Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who has the Fairest Glamour of Them All?
Look, Black Mages have it hard. The bosses of Final Fantasy XIV have painted a big, red target on their backs. It never fails that they end up in AOE zones. Then, when they don’t move out of the way, the party end up madder at them than at the world-ending monster! However, being a Black Mage can be stressful: the reputation of having the best damage output weighs heavily on our shoulders. Some tend to be hard on themselves if they don’t do the maximum damage they can do. When it gets to that point, we need to step back and take a breath. Glamour— believe it or not, glamour can be therapeutic. So, take a self-care day and hit up the markets.
1) The Gardens of Troia
( Picture above belongs to Lori Nin from server Phoenix )
This glamour could work really well for any caster. However, this glamour really gives the Black Mage a traveling wizard vibe to it. Those of you that are Role-players might use it to become a mysterious spell-slinger!
Where Can I Find This?
The Hat— Rinascita Hood of Casting
- Rinascita Hood of Casting is obtained in one way: crafting.
Before you can craft this item, you need to be a level 90 goldsmith. You can buy this from the player’s market… But, according to Universalis, the cheapest you can get it is 123,547.
The Body— Edenmorn Gown of Casting
- Edenmorn Rapier is obtained in one way: Eden’s Promise: Eternity (Savage)
Edenmorn Chest Coffer & Books of Eternity
Now, my best advice for running this raid is to do it unsyned. Yes, depending on your stats, you will still have to mind mechanics, but it helps you burn through the boss quicker. There are two things you’re waiting to drop: the books and the chest coffer. The best thing would be the coffer. You just have to open it in the correct class, and you’ll get the corresponding weapon. However, you should still roll on the books! If you have eight books and no coffer, you can trade them into nearby NPCs.
- Ghoul Gul in Amh Araeng ( X: 26.6, Y: 16.4 )
- Yhal Yal in Eulmore ( X: 10.0, Y: 11.5 )
- Mowen’s Merchant in The Crystarium ( X: 10.1, Y: 11.8 )
The Hands— Claws of the Beast
Edenmorn Rapier is obtained in one way: the Golden Saucer.
You get these points by playing mini-games, gates, or the cactpots. If you haven’t unlocked the Golden Saucer, Zane Lionhart has a video showing and explaining how! Once you get 30,000 MGP, you can trade it in for the Claws of the Beast to the attendant ( X: 5.1, Y: 6.6 ); however, if you don’t want to waste time, you should check out Best Way to Farm MGP!
The Legs— Shadowless Bottoms of Casting
- Shadowless Bottoms of Casting are obtained in one way: Dungeon grinding.
The Hero’s Gauntlet
Depending on your rolls, it might not be so much of a grind. However, you should always mentally prepare yourself for a grind. This coat can be dropped in one dungeon: The Hero’s Gauntlet. It’s a level 80 dungeon that’s unlockable in Shadowbringers' main storyline.
The Feet— Shadowless Boots of Casting
- Shadowless Boots of Casting is obtained in one way: Dungeon grinding.
The Hero’s Gauntlet
The same info as the Shadowless Bottoms of Casting.
The Weapon— Augmented Law’s Order Rod
This is something that I don’t have a lot of experience doing. However, there is a lot of information available. The guide I highly recommend reading is the Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringer Relic Weapon Guide on Polygon. They have each section organized neatly and clear on what needs to be done.
The Jewelry—
If you’re interested in the jewelry glamour, you check out The Gardens of Troia’s page.
2) Fatale
( Picture above belongs to Leshia Aysheen from server Ragnarok )
This glamour is perfect! It has a very sensual vibe to it— almost looking more like a ninja than a wizard.
Where Can I Find This?
The Hat— Augmented Crystarium Halfmask of Casting
- Augmented Crystarium Halfmask of Casting is obtained in two ways: vendors and quest.
MSQ & Allagane Tombstones
In all honesty, the allagane tombstone is the fastest way to acquire this hat. You get tomestones by completing certain dungeons and doing duty roulette. If you don’t want to spend a lot of time farming these stones, Graehl Gaming has a video talking about how to grind fast. He also mentions other ways of building tombstones. During the main quest of post-Shadowbringers, there is a level 80 called Food for the Soul. It allows you to pick the coffer called Crystarium Gear of Casting Coffer.
The Body— Bozjan Coat of Casting
- Bozan Coat of Casting is obtained in one way: Bozjan.
Bozjan Coins
Before you can go about getting this coat, you have to unlock Bozjan. Now, it can get confusing if you started the process but then drop it. Gamerant has a guide explaining how in a very clear manner. Then, you have to get 28 bozjan coins: you start receiving them once you process through the quest in that area.
