Hammers in Guild Wars 2 are mighty weapons, dealing heavy damage on foes and usually being used to deal punishing crowd control effects on enemies unless you are a Revenant, which turns the weapon into a long-ranged weapon (hammer throwing, anyone?) with unique shield and a pseudo-evade. While only a handful of professions use this mighty weapon, there are a wide variety of beautiful skins you can use for your hammer with some being instant favorites among the player base. Let us take a closer look at some of the best hammer skins that not only look freaking awesome but you as well.
As a side note, the prices may fluctuate and can vary greatly if you choose to purchase weapons and skins from the Trading Post because players in-game currently try to elevate and lower prices.
10. Entropy and Genesis
We are cheating a little bit for this entry because these two weapons are sister weapons. They both have a similar designs but differ in aesthetics and effects. Whichever hammer you wield, mix and match it with whatever armor you feel they looks great with.
Why they are awesome
- Genesis and Entropy have identical designs but different effects and stat combinations.
- Genesis features a lighter color palette, casts a faint glow on the hammer’s head, as well as shiny orbs that float around it when held. It also uses the Cavalier’s stat prefix (toughness + power + ferocity).
- Entropy features a darker, purple palette while casting a dark, sinister miasma around it. It also uses the Knight’s stat prefix (toughness + power + precision)
See Genesis and Entropy in action:
Genesis - Zackiez’ video - YouTube
Entropy - Good Gaming’s video - YouTube
How to get Genesis and Entropy:
Both weapons can be purchased from the Trading Post.
- Genesis - roughly 7 gold to 10 gold.
- Entropy - roughly 80 silver to 2 gold.
They can also be received as random loot from the various containers:
- Dungeoneer’s Grandmaster Chest
- Elaborate Fur Pouch
- Gilded Coffer
- Grand Weapon Crate (choose)
- Icy Strongbox
- Slime-Covered Strongbox
- Patchwork Knapsack
9. Keepsake Hammer
While there are no collaboration events in Guild Wars 2 with another gaming franchise, the Keepsake Hammer and several other Keepsake weapons certainly make the case for a Kingdom Hearts collab. It is a mighty skin worthy of anyone’s collection and is displayed by players looking to add to their collection.
Why it is awesome
- It is an aesthetically pleasing hammer with an emerald lock and key design. The handle and grip is the key while the hammer head is the lock.
- It has a beautifully intricate design and a gorgeous metallic finish on the head and claw of the hammer.
See Keepsake Hammer in action:
AuroraPeachy’s video - 5:25 YouTube
How to get the Keepsake Hammer:
- Recovered Black Lion Goods - random chance of getting this weapon skin unlock after getting a Suspicious Package.
- Guaranteed Weapon / Wardrobe Unlock - random chance to get this weapon skin if it is one of the weapon skins you haven’t unlocked yet. They cost 15 Black Lion Statuettes and are sold by three NPCs, the Black Lion Chest Merchant in various home cities, Lion’s Arch, and Arborstone, the Black Lion Representative in Thousand Seas Pavillion, and by interacting with a Black Lion Statuette.
8. Devil-Rending Greataxe Hammer Skin
When you want to look like the personification of death in-game, you need a weapon that screams “I will rend your soul.” Sure, there is a staff skin that looks like a scythe (see Final Rest and Dreamwalker Scythe), but there is a better looking one for a hammer that makes it look like a bloodied greataxe. Enter the Devil-Rending Greataxe Hammer skin and its ghastly display. Your enemies will learn to fear for their soon-to-be extinguished lives when they disrupted your short AFK break.
Why it is awesome
- It is an ominous-looking hammer skin made to look like a blood ruby-colored battleaxe that has seen tons of gory conquests.
- The particle effects that spew from the head of the battleaxe make it great for Dark Knight/Paladin looking characters.
- The dark aesthetics fit with the majority of the Revenant’s armor due to its similar design, minus the blood ruby coloration and particle effects.
See the Devil-Rending Greataxe Hammer in action:
How to get the Devil-Rending Greataxe Hammer:
- Guaranteed Weapon / Wardrobe Unlock - random chance to get this weapon skin if it is one of the weapon skins you haven’t unlocked yet. They cost 15 Black Lion Statuettes and are sold by three NPCs, the Black Lion Chest Merchant in various home cities, Lion’s Arch, and Arborstone, the Black Lion Representative in Thousand Seas Pavillion, and by interacting with a Black Lion Statuette.
7. Soul River Hound Hammer
Nothing screams “awesome” more than having a war hammer in the image of hellish hounds that you can bash on your opponent’s skulls. This gothic-themed bludgeoning device rends your foes and sends them back to their maker with you looking like a total badass in dark armor. Show you mean business with this hammer and see your foes cower in fear.
