[Top 15] Dota 2 Best Players In The World

14 Aug 2023

The professional scene in Dota is nothing but a rigorous tug of war, with each team climbing their way to the top. The absolute best players of Dota have dedicated their entire lives to this strategic masterpiece of a video game. Dota is highly different from other competitive games, as the skill ceiling is quite high, meaning you can't get to the top if you're not grinding intensely. To be the absolute cremé de la cremé, you have to be extremely dedicated, skillful, and importantly, consistent. There are countless professional players in the game, but not all of them can be considered the absolute best.

We bring you the Best 15 Dota 2 Players In The World. The following players have made a name for themselves as the best players in the world. Their high mechanical skill and leadership have earned them a spot on this list.

15. Q

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No other player at the Riyadh Masters has captivated enough hearts as Q has managed to. As a relatively new player to the professional scene, he has been a devastating force with his position 4 heroes. Let it be the Clockwerk, or the Rubick, his comfort heroes have given nightmares and kicked various teams out of the tournament. Q is known for his early game rotations and aggression which nets his teammate's kills and XP, allowing them to find their footing right from the early game.

As a position 4 player, Q prioritizes winning the offlane by exhibiting sheer lane dominance by outplaying the enemies with powerful lane combos. His excellent initiating capabilities and gank potential have made him quite a player to look out for. Team Talon's early game success is often credited to Q's quick rotations and initiating skills. Talon had to take the unfortunate 3rd place at the Riyadh Masters, but their high placement will only fuel Q and co. to ensue chaos at the upcoming International this October. 

Major Tournament Achievements 

  •  4th Place - DreamLeague Season 20 - $85,000
  • 1st Place - DPC SEA 2023 DIV 1- $30,000



14. Mikoto

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Mikoto (or Dreamcocel as he was formerly known) has quickly risen through the ranks as one of the best mid-lane players in the game. His intense gameplay and jaw-dropping skills on various mid-heroes like Ember Spirit, Snapfire, Templar Assassin, etc. have garnered him major attention and praise. His fast-paced yet calculated gameplay has made him the talk of the town at the Riyadh Masters. Mikoto is highly versatile, yet his playstyle will make you look like he has mastered every hero that he plays, nothing but flawless gameplay.

Along with being a versatile hero, Mikoto is also known for his immense map awareness and mechanical prowess. His strength lies in the early game from where he can steamroll into the late game with his intense gameplay. With the right hero and the right itemization, there is no way you can stop Mikoto from snowballing and essentially running over you. Mikoto still has a long way to go, and we wish him luck on his journey toward greatness. 

Major Tournament Achievements

  •  4th Place - DreamLeague Season 20 - $85,000
  • 1st Place - DPC SEA 2023 DIV 1- $30,000



13. 23Savage

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It is quite a delight to see SEA players dominate the global stage. The young 23Savage from Team Talon is here to wreak havoc. His skillful yet punishing gameplay on various heroes has made him a treat to watch. His flashy plays combined with his calculated moves are the reason why he is so high up on this list. 23Savage understands his role as a carry player and always delivers even if he has a rough early game. With his highly consistent gameplay and form, we are rooting for Talon to win Riyadh Masters.

From a pub star to a respectable high-ranked carry, 23Savage has made immense progress. He is known to adapt to situations well enough and decimate his enemies even in tough conditions with niche skill builds. His relentless performance on multiple heroes has made him a tricky player to play against, as he can pretty much pick and win with any carry hero (both meta or off-meta) 23Savage is hungry for the first place, not at a lowly major, but at the International! 

Major Tournament Achievements: 

  • 3rd Place - Riyadh Masters - $1,700,000
  • 4th Place - DreamLeague Season 20 - $85,000



12. Collapse

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Collapse is one of the few Dota players who are naturally skilled and have reached great heights in a short span. Starting at a young age, Collapse dominated the ranked leaderboards and was a high-ranked pub star. His offlane performance on crowd-control heroes like Magnus, Tidehunter, etc, is highly appreciated by peers and fans all around the world. He has a keen eye for starting good fights and is also known for his impressive spell usage. Right from the early game, Collapse can be a nuisance if not contained. He can easily snowball and catapult himself right at the top in terms of net worth and impact.

