[Top 25] Ichigo Kurosaki Best Quotes That Are Legendary

02 Nov 2022

Bleach's protagonist, Ichigo Kurosaki, is known for being one of the most quotable characters in anime. Once he sets his mind to something and says it out loud, he makes sure that his words are backed up by serious action. In this article, we'll take a look at 25 of the best Ichigo Kurosaki quotes that are legendary.

25. Become strong not just for your own sake, but for your friends.

Kurosaki Ichigo never particularly wanted to be a Substitute Shinigami. All he wanted was to be a normal teenager who had the power to protect the people close to him. Therefore, after his mother was killed by a Hollow, he vowed to become strong enough not just to protect himself, but others too, and throughout the series, he stayed true to these words.


24. We can’t waste time worrying about the what-ifs.

After Kuchiki Rukia was taken back to Soul Society, charged with treason and sentenced to death, Ichigo understood that the clock was ticking and every second that he and his friends wasted was counting against Rukia, dooming her to her cruel fate. Using these words, he impressed upon his allies that caring about what could go wrong didn't matter. All that mattered was that they needed to act immediately.


23. Revenge is just the path you took to escape your suffering.

One of the recurring themes of enemy motives in Bleach is revenge. During the anime-only arc of the new captain of the third division, Amagai Shusuke, Kurosaki Ichigo eventually fights with the new captain, who wishes to kill the Captain Commander, Yamamoto Genryuusai, in revenge for murdering his father. Ichigo understands the suffering that Amagai Shusuke has gone through and hits him with a dose of truth by telling him that he is only using revenge as a way to escape his suffering.


22. I’m not fighting because I want to win, I’m fighting because I have to win.

Kurosaki Ichigo is one of the strongest characters in Bleach, and a lot of this is owed to his desire to win at all costs. Unlike most characters, Ichigo understands the difference between wanting to win and needing to win, a difference that, in many instances, has meant life or death for the people he cares for. The words in these quotes fully expressed why he knew he had to fight.


21. You know why big brothers are born first? To protect the little ones that come after them.

Kurosaki Ichigo is the oldest child in the Kurosaki family, and as such, he has always taken his responsibility as a first-born very seriously. Ever since his mother died, he knew that it was his duty to take care of Yuzu and Karin, and throughout the series, he dutifully protected them.


20. It’s meaningless to just live, and it’s meaningless to just fight. I want to win.

This quote shows us that Ichigo never wanted to be just a part of a world he had no control over. Thrust into the worlds of the Shinigami and Hollows, he knew that unless he made a conscious decision to take control of his life, he would become another victim of the chaos of those worlds.


19. I see. So basically, you're a shinigami? And you came all the way from some place called Soul Society to vanquish evil spirits? Which means that monster earlier was one of those evil spirits? And it attacked that little girl? Okay, I belie- NO WAY I'LL BELIEVE THAT, DUMBASS!

Kurosaki Ichigo's first meeting with Rukia was extremely hilarious due to the clashing personalities that both characters share. When Rukia explained where she came from and why she was in Karakura Town, Ichigo pretended to understand but did not believe her, eventually repeating everything she had told him sarcastically and making this one of the funniest quotes in the anime.


18. The difference in ability, what about it? Do you think I should give up just because you're stronger than me?

All the villains who fought Ichigo always wondered why he bothered fighting when he initially never stood a chance against them. However, Ichigo never thought that giving up was an option, and this quote shows why Ichigo always won against his opponents ultimately.


17. If miracles only happen once, what are they called the second time?

Ichigo vs. Kuchiki Byakuya is considered by many to be the best fight in Bleach, and this quote is one of the reasons why. After Ichigo revealed his Bankai and cornered Byakuya before he could react, the proud captain declared it a miracle that could only happen once. However, Ichigo proceeds to corner him again and asks him what miracles are called the second time, leaving Byakuya lost for words.


16. You wanted revenge? You're just making other people as miserable as you. Revenge is just the path you took to escape your suffering.

Ichigo has always been one to give his opponents a reality check, and in this case, Amagai Shusuke was on the receiving end after he decided to set Soul Society on fire all so that he could gain revenge by killing the Captain Commander. However, in doing so, he ended up inflicting pain on people and making them just as miserable as he was, and Ichigo didn't spare a moment to let him know this.


15. Revolving. And each time it's touched by the light of the sun and moon... The world is always changing into something new.

The one inevitable thing about the world is that it is constantly changing, and adapting to these changes is the best thing we can all do. Ichigo remarks on this in a philosophical way, proving that even in the Shinigami world, the world never stops spinning.


14. If you give me wings, I will soar for you even if this whole land sinks down to the water. If you give me a sword, I will fight for you even if this whole sky shoots through with your light.

Many times, Ichigo has had to rely on Zangetsu to get the extra power he needs to defeat a particular opponent, and in this quote, he speaks to Zangetsu and promises to fight for him if he helps him gain power. It is a deep quote that shows how strong the relationship between Ichigo and Zangetsu is.


13. I'm not Superman, so I can't say anything big like "I'll protect everyone on Earth!" I'm not a modest guy who will say "It's enough if I can protect as many people as my two hands can handle" either. I want to protect...a mountain-load of people.

