[Top 2] Nier Automata Best Keyboard Controls

Top 2 Nier Automata Best Keyboard Controls
03 May 2024

It’s no secret, Nier Automata is one of the greatest gaming experiences a player can have; from its rich and diverse soundtrack, to its introspective storyline that only the likes of Yoko Taro can muster; the experience belongs on anyone’s to-do list. Having been originally developed for the Playstation 4, what do you do if you’re a PC gamer with no desire to play with a controller? We’ve devised a list of top keybinds to allow a smooth(er) game experience.


Set Up #1:

F (Best for using Pod’s attack without moving too much across the keyboard).

Located directly near your direction keys (we will talk about this next), it’s easily accessible and visible to the player.

WASD (Best for movement).

A  PC gamer’s no brainer, using WASD to move your character is a clear choice, not to mention already having muscle memory from other PC games.

Mouse Controls (Best for attacking without memorizing a keyboard layout).

Left button (LMB)- Light attack

Right button (RMB) - Heavy attack

Mouse wheel - Scroll through weapon sets.

Space Bar (Best for jump)

This control is intuitively near the WASD keys, so it does not take you far from the action. Using the thumb, a player can jump easily while still keeping their hands on the direction keys.

V (Best for Item Use)

Using items is important, so having a hotkey access will stop you from having to enter the items menu to use it. V is located near the space bar, and just far enough from WASD keys and your F key. When you have limited resources, it’s important for the key not to be in a position where you can accidentally spam it!

E (Best for…Evade)

With an extension of the middle finger on the left hand, the player can easily evade an enemy… or tuck and roll to your next location, choose your adventure.

B (Best used to cycle Pod Program)

A click away from 

LShift (Best used for Action)

When interacting with an object, it’s best to have a designated button for the action. Using the LShift prevents a key from being double bound and frustrating, think Final Fantasy XV’s X for jump AND interact.

Center Wheel Click Reset Camera

Intuitive. Easy.

H Best to Toggle Light

You won’t hit this key item by accident. Located centrally in the keyboard, this is easily accessible.

Mouse Scroll Wheel Best to Switch Weapons

Quick, easy, and straight to the point. Just be careful not to accidentally scroll

Delete Best to Self Destruct

It’s the delete button, could anything be more poetic?

1 Best for System Menu

Again, near your central left hand set up, it’s easily accessible.

< Best for Shortcuts

We didn’t want to overload your mouse buttons, so this button being off to the side made the most sense.

TAB Best for Lock On

Toggle it to keep it locked on to your target. Too easy.

Right Direction Button Best for Next Pod

Seems sensical, right?

Left Direction Button Best for Previous Pod

Seems extra sensical, left?



    This is an auto-hotkey script that you can use to save time when playing. You will have to download the script, available via autohotkey.com. While the keybinds have some basic similarities, like movement, I’d like to list aspects that differentiate the two. Here’s a breakdown of its features.

Tab (Best for fire)

The Tab button is close to the WASD movement key, making it accessible yet out of the way as to prevent tapping by accident. Only flaw is that the player would have to adjust or move their hands further away from the movement keys to use it. Fortunately, it is for Pod, so it’s not a complete loss if it is not used consistently due to its placement.

Alt (Best for cycling through weapons)

Alt can be in a few locations on your keyboard, but it’s typically available besides your space bar. If you are the type of player that likes one weapon set-up to play through your game with, this may be the option for you. Whereas set  up 1 had the weapons on the scroll wheel, having it bound to a key prevents accidental weapon cycling, which could really affect your gameplay.

LShift (Best for Evade)

Once again using that left hand to reach, typically your pinky, we have “evade” bound to the left Shift button. Out of some of the stronger key options, this is least optimal, since it diverts a finger I would be using on WASD, to execute an Evade. This small diversion can be a defining factor in a battle.

P Pod Program

Center Wheel Click Best for Reset Camera

This makes refocusing quick, easy, and natural.

2 Best for Toggle Light

The keys above the QWERTY are free real estate to add some keybinds one would not often use. Tucked safely away and convenient to access.

Backspace Best for Self Destruct

Any way we could fit the theme of destruction, we went with it. This removes the potential of accidentally self-destructing.

1 Best for System Menu

Returning to the keys above the QWERTY, making best use of marginally used keys, yet close enough to WASD to access your system menu in the event that a player would need quick access to the System Menu.

] Best for Shortcuts

We didn’t want to overload your mouse buttons, so this button being off to the side made the most sense.

Q Best for Lock On

The letter Q almost looks like a target, so we thought it fitting to do the job.

>  Best for Cycling through Pods

It’s easier to use a direction button when cycling through objects, quicker to remember.

< Best for Cycle through Pods

A complement to its counterpart, it’s simply intuitive

Direction up, down, left, right Best for Camera (Respective direction arrow keys)

Very direct. Have a place you want the camera to go? Move it.

 RMB Best for Heavy Attack 

We put the heavy attack to the right so you could strategically use it in battle.

LMB Best for Light Attack 

Quickest mode of attack and easiest to access.


Honorable Mention:

Since Nier was not designed for keyboard and mouse, the configuration is not optimal. The NAIOM (NieR: Automata Input Overhaul Mod) fixes input speed, camera motion/controls, rebindable standard key actions, including additional programmable mouse buttons, and non-standard keybindings like dash and evade toggles. This script is available on NexusMods. Follow the instructions to add this Mod to your Steam files.


These are a few suggestions to make the Nier experience more fluid and coherent. The PC port unfortunately has its flaws, but it doesn’t have to be a difficult playing experience! Using keys and your mouse to its full capacity frees up having to remember which keybind does what, and allows you to fully focus on the game. Happy gaming!


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