Foxhole Armament Guide (Top 20 Tips)

29 May 2023

Foxhole is a game with a wide ranging choice of armaments and military equipment. All with their own uses and situations that they can be applied to to give your team an advantage. 

With far too many to go through and too much choice for this one writer, I reached out to the Foxhole Community to see what their favourites were. The kind of tools they don't leave their bunker base without.

So without further ado and in no particular order, here are twenty bits of kit, how to get them and what they're used for.


1. Wrench

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A Colonial Soldier with their trusty wrench

There isn't much you can't do with a wrench. It's actually quite a vital tool that no one ever seems to have on them when they need one. That said, they are a lot more common in Logi hubs and backlines.

Anyway, what are they used for? Well, firstly, once you have it equipped in your 3rd slot, they can be used to break off locks from vehicles. Whether they were locked by your own teammates or the enemy, you can crack off the lock and the vehicle is yours for the taking.

Just crouch next to the vehicle in question with your wrench equipped and hold down the left mouse button. Keep an eye over your shoulder as you do, though. People may not be too happy to see their locked vehicles being stolen. Although they shouldn't leave them in wrenching range. 

The wrench can also be used to dismantle land mines, barbed wire, and tank traps. You'll need it to hook up train cars to one another as well.

If you're looking around for one in a Logi hub and there aren't any around, you can produce a crate of 5 for 75 Bmats. Dump the crate in the Logi town base and retrieve one for yourself. The other 4 can be used by other people for their other

purposes and the cycle of helping out players you'll never meet continues on.


2. Listening Kit

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A deployed listening kit on a tripod

A really cool bit of tech that can give your team a good edge. As long as you have some daring partisans who are able to deploy it. 

What this kit does is copy the intelligence gathered by an enemy intelligence gathering structure and transmits it to your own team's map. If you have a radio equipped, you can see them at work on your map. If an enemy intelligence structure is blinking, it means that a friendly listening Kit has been deployed in range of it.

Your team will be able to see everything that the structure sees as long as the listening Kit is within 80m of it. Observation towers with their large viewing radius are obvious targets for these but Logi routes are also vulnerable soft targets. 

Ensure you hide them well as they will emit an audible beeping noise once deployed. Don't forget to bring a tripod to place them on as well. You would look rather silly if you brought one all the way behind enemy lines without the means to properly use it.

These aren't faction specific and both sides can produce them. You can get a crate of 5 for 150 Bmats. Don't forget the crate of tripods as well which will cost you 100 Bmats for a crate of 5.


3. Bane 45

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The heaviest hand held anti tank weapon in the Colonial arsenal. This weapon is a favourite amongst those Collies who hate tanks and hate seeing them on the battlefield. 

It's much heavier than its lighter little brother, the Venom. And even though they have the same damage and penetration chance, the Bane can be fired from 40m away making it a much safer alternative.

You'll also only be able to fire it from full cover. Given that it is a heavy weapon. Or you'll have to crouch or go prone for it to fire. 

Coming in at a cost of 150 Bmats and 40 Rmats for a crate of 5, you'll have enough for you and your friends. Don't forget the AP/RPG rounds as well. They'll cost you 60 Bmats and 75 Emats per crate of 15. 


4. Lunaire/Cutler

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The Warden Cutler Launcher

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The Colonial Lunaire

Since the latest update for World Conquest 102 at time of writing, these two pieces of equipment have been more or less tuned to be on par with one another. 

Mainly used as PvE tools for knocking out enemy defensive structures, they are exceptionally useful bits of kit in their own right. The Cutler being the Warden's RPG launcher and the Lunaire being the Colonial hand held grenade launcher. 

While the cutler can be fired from a decent range, it needs direct line of sight. The Lunaire can fire in an arc from behind cover. It can also be loaded with other types of grenades making it a very versatile piece of kit.

The Lunaire will cost you 50 Bmats and 30 Rmats for a crate of 10 at the factory. A crate of 20 Tremola's to go with it will cost 75 Bmats and 50 Emats.

The Cutler on the other hand will cost you 100 Bmats and 35 Rmats for only 5 in a crate. The RPG's it fires come in crates of 15 for 60 Bmats and 45 Emats.


