[Top 3] Mystic Messenger Best Time to Start

Best Times to Start Mystic Messenger
05 Mar 2024

When it comes to Mystic Messenger’s gameplay, time becomes your new best friend in the most literal sense! It’s like having a demanding but useful sidekick who constantly reminds you to stop neglecting your messages. But hey, no pressure, right? After all, this is just a little game where your relationships and endings hang in the balance if you do not give the amount of time it demands. Talk about a high stakes bond, right?


Nighttime [8pm - 7am]  

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 A beautiful blend of colors and clouds creates the perfect evening chat background. 

  • While many would not consider this time to be the most convenient, there are events and calls that happen around this period that are crucial to participate in. During the evening, you might have time to catch up on all that you have missed throughout the day. If there was a conversation you would have liked to have partaken in, you could also use hourglasses (also known as HG) to revert  back to an earlier time. 

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Uh oh! Missed messages? An hourglass can easily refresh the list! 

  • Although there are some characters who are asleep during the later evening hours, there are others who are up and waiting for you to either answer their calls or return them. Usually, the conversations are deeper than the convos held during the day, given that it takes place when some characters like Zen are most vulnerable.
  • Nighttime conversations could help you learn more about their backstories and give you a glimpse of what’s to come in their respective storylines. 

Quick Tip: Get to know who the night owls and early birds are. For example, if you know Yoosung is up late playing video games, there's a high chance that he will not answer. On the other hand, Zen enjoys stargazing, so he might have more time and it will not be a waste of HG use.


2. Morning: [7am-11:59am]  

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A lovely mixture of blues and white to start off the day with the morning chat background! 

  • The morning is not only an excellent time to catch up on calls, chats, and e-mails that were missed the night prior but it’s also a good time to collect HG.Mornings serve as a fresh start to the game, something that a player might need after spending the night crying over an emotional call, AHEM SEVEN, AHEM! The morning  is also   when many of the game’s extras reload too. For example,  you could get free gifts from your spaceship icon!
  • Just as the night, the morning can be the perfect time to call certain characters  and answer emails as they comerather than waiting until the evening. This lessens the workload and would prevent the player from having to complete unfinished tasks later.
  • Catching the alerts as they come in makes the game feel more realistic. The majority of interactions happen during the day where most characters are either early birds or are just waking up closer to the afternoon hours.

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     Don’t forget your daily spaceship rewards on the Home Screen! 

Quick Tip: Similar to real life, certain morning hours may not be suitable for specific characters, particularly those with corporate jobs. For instance, contacting someone like Jumin, a CEO, at 8 am would be nearly impossible, but aiming for a call around 11 or 11:30 am, closer to lunchtime, would be more ideal.


1. Afternoon: [12pm - 7:59pm] 


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A serene view of the afternoon screen skies! 

  • Afternoon chats includes the best of both worlds. Not only are all the characters awake, but you also have more of a chance to actively interact with the chats in real-time. During various times of the day, one of the most famous Mystic Messenger questions asked is, “Have you eaten today?” It serves as a type of alarm to the player to care for themselves in one of the busiest parts of the day.

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    Yoosung verifies if the player has eaten lunch, one of the most important meals of the day.
  •  The afternoon is often a period where players may have a bit of free time, especially if they have already completed their morning tasks and have a bit of downtime before their evening activities,
  • Not only are the characters active, but the responses to emails can be returned more during this period . 

Quick Tip: The best time to play Mystic Messenger varies for each player, as everyone has unique daily schedules. Additionally, it's important to ensure that Mystic Messenger is set to your correct time zone for convenience purposes.

All artwork in this article is credited to Cheritz.

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