts

Just like Vaal Lightning Strike, KB CF is a fantastic build that can be played by multiple Ascendancies, though primarily Scion or Gladiator. Each is specialized in different things and has variances in their ceiling and capabilities, but they are all fantastic mappers, extremely cheap and simple to play, and are amazing League Starters.

Unlike VLS, however, this build has a hard ceiling in its single target damage. While it is possible to clear most content, the investment required to achieve that is quite substantial. As such, most people who do use this build will focus mostly on just mapping, and what a fantastic mapper it is. You’ll want as many Levels to Physical Gems as possible, and to boost your single target a bit, a Spellslinger is optimal.

What the Kinetic Blast Corrupting Fever Excels in:

  • Wonderful League Starter
  • Can do most content on a budget
  • One of the quickest mappers without investment
  • Comfortable playstyle

Pick Kinetic Blast Corrupting Fever if you Like:

  • Blowing entire packs of monsters in gory explosions
  • Smooth and linear gearing progression
  • Flexibility in Ascendancies
  • Farming more currency than you’ll know what to do with it!

3 – Seismic Trap

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Seismic Trap in the HIdeout

Unlike both previous builds, Seismic Trap is not focused on farming maps, but instead, of demolishing bosses in instants and farming their loot for massive profit. Especially early league, where people don’t have their builds setup, Seismic can push a lot of damage without much of any gear, and it still has a somewhat clearing capability.

It doesn’t compete in clearing with the rest, but for bossing, it’s the second-best build by far, without investment. And to make things better, it has a few variants. You can do Spell Impale, pure phys, Poison variant, which then lets you use certain on-kill mechanics that traps aren’t allowed to, and the most expensive and strongest of all, the Cold Variant.

What Seismic Trap Excels in:

  • Instantly deleting map bosses.
  • It’s super budget-friendly and can do all content without an issue, despite several nerfs in the past.
  • Enjoyable playstyle where you get to run around and dodge instead of face-tanking.

Pick Seismic Trap if you Like:

  • Being able to farm Pinnacle and Uber Bosses before anyone else, without good gear.
  • Learning Boss mechanics for new and difficult fights.
  • Screen Wide explosions.
  • Having more damage than knowing what to do with it.

2 – Vaal DD Ignite

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Vaal Detonate Dead against Glacier Boss

Similar to Seismic Trap, this build is all about bossing, but it has a much better mapping experience due to Ignite Proliferation, which is delightful when you have a ton of Area of Effect to scale the radius.

Vaal Detonate Dead works by casting Desecrate and then exploding the corpses in a chain reaction that can melt even the tankiest of bosses in seconds. It’s been used by the top racing players to kill all the new Uber Bosses that were introduced in 3.18, and if it can kill them on horrible gear, imagine if you got to farm bosses to sell for profit!

What Vaal DD Excels in:

  • It’s a 2-button build with a smooth mapping, similar to ED/Cont.
  • Has insane single target damage, the highest of all ignites in the game by far.
  • It’s currently bugged, and the bug (which has been condoned by GGG) amplifies its damage by over 60%.
  • Removes corpses and is extremely defensive.

Pick Vaal DD Ignite if you Like:

Clearing whole screens with two button presses.

  • Seeing the life drain from the Boss’ bar within seconds.
  • Buttery smooth gear progression.
  • Damage never fells off.

1 – TS Omniscience

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Crystal Tornado Shot MTX in Maven's Crucible

Tornado Shot has always been the poster child of a good and quick farming build, but to get it high levels of damage, you’d need insane levels of crafting and money. Though it’s still expensive to get it together, TS Omniscience can take that damage so much higher than before while retaining a ton of tankiness in the form of free Resists.

Omniscience works by stacking as many Attributes as possible, and you’ll get Elemental Penetration at the same rate you get Elemental resist, making it fantastically easy to gear for both offence and defence at the same time!

What TS Omniscience Excels in:

  • Fastest Mapper in the game.
  • Can do all content with proper investment.
  • Fairly Tanky when properly built.
  • One of the best HH abusers.

Pick Tornado Shot Omniscience if you Like:

  • Zooming as quick as inhumanly possible.
  • Deleting packs 3 screens away from you.
  • Melting Bosses.
  • Gradual upgrades to your build, so you can play for a long time, where every item holds more value and you can feel its effect as soon as you equip it.

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