The vendor you're looking for once you get what you need is…
- Resistance Supplier ( X: 15.3, Y: 29.9 )
The Hands— Augmented True Linen Gloves of Casting
- Augmented True Linen Gloves of Casting is obtained in one way: Vendors.
Enna in Rhalgr’s Reach ( X: 13.9, Y: 11.6 )
What you’re wanting from Enna is three Thavnairian rain. The easiest way to get it is to grind 50 allagane tombstones.
J’tandhaa in Rhalgr’s Reach ( X: 9.6, Y: 11.6 )
Now, the tokens… If you never heard of this, this may be a little confusing. To get five Resistance Tokens, you need to trade i350 gear into the same vendor from which you get the tokens. Once you have all the items, trade them into J’tandahaa.
The Legs— Weathered Evenstar Tights
- Weathered Evenstar Tights are obtained one way: vendor.
Drake in Proud Creek of Northen Shroud ( X: 30.4, Y: 20.2 )
You get it once you begin Drake’s quest-line. However, make sure you accept it as a Black Mage ( or any casting DPS job ). Once you finish the quest-line, you will receive the bottoms.
The Feet— Wolfiege Thighboots
- Wolfiege Thighboots is obtained in one way: PVP.
Wolf Mark
In order to acquire Kokuko Men, you’ll need 500 Wolf Marks. You generate these by doing any of the PVP matches: Rival Wings, Frontline Battles, and The Wolves’ Den. When you have enough, the NPC you’re looking for is the Crystal Quartermaster at Wolves’ Den Pier [ X: 4.4, Y: 6.1]. Another thing, I suggest watching Egnogg Gogg. He makes short and straightforward videos about how to get better in Final Fantasy XIV’s PVP.
3) Schwarzwaelder Torte
(Picture above belongs to Schwarzwaelder Torte from server Cerberus )
There’s nothing wrong with going with the usual Black Mage Glamour. The black-on-black clothes with a goth aesthetic will never go old.
Where Can I Find This?
The Hat— The Forgiven’s Hat of Casting
- The Forgiven’s Hat of Casting is obtained in one way: Dungeon grinding.
Mt. Gulg
Depending on your rolls, it might not be so much of a grind. However, you should always mentally prepare yourself for a grind. This coat can be dropped in one dungeon: Mt. Gulg. This dungeon is unlocked through the main quest of Shadowbringers.
The Body— Weathered Wicce Coat
- Weathered Wicce Coat can be obtained in one way: The Tempest.
After you unlock The Tempest Area, you have to unlock the NPC called Grenoldt. It’s only at his workshop ( X: 34.2, Y: 25.7 ) that you can acquire the coat. How to unlock him? You have to complete a mission called Light of Inspiration. Just make sure to have your Black Mage at level 80 and talk to Genoldt. Follow the qest-line and you should obtain it!
The Hands— Weathered Wicca Wrist Torque
- Weathered Wicca Wrist Torque can be obtained in one way: The Tempest.
Same information as the Weathered Wicce Coat.
The Legs— Bunny Chief Tights
Bunny Chief Tights are obtained in one way: the Golden Saucer.
You get these points by playing mini-games, gates, or the cactpots. If you haven’t unlocked the Golden Saucer, Zane Lionhart has a video showing and explaining how! Once you get 36,000 MGP, you can trade it in for the Claws of the Beast to the attendant ( X: 5.1, Y: 6.6 ); however, if you don’t want to waste time, you should check out Best Way to Farm MGP!
The Feet— Bunny Chief Pumps
- Rod of the Black Khan Replica is obtained one way: Heavenward’s relic weapon grind.
Restoration Node
This NPC is only unlockable after doing the quest called Finding Your Voice. Why should you unlock this thing? They have the staff you’re looking for. Consolewiki has a guide that shows and explains what quest-lines you need to do to unlock this vendor.
The Jewelry
If you’re interested in the jewelry glamour, you check out Schwarzwaelder Torte’s page.
4) Nightshade
( Picture belongs to Rael Kagon from server Cerberus )
This glamour just radiates villain energy. And you know what? We live for that vibe; Black Mages can make the perfect villains!
Where Can I Find This?
The Hat— Republican Signifer’s Horns
- Republican Signifer’s Horns is obtained in one way: PVP.
Wolf Mark
In order to acquire Kokuko Men, you’ll need 1,500 Wolf Marks. You generate these by doing any of the PVP matches: Rival Wings, Frontline Battles, and The Wolves’ Den. When you have enough, the NPC you’re looking for is the Crystal Quartermaster at Wolves’ Den Pier [ X: 4.4, Y: 6.1]. Another thing, I suggest watching Egnogg Gogg. He makes short and straightforward videos about how to get better in Final Fantasy XIV’s PVP.
