[Top 12] Hearthstone Best Standard Decks

03 May 2024

Hearthstone’s standard mode is probably the most popular mode of play. There is a casual standard and a ranked standard mode. Standard decks are limited to the last two years of cards making this game mode the most balanced and strategic, this game mode will test your skill. These are the decks that you will generally see in Tournaments. 

While there is a card restriction, making gameplay more balanced, there are definitely decks that are stronger than others. This article will rank the top 12 best Standard Decks currently. 

12. Excavate Handbuff Paladin

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Buff those minions, then flex. 

A solid midrange deck that focuses on buffing minions before you play them.  This deck will buff their minions while they are still in their hand, and there’s not much that can be done to stop them. They have a pretty weak early game, while they focus on buffing minions, but mid game is where they shine. This is where they have enough mana to play those minions that they’ve been steadily buffing. This gives the Excavate Handbuff Paladin the opportunity to create an impenetrable board presence that will be difficult to overcome. This deck is unique because it combines the handbuff mechanic with the excavate mechanic. Excavate acts as a safety net, as it gives the paladin an opportunity to excavate a treasure. The treasures that are generated by the excavate cards are pretty powerful, and they give this deck the element of surprise, because you have no way of knowing what treasures they’re going to get. 

This deck has some weaknesses that I’ll highlight first, because they definitely hold it back.  The main issue that this deck has is its early game vulnerability. Aggro decks are going to hit hard and fast, and this deck can’t really defend against that, giving those aggressive decks an edge. Outside of that, some other issues that you’ll face when playing Excavate Handbuff Paladin are lack of heals, draw dependency - because having buffs in the early game is crucial to how this deck is played, and the potential loss of buffed minions due to removals and board clears, which can’t really be prevented, but it’s something you want to consider when playing minions. Don’t play everything at once. Although these weaknesses aren’t ideal, this deck has some serious strengths, it’s on this list for a reason and it is still considered a very powerful deck. Extremely powerful minions is one of your greatest strengths, once you’re able to start playing them after they’ve been buffed, you should be able to end the game pretty quickly. This deck has a divine shield synergy that works beautifully with your buffs, making your minions even more difficult to remove from the board. This deck also has some rush minions that play a good role in removing opponents' minions and helping you maintain board presence. The weaknesses this deck has keeps it from topping this list, but it’s still a great deck and a lot of fun to play! 

This is a winning deck because of the board presence and pressure that you can apply with it once you hit mid game. The transition from early game to mid game is smooth and comes quick, but once you start playing those buffed minions, it’s nearly game over. 

Excavate Handbuff Paladin Strengths

  • Big Minions- if you follow the strategy and buff minions during the early game, you’ll have some big minions that you can start playing one turn 3-4. I’d push it to 4 if you can. 

  • Divine Shield Synergy- divine shield works so well with the buffed minions and helping you maintain board presence. 

  • Easy to play- this deck is great for beginners or experienced players. The strategy is easy to follow. 

  • Excavate treasure- the excavate cards act as a safety net for this deck, and provide you with the surprise factor! 

Excavate Handbuff Paladin Cards

  • Righteous Protector x 2
  • Shroomscavate x 2
  • Muscle-O-Tron x 2
  • Sir Finley, the Intrepid x 1
  • Fossilized Kaleidosaur x 2 
  • Painter’s Virtue x 2
  • Tigress Plushy x 2
  • Toy Captain Tarim x 1
  • Amitus, the Peacekeeper x 1
  • Zilliax Deluxe 3000  (Ticking Module & Perfect Module) x 1
  • Drone Deconstructor x 2
  • Dirty Rat x 2
  • Instrument Tech x 1
  • Kobold Miner x 2
  • Observer of Mysteries x 2
  • Speaker Stomper x 1
  • Burrow Buster x 2
  • Magatha, Bane of Music x 1
  • Harth Stonebrew x 1

11. Nature Burn Shaman

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Where are the Pyros at? 

