Is WWE 2K23 Good?

Is WWE 2K23 Good?
15 May 2023

I have watched WWE since I was eleven. I remember running to my neighbor's house because they invited me to watch WrestleMania 2000. I was not expecting much, but instead I fell hard in love.

Saying that, it is hard for me not to be biased because I have seen so much WWE and know what I like. However, $60 is a solid purchase, and I do not want people to waste their money on a game they do not like. Which is why I will try to be unbiased when talking about WWE 2K23’s 10 most important gameplay aspects.

1. Inclusivity 

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Goldust is the epitome of different but cool. He is who he is, and is not afriad to show it. We should all be so lucky. 

We live in a world where inclusivity is one of the top societal priorities. Including every height, every weight, every race, and every gender is an important aspect of growing as a culture. WWE 2K23 does a great job of making this game fun for everyone, no matter what their creed. 

In Create-A-Wrestler Mode, users can create a superstar that represents them and allows them to feel like they are part of the action. They can also bring their superstar to MyRise Mode and envision themselves struggling to the top. 

WWE has transformed its women's division over the last decade. They started with Bra and Panties matches, and most of their segments involved Jerry Lawler ogling them, to having their own Royal Rumble, Tag Titles, and main event at WrestleMania. More and more young girls envision themselves as future superstars, and MyRise in 2K gives them their own story.

WWE’s MyRise, or Career Mode for created superstars, has both a men’s and women’s storyline. While they are different in content, each has its’ own intricate plot with twists, turns, and choices. They did not slack off in either story mode’s production. 

WWE 2K is great at including everyone. It has story modes for everyone, tedious universe creating modes for the older fans, and beat up action for even the youngest fan. As long as you can push a button, this game has something for you.

Inclusivity Grade: A+


2. Replayability 

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You may get tired of wrestling matches or putting people through tables. 2K brings different ways to enjoy the game so your $60 won't go to waste. 

I remember going to Family Video and trying to convince my mom to rent my game for a week instead of the standard two days. I knew renting it for two days would not be enough because I would not be able to beat it. For many games, when Mom actually paid for the week, I would be done with it after only five days because I had done everything the game had to offer. Luckily, WWE 2K23’s playability lasts well beyond a week. 

Replayability is the name of the game for manufacturers because replayability equals purchasing. Did the producers make it expansive enough to make gamers want to buy it? I, personally, try to spend $1 for every 2 hours of play. 2K’s replayability is worth the money.  

There are two MyRise modes to complete and a variety of choices and unique paths within those stories. You can play through dozens of completely different storylines with different superstars. GM Mode and Universes Mode were not created to be “beat” but to expand. 

You can spend hours editing a wrestler, playing Superstar mode, finishing all the challenges in GM Mode, or creating the angles and feuds you want most (like DX vs. NWO). All the different ways to play the game allow you to spend a few days in one mode and then a few days in the next.  

Wrestling games, and all fighting games, have one built in flaw; you can only wrestle so many times before you get sick of doing it. Yes, there are hundreds of wrestlers, but beating people up can get repetitive. 2K’s other modes help nullify this flaw and make it a very replayable game.  

Replayability Grade: A


3. Roster

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As WWE gets older its' roster only gets bigger. 2K23's roster is so big they are bound to have a few of your favorite superstars. 

Nothing is worse than going into a WWE game and not being able to play with your favorite star. WWE 2K23 does a great job expanding its roster (sadly, no Christian for E and C). WWE 2K23 has the biggest roster in video game history, sporting 178 different wrestlers, and that is only the start.

There are 246 superstars in the game, and 129 of them can be used right away. As you progress through the game, you will unlock 87 more superstars, including 10 versions of John Cena, 5 of Batista, and 5 of Rey Mysterio. These different versions of wrestlers are great for when you are in universe mode and want to recreate a certain year or certain events. 

