[Top 3] Fallout New Vegas Best Crit Builds

Fallout New Vegas Best Crit Builds, Fallout New Vegas Crit Builds
26 Feb 2021

Top 3 Fallout New Vegas Crit Builds

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Was up fellow Fallout New Vegas fans! Your friendly neighborhood ShounenMan here with another list to answer those Mojave questions burning within you. How long have you been traveling the wastelands? What do you think in all that time has been the most effective? Some people believe that answer to be crit builds. Crit builds can strike hard and fast with intense damage to tear your opponents to pieces. Using the correct stat increases, the correct equipment, as well as the correct perks will create a nigh-unstoppable character for you to run the Mojave with. Today we will be covering the 3 best crit builds for your next New Vegas playthrough.

3. Energy Weapon build

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Coming in at number 3 we have the energy weapon build! The energy weapon build bosts a lot of advantages against most other builds. This one focuses on energy weapons’ unique affinity for the crit ability. There is even a very unique laser rifle named the AER14 prototype that allows you to acquire quite possibly the highest critical hit chance in the game. Using different equipment in this manner, with a focus on building your critical hit chance this build causes maximum damage a lot of the time. Overall this is a very powerful as well as practical build to use. Not too much flash but gets the job done very effectively.

Why the Energy build is great:

The pure damage output of this build means almost any combat encounter you get into will be dominated by you.

The weapons and equipment that you acquire with this build are quite useful and the AER14 prototype has a unique green laser which is pretty cool.

A byproduct of this build is that it has a high luck stat for getting those criticals that much easier. This allows you to win a lot of money very easily.

Energy build details

2. The Stealth build

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Coming in at number 2 we have the Stealth build! The stealth build is one of my favorite builds to use in any RPG. Whether it’s an elder scroll title or something like Kingdoms Of Amalur, I love stealth. Nothing makes you feel more powerful than being the enemy your opponents never see coming, killing them from out of sight before they know what has happened. The Stealth build offers a pretty decent crit chance with melee or guns but not quite as much as the energy weapon build. However, the stealth build does allow you to be much more involved in your game, being apart of everything instead of just tearing through everything.

Why the Stealth build is great:

The stealth build comes along with some nice perks like grim reapers sprint which will turn you into an unstoppable killing machine should you be found out.

The agility that gives this build its amazing stealth also makes it quite a crack shot.

The power fantasy of being a ninja slipping unnoticed through a base killing everyone with a sword is not to be understated.

Stealth build details

1. Unarmed/Melee build

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Coming in at number 1 we have the Unarmed/Melee build! Now with this list, we started with the most efficient build and now we have made it to the most fun build in my opinion. Have you ever been traveling the Mojave, see a deathclaw, and think to yourself, "how awesome would it be to punch it in the face"?

Well, this build lets you experience that dream first hand. The unarmed/melee crit build allows you to punch out things to your heart's content. Cazadores, Deathclaws, Raiders, Super mutants, none of the dangers of the Mojave can stand up to the fastest fists in the west.

Why the unarmed/melee build is great:

Punching your way through a Super Mutant or a DeathClaw is an amazing feeling. The way all the most powerful enemies fall before your mere fists really shows why this build is so fun.

The high damage output due to your high crit rate and the speed of your punches is quite intense. While not as damaging as the Energy Weapon build this build will hold up quite nicely in combat.

The Unarmed/Melee build comes with a lot of awesome extras that don’t necessarily focus on the crit multiplier. The armor/outfits that you wear to optimize this build all are interesting and allow you to create a very unique playthrough.

Unarmed/Melee build details


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