Everspace 2 Best Devices For Warfare and Support

Everspace 2 from Rockfish Games
15 Feb 2024

Everspace 2 contains a lot of options for a player to customize their way of playing. Players have a range of ships to choose from. They can have a heavy gunship, a midrange jack-of-all-trades ship, or a light and maneuverable fighter. Players can choose a combination of primary and secondary weapons to help them in fights. Then there are devices. The right device used at a reasonable time can mean success or more interesting outcomes. Let's take a look at what devices are in Everspace 2, and some of my favorites.

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Everspace 2 from Rockfish Games

What are these devices you speak of? 

Devices serve as alternate abilities that you can equip your ship to use in various situations. Warfare devices will help in a fight. Support devices are typically used to help pilots keep flying.
Different devices are usually found in secret stashes or sold by certain spaceports.
Keep flying and seeking out those little secrets to unlock them all. 

Everspace 2 Best Warfare Devices

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Looks like trouble ahead - Everspace 2

EMP Generator - Warfare Device

The EMP Generator disables all targets around the ship. So the player has themselves in a tight situation surrounded by enemy ships. Zap them with the EMP Generator. For a short while the ships around the player's ship will be disabled for a short period. This allows enough time to run or pick them off as desired.
EMP Generator

  • Disables ships around player for a short time
  • Duration and effective radius improve with levels. 
  • Given to the player by Dax during main missions

EMP Generator Level 1 Stats

  • Effect Radius: 500m
  • Effect Duration: 6s
  • cooldown: 47s

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BOOM! - Everspace 2

Magnetic Repulsor - Warfare Device

The Magnetic Repulsor pushes the selected object out towards a target. This is great if you want to throw a moon at someone. Well, not quite a moon but debris, asteroids, other ships, and more. This is one of my favorite devices as it also comes in handy for scavenging missions. It causes increased collision damage to the target. If it’s big enough it can also provide a little bit of a shield against return fire. 

Magnetic Repulsor 

  • Increased collision damage and range with increased levels. 
  • Provides increased damage to the target
  • Obtained Nephtys Plains, Ceto Orbit, or Yawen Orbit. 

Magnetic Repulsor - Level 1 Stats

  • Collision Damage Increase 100%
  • Effect Duration 5s
  • Activation Range 400m
  • Number of Charges 2
  • Cooldown 24s

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Scenic views ready for exploring - Everspace 2

Quantum Entangler - Warfare Device

The Quantum Entangler allows a player to redirect damage dealt back to the entangled target and then some. This is a great little weapon if a player is tired of being hit and waiting for their weapons to cool down. 

Quantum Entangler

  • Shared damage with an enemy
  • Extra device modes unlocked with level increase
  • Obtained Ceto Out Rim, Nephtys Plains, Prescott Starbase

Quantum Entangler Level 1 Stats

  • Added Intensity 40%
  • Effect Duration 14s
  • Activation Range 800m
  • Cooldown 20s

Everspace 2 Best Support Devices

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What's happening here? - Everspace 2

Energized Boost - Support Device

The Energized Boost device gives the ship a little boost of speed for a brief moment. Very handy to have when trying to get out of the way of something, or get closer to a target faster. This one has a few options when upgraded that make for even wider playstyle choices. The ability to affect other ships that you fly by is quite handy to have.

Energized Boost 

  • Additional device modes are unlocked when leveling up. 
  • Able to speed out of situations. 
  • Obtained automatically with main mission quests. 

Energized Boost Level 1 Stats.

  • Boost Duration: 2.0s
  • Cooldown 52s

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Zoom into the salvage - Everspace 2

Fusion Hook Support Device

The fusion hook attaches to a target and pulls the player toward the target location at high speed. A grappling hook of sorts. This is a fun one to get you out of a jam quickly. It's probably the weirdest one to get used to. It does take some time to adjust to the odd angle behavior each time you use it. Something that needs practice to be effective. 

Fusion Hook

  • Quickly pull the ship out of danger. 
  • More charges are unlocked at higher levels. 
  • Obtained Ancient Depot (Zharkov)

Fusion Hook Level 1 Stats

  • Range: 2000m
  • Charges 2
  • Cooldown 12s

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Drones - Everspace 2

Front Shield Generator - Support Device

The front shield generator is one I have used quite a few times. It brings a full defense shield ahead of the player. This allows added defense while you are hammering away at opponents. Works great against capital ship attacks. 

Front Shield Generator

  • Extra defense on the front
  • Upgrades allow reflecting damage back to the enemy. 
  • Obtained Khosh Orbit, or Coalition Cargo Terminal (Drake)

Front Shield Generator Level 1 Stats

  • Effect Duration 15.0s
  • Cooldown 36s

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Space creatures - Everspace 2

Each device has its challenges and upgrades that make them even more powerful. With all the different combinations of ships, weapons, and devices available to players in Everspace 2 there are a lot of choices to explore and play styles to experience. Happy flying. 

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