Super Cena is the only player rated 100 and is actually invisible (you literally cannot see him). He is unlocked after showcase mode is completed. Roman Reigns is the only real wrestler rated a 99 and Brock is not too far behind at 97. The wrestler ratings are fairly on-par with reality, but some are questionable. 

One rating that really grinds my gears is X-Pac at an 88 which is tied with Shawn Michaels and beats out Cactus Jack, who sits at an 82. No disrespect to X-Pac, but he is not in either of those legends' leagues. They deserve better. Also, Cactus Jack is the only playable Mick Foley character, meaning there is no Mankind to throw off the cage. 

Any superstar that is not on the roster can be created, and there are enough options to recreate almost any missing superstar. There is also a ton of DLC, and I am sure you can find your favorite superstar online. Whatever match you had in mind, 2K can help bring it to life. 

Roster Grade: A


4. Multiplayer and Online Gaming 

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Back in my day, we couldn't play online and had to go to one another's house! Okay, grandpa, lets take you to bed. 

I am old school. I prefer my friends coming to my house and the four of us sharing one console while playing 007 Goldeneye or Mario Party. I know old a** me is behind the times because online gaming is not just the current trend, it is the norm. Which is why innovation is vital in online mode, and 2K does not stretch the parameters enough to be one of the greats.

2K only has the necessities of online gaming. It allows up to eight players to compete at once, meaning you can schedule a Money in the Bank, Elimination Chamber, or Wargames match. While online, you can create a playroom, join one of your friends rooms, or make new friends by joining their rooms. 

However, 2K decided not to use Universe Mode or GM Mode to expand their online availability. While you can probably use Shareplay to play GM Mode online, the game itself does not allow it. How amazing would it be to create a superstar faction and take over your friends' show despite their best efforts. 

They should create a WWE-run universe where you can bring your own created star into a world with other online gamers. They could simulate storylines along with user choices and create an amazing online experience. There is a faction mode that allows players to try and dominate the online world, but it fails to immerse you into a wrestling storyline (which is what we all want and 2K needs in its’ online play).

I know it is easier said than done, but WWE needs to get more creative with their online play. Even an online tag team 2 player MyRise Mode would be a refreshing welcome. There is so much potential for WWE online, and it is a shame they do not take advantage of it.  

Multiplayer grade: D

5. Graphics 

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Long gone are the days of 2D Mario jumping on a mushroom. If your game does not look real than it is a dud. 

I will never forget when I first saw Stone Cold walk down the aisle in WWE No Mercy, thinking that the graphics had peaked. Looking back, Austin’s head looked like Gumby with a mustache. Now graphics are so advanced that, when I looked up pictures for this article, I had to stare and make sure that it was not actually footage of a live Raw.

WWE 2K runs at 60 FPS, which is on par with every other game. Graphics do not generally increase much over the course of one year, but 2K23 did a solid job of increasing their quality since 2K22. The colors are smoother, and the definition of each wrestler's face and muscles is more distinct and fits the wrestler better. 

Entrances and cutscenes look as close to real life as you can get. From the mannerisms to how they get in the ring, you would think Undertaker was making a real-life return to Raw. Everything from the pyro to the crowd is on point (I swear one of the crowd characters looks just like me). 

The graphics are not too far from 2K22, but the speed of the game has improved by 100%. The flow from cutscenes into a match, or a match into a video, is perfect; there is absolutely no loading. This is such an important element when trying to make the user feel like they are actually inside the story. 

Graphics have improved so much that it still amazes me. 2K is only getting better with age.

Overall Graphics Grade: A

6. Sound Effects

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Your speaker system will play a role into how good this game sounds. Don't cheap out! 

I remember spending hours trying to search for the right song on WWE Smackdown, with none of them ever feeling right. Smackdown came with random beats and songs that you could attach to your wrestler’s entrance, making them your unique creation. It was better to attach a random beat because you did not want to copy another wrestler’s music. 

