Mark Fischbach, better known by his YouTube persona “Markiplier,” is a man of many talents. While some of you may know him from his gameplay content, others are more familiar with his acting capabilities. He currently has at least 20 alter egos that he acts out, most notable of which are Darkiplier and Wilford Warfstache. In this article, I’ll be covering ten of his most well-known Egos and breaking down what we know and what we don’t know about each one.
10) Bing
"Google Gets An Upgrade"
There’s not much known about Bing (or mini-Bing, for that matter) as he’s only showed up in one video. His intentions, unlike that of Googleplier, are unknown. He seems to just be there to enjoy life, skateboard, and “suh dude” his way into your heart.
Even if you don’t like the search engine itself, there’s a certain appeal that comes with this Ego. He is actually my personal favorite out of all of them. He’s light-hearted, full of jokes, and just seems like the kind of guy you’d want to hang around with. Plus, I mean, he’s relatively harmless, as far as Markiplier Egos go.
While very little is known about Bing, again because he’s only been in the one video, that leaves a lot up to the fans. I’ve seen numerous headcanons about Bing, the fandom is not in short supply of them, that’s for sure. I have a feeling we’ll get to see him again in a future video, though, so you best buckle in.
9) Google
"Google IRL"
With Googleplier, there is a lot more known that with Bing. He’s appeared in three videos (Markiplier TV, the Google Update video, and the original Google video with Matthias) and has made his intentions very clear. His first function is to help humanity but his second objective is to destroy all man-kind and he seems to have teamed up with Dark (as seen in Markiplier TV) for his path to revenge.
Everyone and their mother is familiar with the Google search engine, I’m even writing this article on a Google doc, so it’s no surprise that he’s quickly become a fan favorite. My favorite video of his is actually the Google Update video where he goes from one to four different droids, one of them accidentally named Oliver thanks to a typo. All four share the same objective: destroy man-kind.
There is little not known about this Ego. One could question his origins - who created him, if you will - or whether he has a third or fourth objective. Or even what the point in the first objective is seeing as he does horrible at it. Many questions are left unanswered with this Ego but we’ve got more than enough information to gather the basics.
8) Author
"Danger In Fiction [Feat. Markiplier]”
The Author showed up in, I believe, a total of three videos. He has the ability to make things happen just by writing them down, he can control everything with just the stroke of a pen. He’s pretty powerful, in my opinion.
In the end, there’s a lot of unanswered questions about this particular Ego. In his last video, he gets shot and is believed to be left for dead, leaving the viewer to guess about his fate. Just like with his intentions, if we’re being honest.
Other than controlling particular people, it’s unclear what his intentions are. Perhaps he just wants to use his powers for evil, maybe even for good (though that is unlikely, given the contents of his last video). It’s all up to the viewer, to be honest. He’s one of the ones that have the most questions to answer.
7) Host
"Markplier TV" (Start at 9:22)
Now the Host? He’s the one with the most unclear intentions and the weirdest powers out of all of them. He’s only appeared in one video (Markiplier TV) and he can predict the future, only by a few seconds, it seems, but still.
The lack of content for the Host leaves a lot of room for the fandom to come up with headcanons about his origins - most, if not all of the fandom, believes he is what happened to the Author. There are numerous headcanons for this Ego, ranging from soft to edgy. Some see him as harmless, others see him as dangerous and willing to kill. It all depends on the fan you ask on what the Host is like.
Unfortunately, we won’t be getting any more videos with the Host in them so all our answers have to come from headcanons, fanfiction, and just general brainstorming.
6) King of the Squirrels
"King of the Squirrels"
The King of the Squirrels is almost as old as Wilford and Darkiplier (mentioned below) in time on the channel and, as such, has become a fan favorite. There was even merch with him on it at one point. He’s shown in a total of three videos, two of which he was running around outside with peanut butter on his face declaring himself the King of the Squirrels, hence his name.
Honestly, not much is known about this Ego. His intentions seem to be pure of heart if the fandom is anything to go by. He loves his “kingdom” and spends the majority of his time outside with them. That being said, there’s still a lot we don’t know about him.
For instance, his intentions could be made clearer by Mark, should he choose to make another video with him in it - which, by the by, I am all for. Also, we could do with some official content and approved headcanons from Mark, or just general activity from Mark involving the King. It’s astonishing to me how so little is known about him but somehow, he’s made it to the list of the most loved and most well-known Egos of Mark.
