[Top 25] MTG Arena Best Colorless Cards

Ugin art by CarbonTrap
02 Feb 2021

Being able to put cards in multiple deck types is one of the many benefits of colorless decks. However, not all colorless cards are playable in every deck. There are niche cards that can only function in specific decks while there are also cards that don’t really need to be in that deck but having it will add power to your deck. 

This article is devoted to the best colorless cards that MTG Arena has to offer in both formats. The ranking of these cards is based on these factors: 1.) Notable decks that use the specific card. The more decks it is played in, the more versatile it is; 2.) Impact on the deck. This can answer the question of whether the deck can survive without the specific card; and 3.) How it affected the meta. This criterion synthesizes the first two as it measures the overall impact of the specific card in the meta game

25. Aetherflux Reservoir

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  • A great tool to have when playing decks that let you cast multiple spells each turn
    • This is a good addition to decks that have Bolas’s Citadel as you are likely to cast multiple spells per turn
    • Storm spells that have Thousand-Year Storm are also great candidates to have this card 

24. Bomat Courier

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  • A much-needed card advantage engine for red decks
    • Bomat Courier provides a way to refuel your hand for more explosive turns
    • This is a great card since it gives card advantage, one thing that mono-red decks lack while maintaining the aggressive tone of these decks

23. Chromatic Lantern

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  • Great at fixing mana problems in multi-colored decks
    • This was once a staple in five-color decks as it helps keep solve mana problems
    • This can also be placed in decks that splash colors so that your mana is not only dependent on a few dual lands

22. Primal Amulet

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  • Cost-reduction of instants and sorceries
    • You will get a bit of a mana advantage as it lets you cast your instants and sorceries for one mana less
    • This is good for instants and sorceries that have X in their mana cost
    • It can also cause lots of trouble for your opponent when flipped as it copies your instant/sorcery when they are cast using this

21. Paradox Engine

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  • Not as versatile as the other colorless cards in this deck but it is essential in some combo decks
    • Colorless Paradox Engine decks aim to maximize their turns by casting spells and untapping artifacts that provide mana
    • This combo deck is pretty strong if you assemble it quickly enough and if your combo does not get interrupted

20. Grafdigger’s Cage

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  • Who knew that a 1-drop artifact can shut down multiple strategies
    • This card can single-handedly shut down strategies like GPG, Aetherworks Marvel, Uro, and even Sacrifice decks
    • Grafdigger’s Cage is very handy and you should run at least one in your main deck in case you run into trouble

19. Lithoform Engine

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  • Not a widely used card but it is great to have in the late game where you have lots of mana
    • It can copy almost anything you control and this can help turn the tide towards your favor in stalemate situations
    • You can also double your advantage to maximize your winning potential in times where you are dominating the board. Lithoform Engine can be the push you need to get that win

18. Nyx Lotus

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  • Great mana rock for mono-colored decks
    • Devotion decks need to have this in their arsenal as it will provide huge amounts of mana to help you string together spells
    • You can also combo this with Aetherflux Reservoir since you will be able to cast multiple spells in your turns with the amount of mana you have

17. Heart of Kiran

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  • 2-mana, 4/4 flier that has vigilance, what more can you ask for
    • This artifact creature is great to have especially now that Chandra tribal decks are becoming plentiful
    • This is easily castable and you can activate it with your planeswalker’s loyalty, making it very easy to put into play

16. Platinum Angel

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  • This card is not usually placed on the mainboard but it is great to bring out in losing situations
    • There are few decks that place Platinum Angel in the mainboard but it is great at preventing losses especially if you are up against a deck that does not have spot removal or board wipes
    • Getting this to resolve will give you a lifeline to either win the game or regain health to not lose the game in case it gets taken out

15. Shadowspear

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  • Decent card to place in creature decks
    • At just one mana, you can give a creature trample, lifelink, and +1/+1. This can add more pressure to your opponent as well as pad your life total 
  • You can also utilize this as a sideboard card that can deal with hexproof and  indestructible permanents of your opponent

14. Ugin, the Ineffable

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  • One of the best cards to have in colorless decks as it gives you a 2-mana discount for your artifacts
    • 2-mana is already a huge discount to have especially when you are playing mainly with artifacts
  • Ugin, the Ineffable can also give you card advantage while providing you with a 2/2 body that you can use in both offense and defense
  • It can also deal with any colored permanent with its -3 ability

