![[Top 15] LoL Wild Rift Best Duos For A Great Combo [Top 15] LoL Wild Rift Best Duos For A Great Combo](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2023-04/malp_yas_0.jpg.webp?itok=YPvJq3fH)
Playing with a friend will almost always make a game a hundred times better, and even more if you win games by doing amazing combos together. Wild Rift will let you experience these moments as you play Duos, and choosing two champions with abilities that synergizes well with each other will allow you to experience doing combos that will leave enemies unable to do anything but watch the two of you go wild.
So here is a list of the best champions for duo queues, these champions have abilities that work well when used together and can sometimes become a win.
15.Yasuo and Malphite
Yasuo and Malphite is probably one of the popular combo of champions in the game, and both of them can be played in the Dragon lane or be played in two separate lanes. Yasuo can fill the role of an attack damage carry, dealing damage throughout the game. Malphite is a tank that works well against Attack damage champions, his abilities are easy to learn and has no complicated combinations.
What makes Yasuo and Malphite a great combo is that they fill two of the main positions in the team, Yasuo being the main damage dealer and Malphite as the main tank. Malphite is a tank that initiates fights, slowing enemies while tanking most of the damage. Yasuo can quickly follow Malphite with his mobility and with Malphite initiating the fights first the focus will go to him before they go to Yasuo. The most known combo of these two is their ultimate abilities, Malphite will rush into an area, knocking up enemies that are in it. While an enemy or multiple enemies are airborne Yasuo can then press his ultimate to keep those airborne enemies in the air for a few seconds longer while he damages them. Now this may seem like a basic combo since it's only a combination of two abilities but airborne is an effect that cannot be cleansed making it more effective than stuns or roots.
Why Yasuo + Malphite is a great combo:
- Yasuo can fill the position of Damage carry easily, but his ultimate isn't as easy to use on multiple enemies but Malphite can easily knock up enemies in an area which allows Yasuo to close the gap, keep them in the air and deal as much damage as he can.
- Malphite's abilities can help Yasuo chase enemies even without enemy minions.
- Although Malphite is really strong against champions that deal physical damage he doesn't have much advantage against champions that deal mostly magic damage.
14.Lucian and Braum
Lucian and Braum is a very effective pick in the Duo lane. Lucian can deal a lot of damage and remain safe behind Braum's shield. Their abilities work well with each other and allow for them to become more effective in doing what they do.
Braum is a champion that works well with a lot of marksmen but he becomes even more effective when paired with Lucian because of how their passives compliment each other. Lucian’s passive allows him to fire two basic attacks after every ability he uses. Braum’s passive allows his basic attacks and first ability to apply a stack on the enemy, every time that enemy is hit with a basic attack another stack will be added and after reaching the maximum number of stacks they will be stunned. Lucian can easily proc Braum’s passive, allowing the duo to stun enemies at a consistent rate. Braum can also block ranged attacks with his shield so Lucian will be able to deal more damage to the enemy marksman than they can deal to him, giving them a huge advantage at the dragon lane.
Why Lucian + Braum is a Great Combo:
- Their passive synergizes well with each other, allowing them to quickly stun enemies they are attacking.
- Although Lucian is a marksman that has a bit of mobility, he is still squishy so having Braum can protect them from the ranged attacks and abilities from marksmen and mages.
- Their ultimates also work well as Lucian will be able to hit more of his ultimate while the enemies are airborne from Braum’s ultimate.
13.Miss Fortune and Jarvan IV
Miss Fortune and Jarvan IV are two champions that don't play on the same lane, Miss Fortune plays on the dragon lane and Jarvan is played mostly on the jungle, although Jarvan will oftentimes be on the dragon lane to gank. Their combo is great as Jarvan can let Miss Fortune deal more damage with her ultimate and her first ability also has a higher chance to bounce to an enemy champion.
Miss Fortune can deal a lot of AoE damage, the only problem is that enemies can often easily leave the area of effect to avoid getting hit, she can slow enemies so that they can take more damage before they leave the zone but it still allows them to escape. Jarvan can help Miss Fortune deal her maximum amount of damage by knocking enemies up or by trapping them in an area so that Miss Fortune can use her ultimate to its maximum effect.