5. Bomastones

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Currently the source of some controversy within the Foxhole Community. Yes, Foxhole does indeed have its very own controversies. Please use the Sub-Reddit with caution.

A faction exclusive hand grenade for the Colonials, the Bomastone has an exceptional range and will cause shrapnel damage to anyone in its blast radius. This will cause enemies to bleed out if they don't get patched up in time. 

An excellent tool for trench clearing and offensive, aggressive infantry pushes. When used defensively, it can neuter any kind of mammon rush (suicide rushing with high explosive grenades to kill structures) by mincing any charging infantry with a load of Boma spam.

There is currently a heated debate at time of writing on whether or not the Bomastone is overpowered. Especially as it's only available to the Colonials. But I'm not going to opine on that because I value my sanity. 

Either way, it's an excellent bit of kit to have on you when pushing trenches and built up areas. You can get a whopping 25 a crate for 100 Bmats and 20 Emats. Bargain! 


6. Highwayman

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A variant tank of the  Warden Outlaw, the Highwayman can be obtained by taking an Outlaw to a facility equipped with a Tank Factory that can upgrade it. For the cost of 5 Processed Construction Materials, 10 AssMats II, 5 AssMats III (Assembly Materials Class 2 and 3).

Armed with dual 20mm cannons and a 12.7mm machine gun, the Highwayman is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Using its manoeuvrability to deadly effect in the form of its boost capability. Pressing shift will rapidly accelerate at the cost of fuel consumption.

Capable of flanking fast and disabling the subsystems of enemy armour, you don't want to be stuck out in the open when one of these ambushes you. Its rapid fire cannons can really put the hurt on. If your turret goes down, you're defenceless. If your track comes off, you're stuck. 

Colonial tankers beware for the Highwayman who may force you to stand and deliver.


7. White Ash Flask

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A Warden exclusive Anti-tank grenade. While it deals less damage than the sticky bomb, its throw range is a lot longer so you don't have to get too close to the enemy tank. 

It's also exceptionally good at knocking the tracks off of tanks and leaving them stuck crawling at a snail's pace. It cannot be deflected or bounce off either so it's a guaranteed hit when you land one on enemy armour. 

Costing 100 Bmats and 40 Emats, you'll get a crate of 10 of these for you and your friends to hunt down some tanks together.


8. Gunners Breastplate

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Just look at that drip!

As someone who mainly enjoys playing as a Colonial, I am quite jealous of the Warden drip with this one. You can quite literally be a Knight in armour and it's not just aesthetics as well.

Equipped with this, you'll take half as much damage as you normally would and have less of a chance of having the bleed out debuff hit you. You'll also be able to resist being bayoneted on the first hit, completely negating its instakill. 

As described by u/Abject_Horror8638 on the Foxhole subreddit; "As an infantry, I love the hangman for the stopping power and the sound it makes. Coupled with a Gunner Breastplate, and I feel indestructible."

Keep in mind though, you are gonna be much heavier wearing this and your inventory slots will be reduced down to only 3 in your backpack. You'll mainly want to use this for static positions.

You can get a crate of 3 of these for 100 Bmats.


9. LUV

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The Warden Drummond in its base model.

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The Colonial Argonaut in its base model.

Short for Light Utility Vehicle, these come in many shapes and sizes and aren't faction exclusive. These are fast little cars that are excellent for transporting personnel or small cargo rapidly. 

Not only that, every single one of them with the exception of the Warden Drummond Loscann (the Wardens own amphibious LUV) can gather and transmit intelligence within a 60m radius. 

These make them excellent for scouting missions and partisan raiding missions. Especially if you get a variant with a machine gun mounted on it. Perfectly put by u/xXFirebladeXx321; "Nothing more fun than driving around in your LUV loaded with HMG ammo, Bmats, extra fuel and 1-2 pairs of Listening Kits+Tripods."

The Colonial Argonaut and the Warden Drummond cost 10 Rmats or 30 for a crate of 3. They can be upgraded into variants at a facility equipped with a motor pool.


10. Advanced CV

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The advanced CV is noticeably different to a regular CV by the black colouring with yellow stripes.

