[Top 10] Fire Force Best Fight Scenes Worth Watching Again

03 Dec 2022

Except for its brilliant story arcs and well-developed characters, Fire Force is also known for its hypnotic fight scenes. With one of the best power systems in anime, watching any characters go against each other is very satisfying, and in today's article, we will create a detailed list of 10 of the best Fire Force fight scenes that are worth watching again. Beware; this article may contain spoilers.

10. Maki Oze vs. Flail

Maki Oze fights Flail.

During the Netherworld Arc, the members of the 8th Company find themselves separated after heading there to investigate the White Clad organization. Maki finds herself alone and against Flail, a member of the Knights of the Ashen Flame, and a group of White Hoods.

Not intimidated by her opponents, Maki easily defends herself from the long-range attacks by the White Hoods, forcing them to engage her in close combat, where she brutally overwhelms them.

Flail joins the fight and attempts to crush Maki with his weapon but fails. Maki then uses her Iron Owls in combination with her attacks to injure Flail and deliver a final blow to his skull, which renders him unconscious.

Her greatest asset is her experience as a former soldier in the army, which allows her to keep calm despite being outnumbered by her opponents.

9. Yūichirō Kurono vs. Shinra Kusakabe

Yūichirō Kurono fights Shinra Kusakabe.

Yūichirō Kurono serves as the chief of Haijima Industries' Power Development Facility. As a third-generation pyrokinetic and the sixth pillar's guardian, Kurono is one of the strongest characters in Fire Force. During Shinra Kusakabe's visit to Haijima Industries, Kurono gets a chance to fight Shinra in a combat test.

Using his Ignition Ability, Black Smoke that can reach a temperature of up to 130°C, Kurono completely overwhelms Shinra, despite him using his Rapid, and after being instructed to stop by Haijima researchers, Kurono defies their orders, blocking their view into the room using his black smoke, and continuing his offensive attack on Shinra until the researchers open a door that allows Shinra to escape.

8. Takehisa Hinawa vs. Arrow

Takehisa Hinawa fights Arrow.

After the members of Company 8 are separated in the Netherworld, Lieutenant Takehisa Hinawa finds himself facing off against Arrow, the Primary Vice-Commander of the Knights of the Ashen Flame and the third pillar's guardian. Using her excellent eyesight and explosive sniping power, Arrow lures Hinawa into a trap and wounds him.

Due to the two being evenly matched, their exchange of fire grows violent and eventually blows them to the ground. Getting on her feet quicker than Hinawa, Arrow fires an attack at Hinawa, but unbeknownst to her, Hinawa uses her quicker reaction to attack to siphon the strength of her flames and accelerate his projectile, using a technique called Velocity Rampage.

The resulting explosive force completely defeats Arrow and leaves her permanently scarred across her temple.

7. Leonard Burns vs. Shinra Kusakabe

Leonard Burns fights Shinra Kusakabe.

Leonard Burns is the captain of Special Fire Force Company 1 as well as a third-generation pyrokinetic. As one of the few people who knows the truth behind the fire incident that occurred in Shinra Kusakabe's childhood, Shinra approaches Burns for answers, but Burns refuses to tell him the truth until Shinra proves his strength to him.

Shinra proceeds to spar with Burns, and after a few attacks, Burns begins to produce huge amounts of heat that blow away Shinra and prevent him from closing the gap to strike Burns. However, Shinra forces his way through and lands a direct hit that lightly injures him. Recognizing Shinra's strength, Burns agrees to reveal the truth to him.

6. Charon vs. Shinra Kusakabe

Charon fights Shinra Kusakabe.

Charon is a member of the White Clad organization, serving as the second pillar's guardian. One of the strongest characters in Fire Force, Charon is a second-generation pyrokinetic who can absorb and accumulate kinetic energy into his body from attacks, then use it to attack and create explosions. This neat ability allows him to trick his opponents into thinking that he is a third-generation pyrokinetic.

During the Fifth Pillar arc, Charon and Haumea make a move to acquire Inca Kasugatani, the fifth pillar, but their plans are foiled when Shinra Kusakabe arrives. Shinra attacks with multiple blows, but to his surprise, none of them have any effect on Charon, who proceeds to unleash explosions that devastate Shinra.

