[Top 5] LoL Best Sona Builds That Destroy Enemies (Used By Pros)

[Top 5] LoL Best Sona Builds That Destroy Enemies (Used By Pros)
04 Nov 2022

Do you enjoy listening to music? Yes? Well, who doesn't, but how about you use that music to battle your enemies and rally your entire team? That sounds intriguing, doesn't it? That's what Sona does, and it's how her entire champion works. She can heal with W's “Song Of Perseverance”, increase movement speed with E's “Song Of Celerity”, and even force people to dance with her R's “Crescendo”.

You might think that's a little weak because you can't deal damage, but you'd be wrong. Her Q “Hymn Of Valor” is used for dealing damage and has an insane range, and the third time you cast abilities, there will be a special effect when you auto-attack someone. Except for your ultimate, the effect is determined by the last ability used.

Sona can't be played anywhere else because she's squishy and doesn't do much damage in the early game, so the support role is ideal for her. Many people can play Sona, but none can match the pro DRX BeryL. Nobody can play the champion as he can. He's at a different level.

5. Battlesong Build

The first build will prioritize movement speed and being the fastest champion on the summoner's rift. This build is highly match-up dependent, and it cannot be built for every single match. As Sona, you can already increase your teammate's movement speed by using your E “Song Of Celerity” , and with this item, you and your teammates will be even faster. If your team lacks mobility, you should create this.

This allows your team to catch up to the enemy in team fights or run away faster when trying to save someone. Trust me when I say that having more movement speed and mobility will benefit you greatly in the long run. Not only that, but you can use your increased movement speed to get closer to your opponent and cast your ultimate ability. The greater the number of people you hit with your ultimate, the better.

Use This Build If:

  • Your team lacks mobility. 
  • If you can’t catch up to the enemy team and the enemy team has a lot of dashes. 
  • Great for getting close and personal with the enemy to cast your ultimate. 
  • Build works great alongside Hecarim. 



  • Summon Aery
  • Manaflow Band
  • Transcendence 
  • Scorch


  • Presence Of Mind
  • Cut Down


Level 1: Hymn Of Valor

Level 2: Aria Of Perseverance

Level 3: Song Of Celerity

Level 4-5: Hymn Of Valor

Level 6: Crescendo

Level 7: Hymn Of Valor

Level 8: Song Of Celerity

Level 9: Hymn Of Valor

Level 10: Song Of Celerity

Level 11: Crescendo

Level 12-13: Song Of Celerity

Level 14-15: Aria Of Perseverance

Level 16: Crescendo

Level 17-18: Aria Of Perseverance

Analysis Of Abilities Allocation:

This build prioritizes having the fastest movement speed in the game. Maximizing your Q “Hymn Of Valor” will provide you with extra damage during the laning phase, allowing you to continue receiving passive gold from your support item. The next ability to max is your E “Song Of Celerity”, followed by your W “Aria Of Perseverance”.

Items (are sorted from the early game to the late game):

Spell Thief’s Edge, Two Health Potions, Pink Ward, Bandleglass Mirror, Shurelya’s Battlesong, Sorcerer’s Shoes, Shards Of True Ice, Ardent Censer, Redemption, and Staff Of Flowing Water.

4. Tank Build

This is a very specific build that you will not see in-game very often. This will only work if your team lacks a tank or if your Malphite has decided to build full AP for no reason. Most people regard Sona as a weak support, but you'll surprise yourself with this one.

You'll have a lot of sustain, so don't be afraid to start fights or even flash ult the opposing team. If you don't have your ultimate ability, you can always use E “Song Of Celerity” to flee quickly. The build excels at providing sustain during team fights, as well as the ability to tank skill shots to protect your ADC. Don't think you're a real tank, so don't tank everything, and even share something with your team.

Use This Build If:

  • Your team lacks tanks or people to be on the frontline.
  • The build is great for initiating a team fight. 
  • You’ll have a ton of sustain so don’t be afraid to tank some hits for your ADC. 



