Fighters traditionally take on the Express Lane and are known as versatile and durable heroes who can take on more than one role. In this list, we limit these endurance artists down to those that wreck hard in the current meta.
Let's dig in!
12. Cici (Good)
“You remind me of my aunt”
Cici, The Buoyant Performer is a recent release, having come out in December 2023. She is currently in the list of popular banned heroes, especially in higher ranks. Perhaps her most well known asset is her ability to survive, since she specializes in Damage/Regen. Her skills comprise of the following attributes, Buff, Burst, Mobility, Crowd Control and Slow effects.
If you want to master Cici, you have to leverage her Passive Skill. It generates a stack of delight and amplifies her movement speed and spell vamp, which can stack up to 10 times. At full stack, the effects double. She is very fast in movement, aided also by her Second Skill and can be played as a roam hero in the latter stages of battle. Effectively, Cici can stage and engage on her own, through Crowd Control, Burst Damage and Mobility.
What makes Cici a Great Fighter:
- Damage/Regen - These are her specialties. Her skills can deal immense damage while she has the capacity to regenerate HP. This is very helpful, especially in close encounters where she can survive with minimal HP while dealing damage.
- Mobility - Aside from her Second Skill being a mobility ability, her Passive also enhances her movement and aids in damage and regen since she can move swiftly between targets and survive encounters. This is her greatest strength during battle.
- Passive Skill - Performer’s Delight is a buff skill that enhances her movement and spell vamp by 0.75% and stacks up to 10 times, at which damage dealt is doubled.
- Skill Combination - Cici may use her Second Skill to get within range, then use her Ultimate Skill (Curtain Call) with its slow and CC effects to link opponents together with her Yoyo then engage her First Skill (Yoyo Blitz) which is a burst skill that can deal continuous damage up to 10 times. All of these are enhanced by her Passive Skill.
See Cici in action:
11. Freya (Good)
“I am a Northern Vale descendant. I promise to keep it safe till I die.”
Freya, The Valkyrie is the only hero in Mobile Legends who can only be purchased with Diamonds. With specialties in Chase/Damage she has skill attributes that encompass Burst, Mobility, Morph and Shield Effects. She is known for her durability and high damage. Though recommended for Exp and Jungle, she is a versatile character who can engage flexibly, in the front and backlines of battle with potential in ganking and kiting through her ability to pursue and deal immense damage. Freya is a must-have for professional gamers.
Freya’s Passive Skill ought to be recognized and leveraged. It assists her with 200% Attack Speed on her next two basic attacks and can be stacked up to six times. This perfectly complements her burst and mobility skill effects. Adding onto this, her Second Skill should also be leveraged. It is a series/combo that enables her to strike with burst damage and also immobilize foes, knocking them airborne. These two skills must be leveraged in mastering Freya. She ranks low on this list since she costs money to obtain via diamonds.
What makes Freya a Great Fighter:
- Chase/Damage - These are her specialties. Her skills encompass these, where she can pursue fleeing foes and deal damage through buff and also, her ability to survive. Freya is known for her endurance, which aids her in attack and damage.
- Versatility - Freya can be played flexibly in the front and back lines. She can lead, stage and engage or she can gank and support. Her endurance gives her the flexibility to support from various angles of gameplay.
- Passive Skill - Power of Einherjar complements her endurance, burst and mobility skill effects. It enhances her attack speed by 200% on her next two basic attacks and can be stacked up to six times.
- Second Skill (Spirit Combo) - This is a Burst/Mobility Skill that generates a shield while dealing extra physical attacks. It is a deadly combination of hits, the last one knocks opponents airborne.
- Ultimate Skill (Valkyrie Descent) - This is a morph/shield attack where Freya automatically gains 6 stacks of sacred orbs. Physical Attack is also enhanced while her strikes convert into splash damage. This state lasts 10 seconds.
- Skill Combination - Her Second Skill may be followed up with her First and Ultimate Skill. This is a powerful combination that cannot be easily countered since her First Skill reels opponents to her upon striking. Second, First then Ultimate. That is the best combination.
See Freya in action:
10. Alucard (Good)
"Demons shall bathe in their blood, the light belongs to the righteous."
