The layout of your farm is very important. Just like the layout of your cities in Civilization VI. Best thing you can do is group like items so that you don’t have to search for things. It frees up your time and makes it less likely that you’ll forget something.
“An organized mind is a productive mind.”
10. Farmer Giles’ Farm - Level 77
Click on image above to see a video of Farmer Giles' Farm.
You can see Farmer Giles’ Farm follows the “group objects together” method by having the majority of the fields together. Sometimes it is helpful to have the fields a little separate. This is useful because it would allow you to organize your fields into plants that have a short time to grow and plants that take a long time to grow.
- Majority of fields are together
- Trees and berries are together
- Smelter factory is next to the mine
9. Morehouse Farm - Level 29
Click on image above to see a video of Morehouse Farm.
The Morehouse Farm is a good example of how to start organizing your farm early. The relatively low level of 29 means you don’t have a lot of room to work with but, you can start with organizing your fields and checking them frequently. If your silo gets full then you can sell your extra stock. A nice way to build up your coin count. Especially if you are struggling with filling your order board orders.
- Berries are together
- Field plots are all together
- Pigs are with pigs, chickens with chickens, etc.
8. Heliboi Farm - Level 68
Click on the image above to see a video of Heliboi's Farm.
Heliboi’s strength is having all the animals grouped together. When you have all of them together it is easy to see when they need to be fed and when you need to harvest the items they give. Excess materials can be sold for more than what you would get for the early crops. Just don’t forget to keep your crops going. You need the early crops to make the feed for your animals.
- Smelter is next to the mine
- All fields are together
- All trees and berries are together
- All exotic animals are together
7. Ylookill’s Farm - Level 65
Click on the image above to see a video of Ylookill's Farm.
Ylookill’s Farm is the only farm I’ve seen that keeps and organizes the treasure chests too. This is a wonderful addition to the “group objects together” method. You won’t loose or forget about the treasure chests this way and they have great items inside them. You should use your gems on these sparingly until you have all the production facilities up to four slots.
- All treasure chest are together
- All fields, trees, and berries are together
- All rocks, dirt piles, etc. are together
6. Nan’s Mini Farm - Level 82
Click on the image above to see a video of Nan's Mini Farm.
Putting fences around your animals is a visual aesthetic that helps keep your farm organized. That in turn will help you know at a glance what you have. If, in the beginning, you allow room to expand (empty space inside those fences) you will also know at a glance what you still need to get. You should try to keep up on your farm expansions. More space will give you more room to plan and organize your farm.
- Sections are separated by fences and walls
- All fields, trees, and berries are grouped together
- Pigs are with pigs, horses are with horses, etc
5. Biblefly’s Farm - Level 67
Click on the image above to see a video of Biblefly's Farm.
Biblefly’s Farm keeps the exotic homes well organized. What is the purpose of keeping exotic homes grouped together? Keeping them together will stop them from cluttering up your farm. Too much clutter takes up space it doesn’t need to and it can make things confusing.
- Fields are grouped together as one big plot
- All production facilities are grouped together
- All trees and berries are grouped together
- All exotic homes are grouped together with special homes being in a separate group next to the main group
4. PhoenixUnicorn’s Farm - Level 55
Click on the image above to see a video of PhoenixUnicorn's Farm.
PhoenixUnicorn’s Farm organizes the factories according to perks that the weather station gives you. This helps especially if you are short on time. You won’t have to search around to maximize the double production weather station perk.
- Factories that can produce double items (weather station) are together and all other production factories are in another group
- Animals are grouped by what feed they eat
- Exotic animals are grouped together
- Fields, trees, and berries are grouped together
3. Hartland Meadows’ Farm - Level 85
Click on the image above to see a video of Hartland Meadow's Farm.
Hartland Meadow’s Farm has its fields separated according to crop. This insures that you always have some of each crop available. It means that you will never run completely out of a crop. This will help you make your animal feed and other products. The pathways are a nice aesthetic that, combined with the wall, helps with the organizing.
- Smelter is next to the mines
- Sections are separated by trees, bushes, and walls
- Tree stumps, rocks, weeds, etc. are grouped together
- All field plots are together
- Almost all production facilities are grouped together
2. Holloway Farm - Level 58
Click on the image above to see a video of Holloway Farm.
Holloway Farm has nicely organized the logs, rocks, etc. An easy glance at your supplies of these can be essential for planning which skyrace tasks you take on. You don’t want to take on a task for collecting wood if you only have a couple of stumps or logs.
- All logs, dirt piles, weeds, etc. are grouped together
- Sections are separated by trees, fences, and walls
- All fields, trees, and berries are together
- Buffalo are with buffalo, goats are with goats, etc.
- Most of the production factories are together
1. Little Oak Field Farm - Level 81
Click on the image above to see a video of Little Oak Field Farm.
Little Oak Field Farm has all of its production facilities organized by the mine. This is a good use of space as it leaves the larger open spaces for your animals and crops. You should organize your facilities this way as soon as you have cleared the area.
- All production facilities are grouped together and the smelter is next to the mine
- Sections are separated by trees, fences, and walls
- All fields are together
- All trees and berries are together
- All exotic animals are together
Last Tip
Don’t be afraid to move things around as your farm grows. A great farm will constantly be evolving.
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