[Top 5] Mechwarrior 5 Best Cyclops Variants

22 Jan 2024

[Top 5] Mechwarrior 5 Best Cyclops Variants

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The Cyclops is easily identified by its singular “eye” and “hood.”

Players of Battletech & Mechwarrior will always recognize the Cyclops.  It’s a tall humanoid assault ‘Mech with a singular “eye” in the middle of its head where the cockpit is located.  In Battletech lore, the Cyclops first went into production in the year  2710 and was designed with a good mix of both long and short range weaponry, as well as a good-sized engine to keep it mobile during field operations.  

The Cyclops was initially designed as a command ‘Mech fitted with advanced electronics.  The tradeoff for having such cutting edge features, however, was that the Cyclops had less space for armor and often had issues with ammo shortages due to its varied weapon loadout.  Understandable since the ‘Mech was designed as a command unit, not a frontline attacker that could tank hits and keep on dishing out damage.  

In the actual Mechwarrior 5 game though, the Cyclops is a decent 90 ton ‘Mech that’s good enough for most missions.  With several chassis sporting varying loadouts, it’s already a given that some Cyclops models will be better than others.  So in the spirit of wanting to help enlighten MW5 players and readers alike, here’s a short breakdown of every Cyclops variant in Mechwarrior 5: Mercs, along with their strengths and what they are actually good for.  


5. CP-10-P

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Slicing enemy ‘Mechs with a claymore is quite fun.


  • Weight:  90 tons
  • Armor:  320/570
  • Structure:  285
  • Free Tonnage:  23.19 tons
  • Speed:  64.8 km/h
  • Standard Loadout:  1 Medium Laser (Right Arm), 1 AC/10 (Right Torso), 1 SRM 4 (Center Torso), 1 LRM 10 (Left Torso), 1 Assault Claymore (Left Arm)

The Cyclops 10P is built for in-your-face combat.  Armed with a huge Claymore sword, this battlemech can destroy almost any enemy that’s within melee range.  It can soften up targets with its autocannon before getting in a hostile ‘Mech’s personal space and silencing them with a few swings of its big ass sword.  


  • Huge assault Claymore that deals significant damage within melee distance.
  • Has a medium ballistic weapon slot that can equip an LBX autocannon, the best autocannon in the game.
  • Comes with 2 missile slots that can equip SRM 4s that inflict heavy damage at close range.

Recommended Playstyle:

The fact that this Cyclops variant carries a gigantic sword means it’s meant to be a close range attack unit.  Players should prioritize equipping the 10P with the best short range weapons they have, like Tier 5 SRM 4s and a tier 5 assault Claymore.  Additionally, swap out the AC/10 for an LBX/10 instead.  The LBX deals better damage at longer ranges.  Dual SRM 4s will make sure you deal more damage up close, as well.  Finally, slap on more armor to make this ‘Mech harder to kill.

This sword-wielding Cyclops is part of the Call to Arms DLC.  Players might see this variant in the industrial hubs that litter the outer regions of the Inner Sphere map such as the territories of the Taurian Concordat or St. Ives Compact when the year hits 3032.  Pay attention to the hub systems that sell rare ‘Mechs and save before visiting the said system.  Reload if the 10P doesn’t show.


4. CP-10-Z

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The AC/20 is powerful but limited by its short range.


  • Weight:  90 tons
  • Armor:  320/570
  • Structure:  285 
  • Free Tonnage:  23.19 tons
  • Speed:  64.8 km/h
  • Standard Loadout:  1 Medium Laser (Right Arm), 1 AC/20 (Right Torso), 1 SRM 4 (Center Torso), 1 LRM 10 (Left Torso), 1 Medium Laser (Left Arm)

At first glance, the Cyclops 10Z’s loadout is almost identical to the Cyclops 11A except for the Autocannon 20.  But that makes all the difference.  The 10Z’s large autocannon & a supplementary SRM 4 make it a very effective close quarters combatant.   Admittedly, it will take some skill to maneuver closer to an enemy without getting shot up too much.


  • The 10Z is a capable close range brawler out of the box thanks to its AC/20.
  • Available for purchase early in the game.
  • Can fulfill most roles adequately thanks to its diverse weapon loadout.

Recommended Playstyle:

The Cyclops 10Z is a competent close range fighter but with less armor than the 11P or Sleipnir. It’s smarter to swap out the AC/20 for an LBX/10 instead since the LBX has longer range and better ammo capacity.  Dropping the LRM 10 for another SRM 4 is also definitely better. Hostiles that survive the initial salvos from the LBX/10 will get taken out by dual SRM 4s when they get within range.

Players who want to get a Cyclops 10Z can either try their luck in the industrial hubs near Terra or those within Capellan space.  Look out for systems that sell rare ‘Mechs as these might potentially sell the 10Z.  Scum saving will increase your chances of finding one.


3. CP-11-A

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Sniper players love the 11A’s Gauss rifle.