The Nature Burn Shaman is a spell heavy deck. “Fire, Fire, Fire, Fire, Fire, Fire”, but mostly lightning.. The great thing about decks such as this one is the ability to do direct damage to your opponent with spells. You don’t have to push through taunt minions, you can go over their heads! Use your spell damage minions to boost the damage that your spells do, and attack your opponent’s face! Strategize carefully to get the most out of your spells, use your removal spells to keep your spell damage minions alive and try to maintain board control as you attack your opponent. 

This is a burn deck, they’re super fun, but can be very tricky. Managing resources and setting your spells up with spell damage increase is crucial. Aggressive decks can sometimes take this deck down before it’s ready to do any real damage because it has a weak early game. Waiting to get cards that play well together is rough, and this deck is draw dependent giving it a weakness there and basing part of its play on luck. Outside of that, the direct damage output that this deck can do is insane and amplifying your spells with spell damage only makes you stronger. This deck controls the board pretty well. You have minions that you can use to trade value with your opponent, as well as utilizing your spells to control the board. Overall, this is a good midrange deck, and is a force to be reckoned with when luck is on your side!

This deck made the list because the potential is there. The strategy isn’t always consistent due to needing a little bit of luck and the draw dependency of this deck, however, if you manage resources well, and are good at playing the waiting game, you can swing the game in your favor in just a couple of turns with the incredible amount of damage that the spells in this deck can do. 

Nature Burn Shaman Strengths

  • Direct Damage- Not only is being able to cause damage directly to your opponent a great strength, but the amount of damage could potentially end your opponent in a single turn if you manage it correctly. 

  • Board Control- minions and removal spells as well as being able to use some of your direct damage spells if necessary, will help you maintain board control. 

  • Resource Efficient- Most of the spells and minions in this deck are very low cost, making them mana efficient. While this is a strength, be careful not to use minions and spells prematurely, just because you can. 

Nature Burn Shaman Cards

  • Flowrider x 2
  • Lightning Bolt x 2
  • Lightning Reflexes x 2
  • Novice Zapper x 2
  • Overdraft x 1
  • Pop-Up Book x 2
  • Spirit Claws x 1
  • Amphibious Elixir x 2
  • Ancestral Knowledge x 2
  • Cactus Cutter x 2
  • Flash of Lightning x 2
  • Needlerock Totem x 2
  • Crash of Thunder x 2
  • Golganneth, the Thunderer x 1
  • Miracle Salesman x 2
  • Bloodmage Thalnos x 1
  • Kobold Geomancer x 1
  • Photographer Fizzle x 1

10. Wheel Warlock

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When Sargeras shows up, even Ragnaros dips out. 

“The Wheel of Death” is the star of this deck. If you’re not familiar with The Wheel of Death, when you play the card it will destroy your deck, however, your opponent will be defeated in five turns. This card has proven to win many games, but you do need to be careful when playing it, and make sure that you have some cards in your hand that will help you survive for those five turns. Fanottem, Lord of the Opera and Symphony of Sins, are both great cards to have in your hand. This deck is incredibly unpredictable, making it difficult for your opponent to adapt to your game, giving you an edge as soon as the game starts! 

This deck is fun and fast paced. There are a lot of powerful cards here and the way that this deck is played is different from most others, offering a unique experience. With cards that allow you to discover spells you can adapt the game to your playstyle. This deck has some pretty good resource generation that aids it during gameplay. You should be able to maintain card advantage pretty effortlessly. Essentially, Wheel Warlock pushes more toward control, and has a good variety of board removal spells that will aid you in keeping control of the board. While the unpredictability of this deck can be fun, sometimes it can be a weakness due to the heavy reliance on discover spells. Since the deck depends on the quality of the spells discovered, it can be inconsistent.  The deck is strong, but is not consistent enough to top this chart. 

Although inconsistency is an issue with the Wheel Warlock, it is still a powerful deck. This deck has still topped Ranked Legend boards according to top decks, and it’s a lot of fun to play. The Wheel of Death and a few other strong cards in this deck keep the victories coming. 

Wheel Warlock Strengths

  • High spell damage potential - if you combine spell damage minions with your discovered spells to amplify their effects, you could cause some high spell damage directly to your opponent. 

  • Flexibility- with the high reliance on spell discovers, you could essentially adapt the game to meet your needs. 

  • Control- the variety of board removals in this deck offers good tools to control the board. 