The Body— Omicron Jacket of Casting
- Omicron Jacket of Casting is obtained in one way: Alphascrape raids.
Alphascape Shaft
Before you can trade for this coat, you’re going to need four alphascape shafts. You get these with the following raids:
- Alphascrapes V1.0
- Alphascrapes V2.0
- Alphascrapes V3.0
- Alphascrapes V4.0
Once you get the amount you need, you can trade with two vendors. There’s Gelfradus in Rhalgr’s Reach [ X: 13.8, Y: 12.0 ] and Rowena’s Representative in Kugane [ X: 12.2, Y: 10.8 ].
The Hands— Wolfiege Long Gloves
- Wolfiege Long Gloves is obtained in one way: PVP.
Wolf Mark
Same information as the hat, but you need 500 wolf marks instead.
The Legs— Shadowless Bottoms of Casting
- Shadowless Bottoms of Casting are obtained in one way: Dungeon grinding.
The Hero’s Gauntlet
Depending on your rolls, it might not be so much of a grind. However, you should always mentally prepare yourself for a grind. This coat can be dropped in one dungeon: The Hero’s Gauntlet. It’s a level 80 dungeon that’s unlockable in Shadowbringers' main storyline.
The Feet— YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Casting
- YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Casting is obtained in one way: Dungeon grinding.
The Copied Factory
Depending on your rolls, it might not be so much of a grind. However, you should always mentally prepare yourself for a grind. This coat can be dropped in one dungeon: The Copied Factory. It’s a level 80 dungeon that’s unlockable in Shadowbringers' main storyline.
5) Forest Faerie
( Picture above to Kyary Yukino from server Ultros )
Now, I know this isn’t what you normally imagine when you think of Black Mage. However, I believe that’s what makes this glamour good! Sadly, this only works for ladies.
Where Can I Find This?
The Hat— Sharlayan Diadame
- Sharlayan Diadame is obtained in one way: Bicolor Gemstone.
Gadfrid in Old Sharlayan [ X: 12.8, Y: 10.5 ]
Ok, let’s go over Bicolor gemstones.
You’ll need 800 gemstones before you can trade with the vendor above. You get them completing fates in Showbringer and Endwalker. There’s really no fast way to farm these other than getting a farming party.
The Body— Moonward Top of Casting
- Moonward Top of Casting is obtained in one way: Sack of Nuts.
Nusty Clan Hunt & Guildship Hunt & Elite Marks
You get nuts in both Shadowbringers and Endwalker. The method is relatively easy as well! Daily clan marks, weekly clan hunts, killing A and S’s rank monsters— these are all ways to obtain them. If you have no clue about how to unlock these things, I found some guides. Mithrie has a video explaining how to unlock Shadowbinger’s Clan hunt. Then there’s Zane Lionhart with a guide for Endwalker’s Clan hunt. However, you need to make sure to unlock the other expansions clan hunts! If you don’t, you won’t be able to unlock the others. To trade for the coat, you’re going to need 120 nut sacks. The vendors you’re looking for are…
- Wilmetta in Radz-at-Han [ X: 10.5, Y: 7.4 ]
- J’lakshai in Old Sharlayan [ X: 11.9, Y: 13.2 ]
The Hands— Spaekon’s Wrist Torques
- Spaekon’s Wrist Torques is obtained in one way: MSQ.
Varsarudh in Old Sharlayan [ X: 11.8, Y: 9.9 ]
You need to unlock the vendor by doing the Endwalker’s MSQ. Don’t worry, a certain NPC will tell you when you have unlocked it!
The Legs— The Forgiven’s Skirt of Casting
- The Forgiven’s Skirt of Casting is obtained in one way: Dungeon grinding.
Mt. Gulg
Depending on your rolls, it might not be so much of a grind. However, you should always mentally prepare yourself for a grind. This coat can be dropped in one dungeon: Mt. Gulg. This dungeon is unlocked through the main quest of Shadowbringers.
The Feet— Faerie Tale Princess’s Heels
- Faerie Tale Princess’s Heels is obtained in one way: Mog Station.
Mog Station
If you want those shoes, you’ll have to buy the Faerie Tale Princess’s Attire.
The Weapon— Moonward Rod
- Moonward Rod is obtained in one way: Sack of Nuts.
Nusty Clan Hunt & Guildship Hunt & Elite Marks
Same information as the Moonward coat, but it only cost 140 sacks of nuts.
The Jewelry
If you’re interested in the jewelry glamour, you check out Forest Faerie’s page.