Top 12 Games Like Sea of Thieves (Games Better Than Sea of Thieves In Their Own Way)

Games like Sea of Thieves
06 Jan 2019

Top 12 Games Like Sea of Thieves

Sea of Thieves is an open world adventure game that lets you and your friends take to the seas as a band of pirates. There is a lot of mischief and fun to be had when playing Sea of Thieves. However, right now Sea of Thieves is an incomplete game and may get repetitive and boring after a few days of playing. That is why I have created this list of the Top 12 Games Like Sea of Thieves.

12. Tempest: Pirate Action RPG

Tempest Pirate Action Rpg Let's Play Gameplay

In this open world game, you will be able to explore various coastlines, forts, and seas as a pirate. Let your friends join in on the fun as you take on various missions and tasks. With beautiful graphics and cinematics, you will almost certainly feel as though you are truly on board. Sink enemy ships and plunder the remains to become rich quick. Have a thing for the mystical? That is welcome here as you can call on meteors from the sky to collide with enemies just as effective as cannon fire. Or step in the shoes of Davy Jones and call up the Kraken like octopus to take out other pirates. All of this so you can decorate your ship and be feared all around the world.

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A Ship cuts it close by a rock formation which could have made her flounder. 

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A pirate stands in fear as he stares down the Kraken.

11. Blackwake

Blackwake gameplay from Let's Play.

Blackwake is a first-person pirate game that takes you on the seven seas as a born and bred killer. Ram enemy ships and join the boarding party as you fight to take over. Bring out your cutlass or trusty blunderbuss as you fight with merchant sailors or other pirates. Join with 12 of your closest friends to create the most feared pirate crew in all the seas. Rather not get up close and personal, select from a number of weapons that will let you snipe from far away or kill up close. Who said pirates never had trouble with volcanoes and icebergs? Well they were wrong, because in Blackwake you better not pull a Titanic and sink.

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An older pirate fires a cannon at an enemy Carrack. 

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A pirate gets ready to board the enemy ship after he rams it. 

10. Skull and Bones

Let's Play video of Skull and Bones gameplay. 

Take on the role of a pirate in this open world strategy game. Skull and Bones allows you to sail the Indian Ocean alone or take on the world with a few friends. Using a third-person perspective, players are able to see the battles with vivid detail. Be sure to capture and obtain more ships as you progress. What is a pirate without his spyglass and the crows nest. These will allow you to see enemy ships and potential prey from far away. While you may be a pirate stealing from enemy ships, the true thief is the microtransactions that will leave you feeling drunk.

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Captain raises in triumph as an enemy ship is giving up. 

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A burning ship flees as a pirate fleet shows off their cannon range. 

9. The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt

Let's Play video of Pirate: Caribbean Hunt gameplay. 

It is time once again to broadside enemy ships in the Caribbean. Join the naval battles as a swashbuckling pirate and literally take the wheel and control of your ship. Caribbean Hunt allows players to steer with an onscreen helm, giving them maximum control during an intense cannon battle. Choose from twenty different ship types as you build your fleet to an infinite size. Watch as your battles go from day to night and you build up your captain skills. It won’t be long before you are the Crimson King.

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Notice the manual steering wheel in the lower right corner. 

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The steering wheel is even customizable. 

8. Maelstrom

Maelstrom video from Let's PLay. 

Tired of the cliche Pirates of the Caribbean game, it is time to play Maelstrom, a pirate game set in a fantasy world. Join with other crews to take on the elusive and powerful Leviathan. Rather not play nice with others? Take them and the monsters on at the same time with real time strategy. Maelstrom is Sea of Thieves meets Monster Hunter World. Enter a game with other seafaring pirates as you try to be the last ship standing. Sink your enemies while defending against aggressive sea monsters.

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A unique ship being towed by large fish.

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Another unique ship taking on cannon fire. 

7. Man O' War: Corsair - Warhammer Naval Battles

Man O War video from Let's PLay

Set sail on the Warhammer oceans as you face enemy ships and monsters from the deep. Build your navy strong as you trade your way to the top, or follow the path of piracy as you steal other people's riches. Board an enemy ship and fight them on their own deck. Create your fleet to be the typical naval scourges or create new unique ships, even some that will fly! What? Whatever path you choose, be ever aware of what lurks below.

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A crew scramble to fight this Megaladon shark. 

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A Fearsome crew, including Ogre, charge into battle. 