  • Unique Gameplay- this is a strength because it adds to the fun factor, this deck is different from most other decks you will play, The Wheel of Death adds a fun twist. 

Wheel Warlock Cards

  • Felstring Harp x 2
  • Fracking x 2
  • Drain Soul x 2
  • End Game x 1
  • Forge of Wills x 2
  • Mortal Eradication x 2
  • Dark Alley Pact x 2
  • Symphony of Sins x 1
  • Doomkin x 2
  • Loken, Jailer of Yogg-Saron x 1
  • Wheel of Death!!! X 1 
  • Sargeras, the Destroyer x 1
  • Table Flip x 2
  • Fanottem, Lord of the Opera x 1
  • Zilliax Deluxe 3000 x 1 (Haywire Module & Perfect Module) 
  • Glacial Shard x 2
  • Imposing Anubisath x 2
  • Speaker Stomper x 2
  • Reno, Lone Ranger x 1

9. Zarimi Priest

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Bending time, so many heals, your opponent might just give up. 

This deck is all about bending time, surviving with heals, and strategic gameplay to outlast your opponent. This is not an aggressive deck, and the games are a little long, but this deck is consistent in its ability to win games. Timewinder Zarimi will grant you an extra turn if you’ve summoned 5 dragons. So, be sure to have summoned your dragons before playing this card, to take advantage of this effect. The cards in this deck are extremely low cost, so be sure that you play strategically and manage your resources so that you don’t expend all of your cards. Zarimi Priest’s strategy is pretty straight forward, survive and outlast. Take it slow! 

This deck is excellent at healing and surviving, as well as effortless board control due to removal spells. The deck is tricky and maintains the element of surprise with cards that allow you to play to your opponents style and disrupt their strategy. The Zarimi Priest can dominate the late-game, you’ve just got to be patient and keep to your strategy of surviving and outlasting. Aggressive decks pose a bit of an issue for this deck because if you don’t have your healing cards, they can take you down pretty quick. It can be a little draw dependent with heavy dependency set on healing. This deck can be a little predictable and opponents can adjust their playstyle to apply more pressure. This deck has winning potential, it just requires patience. 

The Zarimi Priest deck is pretty consistent as long as you stick to strategy. It can be frustrating for both you and your opponent if you’re not a patient player. This deck does not end games quickly as the strategy is to survive and outlast, which actually makes this deck a winner. Most decks aim to end games quickly, and this deck was designed to oppose that, causing a lot of frustration for your opponents. Sounds like a winner to me! 

Zarimi Priest Strengths

  • Lots of Heals- this deck excels at healing, and you’ve got a lot of cards that do just that, lending to that survivability factor. 

  • Board Control- Another thing that Zarimi Priest excels at is board control, there are a lot of very powerful removal spells in here. 

  • Outlast- Zarimi Priest will outlast most other decks, struggling a bit with aggressive decks if you don’t start the game with heals in your hand. 

Zarimi Priest Cards

  • Crimson Clergy x 2
  • Funnel Cake x 2
  • Ship’s Chirurgeon x 2
  • Dreamboat x 2
  • Power Chord: Synchronize x 2
  • Scale Replica x 2
  • Pip the Potent x 1
  • Timewinder Zarimi x 1
  • Thirsty Drifter x 2
  • Aman’thul x 1
  • Zilliax Deluxe 3000 x 1 ( Pylon Module & Ticking Module) 
  • Giftwrapped Whelp x 2
  • Glacial Shard x 1
  • Miracle Salesman x 2
  • Celestial Projectionist x 2
  • Whelp Wrangler x 2
  • Speaker Stomper x 1
  • Magatha, Bane of Music x 1
  • Harth Stonebrew x 1

8. Pain Warlock

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Pain Warlock, where your health is your currency! 

Pain Warlock relies on self-inflicted damage to gain an edge. A key card in this deck is Molten Giant, which costs one less for each damage your hero takes, meaning, inflict self damage fast and play your Molten Giant early. The win conditions here are board control and burst damage as well as managing your health as a viable resource in other powerful cards and combos. This deck can be tricky but it’s one that your opponents will most likely take for granted. It’s easy to watch the Pain Warlock chip its health away and think that you’re in the clear. As long as the Pain Warlock is inflicting self-damage, no one is safe.