Alucard, The Demon Hunter is a dual role Fighter/Assassin who would rank higher in similar lists. He is the King of Life Steal in Mobile Legends, ahead of Dyrroth and Silvanna but always subject to meta updates vs other heroes in his category. He has a superb combination of skills that specialize in Chase/Damage and consist of Buff, Mobility, Area of Effect (AoE) and Burst effects.
Perhaps the key to mastering Alucard is via his life steal but he is also a top gank, roam and core hero who can be played strategically from the cover of the jungle. He has superior mobility and can cover ground and roles effectively, while also being a top lane hero in the game. He requires timing in utilizing his life steal and is a late-game hero who can pave the way for victory.
What makes Alucard a Great Fighter:
- Chase/Damage - These are his specialties, where his ability to regenerate HP allows him to pursue foes and inflict damage. Additionally, Alucard has multiple two phased skills that provide him with attack and movement speed.
- Skill Set Combination - Alucard has a set of 2 phased skills that when timed properly can be a devastating attack combination that also allows him to leap and lock on targets. This skill set is superb for ganking and chase or retreat and provides versatile gameplay.
- Life Steal - He is the number one life steal hero in Mobile Legends with spell vamp within his skills that grant him endurance. His Ultimate and Passive skills can regenerate HP and deal immense damage.
- Versatility/Utility - As a dual role Fighter/Assassin, Alucard has speed in movement and attack, backed up by a set of 2 phased skills that provides flexibility in taking on different roles during different stages of the game. He can be played as a core, as a roam or in the express lane where he is also effective in pushing lanes and harassing the front-lines.
See Alucard in action:
9. Balmond (Best)
“Until the day of my death, my blood boils!”
Balmond, The Bloody Beast, has assassin-like qualities that effectively complement his Damage/Regen specialties. He has a range of skills that consist of Heal, Mobility, Slow, Area of Effect, Buff and Slow attributes. He is a terrific buy, for only 6500 Battle Points with extreme versatility and can be played flexibly in taking on multiple objectives and tasks.
Balmonds Second Skill may probably be his greatest asset since it can deal continuous damage with a 3 second cooldown rate. It can deal damage up to 14 times and has a bonus when engaged on the same foe. His Passive Skill ought to be leveraged, where it has a healing effect that replenishes his HP after dealing damage on targets. This aids him in endurance.
What makes Balmond a Great Fighter:
- Damage/Regen - These are his specialties, where his skills can deal immense continuous and burst damage while also regenerating HP. Balmond is an endurance artist due to this unique prowess.
- Versatility/Flexibility - Balmond was a Fighter/Assassin before meta changes that saw him become a Fighter. With his damage and endurance, he is an all round Fighter who can be played in the front and back lines, while also being able to effectively fill in gaps where necessary.
- Passive Skill - Bloodthirst is a healing ability that allows Balmond to regenerate 5% HP when dealing damage to creeps and 20% when taking on foes.
- Second Skill - Cyclone Sweep is an AoE/Buff that increases Balmonds movement speed by 15% while swinging his ax for up to 3 seconds. Each hit deals 25–100 (+25% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to nearby enemies up to 14 times. Damage is increased by 7.5% when attacking the same opponent and finishes off with a bonus in crit strike that can lead to crit damage. This is a powerful damage skill.
- Ultimate Skill - Through this skill, Balmond slams his ax in a targeted direction, dealing 50 (+70% Total Physical Attack) (+target's 30%–45% Lost HP) True Damage. It has a Burst/Slow effect and is the perfect ending to attack after engaging his Second Skill.
See Balmond in action:
8. Guinevere (Best)
“Haha, I was gifted from birth!”
Guinevere, Ms Violet has assassin-like skills with magic damage that cover attributes that include Buff, Heal, Damage, Crowd Control and Burst. She specializes in Burst/Magic Damage and can stage and engage in attack against multiple targets. Guinevere is also an excellent chase and ambush hero who is offensive and fast on her feet, making her an effective gank, kite and split push hero.