Why Miss Fortune + Jarvan IV is a Great Combo:
- Their ultimate abilities work well with each other, allowing them to show their full capability, Miss Fortune will be able to deal its max damage on the enemies while Jarvan’s ultimate will trap them making them unable to leave the AoE.
- They have a really good late game ending combo, with the combination of their ultimate they can eliminate multiple enemies, and allow ending the game sooner, most people don’t realize that Miss Fortune can deal a lot of damage to towers, and also Miss Fortune can easily clear minion waves or zone enemies while her team is hitting the enemy nexus with her ultimate ability.
- JarvanIV and Miss Fortune are also both very useful even if they are behind, Miss Fortune can still deal damage and Jarvan can still trap and crowd control enemies.
12.Xayah and Rakan
Xayah and Rakan is a combination that is meant to be, they both improve the effect of their abilities and are more effective together. Xayah deals a lot of damage and can deal damage to multiple enemies with her abilities, Rakan can crowd control multiple enemies allowing Xayah to deal damage to multiple enemies and Rakan can also improve the survivability of Xayah. Also they can do a joint recall, allowing one of them to start a recall while the other tries to freeze the lane or get a few more minions.
Xayah is a marksman that can deal damage to multiple enemies that are in a line, so more enemies that are clustered together the more overall damage that Xayah will deal, early game it will be hard since the enemy doesn’t have much reason to stick closely to each other, but with with Rakan as a support, enemies will be charmed or airborne which allows Xayah to deal more damage to multiple enemies. Their abilities also have bonus effects that have unique effects that can only apply to each other. Xayah’s second ability will also apply to Rakan if he is nearby, while Rakan’s third ability will give a bigger shield to Xayah and it will also have a lower cooldown.
Why Xayah + Rakan is a Great Combo:
- They were made to be used together, that is why they have better effects with their abilities when they are together in game.
- They both fill the roles in the dragon lane, allowing them to continuously show how effective they are as a Duo, they’re combos can also crowd control enemies with a root, airborne and charm.
- Their combined recall allows one of them to hold lane to freeze or to get a few more minion gold before joining whoever is recalling, this allows for a more efficient time used in backing and getting back to lane.
11.Lux and Morgana
Lux and Morgana are the root sisters of this game, getting caught by one root will result in another root and a lot of magic damage taken. Both of these champions aren’t usually played in the same lane but since Morgana can be played in the jungle and Lux can go mid or support, they will still have a pretty frequent interaction with each other from early to mid game.
What’s good about this combo is it allows the team to get easy picks, both Lux and Morgana’s first ability can root an enemy for a decent amount of time and Lux can even root two enemies, Morgana can also root multiple enemies but with her ultimate ability instead. They both have AoE abilities that deal a lot of magic damage; the only difference is Lux deals more burst damage and Morgana deals more damage overtime but this makes them fill different damage roles in the game. Lux can burst down squishy champions while Morgana can deal a lot of damage to tanks with a lot of health. The only weakness of this is if the enemy team stacks more magic resist, but these two are good to use if the other three players on your team choose champions that deal physical damage.
Why Lux + Morgaa is a Great Combo:
- They are a good combo to use for a lot of situations and they are probably the most fun combo to use to tilt enemies when they can’t even do anything but sit in one spot.
- Each of them can deal damage to different enemies. Morgana is more effective in dealing damage to enemies with a lot of health and Lux is more effective against squishy enemies.
- Morgana and Lux can get a lot of picks, especially in the late game if Lux gets ahead she can one shot any enemy that gets rooted by any of them. Getting a good pick will often lead to a win, and even if they can’t get a pick, rooting enemies will prevent frontline champions like tanks and bruisers from initiating on your team by using gap closing abilities.
10.Sona and Seraphine
Sona and Seraphine is another two support combination that works well with each other, this is especially so with a team that has hard carry champions that can really pop off with good buffs. Sona can take the role of support while Seraphine can go mid lane as she deals better damage and control than Sona. Their abilities in tandem boosts allies nearby and allow both of them to deal more damage.