CV being short for Construction Vehicle. The advanced version can do everything that a normal CV can with the added bonus of being able to build defensive structures and fill in trenches up to tier 2. 

It holds a lot of Bmats in its inventory and can knock up structures a hell of a lot faster than soldiers with hammers, fatwalking Bmats around can. This makes it almost invaluable for quickly build pushing and securing gained ground.

To get one, you'll need to knock up a normal CV for 100 Bmats. You can hammer these together near any main base. Then you'll need to take it to a facility equipped with a Small Assembly Station. Put in 10 Processed Construction Materials and set it away. You'll have your very own Advanced CV. 


11. ATR

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The Anti Tank Rifle. A 20mm calibre elephant gun and the bane of any tank crew. These bad boys can be carried by a single soldier and set up to ambush or deter any advancing armour. 

A Warden exclusive gun, they're still highly sought after as the 20mm ammunition used in them can be produced universally by both factions. 

They cannot be fired standing up unless you are behind full cover such as a high wall or in a trench. If not, you'll need to be crouched or prone to fire it. 

The gun can also be used for fun insta kill shots against enemy infantry. Although fun, the practice is wasteful of the ammunition.

The ATR will cost you 150 Bmats per crate of 3. Its clips will cost 100 Bmats per crate of 10 and you'll get 8 rounds per clip. Use wisely. Collies that want these will have to scrounge them from the corpses and conquered towns of the Wardens.


12. Hangman

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A Warden exclusive heavy rifle with a unique twist. This one is a revolving rifle chambered in .44 calibre. A gift to stopping power in spite of a shorter range and a sound that makes you wonder why revolving rifles never caught on in our reality. Spoiler alert for history gun nerds like me, it’s cause they had the nasty habit of exploding in people’s faces.

This gun is a show stopper. It can be fitted with a bayonet and a favourite among infantry. As the lore quotes "... the Hangman often plays judge, jury, and executioner".

These come in crates of 20 costing 125 Bmats a box. Colonials will have to get them from any Wardens that missed and failed to hang them. 

Its ammunition can be universally produced very cheaply by both sides where 40 Bmats will get you 40 clips. 1 Bmat for 6 rounds of .44.


13. Leary Shellbore 68mm EAT

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The Shellbore; emplaced in a concrete circular trench.

A Warden exclusive EAT. Standing for Emplaced Anti-Tank and it is a scary one at that. 68mm ammunition is specifically designed for anti-tank tactics and this gun is no joke. It does its job exceptionally well.

So much so, in fact, that this writer can recall many times when tankers refused to advance until the infantry had taken them out. 

It can rapidly reload shell after shell and keep armour at bay with its 45 metre range. When emplaced in an octagon trench, it becomes even harder to dislodge and decrew. 

Wardens can build one in a construction yard for 150 Bmats or get a crate of 3 for 450 at a mass production factory. Once built, they need to be craned onto a flatbed, driven to their location and craned into place once they get there. 

68mm anti-tank ammo costs 120 Bmats and 120 Emats to produce a box of 20. Stock up on enough of this and you can hold off any advancing armour.

Colonials, good luck. Aim for the gunner and throw everything at them.


14. ISG

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A Colonial soldier carrying the ISG. Not pictured is his friend carrying the tripod.

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The ISG once it’s set up.

The infantry support gun is a Colonial exclusive and the closest thing to a man portable recoilless rifle. It is a cannon that fires 30mm shells and is particularly useful for combating vehicles but its main bread and butter is blowing up structures.

To use one, it has to be mounted on either a tripod or a half-track's gun mount making it particularly useful and versatile. It outranges most AI defences and can be deployed speedily with a two man crew or by a half-track crew.

Coming in at a cost of 100 Bmats and 5 Rmats for a crate of 5, it is a cost effective and cheap weapon to deploy. Just don't forget to bring tripods and shells. 30mm costs 80 Bmats and 20 Emats for a crate of 20. 


15. Cometa

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The .44 "Dirty Harry" magnum revolver that everyone feels ultra powerful using. It's cheap, its ammo is cheap, and it can be produced by both factions. A powerful hand cannon and a very deadly secondary weapon in the right hands. 