What stands out most about Guinevere is her ability to deal Magic Damage as a Fighter. Additionally, she has two phased skills that can be engaged as an assassin with range and depth in damage. She can engage from the cover of the jungle or through range in immobilizing foes and dealing substantial damage. She may be quite hard to master but very much worth the effort.
What makes Guinevere a Great Fighter:
- Burst/Magic Damage - These are her specialties, where her skills have a Burst effect while unleashing Magic Damage. It is a unique combination that makes Guinevere a high damage hero, capable of one hit kills, especially when hit in succession as a combination.
- Passive Skill - Super Magic is a Buff Damage ability that enhances damage and can also knock opponents airborne when fully charged. It also deals 25% extra damage to airborne opponents and can restore up to 8% HP that is lost in the same encounter.
- Second Skill - Spatial Migration is the perfect setup for her Ultimate Skill. It is a two phased skill that can knock targets airborne and leaves a clone of her upon second cast. It is perfect as a mobility enhancement where she can leap twice in movement.
- Ultimate Skill - Violet Requiem is a deadly one hit skill that may be hit as a combo with her Second Skill. It has Burst and CC effects where Guinevere creates a forcefield around her while dealing magic damage. It only works well when opponents are airborne and grants her crowd control immunity as well.
- Assassin-like Capabilities - Guinevere has great mobility and can engage her skills in combination from range. She also has crowd control that can take on multiple opponents and crowd control immunity that can protect her during attack.
See Guinevere in action:
7. Yu Zhong (Best)
“To let the world betray me would be preferable to me betraying the world.”
Yu Zhong, The Black Dragon is a unique hero in Mobile Legends, since he can transform into a dragon and move around the battlefield for a short duration via his Ultimate Skill. He has four skills, one as explained where he can morph into a dragon and specializes in Regen/Damage and has skills that cover Buff, Area of Effect, Slow, Mobility and Crowd Control attributes. He is a great hero to own and master for Fighter Mains who are serious about the game.
He has very tactical skills that are easy to understand and implement but quite hard to successfully engage in battle. He requires timing, positioning and precision to see the most impact through his skills. He can also enter two states, one as a buffed dragon when his ultimate skill has been engaged. He has a great combination of skills that can deal immense damage and clear up lanes in rapid fashion. He is best suited to the express lane but can take on Jungle roles if needed. Yu Zhong is great at ganking lanes and pushing for dominance over the battlefield.
What makes Yu Zhong a Great Fighter:
- Passive Skill - Cursing Touch is a buff that stacks in damage then erupts after 5 stacks. He begins consuming after eruption and deals extra physical damage, restores lost HP and increases movement speed by 30% up to 2 seconds.
- Third Skill - Furious Dive is a Mobility/CC skill where he can dive towards an opponent while dealing damage and knocking them airborne. This skill may be amped by his ultimate skill and used as a combination with his other skills.
- Ultimate Skill - Black Dragon Form is a Morph/Buff ability that morphs him into a dragon with the ability to glide across the map for up to 7 seconds. When back on his feet, his other skills are vamped by his dragon form.
See Yu Zhong in action:
6. X-Borg (Best)
“Woohoo! If you light me on fire, I’ll burn through the conflict.
X-Borg, The Firaga Armor is an extremely durable cyborg whose basic attack can deal melee attacks, as well as short ranged attack, depending on his HP Level. He specializes in Regen/Burst and has a skill set comprising Buff, Area of Effect, Burst, Crowd Control and Mobility. He is a hero worth having for fighter mains, since he brings a lot to the battle.
He cannot engage his ultimate skill without his armor. His HP is split into two phases, with and without armor at 50%. He has a combination of skills that can be engaged in sync to bring out his Ultimate Skill which is a finisher. He whirls toward a target destination then explodes with flames shooting out everywhere and can deal damage on multiple opponents. He is a great team player.
What makes X-Borg a Great Fighter:
- Passive Skill - Firaga Armor can absorb damage and deal extra damage up to six times on opponents. This skill is not available when he reaches 50% in HP.
- Ultimate Skill - Last Insanity is a Burst/Mobility skill where he dashes towards a target destination, reeling in all foes before exploding into flames. He also removes all debuffs from himself after engagement. This is a powerful skill that has in-built cc/aoe effects.
