[Top 15] Best LOTRO Addons Every Player Needs To Have

Best LOTRO Addons
22 Mar 2021

Addons can make your life a lot easier.

Even though LOTRO is a great game on its own, there are some things that are helpful to add to the game. These add-ons will enhance different parts of your gameplay, from simple plugins for quick feature access to big plugins that will aid you in a raid. Take a look through the top 15 list and see which ones might work for you.

15. Terrain Map

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The satellite view of The Bat Cave

Do you ever wish there was an easier way to see where the hills and mountains really were? Terrain Map gives you that option. This zoomable map will give you a great look at Middle-Earth in a satellite view of the terrain.

  • Zoomable from 1x to 32x
  • Can add annotations at 1x and 2x zoom
  • Will show your current location in the world

Get the addon here 

14. Class Trait Points Checklist

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An example of class deeds in this addon

Though it can’t tell you if you’ve completed the required deed or quest, this Class Trait Points Checklist tells you the specific place to look to see if it’s completed. When you have earned the class trait from completing the deed or quest, you can then check the box and easily pick which ones to do next.

  • A convenient list of class trait points and associated deeds/quests
  • Gives the location of deed/quest
  • Applicable Lotro-Wiki page linked 

Get the addon here 

13. Pets

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Use the search bar to only find the pets you want

Find your newest companion to keep you company through the war with the Pets plugin. You can both manage the cosmetic pets you already have and find out what’s needed to obtain the Tome for pets you don’t have. 

  • Save pets to a quick slot bar
  • Find out how to get any additional pets
  • Alphabetically listed within different families to find easily 

Get this addon here 

12. Stable Guy

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The best way to get to their house in Breeland

For those times when you are trying to get somewhere fast, Stable Guy can help you out. This plugin lists the fastest and cheapest route to get you from point A to point B.

  • Helps to reduce stable costs 
  • Provides the shortest possible route 
  • Gives coordinates to the closest stable master, when applicable

Get the addon here 

11. BandAide

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BandAide in action

Designed for the music lovers of Middle-Earth, this plugin allows band members to spot discrepancies in their song and track their instruments. It’s a very simple, but useful tool for any band.

  • Keeps a count of group members from the last /play start and auto-adjust as needed
  • Track the instruments the band members say they have synced
  • Check any song discrepancies, like a different song or same song of different length

Get this addon here 

10. Blackboard

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One example of how you can use Blackboard

When you need to share images and text with your friends, Blackboard is the easiest way to do it. This window can show text, shapes, images, and more that will auto-share with other friends through a unique chat channel you create.

  • Easy way to coordinate attacks in a raid
  • Share images with friends in the game
  • No need to be in a Fellowship or Kin to share 

Get this addon here 

9. Daily Tasks Reference

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Four total tasks can be completed and this shows where 

Group all of the Task Bulletin Board tasks into one easy menu with Daily Tasks Reference. It works by checking your inventory to see what trophy items you already have, what they can be used for, and if any of your alts can use them.

  • Check on the trophy items in your inventory and see what tasks can be completed
  • See what mobs drop the needed items
  • Show if any alts can use the trophy items you have

Get the addon here 

8. Alt Inventory

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Keep an eye on all of your alt's inventories

If you’re like a lot of people, you’ll have lots of alt characters. Instead of logging into every character to see what they have in their inventory, Alt Inventory can show you a list of what your other characters have, to make it super easy to find that missing trophy or crafting supplies.

  • Shows inventory of all alt characters
  • View inventory of all characters or a single character
  • Hover over items to see the tooltips and quantity

Get the addon here 

7. Reminders

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Set yourself easy reminders on things you need to get done

Swap out your physical notes in favor of the simple Reminders plugin. You’ll never forget what your daily tasks are again and can customize when you get an alert for them with the countdown timer. This can be for quests, crafting, auctions, and a ton of other in-game tasks. 

  • Specify the time and whether it should reset daily
  • Add character-specific tasks to know what character to play
  • Can be color-coded for easy viewing

Get the addon here 

6. SequenceBars

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Setting up your sequence bars

If you have a long sequence of skills you always use, SequenceBars makes it easy to click on and use those skills without remembering the order. This makes it super easy to go through your trusted attack sequence or swap gear quickly when needed. You can share this sequence with friends by exporting and emailing it to them. 

  • Used to quickly use attacks and heals, swap between different gear, or go through a list of emotes
  • Email the sequence to your friends
  • Bars can be set to work continuously, with one bar closing and the next immediately opening

Get this addon here 

5. VirtueView

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Find the deeds you need to complete to level your Virtues

VirtueView provides a simple way to track the deeds needed for your Virtues. Just add the Virtue you want to increase and the region you want to focus on to show a list of applicable deeds.

  • Track deeds needed to award Virtues 
  • Can be tracked by location 
  • Will show deeds you’ve already done and ones you want to do

Get this addon here 

4. GroupFinder

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Your Fellowships will be much easier to make with GroupFinder

GroupFinder makes it super easy to create LFF groups. You can customize how many people you need and what roles still need to be filled. It also gives an easy way to view the stats of your group members.

  • Groups Fellowship requests from different channels into a single list
  • Auto adjusts the number of people still needed
  • View stats of Fellowship members, but only if they also have this plugin

Get this addon here 

3. HugeBag

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Have a big bag to hold all of your inventory

HugeBag is exactly what the title suggests: a huge bag. This plugin combines your inventory backpacks into one large bag. You can sort your items, check what your alts have, change the color scheme, and more.

  • Check your alt vaults and shared storage from one location 
  • Sort your items
  • Gets rid of your 6 backpacks to give you one large one

Get this addon here 

2. DebuffVitals

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A quick and easy way to check the status of your enemy

Keeping track of the bosses and other enemies during a raid takes a lot of effort. DebuffVitals gives you a clear look at the current status of your enemies, from morale and power to the list of debuffs.

  • List of current debuffs on the boss
  • Tracks corruption counts
  • Shows current morale and power levels 

Get this addon here 

1. TitanBar

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All the important stuff can be looked at easily with TitanBar

TitanBar is one of those plugins that has it all. You can track how much is in your wallet, the day/night cycles, the time, how much is in your shared storage, check your reputation, and so much more. 

  • Simple bar on the top of your screen for easy access
  • Track how much money each of your alts has, including your shared storage
  • Save your bar layout so all characters will have the same layout

Get this addon here 

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