The potential of this deck is huge, with a combination of heavy burst damage, big minions, and being underestimated. The Pain Warlock can deal lethal blows quickly. Some issues this deck faces are aggressive decks and control decks. Aggressive decks are an issue because you will rely on self-inflicted damage to play your game, but an aggressive deck will use that to their advantage and take you down quickly. It’s important to apply extra strategy when facing decks like that. Control decks have heavy removals and healing and can make it tough for the Pain Warlock to take them out. Their survivability is high and the Pain Warlock may exhaust spells causing the game to be lost. This deck is good and a competitive deck, but having two deck types as a serious weakness slows it down. This is a top tier deck, but not the best Warlock deck that you can play. 

Pain Warlock wins enough games to still be on this list. Not only that, but it’s a fun and fast paced deck that will keep you engaged. With the right strategy, and knowledge of the decks that your opponents are playing, you can overcome these weaknesses. 

Pain Warlock Strengths

  • Resource Management- having health as a viable resource makes this deck unique and allows you more flexibility with your play and management of other resources.

  • Burst Damage- the Pain Warlock can inflict some heavy burst damage early in the game due to having health as a resource. 

  • Board Presence- Pain Warlock can maintain a formidable board presence with large minions such as Molten Giant and manipulate Forge of Wills to duplicate this giant!

  • Adaptability-  this deck can adjust its playstyle based on the type of deck that your opponent is playing. You can push for survivability or you can pressure your opponent with burst damage. 

Pain Warlock Cards

  • Flame Imp x 2
  • Fracking x 2
  • Spirit Bomb x 2
  • Elementium Geode x 2
  • Forge of Wills x 2
  • Furnace Fuel x 2
  • Malefic Rook x 2
  • Trolley Problem x 2
  • Pop’Gar the Putrid x 1
  • Blood Treant x 2
  • Symphony of Sins x 1
  • Imprisoned Horror x 2
  • Zilliax Deluxe 3000 x 1 (Pylon Module & Ticking Module)
  • Celestial Projectionist x 2
  • Cult Neophyte x 2
  • Speaker Stomper x 1
  • Molten Giant x 2

7. Sludge Warlock

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Honestly, health is just a suggestion. 

If risk-taking is your style, then this one’s for you! Sludge Warlock thrives on managing resources, tempo, and risky plays. As in typical Warlock fashion, self-inflicted damage is an element here because this deck is pretty draw dependent, so you’ll be using your hero power a lot. This deck has fantastic spell burst potential and is pretty flexible, adapting easily to counter the playstyle of your opponent. 

Sludge Warlock struggles against aggressive decks and control decks, but this is pretty typical for a Warlock deck. Playing a risky deck is challenging because you want to avoid over damaging yourself too much so that you don’t throw the game. This deck is pretty flexible and adapts well to different styles of play. Life tap assists you in maintaining card advantage, presenting you with many options during play. This is a pretty balanced deck and has a wide variety of removal spells, heals, minions, and burst damage, making it a great choice!

The Sludge Warlock wins games because of how flexible and adaptable it is. With such a wide variety of cards, and the ability to draw an extra card each turn with Life Tap, it’s easy to change your game when you need to. Paired with patience and strategy, you will win games. This deck is very balanced, making it a solid choice. 

Sludge Warlock Strengths

  • Card Advantage- Life Tap presents you with the opportunity to draw a card each turn helping you maintain card advantage. 

  • Board Presence- Sludge Warlock has some strong minions for each stage of the game, as well as enough removal spells to help keep minions on the board. 

  • Heals- While this deck does not contain a ton of heals, it has Pop’Gar the Putrid, which is a good surprise factore. Pop’Gar makes your Fel spells cost (2) less and gives them lifesteal. 

  • Adaptability- This is a huge strength for this deck. The variety that this deck contains, and Life Tap, this deck adapts easily to opponents playstyles, giving it an edge. 

