5 Ways Gaming Positively Affects Mental Health

Ways Gaming Positively Affects Mental Health
18 Oct 2023

Get ready to game your way to better mental health! In this article, we'll explore 5 ways gaming can make you feel happier and healthier. So, grab your controller and let's dive in

#1: Stress Reduction

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Gaming on Xbox 

Video games aren’t just about high scores or epic quests; they’re also your ticket to reducing stress. Real life can be stressful for everyone at some point. Video games can provide an outlet for those built-up emotions. Giving you something else to focus on while having fun!
Unlocking achievements has shown to give players a sense of achievement and control. Which can contract feelings of helplessness or other built up emotions. 

So next time you’re feeling down, don’t be afraid to pick up your controller and go to town!


#2: Connecting with Friends (and making new ones)

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Keeping it real and connected

Gaming with friends isn't just a blast – it's also great for your mental well-being. By playing with friends you can engage in social activities. Not only does it keep you entertained it also helps strengthen your bonds.

But what if all your buddies are tied up? Dive into the world of online servers! By joining multiplayer games, you'll unlock access to game room chats where you can make tons of new friends. 
Talk about your favorite games, your epic gamer goals, and more. It's like leveling up your social life. 


#3 Trains Your Brain to be Smarter

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Games make you smart 

Train your brain to be smarter – all using your controller. Video games aren’t just fun and games; they have the potential to give your brain a workout. Most don’t believe it, but a University of Glasgow trial actually found this to be true. 
The trial found they can improve communication skills, resourcefulness, flexibility, and more. Not just that - but it can actually enhance your memory. Ever hear of ‘memory games’ ? These types of games are specifically made with various exercises and challenges. Aiming to improve memory retention. 

There are also games that can teach cultural and historical knowledge. Such as games that incorporate elements in history, mythology, etc.  So, don’t let anyone tell you “video games will rot your brain,” because that is the opposite of the truth.


#4 Creative Problem Solving 

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Solving problems and challenges with the power of gaming

Video games can become your personal playground for problem-solving. Immersive worlds where you’re consistently challenged to think creatively. Whether you need to sneak past guards or find a way up a cliff.  
These dynamic realms compel you to devise fresh solutions for thrilling challenges. The best part is that creative problem solving comes into play in most of your favorite games! And most don’t even realize it.

Think about ‘Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom’ the most recent Zelda game. Imagine you have no weapons and you run into some enemies. So you have to quickly make your own. By finding the materials and making those weapons to defeat the wandering Bokoblins, you just solved the problem. 


#5 Teaching you Teamwork 

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Figuring out it out together 

Games are like the ultimate teamwork boot camp, but a lot more fun and fewer push-ups! While you and your buddies are tackling quests together - you’re learning something. Teamwork.
By working together you’re also working on your coordination, communication, and trust.

Whether you’re slaying dragons or building empires on Minecraft. You will quickly come to realize that teamwork is your secret weapon. 
So when the time comes for real-world team projects, you’ll be the star player. Ready to conquer with your gaming-earned skills. 

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