[Top 10] Monster Hunter Rise Best Food (And How To Get Them)

10 Apr 2022

Hungry in a hunt? Try these delicious dishes! 

While armor and weapons make up what a hunter needs most, a factor just as important as eating right and getting proper nutrition! 

Now I know those words may sound eerily similar to a parent preaching about the goodness of eating leafy greens, but in the world of Monster Hunter, it is a fact. Hunters need food like blades need whetstones. 

Good food can make the challenges that lie ahead, a little less challenging. And in Monster Hunter Rise, choosing the perfect meal has never been easier.

Where before you were required to understand ingredient combinations and other complexities, in Rise all you need is to select the dango of your dreams and cook away.

To find the meal you need, look nowhere else! Below is a list of ten dangos that are sure to aid in your hunts!


10. Moongaze

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Moongaze Dango

The ultimate goal of Monster Hunter, before anything, is to not die. Moongaze is one of the dangos that instantly gives you and your allies an extra life.

Of course the idea is never to die at all, but that is often easier said than done. With the Sunbreak expansion coming out soon, Moongaze is a dango that hunters are going to need now more than ever.

It is important to note that this dango does nothing in singleplayer, but it is a near requirement in all multiplayer games.

The Moongaze dango can be obtained by reaching 3 star village quest or 2 star quests in the hub.

What makes the Moongaze a bon appetit:

  • Gives the team an extra life.

Dango Skills:

  • Dango Reviver: Restores health to allies in the area upon fainting, once.


9. Centering

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Centering dango

If you use any of Monster Hunter’s ranged weapons, then you should be eating a Centering dango every single hunt. No exceptions.

For those that use melee, this is still an excellent dango for its sole purpose of preventing knockbacks. 

Getting knocked by a monster is a quick path to getting carted. Just by eating this dango, you are actively ensuring your safety.

What makes the Centering a bon appetit:

  • A must-have for any ranged weapon.
  • Easily prevents deaths by reducing downtimes.

Dango Skills:

  • Dango Feet: Prevents you from getting knocked on your butt.
  • Dango Marksman: Increases the power of shots and arrows.


8. Blastslash

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Blastslash dango

Whether you’re just starting or you’re at the endgame, the Blastslash dango provides a free level of speed sharpening. Taken anywhere else, this would cost you a whole decoration slot.

Ignoring the added Dango Pyro skill, being able to sharpen your weapon faster is a must-have ability for any melee-focused hunter. For this reason alone, Blastslash lands itself a place on this list.

Blastslash is the upgraded version of the Sharp dango available at the start of the game. The Blaastslash is unlockable by completing the 4-star hub quest “Dango Duty.”

What makes the Blastslash a bon appetit:

  • Free speed sharpening.
  • Provides extra wake-up damage.

Dango Skills:

  • Dango Polisher: Speeds up weapon sharpening.
  • Dango Pyro: Upgrades Large Barrel Bombs to Mega Barrel Bombs


7. Dressage

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Dressage dango

The Dressage dango might be the only dango on this list that people scoff at, but that’s only because they don’t understand its full potential.

Rise has given hunters the ability to make hunts so much easier by allowing us to use roaming monsters on the map to take down our target. 

Turf wars are such an effective method of hunting that players can complete hunts solely by riding monsters and enacting Pokemon battles. This is essential for beginners that need whatever advantage they can get.

If you aren’t a beginner, then I urge you to accomplish a hunt with turf wars alone. Do it at least once, I guarantee you will have an incredible time.

The Dressage dango will allow you to ride monsters from anywhere on the map and still reach your target before the riding time runs out.

This dango can be unlocked by reaching 4 stars in village quests or 3 stars in the hub.

What makes the Dressage a bon appetit:

  • Allows hunters to get aid from monsters anywhere on the map.
  • Makes a pokemon-like playstyle available to the user.

Dango Skills:

  • Dango Rider: Extends riding time.


6. Invigorating

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Invigorating dango

The Invigorating dango is essential for some weapon types. If you use a weapon that uses stamina as a source of damage, then you NEED to get this dango as soon as possible.

Invigorating gives you the “Dango Fighter” skill; this skill will reduce the stamina reduction of all your actions. Bow users and dual blade mains should never be far from this dango.

This dango is unlocked by completing the quest “The secret ingredient” available at the 5-star tier of village quests.

What makes the Invigorating a bon appetit:

  • Reduces stamina depletion.
  • Essential for stamina hungry weapons.

Dango Skills:

  • Dango Fighter: Reduces stamina depletion when evading, blocking, or doing certain other actions.

5. Analeptic

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Analeptic dango

If you have ever carted during a hunt because you ran out of potions, then you need this dango.