  • Weight:  90 tons
  • Armor:  320/570
  • Structure:  285
  • Free Tonnage:  23.19 tons
  • Speed:  64.8 km/h
  • Standard Loadout:  1 Medium Laser (Right Arm), 1 Gauss Rifle (Right Torso), 1 SRM 4 (Center Torso), 1 LRM 10 (Left Torso), 1 Medium Laser (Left Arm)

The Cyclops 11A is equipped with a Gauss rifle (which is the main selling point of this ‘Mech) & an LRM 10 by default which makes it ideal for long range fire support and sniper roles.  Good thing too since this model has less armor than the 11P or the 10Q.  


  • Deals great damage at long range thanks to its Gauss rifle.
  • Varied weapon loadout can handle enemies from any range.
  • Majority of its weapons are located in the torso which has better armor than the arms.

Recommended Playstyle:

The Gauss rifle makes the 11A a sniper by default. In the hands of a skilled pilot, close combat won’t be necessary since the 11A will be taking pot shots at the enemy’s head or rear armor while leaving the cleanup to other allied ‘Mechs.  Players need to keep their distance to avoid getting swarmed by hostile forces and just focus on taking them out at range.  If close combat becomes unavoidable, be thankful that the 11A has enough backup weapons to keep foes at bay.  

The Cyclops 11A will start showing up more often in Draconis Combine territory when players reach 3045.  Keep an eye out for systems in Kurita-controlled industrial hubs that sell rare ‘Mechs.  Save before heading out.  Reload if necessary.  


2. CP-11-P

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An LBX/10 AC & an Ultra AC/5 will make the 11P very lethal.


  • Weight:  90 tons
  • Armor:  502/570 Ferro Fibrous
  • Structure:  285 Endosteel
  • Free Tonnage:  29.6 tons
  • Speed:  64.8 km/h
  • Standard Loadout:  2 Medium Lasers (Right Arm), 2 AC/5-BF (Right Torso), 1 SRM 4 (Center Torso), 1 LRM 5 (Left Torso), 2 Medium Lasers (Left Arm)

The second best Cyclops variant, the 11P has 2 medium ballistic slots in its right torso.  It comes with double heat sinks, ECM & a good amount of armor by default.   With a few tweaks to its weapon loadout, The 11P can be a deadly mid to short range brawler.  


  • 3 double heat sinks enable faster cooling.
  • 2 medium ballistic slots in its torso can be mounted with hard hitting autocannons like the LBX or the Ultra AC.
  • Equipped with an ECM suite that disrupts enemy sensors and reduces damage from enemy fire. 

Recommended Playstyle:

When equipped with two Ultra AC/5s, the 11P can quickly shred enemy ‘Mechs.  Outfit it with the heaviest SRMs you can carry and  the 11P becomes a very deadly mid to short range brawler that’s very effective in almost any mission.  Like with other Cyclops variants, the only thing that will limit the 11P’s effectiveness is its reliance on ammo.

The Heroes of the Inner Sphere DLC is a requirement to get this Cyclops model.  The best way to get the 11P is to hang around Capellan space when the year hits 3045.  Visit the industrial hubs there and check the planetary systems that have a rare ‘Mech icon.  Scum save for best results.


1. Sleipnir CP-S

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A salvo from its 2 Gauss Rifles can decapitate any ‘Mech. 


  • Weight:  90 tons
  • Armor:  544/570
  • Structure:  285 Endosteel
  • Free Tonnage:  44.19 tons
  • Speed:  64.8 km/h XL
  • Standard Loadout:  1 Gauss Rifle (Right Torso), 1 Medium Laser (Right Arm), 1 Medium Laser (Head), 1 SRM 4 (Center Torso), 1 Gauss Rifle (Left Torso), 1 Medium Laser (Left Arm)

Sleipnir is hands down the best Cyclops variant there is.  It comes equipped with advanced tech like Gauss rifles, double heat sinks, Endosteel structure and an XL engine.    It outperforms most, if not all, of the other models.  The only drawbacks are its steep price tag and its expensive repair bills.


  • The Sleipnir can take on enemies from all ranges due to its varied default loadout.
  • Outfitted with Endosteel structure and an XL engine, the Sleipnir has more free tonnage to use on ammo, heat sinks, armor & weapons.
  • Out of the box, it has 2 Gauss rifles situated high in the right & left torso.
  • Has 5 double heat sinks to help cool the ‘Mech rapidly. 

Recommended Playstyle:

The Sleipnir is best used as a long range damage dealer & sniper mainly because of its dual Gauss rifles.  This hero variant is best used in mission contracts where you have mostly flat or elevated terrain and need to take out enemies quickly.  Equip high tier Gauss rifles, practice those headshots and soon you’ll be taking out Banshees and Annihilators with little difficulty.

The Sleipnir will start showing up in industrial hubs from 3031 onwards.  Save & pray to RNGesus before heading out to an industrial hub with a skull icon.  Reload if unsuccessful.


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Like the Cyclops, the Marauder is another famous command ‘Mech.

For a 90 ton assault ‘Mech, the Cyclops can be a bit underwhelming for players who value damage output more than anything else.  But fun isn’t always about dealing the most damage all the time, right?  There are those of us who love to roleplay when piloting ‘Mechs.  Some players love pretending to be a mechwarrior piloting a lightly armed scout ‘Mech and others prefer seeing themselves as a tactical genius in a command ‘Mech like the Marauder.  It’s these moments that piloting battlemechs like the Cyclops become a truly fun experience.


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