2K23 allows you to use any of the game's soundtracks for a superstar's entrance. It would be great to have hundreds of songs, but after all the copyrights, we would be paying $199.99 for a video game. The soundtrack list, besides the wrestler’s theme music, is as follows:

  • Sad But True – Metallica
  • Quevedo – Bizarrap, Quevedo
  • Vegas – Doja Cat
  • SUVs – Luciano
  • Can’t Stop – Red Hot Chili Peppers
  • Ramen & OJ – Joyner Lucas, Lil Baby
  • No More Tears To Cry – Bullet For My Valentine
  • Dame Lu – Dei V, Omar Courtz
  • Shipwreck – Letdown
  • Grounds – IDLES
  • Take What You Want – Ozzy Osbourne, Post Malone

Altogether, including some random beats, there are 291 different songs for entrances. 

The audio is clear, dynamic, and authentic. The commentary team spent seven months recording unique dialogue for every wrestling situation. For instance, an existing rivalry, two wrestlers who wrestled in different eras and had similar stats; each of these will have different, unique commentary. However, there are certain things missing that could make this a better game.  

There are so many different music making apps and sites out there that WWE, the king of customization, needs to step up its audio game. Being able to cut, chop, add, expand, etc. a song to create a soundtrack and entrances you love would bring an entirely new level to 2K. Fans understand the limitations that come with buying licensed music, but giving them a mixology board may be even better.   

I am sure there is an underground way to download music onto 2K, but I am not sure what that is. If WWE can partner up with YouTube, or create the mixology board, it would be a game changer. 

Sound Effects overall grade: B

7. Flexibility 

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If you have not mastered wrestling games yet, there is no better time to start than the present. 

So, what is flexibility in a video game? We cannot rewrite the code and turn a wrestling game into a racing game. That is not what flexibility in a game means (though I personally loved the WWE Twisted Metal game). Flexibility is the ability to make the user more versatile in the game as they go through it. 

The game should help you master simple techniques as well as develop sophisticated maneuvers the deeper you go. You should not be able to beat the final boss with level one techniques. 2K does some of this, but not to the extent that it could, nor does it keep up with other games. 

There are strong and weak grapples, strong and weak strikes, reversals, and some combos, and that is about it. The opponents, especially the John Cenas, slowly get better as the game progresses, but the name of the game boils down to one thing, reversals. 

In reversing, you guess whether it will be a strong or light grapple and press the appropriate button to counter your opponent. This skill comes through, recognizing patterns in matches, the game, and opponents. 

Combos are another skill you will acquire through the game, but 2K could expand on this and make it something special. Each superstar only has 5- 10 combos that result in different moves. 2K should make their combo system more like The Last Jedi, where you learn new combos through the game. They should create matches and events that cannot be beaten until you learn specific combos. 

As for truly allowing you to grow in your skill at the game, WWE does not live up to what many other games have become. Gaining abilities and learning new tricks are vital to keeping a game interesting. Although a veteran probably will not lose to a novice, they might, which should not be an option with a good, flexible game.  

Overall Grade: C-

8. Game Controls 

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Game controls have been tinkered with for 25 years. If you have your own preferance, you can edit some of the controls to your liking. 

2K22 and 2K23 are identical in terms of controls, but, if you did not play ‘22, then no need to fear. 2K23 lays out its controls similarly to most wrestling games of the past. 

The controls start like most WWE games. You start with an initial grapple (either circle or B, depending on your system), and from there you have two heavy attacks along with two light attacks from both the front and rear of each wrestler. This means each wrestler has about 6- 8 grappling options. 

You also have the option to turn a grapple into a carry or drag by hitting R1 or RB. This will let you do things like carry them over to a table or throw them over the ropes. There are four different ways to carry someone, and each of them can end in a different maneuver. 

Combos are also a new addition to the controls and vary depending on which superstar you are using. Each combo is either three or four buttons in a row that will result in a wrestler's classic move. Someone like Eddie Guerrero may have a complex array of buttons that lead to a Hurricurana, and Triple H’s combo may be only three buttons and lead to a stiff punch. 