- Skill Combination - All of X-Borgs skills pave the way for his ultimate to be engaged. He can also shoot melee attacks when his armor is active. His second skill Fire Stake shoots out fire canisters that drag opponents back toward him and is perfect for setting up his other skills in attack or support.
See X-Borg in action:
5. Martis (Best)
“I'll demonstrate what real fighting is to you!”
Martis, The Ashura King is a fast paced, durable hero and one of the most banned in 2024. He specializes as a Finisher/Charge and has skills that cover a range of attributes from Buff, to Crowd Control, AoE, Burst and Mobility. He is a hyper carry hero who can lead team formation when at his peak.
His Passive Skill must be leveraged when mastering him. It increases his movement speed each time a skill is cast and stacks up to six times, after which, his damage is also increased. He has a deadly combination of skills that cannot be countered once he has engaged successfully. Martis is a must-own for Fighter Mains looking to rank up fast. He has two phased skills that can stage and engage in encounters.
What makes Martis a Great Fighter:
- Finisher/Charge - These are his specialties, where his skills allow him mobility to charge and damage to finish off opponents, especially through skill combo.
- Mobility - Martis is fast and can rapidly cover the battlefield. He is great for jungle objectives or split push in the latter stages of battle.
- Passive Skill - Ashura’s Wrath allows him to stack in damage up to 6 times, upon which his damage is increased. His mobility is increased with each hit though.
- Skill Combo - His first skill can draw opponents towards him, while his second skill can deliver three lethal strikes. His ultimate skill can charge, with a buff effect that makes him invincible for a short time. These are all amped by his Passive Skill.
See Martis in action:
4. Silvanna (Excellent)
"I have a heart of light, therefore I do not fear the darkness!"
Silvanna, The Imperial Knightess is third amongst best life steal fighters. She has a complex skill set that is easy to master. She requires timing and positioning to engage her skills, which work best as a combination. Her skills have Buff, Debuff, Crowd Control (CC), Area of Effect (AoE) and Shield effects while she specializes in Magic Damage as an Initiator.
She can stage and initiate encounters against multiple heroes but is weak against crowd control heroes, mainly Tanks and Fighters. Timing and positioning is key to playing Silvanna or she will cost the game. Her skills work best as a combination, where she can leap and stun with her Ultimate Skill (Imperial Justice) while increasing her damage and life steal. This is followed with her Second Skill (Spiral Strangling) that can deal damage and reel in opponents. Additionally, her First Skill (Cometic Lance) can stun opponents and engage a dash in a designated direction. Silvanna has superb movement through the use of her skills.
What makes Silvanna a Great Fighter:
- Magic Damage/Initiation - These are her specialties that stand out as unique amongst other heroes in her category.
- Skill Set Combination - Silvanna can engage her skills in a combination that can effectively take on multiple opponents. She can gank and back up as a support or take on the front-lines, making her a versatile hero who can transition between different roles.
- Life Steal - Her Ultimate Skill (Imperial Justice) grants 40% life steal.
See Silvanna in action:
3. Yin (Excellent)
“Yin,” I am. And always will be, regardless of what.”
Yin, The Martial Genius was the last fighter released by Mobile Legends and whose focus is on physical damage rather than regen and damage. He specializes in Burst/Control, which is a unique combination that allows him to stage and attack through his own engagement. He has a combination of two phased skills that have Buff, Burst, Speed Up, Mobility, Crowd Control and Buff Attributes. He is best played as a core, due to his ability to set and engage.
His Ultimate Skill (My Turn) is a unique ability that grants Yin the ability to teleport one opponent to another realm for up to 8 seconds. It also buffs his skills, through burst and crowd control. Aside from this, Yin has a skill combination that is greatly enhanced by his Passive Skill which increases his damage by 120% and also gains an 8% spell vamp. His Passive Skill only engages when there are no allies nearby within 4 units. These two skills must be leveraged when mastering Yin.
What makes Yin a Great Fighter:
- Burst/Control - These are his specialties that are amplified when Yin enters his demonic state. He is capable of high end damage with the capacity to stun and control his opponents/targets.
