[Top 5] Best Overwatch 2 Beginner Tanks That are Powerful

12 Jan 2023

[Top 5] Best Overwatch 2 Beginner Tanks that are Powerful


In Overwatch 2, one of the responsibilities of every tank is to stand in front of your team and take damage. Granted, it means that you’ll be experiencing critically low health at almost all times, but you’ll do fine, I hope. And here are the five best Overwatch 2 beginner tanks that are powerful.



Body Image
Caption: Mako Rutledge aka "Roadhog"

Highlight intros: 

Caption: All of Roadhogs "play of the game" intro sequences

Roadhog has been a main of mine for many years, allowing me to notice certain things. He’s great in terms of damage output, health total, abilities, etc. He’s perfect for close range, choke points, and pushing to the point.

When you play roadhog, don’t forget that you can self-heal, as it will be your best friend in times of need. Plus, you have an alt-fire that can shoot a more central bullet compared to the normal spread he shoots.

What makes Roadhog great for Tank:

  • His scrap gun works at both short range and  medium range
  • His primary fire has a shotgun spread of 20 degrees, and the 25 pellets per shot can deal anywhere from 1.8 to 6.6 health points
  • He has five shots that can each  do 50-150 damage
  • His secondary fire does the same amount of damage but is first a projectile that spreads into  pellets  after eight meters 
  • His self-heal ability gives him 350 damage in about two to three seconds and only has an eight-second cooldown
  • His hook allows you to bring enemies close to you from up to 20 meters away, which is good if you want to rid the enemy team of their Supports or Tank
  • His Ultimate, Whole Hog, shoots out 125 pellets per second for 5.5 seconds
  • The Ultimate also has a knockback, which is good for getting enemies off the edge of the map

Professional Roadhog gameplay: 

Caption: Pro CYX playing Roadhog 



Body Image

Caption: Efi Oladele's defense robot "Orisa"

Highlight intros: 

Caption: All of Orisa's "play of the game" intro sequences

Orisa’s had a recent rework of her character since the release of Overwatch 2, so while I’m not totally familiar with her, I know her strengths. She’s great for when you need to hold a point defensively or push the enemy back or away from the point. 

If I were to give advice to an Orisa player, I would say, “Don’t hold the trigger when you shoot her gun as it will cause the overheat bar to fill up.” Instead, shoot for only a second or two and then release the shoot button to allow the gun to cool off for a quick second, leaving you without worry of overheating.

What makes Orisa great for Tank:

  • She has unlimited ammo but is only able to shoot 10 bullets at a time 
  • Her bullets deal 6- 12 damage per shot
  • Her energy javelin can give you 70 damage, and temporarily stun the enemy
  • Fortify boosts your health by 150 and reduces your damage taken by 40%, which helps when you’re low and need to stand your ground 
  • Javelin spin will help your team when the enemy team is pushing and you want to push back
  • Terra Surge, her ultimate, pulls nearby enemies close to her and, when fully charged, can do 500 damage when she spears the ground

Professional Orisa gameplay: 

Caption: Pro KSAA playing Orisa



Body Image
Caption: Aleksandra Zaryanova aka "Zarya"

Highlight intros: 

Caption: All of Zarya's "play of the game" intro sequences

Whether you’re new or experienced, you’ve probably had many encounters with the dreaded Zarya laser. But if you decide to play her yourself, know that she’s good for.

One piece of advice for Zarya players is that you have a secondary fire that you can use. And I know it seems stupid to mention, but you’d be surprised how often you’ll forget that you don’t have to just use laser. Also, your ultimate will be better used for the other players than yourself, and that goes for your defensive orbs too, where they’re more for your teammates than yourself.

What makes Zarya great for Tank:

  • The particle laser does 85 damage at base, but if Zarya’s charged, it can do up to 170 damage
  • You get about five full seconds of the beam before it needs to recharge
  • Her alt fire, the particle orbs, do 10-50 damage depending on how direct the hit was, but if Zarya’s charged, she can do 20-95 damage
  • Four orbs are able to be shot before she has to reload
  • Her protective barriers have a total health of 200 and last for around two full seconds
  • For every five damage blocked, the barriers provide you with 1% super charge 
  • The Ultimate, Graviton Surge, will allow you to pull nearby enemies into a group where you can deal maximum damage without them fighting back or fleeing  

Professional Zarya gameplay: 

Caption: Pro DANTEH playing Zarya



Body Image
Caption: Hana Song aka "D.va"

Highlight intros: 

Caption: All of D.va's "play of the game" intro sequences

D.va has been a staple tank since the very beginning of Overwatch’s history, and it’s easy to see why. She’s got an ultimate that can clear the field of any and all enemies. Plus, she’s a great tank for defense, offense, point control, etc. 

If you’re playing D.va, you may press the reload button even though you don’t have to. You may also be wasting her defense matrix on things that don’t do  much damage, as it’s  better if you save it for the big ticket items like an Ashe TNT or a Zarya Ultimate.

What makes D.va great for Tank:

  • Her ammo is unlimited, meaning you can constantly be sending bullets to the enemy team without stopping
  • Your defense matrix will have three full seconds until it needs to cooldown
  • It only takes six seconds to recharge
  • Her rocket boost allows her to push enemies off stage or fly right into the action if the team needs assistance on the point 
  • Her missiles deal 7 damage a missile on a direct hit, but splash damage for each rocket is about 5
  • The missiles can do a total of 146 damage, depending on the range, but usually do about 77 damage per second for up to two seconds
  • Her ultimate takes three seconds to detonate but can do up to 1000 damage, making it the perfect play for when you need to clear the field of enemies

Professional D.va gameplay: 

Caption: Pro KSAA playing D.va



Body Image

Caption: Reinhardt Wilhelm 

Highlight intros: 

Caption: All of Reinhardt's "play of the game" intro sequences

If you’re looking to play more defensively than offensively, Reinhardt is your tank. He works best in situations where you need to push the point but also need to protect your team while the point is moving. He also works well as a fallback  when your team is under pressure and needs to find cover from the enemy. 

If you choose to play Reinhardt, please make sure that you’re keeping track of your shield’s health, and if need be, it’s better for you to take damage and let your shield recharge than for your shield to break and leave your team defenseless. Another thing that will play to your advantage is the use of corners on the map, as being out in the open will make it easy for enemies to go around you or behind you and damage you. 

What makes Reinhardt great for Tank: 

  • His rocket hammer gives you 85 damage per swing landed 
  • You only have to wait a full second before the next swing 
  • His protective shield has a health of 1200, and after two seconds of being broken, it recharges at a rate of 144 per second 
  • The charge ability goes up to 50 meters and does 225 damage to an opponent pinned against the wall
  • If a fire strike lands, it does 90 damage
  • Depending on how close the enemy is, his ultimate ability does between 50-200 damage 
  • It has a maximum range of 20 meters and keeps enemies down on the ground for around 2.5 seconds

Professional Reinhardt gameplay: 

Caption: Pro SHOCK playing Reinhardt


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