Sludge Warlock Cards

  • Flame Imp x 2
  • Fracking x 2
  • Monstrous Form x 2
  • Defile x 1
  • Disposal Assistant x 2
  • Forge of Wills x 2
  • Furnace Fuel x 2
  • Sludge of Wheels x 2
  • Trogg Gemtosser x 1
  • Trolley Problem x 2
  • Pop’Gar the Putrid x 1
  • Waste Remover x 2
  • Doomguard x 1
  • Symphony of Sins x 1
  • Chaos Creation x 2
  • Miracle Salesman x 2
  • Pozzik, Audio Engineer x 1
  • Speaker Stomper x 2

6. “Reno” Rainbow Death Knight

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Colorful combos, the undead, and… Reno? 

This deck is complete chaos, in the best way! Essentially this deck is Rainbow Death Knight, with the addition of the Legendary Reno, Lone Ranger that acts as a powerful board removal. This gives you an edge that can defy all odds, and swing a losing game in your favor. The deck is made up of different cards and synergies from different classes, giving it the Rainbow title. This particular deck is Highlander style, meaning it contains only one copy of each card, no duplicates will be found here. “Reno” Rainbow Death Knight is one of the most versatile decks that you will play. 

This is a very powerful deck that has a lot of different styles packed into one. “Reno” Rainbow Death Knight adapts well to changes, has some super flexible combos, and maintains an impressive board presence. An issue with this deck is consistency. With rolling Highlander style, not having any duplicates in a deck makes drawing specific cards to create powerful combos very difficult. Finding a specific strategy that works for this deck is also difficult because there are no synergies to focus on. The deck is good, but requires incredibly strategic play as well as knowledge of your opponent. 

“Reno” Rainbow Death Knight has the power factor supporting it. There are a lot of powerful win cards in this deck, as well as just having Reno on your side as a board removal and a new powerful hero power, there are a lot of safety nets here. This deck wins games but is not as consistent as some other decks are. Despite all of that, this deck is a lot of fun to play. 

“Reno” Rainbow Death Knight Strengths

  • Healing- there are many opportunities to gain health in this deck such as cards Maw and Paw, Rainbow Seamstress, and Hollow Hound.  

  • Versatility- with having a deck that contains no duplicates, you have more options to alter your playstyle as necessary. 

  • Board Control- this deck has great board removal options and strong minions that help maintain board presence helping you keep board control. 

  • Combos- this deck has some flexible combos, although these can be difficult to gain as they are draw dependent, but there are many creative plays that can be discovered here. 

“Reno” Rainbow Death Knight Cards

  • Runes of Darkness x 1
  • Threads of Despair x 1
  • Down with the Ship x 1
  • Frost Strike x 1
  • Hematurge x 1
  • Mining Casualties x 1
  • Necrotic Mortician x 1
  • Chillfallen Baron x 1
  • Rainbow Seamstress x 1
  • Helya x 1
  • Maw and Paw x 1
  • Quartzite Crusher x 1
  • Army of the Dead x 1
  • Dr. Stichensew x 1
  • Hollow Hound x 1
  • The Headless Horseman x 1
  • The Primus x 1
  • Climactic Necrotic Explosion x 1
  • Reska, the Pit Boss x 1
  • Zilliax Deluxe 3000 x 1 (Perfect Module & Ticking Module)
  • Glacial Shard x 1
  • Miracle Salesman x 1
  • Scarab Keychain x 1
  • Dirty Rat x 1
  • Flint Firearm x 1
  • Instrument Tech x 1
  • Card Grader x 1
  • E.T.C. Band Manager x 1 ( Runes of Darkness, Dirty Rat, & Down with the Ship)
  • Reno, Lone Ranger x 1

5.  Small Beast Hunter

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This deck is tiny, but mighty.

Small Beast Hunter is an aggressive deck that focuses on beast synergies and buffing your minions. Most of the beasts in this deck have a unique effect giving this deck a little versatility. Early game is where this deck shines, applying pressure early is crucial to this deck’s strategy. Most of the cards in this deck are low cost, so it’s important to manage your resources and make sure that you don’t lose the card advantage by playing too much in one turn. Small Beast Hunter contains some of the most powerful early game minions in the game. 

