[Top 5] FF14 Best AoE DPS

FF14 Best AoE DPS
29 Mar 2020

When you’re playing FFXIV do you ever see a large group of enemies and just want to watch them explode? Well, this guide is for you then.

5. Ninja

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Sneaky and deadly, the ninja has quite a few options for AOE options. The combinations of ninjutsu, hellfrog, and death blossom combo mean that this job has options. Plus Doton provides heavy utility as well, slowing enemies down as well. 

  • The Death Blossom combo does really solid AOE damage 
  • The Huton gauge lowers the recast time of skills and jutsus allowing them to pull off skills faster 

4. Machinist

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Machinists automatons and turrets help this gunslinger manage large groups of enemies very well. It’s always easier to manage the large groups with someone else fighting with you whether it’s a small turret or an automaton queen. The autocrossbow also does a fairly decent amount of AOE damage as well. The Flamethrower helps quite a bit as well. Plus it’s also just really fun to set things on fire. The Machinist is heavily reliant on burst windows which can be messed up as well so it might not be the most accessible job.

  • Spreadshot, Autocrossbow, and Flamethrower all deliver solid amounts of AOE damage.
  • Both the Rook Turret and Automaton Queen can help you manage groups quickly and efficiently.



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Similar to the Machinist the Summoner can summon pets to help fight by their side. A carbuncle who helps a friend in need is a friend indeed. Garuda-Egi deals a very high amount of AOE damage as well. Of course, if you get demi-Bahumat up that does a massive amount of damage as well. This job’s rotation, however, is very long which is why it can take some time to get some necessary skills up as well.

  • Both Emerald Carbuncle and Garuda egi can deal high amounts of AOE damage.
  • Demi-Bahumat despite the fact that it does less damage to non-targeted enemies still delivers high AOE damage.


2. Samurai

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They studied the blade and can use it quite well. The Fuga aoe combo branches to allow buff stacks. Mangetsu extends  Jinpu which grants an attack bonus and Oka which extends Shifu which lowers recast timers. There are also two Iajutsu's which each deal damage in a cone. 

  • Hissatsu: Kyuten and Guren both do great AOE damage.

  • The Tenka Goken and Kaehsi Goken Iajustsu's also deal heavy damage as well.


1.Black Mage

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Black mage looks at the other classes AOE damage and says “cute.” It has several skills including Fire II, Ice II, Flare, Thunder II, III, Flare, you get the idea. It helps the entire class is based around just dropping massive AOE attacks in every single mob pull. Reveling in the damage is optional but highly encouraged. It’s not the most mobile due to having to place ley lines but if you can nuke a group of enemies from 50 feet away you don’t really need to move at all. It is widely agreed that if you’re looking for something that drops huge numbers on groups of enemies this is the easy number 1 choice.

  • FIre II, Thunder II, Thunder III, Ice, II, Flare, Freeze, Thunder IV, and Foul are all huge AOE damage delivering skills.
  • With added self buffs granted by the Ley lines and the ability of triplecast the buffs the damage increases massively.

Most other classes pale in comparison to the might of Black Mages in terms of AOE damage. If you are looking for an AOE heavy class than there is no other choice.

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