This duo might not seem strong at first but if you look at how well their abilities synergize you would be surprised. Sona can boost the damage of an ally's next attack and Seraphine can gain a huge range boost whenever she uses an ability that allows her to easily activate the bonus damage buff from Sona. Their combined healing also allows the whole team to outsustain enemies in team fights, and you might think just building counter heal makes it ineffective but what some people don’t realize is that both of them actually give both a shield and a heal, with the former being harder to counter and the shield can apply to all allies. The movement speed buff that both of them can give is also applied to all nearby allies, this allows the whole team to gain advantage in initiating team fights or disengaging from disadvantageous fights. Finally the best part of this combination is their ultimate abilities. They can both crowd control enemies in a wide area and good timing with the two ultimates can win a lot of team fights.
Why Sona + Seraphine is a Great Combo:
- Their abilities synergize well with each other and they don’t only boost one another they also boost the whole team.
- Although they are both support champions Seraphine can do the same thing most mid lane mages can do so picking both of them won’t ruin the balance of a team composition.
- They both can initiate team fights and give the possibility for a comeback.
9.Samira and Nautilus
Samira and Nautilus is a great combo but this is mostly better for Samira which is fine since Nautilus is more known as a support champion. Samira is a marksman that can deal a lot of AoE damage and Nautilus can immobilize enemies with three different abilities allowing Samira to make use of her passive. Nautilus is a tank that can initiate fights for Samira and allow her to deal her max damage while also protecting her from damage and abilities that can cancel her ultimate.
Samira is a marksman that shines a lot in team fights, she can dance around with her gap closing abilities and deal damage while doing so. Nautilus can easily allow Samira to use her passive to quickly get her into her attacking range, this also allows Samira to distance herself from enemies as she can quickly get into her attacking range anyways. This combination allows Samira to make use of her passive and get it to the max grade allowing her to use her ultimate.
Why Samira + Nautilus is a Great Combo:
- Nautilus can allow Samira to quickly get into range with his immobilizing abilities, this allows Samira to play in a safer position to avoid getting poked.
- The amount of crowd control Nautilus can do will buy enough time for Samira to max the grade of her passive so that she can use her ultimate.
- Both of them can be played on the dragon lane allowing their synergy to be effective all throughout the game.
8.Yone and Yuumi
Yone and Yuumi are played in different lanes but mid to late game they’ll be able to make plays with each other. Their abilities work well with each other and have amazing synergy that can win team fights.Their combos are great for team fights because of how well their AoE damage and crowd control is.
Yone is a champion that deals a lot of AoE damage, he even has an inbuilt crowd control that can immobilize multiple enemies which allows him to hit more with the abilities he has. His kit also allows him to close the gap between him and enemies easily and even have an AoE Zed death mark effect from his third ability. Yone is a really good champion but he is squishy, and since he is a melee champion that goes deep in team fights he will take a lot of damage from multiple champions. Yuumi on the other hand is a champion that will only die after the champion he is supporting does and what makes her really strong is she can keep that one ally alive for periods of time while also buffing their damage, this makes her a really good pair for Yone. Both of their ultimate abilities synergize well with each other, Yuumi can use her ultimate first to make enemies unable to dodge Yone’s ultimate ability or have it the other way around letting Yone’s ultimate ability gather multiple enemies in an area when Yuumi can hit more with her ultimate ability.
Why Yone + Yuumi is a Great Combo:
- Yuumi can allow Yone to be more effective in team fights by giving him more sustain and damage.
- Their abilities synergize well, Yuumi can allow Yone to chase enemies down even if they try to flash away.
- Once Yone snowballs, Yuumi can start separating from the dragon lane and start joining Yone on roaming for kills or getting objectives.
7.Amumu and Galio
Amumu is one of the best tanks for champions that deal magic damage, his ability to initiate fights and tank damage is top notch in the tank category. Amumu is also known for the AoE damage and Crowd control. Galio is a champion that can be played as a tank or mage, his AoE also is really good. Their combo is good and they can really show their prowess in team fights.
Amumu’s passive will make his basic attack apply a curse on enemies and those enemies will take additional true damage from the magic damage they receive, this means most mages will do a lot more damage with Amumu on their team. Amumu also has two types of crowd control, one being a gap closing ability and the second being an AoE crowd control. Now enters Galio, he deals a lot of magic damage in an area and his ultimate allows him to immediately respond to allies that are being targeted, this makes him a really good mid lane champion that can roam. What makes them great is that Amumu is played more as a Jungle and when both Galio and Amumu have their ultimates they both can gank lanes. When Amumu hits enemies with his ultimate enemies will be unable to move and attack, his passive will also apply to them and then Galio can use his ultimate to chain the crowd control which prolongs the time the enemy is immobilized. Galio’s ultimate will also deal additional true damage thanks to Amumu’s passive.
