[Top 10] Best Grim Dawn Mods We Love!

Best Grim Dawn Mods 2021
22 Mar 2021

What are the best Grim Dawn mods in 2021?

Whether you are looking to completely overhaul your Grim Dawn game experience or just add a few quality of life improvements, there is a mod for you!

10. Reign of Terror

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A humble spellcasters engages Demons in a hellish landscape.

Reign of Terror is an overhaul mod that combines everything you love about Grim Dawn with your favorite aspects of Diablo II! Whether you’re a veteran of Grim Dawn wishing you get more out of your purchase, or just a fan of Diablo II, this mod might be for you. Reign of Terror allows you to experience one of the best ARPGS of all time within another of the best ARPGS of all time!

How Reign of Terror makes Grim Dawn fun

  • You get to play as Diablo II classes and use Diablo II items and skills within the context of Grim Dawn, allowing for unique synergies
  • You get to mix and match Diablo II and Grim Dawn classes with Grim Dawn’s dual-class system
  • You get to use Grim Dawn’s devotion system within the context of Diablo II
  • You will play on your favorite, familiar Diablo II maps, redesigned in 3D

Get the mod here: https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t/mod-reign-of-terror/35347

9. Dawn of Masteries

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Expand your options in Dawn of Masteries mod!

Dawn of Masteries is a collection of mods that allows you to play 53 unique classes, expanding your options tenfold if you’ve grown tired of combining the 9 available in the vanilla game client. It is a great way to extend the life of your favorite ARPG!

How Dawn of Masteries makes Grim Dawn fun

  • Mix and match 53 unique classes
  • New items are available such as powerful temporary buffs, relics, new armor sets, and much more!
  • Redeemable tokens allow you to access the many added items more easily
  • A spawnable NPC allows you to change mob density to your liking

Get the mod here: https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t/dawn-of-masteries/94373

8. Grim Dawn Reborn

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Refresh your Grim Dawn experience with Grim Dawn Reborn mod!

Grim Dawn Reborn is an overhaul mod that will return an experienced player back to the discovery phase of their favorite ARPG by changing skills or even adding completely new ones to the arsenal of available to you.

How Grim Dawn Reborn makes Grim Dawn more fun

  • Almost every skill is changed, as well as new ones being added
  • Grim Dawn Reborn adds a default attack replacer to every class, allowing for more choices when deciding on your build
  • Spells that previously had limited usefulness like blade trap or olexra’s flash freeze are now more versatile in their application
  • Each class gets immortal player-scaled pets such as the familiar guardians of empyrion from the Oathkeeper skill tree

Get the mod here: https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t/mod-grim-dawn-reborn/51306

7. Nydiamar

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Explore new dungeons and try new classes in Nydiamar mod!

Nydiamar is an overhaul mod that adds new classes and dungeons to Grim Dawn. Refresh your Grim Dawn experience with all of the fresh content that this amazing mod will add!

How Nydiamar makes Grim Dawn more fun

  • Completely overhauls the campaign by adding new quests, dungeons, minigames, and monsters!
  • Experience a fresh start in your favorite ARPG
  • You are able to start at levels 1, 15, 45, or 85, depending on what you prefer.

Get the mod here: https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t/mod-nydiamar/38412

6. Warhammer 40,000 Global Conversion

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A Space Marine uses his flamer to incinerate Aetherials.

Are you a Warhammer 40,000 fan that plays Grim Dawn? Do you ever wish you could combine them into a single experience? Look no further, this mod is for you!

How Warhammer 40,000 Global Conversion makes Grim Dawn more fun

  • Gain access to over 800 new weapons and pieces of armor
  • You get new abilities and 2 redesigned classes
  • Experience over 40 new animations and sound effects, as well as over 70 new visual effects!

Get the mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/grimdawn/mods/80

5. Grimarillion

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Try Grimarillion to expand your content and access new features for Grim Dawn!

Grimarillion is a mod compilation that adds a ton of content to Grim Dawn! If you’re looking to refresh your experience, here is another great mod for you.

How Grimarillion makes Grim Dawn more fun

  • It adds additional masteries from titan quest, Diablo 3 and Zenith class mod
  • You can change difficulty and density of mobs
  • Your stash size is increased to triple its size
  • Shattered affixes adds new challenging affixes and loot to shattered realms
  • You get access to new hairstyle illusions!
  • Access new relics and items to expand your options for customization

Get the mod here: https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t/rel-grimarillion-v78/46587

4. Rainbow Mod

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Finding items confusing to decipher? Try this color coding mod to improve your quality of life!

Rainbow mod is a quality of life mod that will save your hours of time sifting through the piles of loot you will receive in Grim Dawn by coloring the affixes and base items for their respective rarity! This mod is a must-have and will enhance your experience.

How Rainbow Mod makes Grim Dawn more fun

  • Affixes and base items will be color-coded to save you time in gauging the usefulness of items you receive
  • No longer will you wonder if the affixes on your items are rare or common
  • Legendary monster infrequents will be colored in a pleasing pink to make them stand out

Get the mod here: https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t/tool-rainbow-filter-item-highlighting/42765

3. GD Stash

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Fix errors or test builds with GD Stash!

GD stash is a great mod for testing if builds will be viable in softcore mode before you put them to the test in hardcore mod. Get this mod if you are looking to do testing without the time commitment, or if you need to fix an unfortunate error that was out of your control. Just beware that using this mod to “cheat” the game will undermine your experience and I advise against this!

How GD stash makes Grim Dawn more fun:

  • Allows you to spawn any items/materials into the game 
  • You can edit character files to have maximum devotion points or maximum level, and much more
  • Revive dead characters that unfairly died to crashes or lag!

Get the mod here: https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t/tool-gd-stash/29036

2. Grim Dawn Item Assistant

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Grim Dawn Item Assistant is a great way to expand your effective stash size with a convenient search function added!

Have you ever been frustrated at the limited size of your shared stash and had to choose to get rid of items you may have wanted to keep? Well, fear not, this mod effectively gives you unlimited stash space and a useful search function for keeping your items organized!

How Grim Dawn Item Assistant makes Grim Dawn more fun:

  • Allows you to have unlimited stash size!
  • An easy-to-use search function helps keep your piles of loot organized
  • There isn’t much more to this mod, but it is simple and effective. Once you download it you will wonder how you ever lived without it.

Get the mod here: https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t/tool-grim-dawn-item-assistant/30491

1. Grim Internals 

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Grim Internals is a huge improvement to your Grim Dawn experience with it's many added features!

If there is any mod that is absolutely necessary to your Grim Dawn experience, it’s Grim Internals. This quality of life mods adds tons of options for customization, allowing you to take your experience to the next level of enjoyment!

How Grim Internals makes Grim Dawn more fun:

  • Customize enemy health bars as well as your own in ways such as displaying % or only showing hero enemy health bars so as to not clutter your visuals.
  • Change the time of day or remove fog for visual improvement
  • Track debuffs on yourself as well as enemies to improve your awareness
  • Display things such as your average DPS, your crit chance or chance to be crit, experience received, and so much more!

Get the mod here: https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t/tool-grim-internals/38773

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