As far as aggressive decks go, this is a great one and is great for applying pressure quickly. This deck maintains a strong board presence with taunt minions and buffing minions. Small Beast Hunter lacks heals so it’s important to defend yourself by using your minions to trade value with your opponent, you have plenty to spare. This deck can be vulnerable to board clears and relies heavily on beast synergies, so it can be a bit draw dependent which can slow down your strategy. There are some burst damage spells in the Small Beast Hunter that can catch your opponent off guard! Overall, it’s a fun deck and a great contender as one of the top Ranked Legendary decks in Hearthstone’s standard mode. 

The low cost beasts and burst damage spells in this deck make it hard to beat! Small Beast Hunters can overwhelm their opponent quickly and maintain a great board presence. This deck is a consistent winner, has an easy to follow strategy, and is just fun to play! 

Small Beast Hunter Strengths

  • Aggressive- this is as aggressive as you can get with a deck, powerful early game minions, and the Hunter’s hero power can deal 2 damage to your opponent each turn! This is great for applying early pressure!

  • Burst Damage- there are some great burst damage spells in this deck that can surprise your opponent and close out games! 

  • Flexibility- this deck adapts well to different matchups, you can alter your strategy a bit to counter your opponent.

Small Beast Hunter Cards

  • Awakening Tremors x 2
  • Sneaky Snakes x 2
  • Thornmantle Musician x 2
  • Jungle Gym x 2
  • Observer of Myths x 2
  • Painted Cavasaur x 2
  • Patchwork Pals x 2
  • Remote Control x 2
  • Kill Command x 2
  • Saddle Up! X 2
  • Camouflage Mount x 1
  • R.C. Rampage x 2
  • Barak Kodobane x 1
  • Aggramar, the Avenger x 1
  • Zilliax Deluxe 3000 x 1 (Pylon Module & Ticking Module) 
  • Glacial Shard x 2
  • Miracle Salesman x 2

4. Excavate Rogue

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When you’re backed into a corner, shadow step and dig for treasure!!!

The Excavate Rogue deck puts a spin on a classic rogue deck. This deck is still combo heavy, but also relies on the excavate mechanic to provide a safety net. The goal is to use your combos to deal massive burst damage and to cross your fingers for good treasure from your excavates. This deck can be difficult because combos are difficult to execute since they’re draw dependent, so Excavate Rogue does require a lot of strategy, but the hard work generally pays off. 

This deck is very powerful and has excellent resource generation with draw cards, allowing you to maintain card advantage as well as extra opportunities to set up your combos. This deck has an incredible burst damage potential that is often underestimated, giving you an edge in combat. There’s a lot of flexibility with this deck as well! You can set up your combos to meet different needs, and your treasures are random, so they can potentially help you in different situations. Some drawbacks to this deck is lack of healing and draw dependency with combos, this can put you in a bad spot, but strategic gameplay should help you overcome this. This is a fantastic deck. 

With the couple of weaknesses that this deck displays, compared to the many strengths, this deck is a clear winner! The weaknesses aren’t even detrimental to your game, they’re things that you can play around, you just have to be careful. This deck is fun, aggressive, and carries the surprise factor that we love to see! 

Excavate Rogue Strengths

  • Burst Damage- this deck has the potential to stack combos and deal insane amounts of burst damage unexpectedly. 

  • Card Advantage- this deck is pretty draw dependent, but that’s okay, you have plenty of cards that allow you to draw more cards or discover cards! 

  • Flexibility- with the ability to excavate treasure, you receive random treasures that can assist you in many different situations. The Excavate Rogue also has many different combos that can be useful in different ways as well!

  • Board presence- this deck can maintain a pretty impressive board presence. 

Excavate Rogue Cards

  • Preparation x 2
  • Shadowstep x 2
  • Bloodrock Co. Shovel x 2
  • Breakdance x 2
  • Stick Up x 2
  • Kaja’mite Creation x 2
  • Pit Stop x 1
  • Antique Flinger x 2
  • Velarok Windblade x 1
  • Drilly The Kid x 1
  • Sonya Waterdancer x 1
  • Sandbox Scoundrel x 2
  • Tess Greymane x 1
  • Zilliax Deluxe 3000 x 1 (Ticking Module & Perfect Module)
  • Miracle Salesman x 2
  • Scarab Keychain x 2
  • Cult Neophyte x 2
  • Kobold Miner x 2

3. Rainbow Mage

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Maxed out Rainbows!

