[Top 10] Dota 2 Best Roaming Heroes That Are Powerful

14 May 2023

Dota has various roles and lanes, and various types of heroes played in the lanes, but there are heroes that don’t belong in any lanes! These usually are the roamers/gankers whose simple motive is to move around the map and hunt down the enemies. These heroes are often reckless and OP! 

To help you find the best roaming heroes to enhance your gameplay, we have compiled this list of the best 10 Roaming Heroes That Are Powerful. These heroes are very much relevant in the current meta, hence they help you dominate your games!

10. Pudge

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A roaming hero list is NEVER complete without Pudge in it! After all, he is the most played hero in the game! You may not be the greatest hooker in the game but you may have some unexpected fun moments like hooking your ally accidentally as he is chasing the enemy or hooking the powerful enemy into your team only for him to wipe all of you! Pudge can often be a great pick if you have the right heroes to synergize with. Ex. Bloodseeker, Batrider! 

Why is Pudge a roaming hero?

  • You can hook the enemies into the tower/save your allies from enemies.
  • Aghanim’s Shard allows you to “eat” your allies, where they’re basically inside you, regening HP

Items to buy on Pudge

  • Aether Lens
  • Aghanim’s Shard
  • Blink Dagger
  • Blademail

9. Bounty Hunter

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Gondar, the Bounty Hunter is loved by all the roam mains. He deals decent damage, tracks his enemies’ movements, and escapes effortlessly with his Shadow Walk. Bounty Hunter is known to be an annoying hero right from the laning phase, as not only does he steal your gold, but he also does pure damage with his spells and you never quite know where he is. Along with dealing damage, he can be played in the support position as well, itemizing the support way is also possible for him. In short, he is quite the flexible of the bunch. 

Why is Bounty Hunter a great roaming hero? 

  • Invisibility offers him the potential to sneak up on his enemies or escape
  • Can track enemy movements

Items to buy on Bounty Hunter

  • Spirit Vessel
  • Solar Crest
  • Force Staff
  • Lotus Orb
  • Drum of Endurance

8. Tiny

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This gargantuan elemental entity knows no bounds! Tiny sounds like the least intimidating name for a hero, but as the game progresses, he makes you feel tiny! Not only does Tiny deal heavy damage in the early game, but he can also be a fun-to-play hero since you can toss people! A quickly tossed enemy into allies soon becomes toast! Or the other way around if you want to grief your allies (which we do not recommend!) 

Why is Tiny a great roaming hero?

  • Toss! This ability may ruin your enemy’s gameplay or your friendship as this ability can be targeted both on allies and enemies!
  • Low CD on spells
  • High magical damage right off the bat

Items to buy on Tiny

  • Blink Dagger
  • Shadow Blade
  • Aghanim’s Shard
  • Echo Sabre

7. Nyx Assassin

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Despised with pleasure by his opponents. Nyx Assassin is known to be one of the most annoying heroes in the game, regardless of the patch, he is the most relevant support in the game. Especially against high INT and damage heroes, Nyx can do wonders with his powerful toolkit. One Spiked Carapace is enough to lock him down, and the best part is that it does not break invisibility from your ultimate! Heroes with AoE damage consider him to be a nightmare to play against! 

Why is Nyx Assassin a great roaming hero?  

  • Mana Burn generally deals more damage to intelligence-based heroes 
  • High movement speed and armor right off the bat
  • Spiked Carapace can stun enemies without breaking invisibility

Items to buy as Nyx Assassin

  • Blink Dagger
  • Force Staff
  • Aghanim’s Scepter
  • Lotus Orb
  • Spirit Vessel

6. Clockwerk

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Another mechanical genius on our list is the Clockwerk! Often played in the offlane or as roaming support, early rotations can cause great damage to core heroes. After reaching level 6, the Hookshot makes sure the enemies hiding in the distance are caught and punished. All of his skills can help gank enemies due to the scout and lock down their potential of them. Only the players who are brilliant at positioning know how to stay away from this robotic menace! 

Why is Clockwork a roaming hero?

  • Clockwerk can easily catch split pushing heroes with his Hookshot and prevent them from escaping with Power Cogs and Battery Assault.
  • He can find enemies hiding in trees with his Rocket Flare.
  • Clockwerk usually buys a Blade Mail, which does lots of damage to heroes that deal immense physical or magical damage.