  • Guardian
  • Shield Bash
  • Bone Plating 
  • Revitalize 


  • Manaflow Band
  • Waterwalking


Level 1: Hymn Of Valor

Level 2: Aria Of Perseverance

Level 3: Song Of Celerity

Level 4-5: Hymn Of Valor

Level 6: Crescendo

Level 7: Hymn Of Valor

Level 8: Aria Of Perseverance

Level 9: Hymn Of Valor

Level 10: Aria Of Perseverance

Level 11: Crescendo

Level 12-13: Aria Of Perseverance

Level 14-15: Song Of Celerity

Level 16: Crescendo

Level 17-18: Song Of Celerity

Analysis Of Abilities Allocation:

You'll want to start with your Q “Hymn Of Valor” and max it out to maximize the output of your damage with this build. You should maximize your W “Aria Of Perserverance” second because it provides you with more sustain and allows you to heal your teammates. In this situation, the E “Song Of Celerity” is also useful, but we can't put it ahead of your heals.

Items (are sorted from the early game to the late game):

Watchful Wardstone, Two Health Potions, Pink Ward, Aegis Of The Legion, Plated Steelcaps, Vigilant Wardstone, Randuin’s Omen, Seraph’s Embrace, and Zhonya’s Hourglass. 

3. AP Sona

You probably never considered going full AP Sona, or even if it was even possible. Well, thanks to recent buffs to items and the champion, you can finally build her full AP and it's viable. You will still be in the support role, but you will be going AP items to "support" your team. If you catch my drift.

This build is ideal for a squishy team composition with limited HP; otherwise, you'll need to use another build. If you choose this build for a tank team, you will have a miserable time. The build excels at dealing damage and serving as your team's second carry. If your ADC has been struggling, you can step in and carry the match for him.

Use This Build If:

  • Only if you’re playing against a team that doesn’t have a lot of resistance or HP. 
  • Great for carrying games. 
  • All of the AP items that you go with this build will give you enough mana that you won’t recall that often. 



  • Arcane Comet
  • Manaflow Band
  • Transcendence 
  • Scorch


  • Taste Of Blood
  • Ultimate Hunter


Level 1: Hymn Of Valor

Level 2: Aria Of Perseverance

Level 3: Song Of Celerity

Level 4-5: Hymn Of Valor

Level 6: Crescendo

Level 7: Hymn Of Valor

Level 8: Aria Of Perseverance

Level 9: Hymn Of Valor

Level 10: Aria Of Perseverance

Level 11: Crescendo

Level 12-13: Aria Of Perseverance

Level 14-15: Song Of Celerity

Level 16: Crescendo

Level 17-18: Song Of Celerity

Analysis Of Abilities Allocation:

Because this is a full AP build, you should start with your Q “Hymn Of Valor” to poke the team and gain passive gold from your support item. You'll also want to max out your Q first because you're going full AP. W “Aria Of Perseverance” second is fantastic for healing and keeping your team alive. 

Items (are sorted from the early game to the late game):

Spell Thief’s Edge, Two Health Potions, Pink Ward, Boots, Lost Chapter, Luden’s Temptest, Sorcerer’s Shoes, Shards Of Ice, Archangel’s Staff, Chemtech Putrifier, and Banshee’s Veil. 

2. One-Shot Build

What's better than going full AP, Sona? Being able to one-shot people with the champion. You haven't truly played the champion unless you've gone through this build. It's one of the most enjoyable builds you can do with her, and the only drawback is that you won't be able to support your team at all. Being a support is out the window because you'll only be focusing on damage and getting kills. 

The majority of the items in this build revolve around your Q “Hymn Of Valor” and then using your auto-attack. That's when you'll do the most damage. Unlike the previous build, you can use this one against tanks or bruisers, but you will need to make some changes to your item selection, which isn't a big deal. The build excels at killing and dealing damage, but it falls short on support.