This is a somewhat hilarious quote because, despite Ichigo's saying that he's not Superman, the powers he possesses would be enough to rival Superman if they ever fought. Nevertheless, it is one of the many quotes that show Ichigo's dedication to protecting people with the power he has.


12. Don't break anyone's heart, they only have one. Break their bones, they have 206.

Vizard Ichigo is one of the most unpredictable characters in Bleach due to the dark nature of his Hollow side. In a scene where he uses his Hollow powers, he uses a dark joke to remark how breaking someone's bones is better than breaking their heart because they have 206 bones and only one heart.


11. Zangetsu, I won't ask you to 'lend me your power' any more. And I won't tell you 'don't get in my way'. I won't even say 'let us fight together'. I'll fight for myself. Thank you, Zangetsu. You are me.

Ichigo had often relied on Zangetsu's power so much, but he eventually accepted him as being one with him and decided to fight for himself, showing how much he had improved his abilities.


10. Are you any different!? You sacrificed yourself to save me that time!! At that time were you thinking about complicated stuff like "this is my Shinigami duty"!? That's not what sacrificing yourself is! At the very least... I'm different! I haven't accepted any commitment. If things get bad I might run away... since I'm not a good enough person to be able to sacrifice my life for total strangers. But unfortunately I'm also not trash that can live happily without paying back his debts!

During the Soul Society invasion arc, Ichigo and his allies form a team to save Rukia, and once they do, Rukia criticizes Ichigo for saving her. However, Ichigo has none of it, berating her for saving him as well, yet being a hypocrite when he returns the favor. It's an awesome quote that shows how unorthodox the relationship between them is.


9. Dammit, is that how you greet your son who went out of his way to help a ghost on the way home?!

Kurosaki Ichigo and Kurosaki Isshin share a very atypical and comical father-son relationship. Although Isshin Kurosaki was a former Gotei 13 Captain who was very strong, as a father he acted like a total idiot, often greeting his son in the morning with a punch or a kick, something that Ichigo always complained of.


8. The moment I came out of that hole was the moment your luck ran out!

Ichigo often made sure that his opponents knew that the tables were about to be turned now that he had entered the fight, and in this case, he didn't miss the chance to declare that his opponent's luck was now at an end.


7. If fate is a millstone, then we are the grist. There is nothing we can do. So I wish for strength.

Ichigo proved time and again that he was willing to do anything to defeat his enemies, and this quote shows how much he believed that only through strength would he have a fighting chance.


6. Because he attained so much power, he could only be controlled by it. And in the end, maybe his only option was to destroy himself.

Power is not everything, and sometimes obtaining too much power ends up corrupting or destroying people. In Bleach, many villains desire power but eventually end up being controlled by that power, and in this quote, Ichigo says that ultimately, only destroying himself would the villain have escaped the clutches of control from the very power they possess.


5. That’s right. It’s not like I ever felt superior to anyone else because I could see ghosts. And I never planned to take it up as a profession. Hell, I never even felt the need to use my ability to help others. All I ever wanted was the normal life I couldn’t have. I’ve finally achieved what I always wanted.

This was a deep quote that really helped us get insight into the complicated life of Kurosaki Ichigo and showed us that he never wanted a lot of the things that came his way, such as his Shinigami and Hollow powers, but wanted to just be a normal teenager experiencing the usual things teenagers do.


4. Kariya sought the power to change his fate. What I sought was… a turn of fate.

Jin Kariya was the leader of the Bounts who sought to get revenge on Soul Society for how they turned on their tribe. He was a tragic figure who used the wrong course of action to make a change for his people, and Ichigo duly noted this in this quote.


3. You mean do I have a defense? Truth is, I’ve never really had any plans against any attacks. I just knew I had to win so I did. That’s my plan. I don’t care if you’re higher ranked than the other Espadas’ were, to me it’s all the same. I’ve gotta defeat you so I’ll find a way to do it. Simple.

Ichigo's most redeeming quality has always been that he didn't care who his opponent was or how powerful he was. All he cared about was that he needed to defeat them, and in this quote, he shrugs away the Espada he's fighting by telling him that he doesn't care if he was higher ranked.


2. The one who sliced off your left arm and leg...was that me, as well? If so, then slice off my left arm and leg. The one who was fighting against you just now was a Hollow form acting whilst I was unconscious. That wasn't me. If we're going to settle this, then it's not fair unless I'm in the same condition as you to begin with!

Ichigo's final fight against Ulquiorra was one of the most anticipated fights in the series, and it fully lived up to fans' expectations. However, Ichigo didn't exactly beat Ulquiorra fairly since he needed his Hollow to take full control of his body after having a hole blown through him. Therefore, Ichigo easily defeated Ulquiorra in his Vasto Lorde form, but after regaining consciousness, he asked Ulquiorra to inflict the same amount of damage on him as he did so that it would be a fair fight.


1. How did I pass? She beat me like I owed her money.

This is hands down the most hilarious quote from Ichigo ever, and he says this in Bleach: The Movie - Memories of Nobody. Although Ichigo is, for the most part, a very serious character, at times he comes up with the most comedic moments in the series, and this legendary quote is among the many that make him one of the best protagonists.

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