Items to buy on Clockwerk 

  • Blademail
  • Pipe of Insight
  • Aghanim’s Shard and Scepter
  • Force Staff

5. Mirana

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Behold the Princess of the Moon! Mirana is a ranged agility hero who is considered to be a flexible pick, meaning it can be played in pretty much all roles. She proves to be a great pick against heroes with low armor and magic resistance. Picking Mirana with other heroes that can stun can lead to an immense lockdown potential. Along with this, she can also use her ultimate offensively or defensively, which provides a great layer of protection to her allies as well. 

Why is Mirana a great roaming hero?

  • Leap can be used to escape enemies.
  • Can use ultimate to initiate or help allies escape
  • Can be played flexibly in different roles
  • You can poke and shove enemies off the lane effortlessly

Items to Buy on Mirana 

  • Spirit Vessel
  • Lotus Orb
  • Force Staff
  • Eul’s Scepter
  • Mekansm


4. Earthshaker

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If there is one hero that every illusion-creating hero hates, then it has to be Earthshaker. The sheer magnitude of his spells causes all the illusions and enemies in a close area to eviscerate. Earthshaker makes their life a living hell as he can be played in multiple positions and all he needs to be active is a Blink Dagger! You may even end up doing more damage if multiple heroes are close to each other, and maybe a rampage if you’re lucky! 

Why is Earthshaker a great ganker?

  • Immense magical AoE damage
  • Echo slam alone can counter all illusions
  • Chain stuns that can result in kills if followed up by his team

Items to Buy on Earthshaker

  • Blink Dagger
  • Glimmer Cape
  • Ghost Scepter
  • Force Staff
  • Aghanim’s Scepter and Shard

3. Tusk

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Tusk is known to be a heavy hitter right from the laning phase. His icy disables and chilling moves paralyze the enemy and eliminate all their chances of escape. Tusk can hunt down enemies with his Snowball, which can also be used to save allies by clicking on them, making them get inside the ball! All it takes is one Smoke of Deceit to gank the enemy mid, which can be done quite easily with the Snowball and Tag team!

Why is Tusk a roaming hero?

  • Snowball allows him to launch himself onto enemies or save his allies
  • Shard isolate enemies or saves Tusk during team fights
  • Tag team can prove to be lethal with enough allies hitting the enemy

Items to buy on Tusk

  • Blink Dagger
  • Spirit Vessel
  • Drums of Endurance
  • Force Staff
  • Aghanim’s Scepter and Shard
  • Shadow Blade

2. Earth Spirit

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Kaolin, the Earth Spirit is undoubtedly one of the best gankers in the game. His Rolling Boulder ensures that no enemies escape! Along with the stun, he can also silence and slow his enemies and deal them damage over time with his ultimate, Magnetize. Unlike most heroes on this list, Earth Spirit can be played in multiple roles, his flexibility ensures he fits in every other matchup and contributes to teamfights by disabling enemies and dealing some insane damage that can’t be negated easily.

Why is Earth Spirit a great roaming hero?  

  • Rolling Boulder can be used to initiate or escape in team fights
  • Geomagnetic Grip disables enemies
  • Immense Damage over Time
  • Boulder Smash can be used to save allies or throw enemies into your team

Items to buy on Earth Spirit

  • Spirit Vessel
  • Force Staff
  • Lotus Orb
  • Black King Bar
  • Glimmer Cape

1. Spirit Breaker

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You will never know what hit you if you have a farmed Spirit Breaker in the enemy team! Not only do you have the chance to get ganked, but you also are exposed to the enemy team! This space cow hits like a truck! And let’s not get started on the bashes! The 17% chance feels like 71 if SB is on the enemy team! The hero is low complexity so all you have to do is charge your foes and grab some popcorn while you hit them!

Why is Spirit Breaker a roaming hero?

  • Global ability to gank enemy/escape from them
  • High mobility and stun potential
  • Menace to invis and nimble heroes! 

Items to buy on Spirit Breaker

  • Shadow Blade
  • Drums of Endurance 
  • Black King Bar
  • Aghanim’s Shard


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