Why Amumu + Galio is a Great Combo:
- Amumu can allow Galio to deal more damage with his passive.
- They can also chain their crowd controls with their abilities making it hard for hard carry champions on the enemy team to do their thing, and even if they have a tank to protect that champion, he can’t protect them from two champions coming for that carry.
- The best combo of these two is definitely their ultimates, Amumu can go in first and catch as many enemies with his ultimate as he can and then Galio can go in to follow up on that ultimate. Enemies will get crowd controlled for a longer time and take more damage from Galio.
6.Kennen and Galio
Kenne and Galio is another combo that works well but in this instance Galio takes over the role of tank. Kennen is an excellent champion for team fights, he can stun more than one enemy and deal continuous damage while his abilities are active. Galio taking the tank role can initiate fights and allow Kennen to follow up.
Kennen can deal a lot of AoE magic damage, and the best part is he can stun enemies multiple times, this allows him to become an initiator even though his build revolves more around ability power. Galio as a tank initiator in this case can tank damage from enemies so that Kennen will take less damage when he tries to initiate. When Kennen stuns two or more enemies Galio can then use his ultimate to follow up and chain the crowd control to keep the enemies disabled for longer periods of times.
Why Kennen + Galio is a Great Combo:
- Their kits allow both of them to play aggressive and deal damage, and even if they do they won’t lose to most enemies as they have a lot of crowd control and damage.
- They can chain a lot of their abilities to improve the overall effect, chaining a taunt after a stun, and then adding another stun. This leaves enemies unable to do anything to counter.
- Their ultimates also chain well with one another, giving a lot of combo possibilities in team fights.
5.Kennen and Amumu
Kennen and Amumu is another combo like the last two. But this combination has more potential to wipe out enemies in team fights.
Kennen deals a lot of AoE damage but he doesn’t have any in built penetrations so if the enemy builds a lot of magic resist Kennen will lose a lot of his effectiveness, and if the enemy builds Mercury boots and Amaranths Blessing he pretty much loses most of his advantage with his kit, he’s gonna become just an initiator that just stuns enemies and rely on his team to deal damage. This is where Amumu comes in, allowing Kennen to deal true damage with his abilities; these two in tandem will stunlock enemies in team fights leaving them unable to do anything as Kennen rains lightning of true damage thanks to Amumu’s curse. You can also build Riftmaker on Kennen to give him more sustain and deal more true damage.
Why Kennen + Amumu is a Great Combo:
- Their abilities work really well with each other. Their combos are also able to hit multiple enemies which gives a lot of advantages in team fights.
- Kennen will be able to deal a lot of damage thanks to Amumu’s passive, and Amumu will also be able to deal more damage thanks to the amount of crowd control both of them deal to enemies.
- The best part of this combo is their ability to contest objectives and win them thanks to their AoE crowd controls. If the enemy does Baron and you can wipe out all enemies and steal Baron you can end the game.
4.Vayne and Yuumi
Vayne and Yuumi is one of the best dragon lane duo combos in the game Vayne is already a strong champion on her own thanks to how hard it is to kill her with her invisibility and Yuumi is always a great champion to pair with a hard carry because of the buffs she gives.
Vayne can out damage a lot of marksman in the game and even win most fights with them thanks to her kit, she can melt tanks and thanks to her low cooldown dash she can dodge a lot of abilities when played correctly but with Yuumi in the picture she can do even more, her damage increases, her rate of survivability is improved making harder to kill, and Vayne’s invisibility allows Yuumi to also become invisible. With the movement speed Yuumi gives, Vayne can go invisible and quickly run towards behind the enemy, and when she comes out Yuumi can use her ultimate to root enemies while Vayne kills the squishy enemies in the back line.
Why Vayne + Yuumi is a Great Combo:
- Vayne becomes an even scarier marksman to fight when Yuumi is attached to her and even though Vayne will be more vulnerable to being a target in the bot lane since Yuumi remains invulnerable, she can easily dodge skill shots and enemy poke.