Despite Shinra realizing the true nature of Charon's abilities, Charon proves to be too much for him, and eventually, Shinra is left defeated, with Inca choosing to join the White Clad.

5. Ogun Montgomery vs. Tempe

Ogun Montgomery fights Tempe.

Ogun Montgomery is a member of Special Fire Force Company 4 and a third-generation pyrokinetic. During the Chinese Peninsula arc, Shinra Kusakabe and Ogun Montgomery find themselves facing off against infernals who are led by Tempe, a Demon Infernal.

When Shinra is unable to defeat Tempe, he asks Ogun to buy him some time so he can further investigate the source of his Adolla Link. Ogun activates Flamy Ink, an Ignition ability that allows him to tattoo flames all over his body, thereby increasing his strength to a level that equates to Leonard Burns' Voltage Nova.

Using this, Ogun overpowers the Demon Infernal, and despite overheating, he buys Shinra enough time to gain the power to completely defeat Tempe.

4. Joker vs. Holy Sol's Shadow Commander

Joker fights Holy Sol's Shadow Commander.

Joker is an anti-hero who serves as the guardian of the fourth pillar, Shinra Kusakabe. Raised in the Holy Sol Temple and a former member of the assassin group, Holy Sol's Shadow, Joker is a powerful pyrokinetic. During the VS. Holy Sol Temple arc, Joker and Benimaru Shinmon invade the Holy Sol Temple with the aim of uncovering the truth about the empire's history.

After defeating the elites guarding the Temple, they venture into the Netherworld where Joker encounters his former commander of the assassin group. After reminiscing about the past, the two begin fighting in a heated battle, which Joker eventually wins using his wit to outmatch his commander and kill him.

3. Charon vs. Nataku Son

Charon fights Nataku Son.

When Charon is introduced to the story, we quickly realize how powerful a character he is, but this scene is what solidifies him as a monster who is unrivaled. While trying to capture Nataku Son, the sixth pillar, Nataku is trapped inside a giant infernal.

However, when Haumea uses her power to mess with Nataku Son's fragile mind, he loses control and launches a nuclear heat blast that threatens to destroy all of Tokyo.

However, Charon steps in and takes the full force of the attack, then reflects it into the sky and out of the atmosphere, saving everyone. Despite it being a short scene, this single act proved how ridiculously powerful Charon is.

2. Benimaru Shinmon vs. Demon Infernal

Benimaru Shinmon fights a Demon Infernal.

Benimaru Shinmon is the captain of Special Fire Force Company 7 as well as a hybrid second- and third-generation pyrokinetic. Known as Asakusa's King of Destruction, Benimaru is regarded as the strongest fire soldier in the anime.

During the Asakusa arc, the White Clad organization attacks Asakusa using infernals that resemble the people of Asakusa, creating confusion among the town members. Benimaru rises to the task, leading his people against the enemies in disguise, and in the course of the fighting, he spots a Demon Infernal that's troubling Shinra Kusakabe and Arthur Boyle.

Rescuing them, Benimaru takes on the Demon Infernal but his attacks prove to be useless. Taking the battle to the skies, Benimaru unleashes an extremely powerful attack that completely decimates the infernal with a single blow.

1. Shinra Kusakabe vs. Shō Kusakabe

Shinra Kusakabe fights his brother, Shō Kusakabe.

Without a doubt the best fight in the series so far, Shinra Kusakabe finds himself facing off against his brother, Shō Kusakabe, who is the second pillar and a member of the White Clad organization. Being a fourth-generation pyrokinetic who is extremely skilled in combat, the fight quickly turns into a one-sided one, with Shō completely overwhelming Shinra.

However, when an Adolla Link is established between them, Shinra links with his brother and taps into the Evangelist's Grace, allowing him to move fast enough to react to Shō's devastating attacks. Moving faster than the speed of light, Shinra disappears when Shō uses Severed Universe (a fourth-generation ability that allows him to stop time), finally outmatching his brother and reaching a level where he can fight him evenly.

The battle concludes in an emotional climax after Shō sees his brother's memories and breaks down crying in empathy.

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