It's a shame you don't see them all too often because they are definitely a lot of fun to use. If I can't get a pitch gun when I'm running medic, then this is the gun for me. Something about its stopping power just scratches a certain itch. Are you feeling lucky, pal?

For 60 Bmats you can get a crate of 30. That's only 2 Bmats per gun. That's an absolute bargain. In other words, Logimen, make more of these, please.


16. Sticky Bombs

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Exactly what they say on the tin. Stickies will stick to anything once they're thrown. They're heavy and have a very short throw distance so you'll have to get close to whatever you're trying to blow up but the damage they do is incredible.

With a very high chance of disabling tank tracks, a few brave infantry armed with these can spell death for any poor tank crew. Get in close and ambush from the sides or rear for maximum effect.

50 Bmats and 50 Emats will score you a crate filled with 10 of these for you and your friends to put the hurt on some armoured vehicles.


17. Spatha

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A Colonial upgraded variant of the Falchion, this tank comes with a 40mm high velocity cannon that deals more damage than its original chassis variant. Its main role is that of an assault tank when used in combined arms offensives.

When it is well supported with infantry, it can lay waste to defences while also being more durable to attack from the front. A capable tank in tank versus tank battles as well. Especially if it can come in at a good flank as its 40mm cannon isn't as well equipped to deal with armour when compared to dedicated tank hunters.

To get one, Colonials will need to take a Falchion to a Light Vehicle Assembly Station with a Tank Factory upgrade. Pay the toll of  8 Processed Construction Materials, 10 AssMatts II, and 8 AssMats IV.


18. Ignifist

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A single use, hand held anti-tank weapon and something that is definitely worth carrying once enemy armour is on the field. Exclusive to Colonials, it is their answer to the Warden ATR. 

These can be mass produced by the crate and dished out to the fronts where mobs of AT infantry can spring out of trenches and hit tanks from all sides. Hitting them with armour piercing damage from up to 18m away. 

As you can equip it in your 3rd inventory slot, it acts the same as a grenade. Meaning that you can have a rifle with you as a primary and pull out your Ignifist when enemy armour is on its way. Making you a versatile fighter with an anti-tank surprise in your pocket. 

Especially effective at night and when laying ambushes. Go ahead and fork out 85 Bmats and 35 Emats for a crate of 10 and go wild against Warden armour.


19. Battle Tanks

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The Warden Flook Mk.1 (left) and the Colonial Lance-36 (right)

Battle Tanks have made a comeback to the game and a lot of people have been very glad of it. The Colonial Lance-36 and the Warden Flood Mk.1 both require a lot of work and a lot of planning to produce and field but players fond of the tanking profession definitely believe them to be worth it.

They can crew up to five with a special addition of an engineer, capable of repairing the tank from inside it and reloading the main gun for the gunner. 

The tanks run on heavy oil which needs to be produced at a facility with an oil refinery. The tanks themselves can only be built at facilities with Large Assembly Stations. Needless to say, those that make and field these are dedicated to their cause.

The Colonial Lance comes with a 75mm cannon and a hull mounted 12.7mm heavy machine gun. It's an exceptionally well protected tank but don't get too confident. You will still need your wits about you.

It costs 50 Steel Construction Materials, 30 AssMats III, 60 AssMats IV, and 35 AssMats V. The Warden Flood Mk.1 costs exactly the same and comes with the same armaments as the Lance. 

Both tanks can be upgraded into different variants depending on what your tank crew wants to get from their battle tank. 


20. Stinger LMG Motorcycle

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A faction exclusive to the Colonials, this motorcycle comes with a box car for a passenger. Fitted with a 7.92mm light machine gun. Perfect for hit and run attacks and scouting missions.

Not to mention how fun it is to use, it comes with a boost capability making it the fastest vehicle both on and off road when used. Its drawback is that you are pretty much unprotected while on it so hit hard and hit fast before getting away. 

To get one, you'll need to take a Caster (the unarmed version of the motorcycle. 85 Bmats at a garage) to a facility equipped with a light assembly station and upgrade it for the cost of 5 Construction Materials. 



As you can see, there is more than enough for every type of player to find their niche. From guns to tanks to trucks to construction. There really is something for everyone in Foxhole and everyone has their role to play.


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