The Analeptic dango is the upgraded version of the Medicinal dango available at the very start of the game. Both do one thing, and that’s making every single potion you bring in battle do extra healing.

This means that overall, you’re going to need fewer potions than normally.  If you’re the type that isn’t fond of using the limited inventory space on healing items, then you can bring even less! 

Analeptic is unlocked by completing the 6-star hub quest “A Dango Day.”

What makes the Analeptic a bon appetit:

  • Enhances the effectiveness of all healing items.
  • Helps you never run out of potions mid hunt.

Dango Skills:

  • Dango Medic (Hi): Increases health recovery from items.


4. Super Bestnut

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Super Bestnut dango

Like Anaplectic, the Super Bestnut is an upgraded version of a dango available from the start of the game. Both the Bestnut and the Super Bestnut give the player a free level of Divine Blessing.

When activated, the Divine Blessing reduces the damage you take. This can turn a fatal monster bite into nothing more than a flesh wound. 

Divine Blessing is a skill that requires a level two decoration slot. Eating this dango then means you’re getting a level two decoration for free.

The Superebestnut is unlocked by completing the 4-star hub quest “Totally not Cool, Kuku!”

What makes the Super Bestnut a bon appetit:

  • Gives the player a free level of divine blessing.
  • Has the effectiveness of a level two decoration slot.

Dango Skills:

  • Dango Defender (Hi): Often decreases damage taken.


3. Mint-iature 

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Mint-iature dango

Whether you are a speedrunner trying for world record slaying times or just someone that values their time, the Mint-iature dango is specially made for you.

Although hunting monsters is the entire point of Monster Hunter, every single player loves completing hunts in the fastest time possible. The skill Dango Booster then is easily one of the most important dangos in all of Monster Hunter.

The Dango Booster boosts both attack and defense for the first ten minutes of a hunt. 

For speedrunners, ten minutes is more than enough. But the average player might think that the Mint-iature dango is useless, because it only works for ten minutes. That is far from the truth; being boosted for the first ten minutes of a hunt means that the overall hunt will become much shorter.

This dango is unlocked after reaching 4 stars in the village quests or 3 stars in the hub.

What makes the Mint-iature a bon appetit:

  • Boosts attack and defense for the first 10 minutes.
  • A must-have for speedruns.

Dango Skills:

  • Dango Booster: Temporarily increases attack and defense after consumption, once.

2. Spud-luck

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Spud-luck easily has one of the best dango skills in the entire game. Like Mint-iature, Spud-luck helps you complete hunts at incredibly fast times. How Spud-luck achieves this though is the difference-maker.

Spud-luck gives its user the skill “Dango Weakener.” Dango Weakener, upon activation, reduces a monster’s overall health. This effectively means that a monster will never be at its regular max HP from the moment a fight starts.

There is a caveat to this dango, however. Dango Weakener will only activate in solo games or if you are the host in an online session. 

This dango is obtainable upon reaching 4 stars in the gathering hub.

What makes the Spud-luck a bon appetit:

  • Reduces a monster’s health.
  • A must-have for speedruns.

Dango Skills:

  • Dango Weakener: Large monsters encountered on quests have an increased chance of being weaker than normal.


1. Magnacrisp

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Magnacrisp dango

As you make your way through Monster Hunter Rise, the monsters you encounter will grow increasingly ferocious. For the average hunter, death is an inevitability. It is a good thing then, that there exists a dango that prevents death.

The Magnacrisp gives the ability called “Dango Moxie,” this prevents you from dying once so long as your health is above a certain threshold. This means being one-shot by a single monster attack will be an impossible feat. 

Unlike Moongaze, this dango’s skill works on the user itself. When used correctly, this dango acts as an extra life. That alone makes it the best dango in all of Monster Hunter Rise.

However, if you’re one of those that just love playing with 1 hp left on your health bar, Magnacrip’s other ability “Dango Adrenaline,” will indulge your dopamine cravings.

Dango Adrenaline significantly increases the damage you deal when your health is below a certain threshold. This makes it perfect to pair with the heroics skill.

Magnacrisp is the upgraded version of Magnaroar. Magnaroar can be acquired by completing the 5-star village quest, “Comeuppance.” While Magnacrisp can be unlocked by clearing “Do it for the Dango,” a 6-star hub quest.

What makes the Magnacrisp a bon appetit:

  • Prevents death for a single instance.
  • Increases damage when health is low.

Dango Skills:

  • Dango Moxie: Prevents fainting one time when damage taken exceeds your remaining health.
  • Dango Adrenaline: Greatly increases attack when health is dangerously low.

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