Why it is awesome
- The design of the hammer itself looks spectacular and is worthy of player characters that have an undead or demonic-looking style.
- The hounds that consist of the hammer head resemble the Greek Mythological hound of hell, Cerberus.
- There are spectral blue flames spewing from the eyes and mouth of the hounds, giving it an eerie vibe.
See the Soul River Hound Hammer in action:
How to get the Soul River Hound Hammer
- Guaranteed Weapon / Wardrobe Unlock - random chance to get this weapon skin if it is one of the weapon skins you haven’t unlocked yet. They cost 15 Black Lion Statuettes and are sold by three NPCs, the Black Lion Chest Merchant in various home cities, Lion’s Arch, and Arborstone, the Black Lion Representative in Thousand Seas Pavillion, and by interacting with a Black Lion Statuette.
6. Mjolnir
While it is less Thor’s Hammer and more Lightning Hammer, it is still a shockingly awesome weapon you can use to stun your foes into submission. Send your foes flying with its electrifying swings and bring them to their knees. Control the battlefield with this mighty bludgeon, and send currents of fear running toward the veins of your enemies. No, the puns will not stop and, like the hammer, will be batter-yed repeatedly until you enjoy them.
Why it is awesome
- Mjolnir resembles the core Elementalist’s conjured weapon, the Lightning Hammer, making it sought after by players who want an electric-themed hammer.
- If you use it as a Catalyst in PvP, you may fool players into thinking you are using the conjure skill and not your actual base weapon.
See Mjolnir in action:
Prime Sasuke’s video - Youtube
How to get Mjolnir:
- You can purchase Mjolnir from the Trading post for roughly 315 gold to 430 gold.
- You can also craft the weapon in the Mystic Forge by combining 1 Eldritch Scroll, 100 Mystic Coins, 250 Charged Lodestones, and a Gift of Lightning.
5. Sharur
For the players looking for a good hammer skin but have a crippling fear of creepy crawlies, turn away now. This awesome legendary hammer may seem unassuming during the daytime, but come nighttime, it shows its true colors. This orrian-themed hammer decimates all that stands in its way and, if you aren't afraid of its night-time version, makes a great weapon to wield for Death Knight-looking characters.
Why it is awesome
- Sharur is one of three legendary weapons in this article, and shares similar functions with them. Function-wise, they can:
- have any stat prefix in the game and swap them while out of combat
- can be shared with other of your level 80 characters when the legendary weapon is unlocked in the legendary armory
- can freely change skins to any other hammer for free without using Transmutation Stones
- can swap sigils on it without the use of an Upgrade Extractor
As a skin:
- During the day, it takes on a much cleaner appearance with the player character having a blue-green light surrounding them with their arms covered in mist.
- At night, tendrils appear on the weapon and an undead-looking crab sits on top of the head of the hammer.
- The mist becomes corals and a wailing sound can be heard.
See Sharur in action:
How to get Sharur:
- Unlike the other two legendaries on this list, you cannot purchase this from the Trading Post. You need to craft the precursor, Might of Arah, as well as combine it with a Mystic Tribute, a Gift of Arah, and a Gift of Maguuma Mastery at the Mystic Forge.
4. Trained Choya Hammer
Have you ever wanted to have a loyal choya pet companion follow you around but were afraid of their explosive, prickly tendencies? Are you strong enough to take them with you and have a friendly pal hang with you literally? Do you like tying them up on a stick, waving them around enemies, and basically using them as hammers, you psychopath? Then this lovely hammer is just for you.
Why it is awesome
- It is a fully animated and hilarious hammer that can be used for laughs. It is a choya wielding a tiny wooden sword and shield that is tied to a long stick. For such a delicate creature, it sure handles being bashed into enemies like a total champion.
- You can see it attempt to swing at your enemies and be a ferocious little scoundrel.
- The choya will make some adorable noises as you wield this weird “weapon.”
- According to the wiki and Evon Gnashblade, the choya on the stick has volunteered for this experience, and thus, no choya were harmed for this article. Maybe.
See Trained Choya Hammer in action:
BlueAsterismSolstice’s Video - YouTube
How to get the Trained Choya Hammer:
- Recovered Black Lion Goods - random chance of getting this weapon skin unlock after getting a Suspicious Package.
- Guaranteed Weapon / Wardrobe Unlock - random chance to get this weapon skin if it is one of the weapon skins you haven’t unlocked yet. They cost 15 Black Lion Statuettes and are sold by three NPCs, the Black Lion Chest Merchant in various home cities, Lion’s Arch, and Arborstone, the Black Lion Representative in Thousand Seas Pavillion, and by interacting with a Black Lion Statuette.