5) Bim Trimmer
"Markiplier TV" (Start at 8:40)
Bim Trimmer… Where to start with him? Honestly, this man is a mystery all wrapped up in a pretty suit and charming hairstyle, designed to look harmless but acts, in no way, like his appearance. In his two official appearances, he’s been murderous, actually having killed someone (and then fed that someone to the other contestants of his game show). He’s even made an appearance on Mark’s Tumblr blog where he, once again, killed someone.
I have no idea what exactly his intentions are but I have no doubt they are far from friendly. Honestly, not much is known about Bim besides him being into murder and his love for his game show. I doubt we’ll get any future content regarding him but if we do, it’d be one helluva ride.
For now, all the ideas about Bim come from headcanons from the fandom, about like the Host. While it would be great to get more content for him, it’s almost terrifying to think of what Mark would do with him. Best to just leave him be, in my opinion.
4) Jims
"Markiplier: All JIM Moments”
The Jim Twins are something else entirely. They seem to almost be their own species, if I’m being honest, and come from a long line of Jims. They talk in an almost humorous manner (for instance, calling a gun a “shooty”) and tend to be found both in front and behind the camera. They are a force to be reckoned with.
Their intentions are unclear as of the writing of this. It seems as if they are just reporters who just so happen to cause havoc but something deeper could be under that facade. Mark is not really known for just creating characters - which I know sounds like a lie given that he has probably over 30 at this point - without some kind of ulterior motive. Whatever their intentions, I’m sure we’ll be seeing them again soon - and I can’t wait.
3) Damien
Damien has made a total of two appearances - technically, anyway, if you count the whole of the Who Killed Markiplier series as one big appearance. In Who Killed Markiplier, it was made clear that he was the mayor of whatever city it took place in (for that was never disclosed). He felt strongly about his friends and his sister, Celine, and stuck by them to the end.
While his intentions in Who Killed Markiplier were pure of heart, he died at the end and became a part of Darkiplier. His intentions were then set for evil, if you will, only focused on revenge against his friend who wronged and killed him. I would be angry too, to be fair, but do you think his actions are justified?
We’ve gotten one more video with him in it, Damien, that showed us more into his head and his relationship with his sister. I don’t doubt that we’ll get more content regarding Damien, as he is Darkiplier now, in the future and I, for one, am hyped and more than welcoming to any videos that contain this ego.
2) Wilford Warfstache
"Wilford 'MOTHERLOVING' Warfstache"
Being, quite possibly, the oldest of the Egos, Wilford is also one of the most well known. His bizarre pink mustache makes him stick out to the viewers - that and his complete disregard and almost incompetence when it comes to death. Yet despite his weirdness and murderous tendencies, he, like Darkiplier, seems to be a fan favorite.
So what do we know about him, you might be asking yourself. Well, for starters, it’s been confirmed that he was once the Colonel (from Who Killed Markiplier), driven insane by the death of his friends and the rising of a dead body. We also know he can teleport, as seen in one of his most recent videos (Wilford Motherlovin’ Warfstache) and in pretty much every video he appears in.
He also appears to be a host of a TV show of some sort, even pitching the idea of Markiplier TV back in the day to a room full of the other Egos. His disregard for death can be found in just about every video he’s ever been in, some you might have to squint for but for others, it’s as clear as day. So that’s what we know, what about what we don’t know?
Well, his intentions are unclear. He seems to just be intent on living for himself, living in the moment. However, he also seems to be out for revenge like Darkiplier is, but seems more patient in the journey to said revenge. We also don’t know just how crazy this man is (but it’s safe to bet that he’s completely gone).
1) Darkiplier
"A Heist With Markiplier Darkiplier Returns"
Dark, being the most well-known of the Egos, can be dated back all the way to 2012. He’s appeared in quite a few sketches (most notably in Who Killed Markiplier, A Heist With Markiplier, and A Date With Markiplier). There’s a lot of unknowns with him as the lore is still being developed but there are also a lot of well-known things about the man - demon, if you will - that we can cover in this article.
For instance, he seems obsessed with the viewer and with getting revenge on Mark. Mark, after A Date With Markiplier, has called him a social manipulator (rough translation based on experience with real-life people with this disorder: he’s a sociopath). He’s also made out of the spirits of Celine and Damien (mentioned earlier) and a curse that inhabited the house of Actor Mark (which is the Mark he seeks revenge on). It’s still up for debate as to whether the viewer is a part of Dark or not, but, in my opinion, he’s made only of Celine and Damien and the curse.
While his intentions with the viewer are still unclear, it’s safe to assume they aren’t pure of heart. He has a nasty habit of manipulating us (the viewers) into getting what he wants - and he is pretty dang good at it, too. And with a sequel to A Heist With Markiplier all but confirmed, we can expect more Dark content in the future.
Hold on tight, folks. It’s going to get interesting.