- Passive Skill - Leave It To Me is a buff that increases damage by 120% and also amplifies spells by 8% as a Spell Vamp. This can only be engaged when there are no allies within 4 units of distance.
- Ultimate Skill -My Turn is a CC/Buff that teleports one opponent to another realm. While within that dimension, Yin becomes a buffed version of himself, dealing extra damage and can remain in that state for up to 3 seconds.
- Versatility - Yin is agile and durable, with a dash equipped within his second skill that can also stun targets. He can be played in the front to back lines and has enough mobility to rapidly cover ground and back up in tasks and objectives.
See Yin in action:
2. Dyrroth (Excellent)
"I'll be your convoy as always, your Excellency."
Dyrroth, The Prince of the Abyss is the second in life steal to Alucard amongst Fighters. He is always a popular ban and meta favorite each season, who ought to be owned by those taking the game seriously. He is best played as a jungle core due to his versatility and has a skill set that covers a range of attributes that include Buff, Heal, Area of Effect, Slow and Burst Effects. He specializes in Charge/Burst.
His life steal and spell vamp must be leveraged in order to gain an advantage over encounters. Dyrroth is a top jungle hero but also great at pushing lanes, especially split push in the late stages of gameplay, since he is fast and can cover ground rapidly. He can take on multiple opponents, and his Ultimate Skill has tremendous damage and crowd control effects. His Passive Skill enhances his other skills, and has a Buff/Burst effect that must be leveraged to see his full potential.
What makes Dyrroth a Great Fighter:
- Charge/Burst - These are his specialties, where his skills have burst damage, similar to splash or continuous damage. His Second skill is a charge that can be used to stun a target on second skill and perfect for setting up his ultimate other damage abilities.
- Life Steal - Dyrroth is known for his life steal, where he can regenerate HP while stacking in high energy splash/burst damage.
- Passive Skill - Wrath of Abyss is a Buff/Heal that enhances his First and Second Skills. It also deals extra damage with an additional strike after two consecutive strikes. This is the core of his life steal ability.
- Second Skill - Spectre Step is a Mobility/Damage Skill that can aid in movement when trying to gain ground rapidly. It comes in two phases where he dashes then has the capacity to lock on and stun an opponent, while reducing their physical defense.
- Ultimate Skill - Abysm Strike is a Burst/Slow Skill that launches a fatal strike. It is a finisher, where if opponents survive, can slow them down by 90%.
- Cooldown Rate - Dyrroth has a very low CD Rate. It is worth mentioning since he is a high impact hero and can deal high energy damage in succession through his low reset timing.
See Dyrroth in action:
1. Ruby (Excellent)
"I should change my skin of wolf."
Ruby, The Little Red Hood is amongst the prime fighters in Mobile Legends right now and is a dual role Tank/Fighter, which adds prominence to her spot on this list. She specializes in Crowd Control and Regen, which is a unique combination when learned. Her skill set comprises Buff, Area of Effect (AoE), Slow, and Crowd Control (CC) effects.
Playing Ruby is strategic and tactical fun, since she can suppress multiple foes and stage encounters with the ability to dash and regenerate HP. She can be played in versatile fashion alongside various allies and even solo. She is a great Roam hero with ganking potential and has a high survival rate. Ruby can stage encounters and follow up with damage but the key to mastering her is through endurance with timing and positioning to effectively counter and survive attacks.
What makes Ruby a Great Fighter:
- Crowd Control/Regen - Her skills are among the best suited for any hero. This special blend keeps her going during interaction, giving her stamina and the ability to contribute in a variety of preferences, both as a team and on her own.
- Skill Combination - Ruby may trigger combo damage and she is robust. She functions best as a Roam in the jungle, leveraging the element of surprise, or even as a core. She additionally has the potential to rapidly shift lanes and support any other hero role.
- Endurance - She has a spell vamp that increases her HP upon successful engagement thanks to her passive skill. The secret to mastering Ruby is to learn how to time this element with the right placement.
- Crowd Control/Area of Effect - The majority of the attributes in her skill set are CC and AoE. This gives her the capacity to strike numerous enemies at once, giving her an edge due to her endurance in staging and advancing the front lines.
See Ruby in action: