Here Are The Top 3 DPS Classes in Guild Wars 2
It’s important to note that the benchmark numbers you see are recorded by the top 99th percentile players executing flawless rotations.
For the normal player, knowing how to play your class and learning fights will produce better numbers than just playing whatever the flavor of the month meta is. Let’s get started.
#3 The Guardian
The Firebrand just wants to watch the world burn.
The Guardian can be a stalwart defender, an altruistic healer, or a sick DPS that will straight up set a dude on fire! This class excels in many areas of the game and raiding is no exception. It also happens to be the most beginner friendly class on this list, so it is a great starting point for raiding.
- The Condition Firebrand build is benchmarked at 34385 DPS on small hitbox targets.
- This build provides decent burst DPS in the form of burning, and definitely preforms better on fights with adds for you to take out, like the Sabetha fight.
- On paper this build is right up there with Thief and Mesmer, but in the current raids more fights tend to favor Power builds over Condition meaning that this build ends up falling middle of the road on most of the fights, but only being considered unsubstantial/inefficient on 5 of the fights.
- Power Dragonhunter build is benchmarked at 33000 DPS on large hitbox targets.
- This build is a powerful burst class meaning it does very well on phased fights.
- This build is considered the meta on a whopping 6 out of 16 fights and is only considered unsubstantial/inefficient on 3 of the fights.
How to build this DPS class
You can find the Condition Firebrand build and rotation here.
You can find the Power Dragonhunter build and rotation here.
#2 The Mesmer
To the Chronomancer, time is relative.
The Mesmer is not only one of the top DPS classes in raid scenarios, it’s one of the most useful classes in the game. The Mesmer is recommended for every single raid boss whether as a Power Chronomancer, Condition Mirage, or support build. No matter the fight, Mesmer is always high in demand!
- The Power Chronomancer (Domination) build is benchmarked at 37779 DPS on small hitbox targets.
- The Power Chronomancer (Illusions) build is benchmarked at 35036 DPS on small hitbox targets.
- The Power Chronomancer brings solid DPS to the table as well as some CC and utility. Depending on the fight, you can choose the Illusions build or the Domination build to be most effective.
- Both builds are very effective in 12 out of 16 raid bosses and is considered unsubstantial/inefficient in 4 fights.
- While we have no benchmark data for the Condition Mirage build, it would be neglectful not to mention it as it is basically required for 4 or more raid bosses.
- The build does heavy condition based DPS based around applying Confusion, Torment, and Bleeding.
How to build this DPS class
You can find the Power Chronomancer build and rotation here. There are tabs for both Domination and Illusions builds.
You can find the Condition Mirage build and rotation here.
#1 The Thief
One shot, one kill. The Deadeye hits it's mark.
The Thief is a class capable of devastating efficiency when played correctly. On fights where they can do their thing, the Deadeye will shred every living thing that finds its way between their crosshairs. And if you need a little more cleave damage the Daredevil is only barely behind the Deadeye on the benchmarks.
- The Power Deadeye build is benchmarked at 38771 DPS on small hitbox targets.
- It has the highest single target DPS with no cleaving abilities in its current state.
- It is very effective in 10 out of 16 raid bosses and is considered unsubstantial/inefficient in 2 or 3 fights.
- The Power Daredevil build is benchmarked at 35018 DPS on small hitbox targets.
- Capable of still producing very high single target DPS, the Power Daredevil also has some nice melee cleave damage.
- It is very effective in 10 out of 16 raid bosses and is considered unsubstantial/inefficient in 4 fights.
How to build this DPS class
You can find the Power Deadeye build and rotation here.
You can find the Power Daredevil build and rotation here.