6. Naval Action

Naval Action gameplay from Let's PLay

Naval Action is an open-world MMO that allows you to jump in and claim control of the Caribbean seas. Choose between a number of factions including: Spain, Great Britain, United States, France, or the freeloading pirates. The true way to own the seas is by becoming a pirate and plundering as much treasure as possible. Take on missions from various suppliers and rise in the ranks of the most feared. Pirates are free to sink anyone they want, including AI ships or other players online. Experience top notch sailing and naval combat as you play Naval Action.

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Two Galleons surround the masts of a sunken ship. 

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A British and French ship are locked together with crew's on deck battling. 

5. Blood and Gold Caribbean

Let's PLay video of Blood and Gold Caribbean. 

Set in the 17th Century, Blood and Gold Caribbean takes you on a high seas adventure that will have you extending the gangplank to enemy ships in the morning and playing blackjack in the evening. Players get to follow their own path as a merchant sailor or merciless pirate. Build your own fleet and create a pirate siege. Once you have captured the city you have had your eyes on, marry the governor’s daughter and build an army to take on the Spanish. Become a master of the Caribbean by creating your own trade routes and taking over coastal cities, or blow all your money on cards and girls. It is your choice.  

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Multiple ships about to engage in naval warfare. 

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Showing off the customizable ship styles. 

4. Tales of Monkey Island

Let's PLay video of Tales of Monkey Island.

Tales of Monkey Island tells another pirate story through multiple interactive chapters. Play as the childish pirate, Guybrush Threepwood as he solves a number of puzzles and riddles that lead him to his nemesis, the demon pirate LeChuck. Many pirates would rather a floozy on the side, but as luck would have it, Guybrush is the only pirate with a wife, and she must be rescued from the hands of LeChuck. Gather a number of voodoo items and combine them with your cutlass to create a magic cutlass that will no doubt help you find your ultimate treasure, your wife. With five different chapters lasting over two hours each, Tales of Monkey Island will keep you interested in this fearsome tale.

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Monkey Island is a goofy pirate game full of a load of fun.

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Guybrush Threepwood and the Demon Pirate. 

3. Windward

Windward gameplay from Let's Play.

Windward is an open world sailing RPG that takes players into a generated world full of pirates and thieves. Every aspect of the Age of Sail comes to life. Players can learn the mechanics of the game quickly and start to build their own pirate kingdom. Engage in naval combat, raid coastal towns, and build your own port cities. If you get bored being a pirate, start your own trade routes and own the seven seas. If you’d rather be a lovable character, help the coastal cities defend against other pirate raids, or run up the black at the last moment showing your true pirate origins. Drop your sails and head Windward to a new adventure.

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Windward takes naval battles anywhere and with anyone. 

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Impressive scenes await when sailing the Caribbean. 

2. Sid Meier's Pirates!

Sid Meier's Pirates! gameplay from Let's Play.

A remake of an 80’s game has never been better. Sid Meier’s Pirates is a strategy action-adventure game that takes players across the Caribbean in search of various things. Hear the thunder of cannons as you take on enemy ships and raid coastal cities. If all goes to plan, grab your finest eye-patch, drop anchor, and dance with the governor’s daughter (there seems to be a theme here). When you board enemy ships, pull out your trusty cutlass and engage in an epic sword fight that would make Captain Jack Sparrow go “WHOA”. Follow the story of a pirate turned captain as he/she becomes the most famous pirate in the Caribbean.

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Take the battles from the seas to the decks in Pirates!

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Or sail around the Caribbean fighting other pirates over booty. 

1. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Assassin's Creed Black Flag gameplay from Let's PLay.

This instalment of Assassin’s Creed is the best single player pirate game on the market letting players go back in time and fly the Jolly Roger as an assassin. Play as pirate Edward Kenway and sail the seas with action packed battles and meet notable pirates such as Blackbeard as you learn more about the Assassins of the past. Players can now sail their own ship, the Jackdaw, in an open world environment taking on enemy ships. Explore new locations in the Caribbean including Mayan ruins and sunken ships. Use your new Flintlock Pistols as you board enemy ships or bring out the trusty hidden blade for close combat. Black Flag is a pirate experience that will leave you begging for more.  

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The Assassin stands triumphant in front of his ship after killing a redcoat. 

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Watch the large wails from the rigging of your ship in Black Flag. 

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Sea of Thieves
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