[Top 15] MTG Best Fight Cards That Are Excellent

[Top 15] MTG Best Fight Cards That Are Excellent
09 Nov 2022

A New Challenger Approaches

So called “fight effects” occupy a unique design space in the green part of Magic: The Gathering’s color pie. “Fighting” is when a creature you control and a creature an opponent controls deal damage to each other, similar to attacking and blocking in combat. The creature with enough toughness to survive the fight effect will survive. As such, fight effects function as removal in green.

Fight effects are great if you consistently control big creatures on the battlefield. However, they have weaknesses that most other removal spells don’t. First, they require you to have another creature, which is an extra step. Second, if either creature gets removed in response to your fight effect, the effect will fizzle, and you’ll get two-for-one’d. Third, if your creature isn’t big enough to destroy your opponent’s, your effect will effectively do very little. With all this in mind, fight effects are still an important and potentially powerful part of green’s arsenal, so here are some of the best out there. 


15. Prey Upon

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The weak perish and the strong survive.

Prey Upon is quite simply your standard fight effect. For one mana at sorcery speed, it represents the floor. It’s fine, it’s effective, but it only gets better from here. It has all the usual downsides of fight effects, but at sorcery speed, which limits its power tremendously. A basic power level is fine, but what you’re really looking for is something great. 


  • If you want a fight effect, here’s one
  • Efficient at one mana


  • Usual downsides of fight effects
  • Sorcery speed

How to get it: Ultimate Masters


14. Mutant’s Prey

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Such prey didn't stand a chance.

Mutant’s Prey could easily prey upon Prey Upon. That is to say, Mutant’s Prey does everything Prey Upon does but much better. Not only does it offer you a fight effect at instant speed. It also gives your creature a +1/+1 counter so that it fights more favorably. And the best part about the counter is that it will remain on your creature if it survives. 


  • Instant speed
  • Gives your creature a +1/+1
  • Efficient at one mana


  • Usual downsides of fight effects

How to get it: Dragon’s Maze


13. Khanli Ambush // Khalni Territory

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Khalni Ambush is a Prey Upon at instant speed, but for three mana. Normally a simple fight effect at that mana cost would be terrible. But the fact that you can play this as a tapped land if you don’t need it makes it much, much better. This card is versatile, and is worth considering at least one of in your green stompy deck. 


  • Instant speed
  • Can be played as a land in a pinch


  • Expensive at three mana
  • Usual downsides of fight effects

How to get it: Zendikar Rising


12. Setessan Tactics

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"Just like we practiced."

If Mutant’s Prey gives you a fight effect at one mana, then two mana — double that cost — is expensive. So Setessan Tactics will need to do a lot of extra work to be worth that cost. And thankfully, it does. The best part about Setessan Tactics is that it can act as a fight effect for multiple creatures. It does cost even more mana to do so, but it can potentially swing the board in your favor if done tactfully enough.


  • Instant Speed
  • Gives +1/+1 until end of turn
  • Can target multiple creatures
  • Gives the creatures the ability, adding extra flexibility to your timing


  • Mana intensive
  • Poor base rate

How to get it: Journey Into Nyx


11. Dromoka’s Command

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Fight on, for Dromoka is with us!"

Dragonlord Dromoka must be doing yoga, because this card is flexible. Granted, none of these effects are incredibly powerful in their own right at two mana. But the fact that you can pair them together can make it worth it. Again, even the +1/+1 counter and fight effect is just a worse Mutant’s Prey. But preventing a game-ending spell from being cast or removing a troublesome enchantment might just end up saving you the game.


  • Instant speed
  • Flexible — multiple choice
  • Can be enchantment removal in addition to creature removal


  • Actual fight effect not particularly powerful for the mana cost
  • Cost two colors of mana

How to get it: Dragons of Tarkir


10. Undercity Uprising

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"All that slinks, slithers, and writhes, your time to rise up is now!"

Now, on the face of things, Undercity Uprising seems like it has a lot of downsides. And, to be fair, it does. However, the upside of giving your creatures deathtouch is massive when it comes to fight effects. 

Besides your creature being removed before the effect resolves, the other main downside of a fight effect is your creature not being big enough to kill your target. Deathtouch completely negates that potential downside by only needing you to deal one damage to your target to take it out. And, if you have other creatures, this increases the chance you’ll be able to get in for damage. That, or your opponent will have to block unfavorably. Either way, it’s a win-win. 


  • Gives all your creatures deathtouch
  • Ensures your fight effect will destroy your target, no matter the size of your creature


  • Sorcery speed
  • Expensive at four mana
  • Requires you to have multiple creatures on board to make the mana cost worth it

How to get it: Guilds of Ravnica


9. Domri, Anarch of Bolas

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"Fight you? No, I want to kill you."

Domri, Anarch of Bolas is another case where flexibility can greatly increase the power of a fight spell. This Planeswalker’s fight effect is sorcery speed and costs three mana — not great. However, the fact that Domri can also ramp you, make your creature spells uncounterable, and also buffs your creatures attack is incredible. Such a buff is great in any Gruul deck, but it also increases the potency of his fight ability. Domri’s overall flexibility and power boost to your board state is both minor but nothing to sneeze at either. 


  • Potentially repeatable fight effect on a Planeswalker
  • Buffs your board and your fight effects
  • Ramps you
  • Makes your creature spells uncounterable


  • Slow and inefficient at three mana if all you want is a fight effect

How to get it: War of the Spark


8. Kraul Harpooner

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"The might of the undercity guides our spears!"