3. Collapsing Star Hammer
If you are a massive space nut who loves everything sci-fi, this hammer may become one of your favorites. It features a black hole that sits on top of the hammer, causing all sorts of problems for Tyria if it were being realistic. Since it is a video game, however, there is no world-ending catastrophe being caused by it other than what you will do to enemies while wielding this and caving their heads in.
Why it is awesome
- It has a black hole on top of the head of the hammer with a tiny gamma ray burst shooting from the top of said black hole. That alone would make any sci-fi lover want this hammer or any of its weapon sets.
- It emits a faint glow and has some star particles being emitted from it.
- The actual body of the hammer has some intricate patterns on the handles and grips, and has some blue gemstones scattered on the head and handle.
See Collapsing Star Hammer in action:
GuildJen’s video - 2:33 YouTube
How to get the Collapsing Star Hammer:
- It costs 1 Black Lion Claim Ticket and must be purchased from either the following NPCs:
- Black Lion Representative - Thousand Seas Pavillion
- Black Lion Weapons Specialist - every home city, Lions Arch, Mistlock Sanctuary, and Armistice Bastion
- Kameela, Black Lion Trader - Crystal Oasis
- Kixxa, Black Lion Trader - Heart of the Mists
- You can also purchase it directly from the Trading post for roughly 20-35 gold.
2. Aurene’s Weight
The new elder dragon, Aurene, is Tyria’s ally and is now the sole Elder Dragon that keeps the balance of magic at bay. You, as her champion, can earn her unique legendary weapon set that fits any character who wishes to wield the dragon’s might in their hands. Aurene’s Weight is a great hammer with a light, crystally, yet draconic feel that the majority of players can appreciate.
Why it is awesome
- Aside from the benefits that legendary weapons provide, as previously mentioned in Sharur, Aurene's Weight features unique aesthetics that transform the appearance of the player as well as their footfalls.
- As a third generation legendary, it has the additional effect of shooting light on downed enemies, with crystals forming around the impact zone.
- Upon wielding the hammer, a ray of rainbow light enters your body from the sky as light crystals shatter around you.
- The design of Aurene’s Weight is draconic with shimmering feathers, and the entire body glows brightly.
- As your player character runs with the weapon, trails of light crystals are shown as your footfalls.
See Aurene’s Weight in action:
Pariahdevalis’ video - YouTube
How to get Aurene’s Weight:
- You can craft this legendary weapon by either finding first the precursor weapon, Dragon’s Weight, randomly in certain chests from End of Dragons expansion, purchasing it from the trading post, or crafting the precursor weapon.
- Once you have the precursor weapon, combine it with a Gift of Aurene’s Weight, a Gift of Jade Mastery, and a Draconic Tribute in the Mystic Forge.
- You can also just purchase this legendary weapon from the Trading Post for around 2,050-2500 gold.
1. The Juggernaut
There is no denying just how awesome the original legendary weapons are to this day, and The Juggernaut is no exception. With its unique animations, footfalls, and features, this is one hefty weapon you don’t want swung in your direction.
Why it is awesome
- Aside from the benefits that legendary weapons provide, as previously mentioned in Sharur and Aurene’s Weight, The Juggernaut features unique aesthetics that transform the appearance of the player as well as their footfalls.
- When players wield the weapon, they suddenly take on a quicksilver appearance. This can change depending on the dye on the player’s armor.
- Whenever the weapon is swung, quicksilver is also seen splashing and swirling around the user’s body.
- Projectiles that are flung from the weapon are changed to quicksilver.
- When the player walks around, they also drop quicksilver on the ground as their footfalls.
See The Juggernaut in action:
DevilsDenGaming’s Video - YouTube
How to get The Juggernaut:
- You can craft this legendary weapon by either finding first the precursor weapon, The Collosus, randomly while looting enemies, purchasing it from the trading post, or crafting the precursor weapon.
- Once you have the precursor weapon, combine it with a Gift of Fortune, Gift of Mastery, and Gift of the Juggernaut in the Mystic Forge of Lion’s Arch and various premium lounges.
- You can also just purchase this legendary weapon from the Trading Post for around 1,800-2100 gold.
Closing Thoughts
These mighty hammers will bring any of your enemies to your knees while your peers look in awe at their designs. While there are many others that could have made this list, there is no denying how well Guild Wars 2 makes their weapon designs. If you have a favorite hammer design that wasn’t included, do let us know and have a discussion on what other hammer skins you feel are freaking awesome.
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