Is Amnesia The Bunker Good?

Is Amnesia The Bunker Good?
20 Oct 2023

Amnesia: The Bunker game is the fifth installment in the Amnesia series. The Bunker is more fast-paced than their previous Amnesia games. It’s a survival horror game and it’s perfect for people who love that genre . 

The game has okayish graphics for 2023; it's nothing groundbreaking. That’s because the game has a simple and basic color pallet. It’s mostly brown with a sprinkle of gray. But what did you expect? You’re in a bunker. Enough about my rambling let’s get into reviewing this game!


1. Story

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The story is interesting and has a lovecraftian theme to it.

If you’re someone who loves reading novels from H.P Lovecraft or playing lovecraft inspired games well you’re at the right place. This game has a lovecraftian vibe to it due to the setting and place it takes in. A quick overview of the story is that the game takes place during World War 1 in France. It follows the story of a soldier called Henri Clement who got amnesia after being knocked out with a grenade by trying to rescue his best friend Lambert. 

After waking up he doesn’t remember a single thing but by looking around he discovers that he needs to get out immediately as there is a mysterious beast lurking around killing anything that moves or makes a sound. To escape he will need to blow up the entrance as it was sealed off to keep the beast inside. 


2. Audio

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I swear I heard him behind me.

Now, a very important thing for a horror game is good audio design. If the audio isn’t good or if the jump scares are just loud sounds that make your ears bleed, that isn’t good. Thankfully, that isn’t the case in Amnesia: The Bunker. The audio here will keep you on the edge of your seat and have you wondering if the monster is coming for you or not. 

You can hear the beast running or scratching the walls. And even sometimes, you can hear it inside the walls coming for you. If you have a good headset and you’re playing at night, it’s safe to say you won’t be going to sleep anytime soon as the audio alone will cause you massive anxiety.


3. Graphics

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Dayum, look at the details.

The graphics of the game aren’t anything special to go on about. But that’s the charm of the game. The gritty graphics add to the atmosphere and it shows the brutality of WW1. It’s not meant to be pretty; it's meant to be dark and gritty. 

There are a lot of particle effects when you use a molotov or a grenade. The shadows are detailed, the textures are nice, and the models are decent, but the thing that brings it down is the worn-out color pallet which some people won’t like at all.


4. Gameplay

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It’s so realistic.

The gameplay can be slow and clunky for people who have never played a previous Amnesia game. Another great thing about the game is that it offers the players a chance to experiment. There is also a crafting system in the game that allows you to craft molotovs, torches, and so on. 

A completely new addition to the Amnesia series is that you now get weapons which allow you to defend yourself if you’re detected. It is meant to be used as a last resort. Additionally, there are no checkpoints in the game, and the only way to save is in the safe room by lighting a lantern, which certainly raises anxiety levels. The game is worth getting for this reason alone!


5. Replayability

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I’ll do another quick run of the game because why not?

Sadly, the game doesn’t have a new game plus and once you complete the game, that is pretty much it. The developers did include a neat feature where the dog tag numbers and items are randomized on each playthrough, so no code or item placement will be the same so it adds some replayability to the game.


6. Combat

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Damn, I only got one bullet.

Just because they added two weapons and three grenade types doesn't mean the combat will be good. Because it’s slow and clunky. You’re not meant to kill the beast with your weapons. They are just meant to scare it away. 

There is one moment where you’re in a firefight in the Roman tunnels, and that isn’t special either. The guns are just there because of the setting and to give you some sense of reassurance. Getting the game just for combat isn’t worth it.


7. Puzzles

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This was easy enough.

The puzzles in here won’t have you questioning if you’re losing brain cells or not. They are quite simple. If a door is locked, you can try to get in multiple ways. Maybe try blowing up the door, throwing a brick at it, shooting it with a shotgun, or tricking the monster into smashing the door down if it’s made out of wood, any of these methods won’t work on a metal door. 

The story puzzles aren’t that hard at all, and it all comes down to reading notes and paying close attention to the game. If a chain blocks off something, then that means you have to find chain cutters. The biggest puzzle in the game will be you thinking about how to avoid the monster.


8. Mods

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I am the danger!

One great thing that the developers have added to the game is full mod support. If you know anything about modding a game or have a single clue about creating custom maps, then this game is for you. Adding mod support to a game means that its lifespan will be much longer, and it won’t die off in like 2-3 months after being released.


9. Survival Horror

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I am so spooked right now.

This is a true survival horror game. There is inventory management, healing, crafting, and a stealth system. You can upgrade your inventory space by finding upgrades, or if you don’t have enough space, you can store some items in the safe box in the safe room. 

The beast that roams the bunker will always keep you on your toes and will be on the lookout for you if you make loud sounds. Even if you don’t make loud sounds, the beast will pop out randomly and sniff around for you. If you were looking for a good survival horror game for Halloween, this is a good choice.


10. Fun Factor

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This game is fun.

The game does lack in some areas, but that isn’t anything major. The jump scares aren’t scripted; the monster roams the bunker at any given time. You have to manage your inventory and check on fuel for the generator. 

One downside with this game is that the beast can kill you in one hit, which sucks and can lead to some clipping through walls because a specific animation is playing. All in all, the game is fun and worth getting and I’d give it a fun factor of 77/100!


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