- Yuumi can join Vayne in her invisibility, this allows a surprise attack with both of their ultimate.
- Vayne and Yuumi is also a great combo for a Vayne user that knows how to really use the champion and the Yuumi will only focus on supporting Vayne.
3.Wukong and Oriana
Wukong and Oriana is another good combination that plays around being invisible and then surprising the enemy with crowd control. Wukong is a champion that deals a lot of physical damage and he can also crowd control multiple enemies which is further assisted by his ability to close the gap and go invisible. And Oriana is a mage that can continuously deal magic damage with her low cooldown abilities.
What makes this combo really good is that they can both fill the role of a damage dealer and since they deal different types of damage it becomes harder to build items to counter both. Their abilities to deal damage is really good and the combination of physical and magical damage while having the ability to keep themselves safe. Another great thing is the different possibilities of their combos, one of them is Oriana can put het ball on Wukong, Wukong can then go invisible and when he is near to more than one enemy Oriana can use her ult to pull all of those enemies towards Wukong in which Wukong can also press his ultimate to prolong the crowd control on the enemies.
Why Wukong + Oriana is a Great Combo:
- They have great synergy with their ultimate abilities, allowing for a chain of crowd control to multiple enemies.
- Since both of them are damage dealer enemies will have a harder time building to counter the damage of both champions.
- Oriana also boosts the survivability of Wukong with the shield and movement speed she gives.
2.Draven and Yuumi
Draven and Yuumi is another example of a carry working well with a Yuumi as a support. Draven is a high damage carry that has a high chance of snowballing once he gets a kill. He is one of the few marksmen that can solo carry games and dominate team fights. His ability to get items faster than most enemy champions allow him to take the lead in the game. Yuumi is an enchanter support that heals, buffs and controls enemies. With Yuumi’s kit she can further allow Draven to carry the game.
Draven is a champion that can gain a lot of bonus gold thanks to his passive that allows him to stack adoration by catching spinning axes and/or killing enemies. Getting a kill consumes all adoration stacks and gives bonus gold based on that. What Yuumi brings to the table is that she can improve the survivability of Draven and allow her to deal more damage, her ultimate can also allow Draven to free hit enemies by rooting them. Yuumi can allow Draven to gain more chances to kill enemies and get the gold from his passive.
Why Draven + Yuumi is a Great Combo:
- Draven is a strong champion that can solo carry games by just getting a few kills, Yuumi can further improve Draven’s strength.
- Yuumi can also help Draven survive getting targeted or focused by enemies; it can also help Draven turn fights since Draven can kill enemies really quickly thanks to how much damage he deals.
- AoE is also not a problem thanks to his ultimate and passive and with Yuumi roothing enemies in a wide area it can allow his ultimate to hit those enemies twice.
1.Diana and Lilia
Diana and Lilia is a good combo for team fights, both of them can crowd control multiple enemies with their ultimates and they can also deal AoE damage to multiple enemies. Their synergy is also good thanks to how Diana can group enemies allowing both of them to hit more enemies. Lilia can easily follow up on DIana when she initiates fights and combines her abilities with Diana’s abilities.
The best part of this combination is their ability to allow each other to deal their maximum amount of damage with their kits. Diana can initiate fights by closing the gap between her and the enemies, she can then use her ultimate to drag enemies towards her, allowing Lilia to hit enemies with the edge of her first ability or the center of her second ability. If the enemies survive the initial burst and try to fight back or run away, Lilia can then follow up with her ultimate, allowing both of them to finish the job.
Why Diana + Lilia is a Great Combo:
- Diana is a great champion to initiate team fights because of how much damage she can tank thanks to her shields, and Lilia is just hard to hit and damage because of her movement speed. This creates a duo that hits hard and is hard to kill.
- Their abilities synergize really well with each other, Diana’s ultimate can allow Lilia to easily mark multiple enemies allowing Lilia’s to put more than one enemy to sleep.
- Their combo is also hard to counter since Lilia deals true damage and Diana can just ignore tanks with her gap closing ability.
So those are the best champions with the best combos to use in Duos, although these are exceptionally strong it's still best to use champions you are most used to in ranked games. Remember to practice in normal games first before going into ranked games.