2K23 allows you to use weapons, perform tag team specialty moves, and taunt your opponents. It also allows you to steal your opponent's taunt and their finisher as well.

WWE 2K23’s controls are classic and have enough moves to make you feel like you are wrestling with a specific wrestler. They will be familiar from the start, easy to learn, and do the job. 

Overall Control Grade: B

9. Innovation 

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WWE could be so much more. It could be more creative. It could be more expansive. I dare to dream that dream. 

WWE has been the same for 50 years, so how can there be any innovation, right? Wrong!

Seth Rollins in 2K20 in the Wasteland Wanderers Mode DLC was a bit too much innovation. I am glad 2K23 does not go that far, but still brings new things to the table, including: 

  • Wargames
  • Pick your own cutscenes in Universe Mode.
  • Unique commentary
  • More superstars and music than ever
  • Two unique MyRise storylines

The most innovative thing 2K23 brings is how it lays out its’ showcase mode. Making Cena the bad guy, having him editorialize his life, and showing clips of real matches is something I only dreamed of when playing Smackdown. However, in the end, instead of fighting as Cena 15 times, you end up just fighting against Cena 15 times. 

A better showcase would be a faction showcase. Imagine replaying the day Hogan joined NWO, the day DX drove through WCW’s doors, or when Orton was kicked out of Evolution. A faction showcase would give users many people to fight and many people to fight against. 

GM Mode is the best WWE has ever done; there is no question about that, but it is missing something. WWE gets in its own way when it comes to taking GM to the next level because it refuses to acknowledge other companies. Making you compete against real companies would take GM mode to another level.

EWR (Extreme Warfare Revenge) is my favorite wrestling emulator of all time and has the most expansive GM Mode in the history of wrestling. You can:

  • Sign hundreds of different free agents.
  • Raise and lower the public level based on your production (i.e., global down to national level) 
  • Sign advertisers to get money.
  • See what they are saying about you and your stars (as well as other companies stars) in the paper.
  • Sign Refs, Road Agents, and Booking Agents
  • Compete against other real wrestling companies in the ratings 
  • Managing wrestlers' morals; otherwise, they will leave
  • Managing relationships between wrestlers 
  • and much more!

EWR lets you feel like you own your company, and until WWE gets over itself, it will never be able to have a true next level GM mode.

2K23 does have some things we have never seen before, but it does not even surface the service of what a WWE game could truly be. 

Overall Innovation Grade: D

10. Fun Factor 

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There is nothing better than a new WWE game, besides two new wrestling games (I am looking at you AEW). 

When I think about the fun factor of a game, I have to think of it from two points of view. I must look at it as somebody who has never watched one minute of WWE TV, and I must look at it as me, someone who has watched thousands of hours of WWE and has an official World Championship. 

For non-WWE watchers, there is a great selection of wrestlers and music. Males can enjoy it. Women can enjoy it. Everyone will enjoy putting their friend through a ladder to take out some frustration (that way they do not have to do it in real life!). 

Creating superstars is fun for everyone. My wife and I will spend hours in both Sims and WWE creating ourselves, our family, and what we think our cat would look like as a person. We also like to try to recreate horror characters and give them the Horror Championship. 

Everyone loves a good story. and MyRise and Showcase Mode give you three different options. MyRise is pretty much an interactive movie that allows you to edit the plot. There are quite a few jokes only WWE fans will understand, but overall, it is a production everyone can enjoy. 

Universe Mode and GM Mode are more geared for the true WWE diehards. I do not know if a novice wants to tediously recreate the old WCW and create a story where WCW takes over WWE and Bishoff fires Vince, but maybe they do.

Overall, I think anyone would have a good time beating each other up, playing a movie, and creating their own WWE family. 

Overall Fun Factor Grade: B


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