As with all rainbow decks, this one includes cards and synergies from a lot of different classes! Except, this deck is mostly spells and relies heavily on burst damage. It is hard for anyone to predict what Rainbow Mage has planned, and Infinitize the Maxitude ensures that you’ve always got a surprise for your opponent. This deck is fast paced and aggressive, there are plenty of removal spells to control the board, there are combos, there are heals, this deck has it all. 

This deck is in the top 3 for a reason, and it’s a tough one to beat. The surprise factor is something that is hard to get ahead of because this deck is very unpredictable. While that can be great, the randomness of this deck can throw off the player as well. It’s hard to set up combos if you don’t know what cards to expect. This deck is a lot of fun though, and the unpredictability adds a fresh feel to the deck. The deck is also great at adapting to the playstyle of your opponent, due to the variety of cards it houses. Unfortunately, due to its random nature, it can’t be considered consistent and even with a brilliant strategy, sometimes the cards just aren’t playing to your favor. This deck is powerful and wins a lot of games, but some games you have little control over. 

The deck is powerful due mostly to the burst damage that it’s capable of doing. Rainbow Mage can take down an opponent quickly if it gets the right cards in hand early. This deck has a lot of strengths with just a couple of weaknesses, so that makes it a great choice! Strategize well and embrace the unpredictability. 

Rainbow Mage Strengths

  • Surprise Factor- your opponent won't be able to predict all of your moves with this deck, giving you an advantage, especially if you’re familiar with the deck your opponent is playing. 

  • Resource Generation- there are a lot of opportunities to draw cards or discover new spells, this keeps cards in your hand helping you maintain card advantage. 

  • Versatile- due to the many opportunities to discover new spells and to draw cards, you’ll be able to counter your opponent and adjust your playstyle easily. 

Rainbow Mage Cards

  • Arcane Artificer x 2
  • Discovery of Magic x 2
  • Flame Geyser x 2
  • Cryopreservation x 2
  • Frostbolt x 2
  • Infinitize the Maxitude x 1
  • Primordial Glyph x 2
  • Stargazing x 2
  • Void Scripture x 2
  • Reverberations x 1
  • Inquisitive Creation x 2
  • Sleet Skater x 2
  • Wisdom of Norgannon x 2
  • Puzzlemaster Khadgar x 1
  • Sif x 1
  • Miracle Salesman x 2
  • Audio Amplifier x 1
  • Watcher of the Sun x 1

2. Aggro Demon Hunter

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Be aggressive, B - E -  AGGRESSIVE, and subtlety is overrated. 

Aggro Demon Hunter is a super aggressive deck that focuses on pressuring opponents early and ending them quickly. This deck has so many early game tools that it almost feels effortless to play. While this deck is easy to play, it’s tons of fun and there’s nothing quite like applying relentless pressure and watching your opponent fold. Aggro Demon Hunter has several strong early game minions, big weapons, and some surprising burst damage that will catch opponents off guard. 

This deck has a ton of useful tools and it is so fast paced. Don’t blink, or you might miss something. Aggro Demon Hunter has low cost attack cards that can stack to cause high amounts of burst damage, cheap early game minions, and a fast paced tempo. The Demon Hunter hero power is useful as well as it adds 1 attack that you can use each turn to attack your opponent or use it to maintain board control. Some issues you’ll find with this deck is that it does lack healing and is vulnerable to board clears. Aggro Demon Hunter relies heavily on a strong early game, so if this is lost, you may struggle to recover the game. This deck is hard to beat, and as long as you're paying attention you should be able to set yourself up for a strong early game. 

The low cost early game minions, as well as the low cost attack power make this deck super strong. Most classes can’t stop you soon enough to keep you from gaining too much ground. This deck has some seriously great strengths. The Aggro Demon Hunter has been known to end games in just a few turns, now, that’s a lot of power! 

Aggro Demon Hunter Strengths

  • Strong early game minions- this deck has quite a few cheap minions that you will be able to play early, setting up a good board presence. 