Use This Build If:

  • It works against tanks and bruisers but you have to make a few changes to the item choices. 
  • You can one-shot squishy champions. 
  • You know that your ADC won’t be able to carry the match. 



  • Dark Harvest
  • Cheap Shot
  • Eyeball Collection 
  • Ultimate Hunter


  • Presence Of Mind
  • Cut Down


Level 1: Hymn Of Valor

Level 2: Aria Of Perseverance

Level 3: Song Of Celerity

Level 4-5: Hymn Of Valor

Level 6: Crescendo

Level 7: Hymn Of Valor

Level 8: Aria Of Perseverance

Level 9: Hymn Of Valor

Level 10: Aria Of Perseverance

Level 11: Crescendo

Level 12-13: Aria Of Perseverance

Level 14-15: Song Of Celerity

Level 16: Crescendo

Level 17-18: Song Of Celerity

Analysis Of Abilities Allocation:

Since you’ll want to one-shot people you’ll also want to spam your Q “Hymn Of Valor” and use the passive ability with your auto-attack from your Q ability. That’s the only way to do it with this build so you want to max it out first. Then later during the match, you’ll want to either max E “Song Of Celerity” or W “Aria Of Perservenrace” depending on what you need more. 

Items (are sorted from the early game to the late game):

Spell Thief’s Edge, Two Health Potions, Tear Of The Goddess, Boots, Lost Chapter, Blasting Wand, Luden’s Temptest, Sorcerer’s Shoes, Seraph’s Embrace, Lich Bane, Rabadon’s Deathcap, and Void Staff. 

1. Best Support Build

And did you know that the best build for our dear Mozart is one with full support? After all, she is a support champion, and her kit is designed to help others. When it comes to the build, it boosts her W's “Aria Of Perservenrace” healing potential and E's “Song Of Celerity” movement speed. It goes full-on utility, and your team will praise you if you can play her correctly with the build provided. Sona will not go quietly either, as she will have sustain from the healing and resolve tree runes. 

It also focuses on reducing her cooldowns, allowing you to heal every two to three seconds and provide movement speed for days. Because it has a large cooldown timer, the cooldowns are also great for your ultimate ability. If you choose this build, don't be afraid to die when ulting the opposing team. Your team will win the team fight if you did your job properly. But make certain that those deaths are counted.

Use This Build If:

  • If you are going to be playing support, Sona. 
  • If your team needs healing and movement speed. 
  • If your team needs utility during team fights. 
  • If you need to lower the cooldowns on your abilities. 



  • Summon Aery
  • Manaflow Band
  • Transcendence 
  • Gathering Storm


  • Conditioning 
  • Revitalize


Level 1: Hymn Of Valor

Level 2: Aria Of Perseverance

Level 3: Song Of Celerity

Level 4-5: Hymn Of Valor

Level 6: Crescendo

Level 7: Aria Of Perseverance

Level 8: Song Of Celerity

Level 9: Aria Of Perseverance

Level 10: Song Of Celerity

Level 11: Crescendo

Level 12: Aria Of Perseverance

Level 13: Song Of Celerity

Level 14: Aria Of Perseverance

Level 15: Song Of Celerity

Level 16: Crescendo

Level 17-18: Hymn Of Valor

Analysis Of Abilities Allocation:

The build allocation focuses on you being the best support there is, so you'll want to max out your W “Aria Of Perservenrace” and E “Song Of Celerity” as soon as possible so you can provide healing and movement speed to your team. You want three points in your Q “Hymn Of Valor” so you have enough poke during the laning phase. You'll gain gold from your support item and set up your ADC for a possible kill.

Items (are sorted from the early game to the late game):

Spell Thief’s Edge, Two Health Potions, Boots, Pink Ward, Tear Of The Goddess, Bandleglass Mirror, Moonstone Renewer, Ioania’s Boots Of Lucidity, Shards Of True Ice, Archangel’s Staff, Chemtech Putrifier, and Redemption. 

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