13. God-Pharaoh's Gift

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  • Getting creatures back from your graveyard is already a huge thing, but extracting more value from them is another bonus
    • Even if you face lots of board wipes, you can easily re-establish your board with GPG
    • Against Mill archetypes, GPG can have a field day as you automatically fill your graveyard with creatures and other threats you can get back

12. Mystic Forge

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  • Having the ability to look at the card on top of your library anytime is useful in any given situation
    • Whether you are looking for a specific card or you just want to hit a land drop, Mystic Forge is the card that can provide you that
    • This card is great in colorless ramp decks as well as energy decks that use Aetherworks Marvel since you need to hit specific cards to maximize your winning potential

11. Lucky Clover

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  • A niche card but it is a complete game-changer
    • You will only see this in Adventure decks but the value it provides is immeasurable
    • This is a staple in any Adventure deck as it doubles your Adventure spells

10. Forsaken Monument

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  • A powerful card used in Colorless Ramp decks
    • This is pretty much the sweet spot of colorless decks as it gives life gain, pumps your creatures, and adds to your mana advantage
    • Having this in your colorless deck is a must as it gives loads of value when it is in the battlefield

9. Karn, Scion of Urza

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  • Great card to have especially in artifact-based decks
    • Karn, Scion of Urza is a good way to gain card advantage with its +1 ability
    • You can also create a huge artifact creature token that can deal massive amounts of damage depending on the number of artifacts on your battlefield

8. Sorcerous Spyglass

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  • Great at shutting down specific cards in your opponent’s gameplan
    • This is especially useful when dealing with those pesky planeswalkers. Sorcerous Spyglass turns those into dead cards that just take up space in the opponent’s hand as long as Sorcerous Spyglass is on the battlefield

7. Aetherworks Marvel

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  • Another card that lets you cast spells without paying their mana cost
    • Not only can you cast spells for free, but you can also activate this card anytime so you can cast spells during your opponent’s turn
    • This adds a pretty solid aspect to energy decks as you can disrupt your opponent’s gameplay or even flat out win during their turn when they least expect it 

6. Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger

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  • Even if it gets countered, the exile effects may prove to be too destructive for your opponent
    • Exiling two permanents for the cost of 10 mana may be worth it since you are most likely casting Ulamog in the earlier stages where your opponent is still stabilizing their side of the board
  • 10 damage is a lot!
    • Even without trample, you can’t deny that 10 damage is a huge threat. Add the fact that every attack will exile a huge chunk of your library, this card is really scary whether it resolves or not

5. Witch’s Oven

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  • A card that single-handedly shifted the meta in both Standard and Historic
    • Sacrifice is one of the top decks in both formats thanks in part to this specific card
    • You can get a lot of value with the Cat-Oven combo and it can quickly shift the momentum towards your side

4. Mazemind Tome

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  • A very flexible tool that gives card-advantage
    • Being a colorless card, Mazemind Tome is very versatile in terms of possible decks to put it in. Given that, you can use this in any deck that lacks the ability to draw cards or at least manipulate the card draw

3. Karn, the Great Creator

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  • Another Karn that provides great card advantage
    • The +1 ability of Karn is rarely used but the -2 ability gives you access to your sideboard cards that may come in handy as you can pick out any card you need in the current situation
    • The passive ability of Karn is also great as it can neutralize opposing artifact cards like Golos’s ability

2. Golos, Tireless Pilgrim

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  • Great card to have for your lands deck
    • Maze’s End is the primary target of Golos when it enters the battlefield as it can accelerate your victory
    • Its activated ability is also very powerful as it lets you cast the top three cards of your deck without paying their mana cost
  • Aside from lands deck, this is also a great card to place if you want to run a five-color planeswalker tribal deck

1. Ugin, the Spirit Dragon

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  • It is a win condition on its own
    • Aside from dealing damage to any target, it can even provide a one-sided board wipe of not only creatures but enchantments and artifacts too
    • If you get to its -10 ability, you will get a whole lot of value as it will gain you life, let you draw cards, and let you place permanents from your hand on to the battlefield

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