  • Hero Power- the Demon Hunter’s hero power “Demon Claws” gives you oneattack , helping you maintain board presence or letting you get hits on your opponent each turn. This is one of the cheapest hero powers in the game as well. 

  • Burst Damage- the Aggro Demon Hunter can deal impressive amounts of burst damage in a turn. This deck has a ton of low cost attack cards that can be stacked. 

  • Fast Tempo- Aggro Demon Hunter has enough low cost minions to start strong and flood an early board, causing your opponent to react quickly and potentially throw their strategy. 

Aggro Demon Hunter Cards

  • Through Fel and Flames x 2
  • Burning Heat x 2
  • Illidari Studies x 2
  • Taste of Chaos x 2
  • Parched Desperado x 2
  • Spirit of the Team x 2
  • Umpire’s Grasp x 2
  • Ball Hog x 2
  • Going Down Swinging x 1
  • Metamorphosis x 1
  • Window Shopper x 2
  • Glacial Shard x 2
  • Miracle Salesman x 2
  • Vicious Slitherspear x 2
  • Instrument Tech x 2
  • Pozzik, Audio Engineer x 1
  • Harth Stonebrew x 1

1.Reno Warrior

Body Image

May your armor be impenetrable and your victories be legendary! 

Reno Warrior is at the top of this list for a reason! This is the most versatile and consistent deck at this time. This is a Highlander Control deck. The Highlander principle is where there is only one copy of each card in this deck. There are no duplicates. This allows greater variation and versatility, within the deck. As a Control deck, Reno Warrior seeks to control the board with minions, taunts, weapons, and removal spells. This deck is a hard hitter and generally has something to counter opponents with. 

Reno Warrior is really a great deck! A drawback is that this deck is incredibly expensive and draw dependent, which is typical for Highlander decks. With no duplicates, it’s more difficult to get a card you might be looking for, or that you may need at a specific time. This deck is a master survivor and can outlast most other decks. While Reno Warrior lacks heals, it’s made up for by armor! While this deck maintains consistent wins, the playstyle is pretty inconsistent and it’s difficult to set a solid strategy outside of surviving and outlasting. Your strategy will depend on the cards you’re drawing! This deck has no real weakness outside of unpredictability on your end, but even then, you can swing that and use it against your opponent! 

There are so many reasons that this deck is a great choice and a winning deck. The variety of cards within this deck keep it on top of charts. There’s a little bit of everything and many invaluable tools to maintain control of the game. This was a deck built for victory! 

Reno Warrior Strengths

  • Versatility- I would put this as a top strength because this deck can counter nearly anything! 

  • Survivability- the armor gain potential is huge and if you stack armor early, it’s difficult for your opponent to get past that. 

  • Board Control- this deck contains many removal spells and minions that can assist in maintaining board control. 

  • Late Game- this deck survives well, and once you hit late game, turns 7-10, you are able to play some very powerful cards. 

  • Unpredictable- due to the Highlander nature of this deck, there’s no way for your opponent to predict your strategy, and this is always a good thing! 

Reno Warrior Cards

  • Garrosh’s Gift x 1
  • Shield Slam x 1
  • Slam x 1
  • Town Crier x 1
  • Bash x 1
  • Bladestorm x 1
  • Blast Charge x 1
  • Needlerock Totem x 1
  • Safety Goggles x 1
  • Shield Block x 1
  • Stoneskin Armorer x 1
  • Bellowing Flames x 1
  • Reinforced Plating x 1
  • Steam Guardian x 1
  • Craftsman’s Hammer x 1
  • Aftershocks x 1
  • Sanitize x 1
  • Deepminer Brann x 1
  • Trial by Fire x 1
  • Badlands Brawler x 1
  • Boomboss Tho’grun x 1
  • Inventor Boom x 1
  • Zilliax Deluxe 3000 x 1 (Twin Module & Perfect Module) 
  • Dirty Rat x 1
  • Kobold Miner x 1
  • E.T.C., Band Manager x 1 (Armor Vendor, Dirty Rat, & Gaslight Gatekeeper)
  • Ignis, the Eternal Flame x 1
  • Speaker Stomper
  • Burrow Buster x 1
  • Reno, Lone Ranger x 1

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