Kraul Harpooner does a lot at just two mana. Already a 3/2 with reach for two is pretty good. But this Insect Warrior can also function as fight effect removal in the right circumstances, and those circumstances come around pretty often. Even without the Undergrowth mechanic, this is a fight effect that deals three damage, but can be even more with Undergrowth. The best part about this card as a fight effect is that it comes with the body, negating one of the usual downsides of such effects.


  • Mana efficient
  • Flexible as a creature or removal
  • Fight effect that comes with the body already


  • There are times you’ll want Kraul Harpooner to remain on the board as a creature but it can’t because you must use its enter the battlefield trigger if possible

How to get it: Guilds of Ravnica


7. Decisive Denial

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"Totally, completely, absolutely, and in every way, no."

Decisive Denial is decidedly just okay as a fight effect. Instant speed is nice, but it costs two mana of different colors which, again, just isn’t great on its own. However, this is another flexible card, providing you a potential noncreature counterspell. And counterspells always have the upside of getting you up on tempo if they resolve against an opponent’s large spell. 


  • Instant speed
  • Flexible


  • A bit inefficient
  • Costs two different colored mana

How to get it: Strixhaven


6. Inscription of Abundance

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Plenty for one is not plenty for all.

If you haven’t played with it before, Inscription of Abundance is just plain fun. Although none of its abilities are incredibly powerful on their own, they’re all good, and can be fused together with kicker. You can choose different targets with each effect, which can come in handy in a multiplayer game. And the lifegain option can save you in a pinch. A great option, especially in a green commander deck, that should really see more play.


  • Instant speed
  • Powerful flexible options
  • Can target multiple targets


  • Can be mana intensive

How to get it: Zendikar Rising


5. Ezuri’s Predation

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"They're hungry."

Ezuri’s Predation is a pseudo-board wipe in green that used to be a commander staple but has fallen out of favor in recent years. It’s an expensive sorcery, but the upside is that it creates bodies for you to use as for fight effects. The upside of this card is that, if the math works out in your favor, you’ll actually create sizable creatures while removing your opponents’. The downside is that this card does nothing if your opponent’s don’t have any creatures, or if they’re too big to be removed by 4/4 bodies. As far as fight effects go, however, this is potentially one of the most powerful out there. 


  • Can be a one-sided board wipe
  • Can generate lots of medium-sized creatures for you


  • Expensive and slow at eight mana
  • Does nothing if your opponents have no creatures
  • The 4/4 creatures it makes might not be enough to take out your opponents’

How to get it: Commander 2015


4. Ulvenwald Tracker

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"Mishra! I choose you!"

Some of the best fight effects in the game are those that are repeatable. And Ulvenwald Tracker is a prime example of a repeatable effect. For the low investment of one mana, you have a fight effect stapled onto a creature. And its ability can be used at instant speed once it’s lost summoning sickness. This backwoods tracker is a great include if you’re looking for a simple, repeatable fight effect.


  • Ability can be activated at instant speed
  • Repeatable 
  • Is also a creature


  • Initial investment of one mana
  • Needs a turn to lose summoning sickness
  • Can be removed before you can use it’s ability
  • The fight effect ability itself costs two mana

How to get it: Avacyn Restored


3. Thorn Mammoth

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Where there should have been fur, there were only thorns.

A 6/6 trampler for seven mana is nothing incredible on its own. But Thorn Mammoth is another repeatable fight effect that, this time, comes with a big body to boot. It can remove a creature right away and proceed to swing in for trampling damage on the next turn. It’s a strong threat that basically requires your opponent to remove it before it gets out of control.


  • Fight effect on a big body
  • Repeatable effect
  • Can swing for trample damage on next turn


  • Requires other creatures to get its repeatability
  • Undercosted stats if played on an empty board

How to get it: Throne of Eldraine


2. Blizzard Brawl

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"The cold only hardens my resolve."

Wait, isn’t a sorcery speed fight effect for one mana terrible? That’s just Prey Upon again! While that would be true if that’s all this card did, Blizzard Brawl’s strength overpowers its slowness. Swap out your basic lands for snow basics and you get to give your creature indestructible in addition to a small power boost for the turn. 

The great thing is that both of these buffs last until the end of turn so you can play this on your first Main Phase. Then you can swing in for combat damage with an indestructible creature. Indestructible is one of the most powerful keywords in the game, which is why Blizzard Brawl is all the way up at number two.


  • Gives your fighting creature indestructible
  • Slight power boost
  • Enables favorable combat


  • Sorcery speed
  • Upside is negated if you don’t have enough snow permanents

How to get it: Kaldheim


1. Kogla, the Titan Ape

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"Kogla SMASH!"

Kogla, the Titan Ape is just that — a titan. Like Thorn Mammoth, Kogla fights another creature when it enters the battlefield. It might not have trample, but if Kogla lives until the next turn he’ll also destroy an opponent’s artifact or enchantment via its attack trigger. And it’ll live that long if you control a Human and have a couple extra mana to spare. All that for a mana less than Thorn Mammoth, Kogla is the best fight effect stapled to a creature you could ask for. 


  • Fight effect on a big creature
  • Also artifact and/or enchantment removal
  • Good stats for the mana cost
  • Potentially indestructible


  • Sorcery speed
  • Could be a bit slow at 6 mana

How to get it: Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths


Ready? Fight!

Despite their downsides, fight effects are some of the best removal mono-green has access to. Great fight effects boost the power of your creatures, making them fight more favorably against your opponents’. And the best usually have a body attached to them, give the fighting creature indestructible, or both. Fight effects in your deck can help your big green creatures stomp their way to victory. 

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