Collapse’s offlane performance has resulted in various comebacks and victories for Team Spirit. His legendary gameplay at the International was the prime reason behind the team’s victory. At Riyadh, Collapse took chances and played heroes that he is not often seen on but are powerful in the meta which panned out in their favor as they walked home with $5 million! This just goes to show how good of a team player Collapse is, and his synergy with the other young bloods of Team Spirit. If his playstyle remains consistent, then Spirit has another shot at the International this year.

Recent Tournament Achievements 

  • 1st Place - Riyadh Masters - $5,000,000
  • 1st Place - DPC EEU Division 1 - $30,000



11. Monet

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Monet is a quintessential carry player, who has been a staple name in the Chinese region. The young superstar has placed high at various premier tournaments, including the International 7. He is a team player, known to play carries who can sacrifice their farm to fight and get kills right from the early game. His impressive map awareness and consistent gameplay have made Aster a formidable tier 1 team, as displayed by their performance in Riyadh Masters. Monet's coordination with his teammates and his ability to execute team strategies make him a reliable and impactful carry player.

Monet has a keen understanding of the importance of team dynamics and is always ready to join his team for crucial fights and pushes. Monet's ability to seamlessly blend his impact with the overall team strategy has played a vital role in Team Aster's success in various Dota 2 tournaments. Aster's quite early demise from the tournament will only motivate Monet and his band of brothers to rage hard against the dying light, persevere and focus thoroughly at the International. 

Recent Tournament Achievements 

  • 7-8th - Riyadh Masters - $500,000
  • 8th - DreamLeague Season 20 - $37,500


10. Dyrachyo

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Dyrachyo went from an absolute nobody to an absolute sensation within a short duration. His climb to success wasn't an easy one, as he was a talented yet underutilized tier 2 carry playing for random stacks that struggled to qualify for any LAN. His tenacity and never give up attitude are something that has helped him change the trajectory of some unwinnable game for Gaimin Gladiators. His standard and methodical playstyle may appear to be nothing out of the ordinary, but his early-game lane dominance and team-fighting potential are worth noting if you are a carry player.

Dyrachyo also excels at team coordination and communication, which explains how he managed to stay on top of his game and be a part of invincible Gaimin Gladiators. He can quickly adapt to tough situations and change his skill and item build accordingly, which is a rarity for most carry heroes. His influence extends beyond his carry role, making him a catalyst for success in Gaimin Gladiator’s overall performance.

Major Tournament Achievements: 

  • 4th Place - Riyadh Masters - $1,200,000
  • 1st Place - Bali Major - $200,000



9. Kaka

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This beast from the east needs no introduction! Kaka has been a consistent player ever since the beginning of his pro-Dota career. His aggressive playstyle on heroes like Lion and Rubick in the current meta has been the subject of praise by both fans and peers alike. Kaka is what Team Aster lacked for the most part, a star playmaker who can also create space for his cores and be highly valuable right from the early game. Kaka has been one of the top support players in the Chinese region, which garners him tremendous respect and credibility. 

Kaka's eye for spotting a good teamfight is highly commendable. His unique playstyle is often imitated but never duplicated by any other player in the pro scene. His flashy and relentless gameplay makes him look dominant even in games where his team is on the losing side. He is one of the proper old guards of Dota, his years of experience and relevance solidifies his place as one of the greatest in the game. 

Recent Tournament Achievements 

  • 7-8th - Riyadh Masters - $500,000
  • 8th - DreamLeague Season 20 - $37,500

8. Sumail

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King Sumail, one of the best players the game has witnessed, is back in form. Winning the International at age 15 is no easy feat, and neither is staying relevant and consistent through the years after that. Sumail has had a rocky career after he departed from EG, but his new home in Aster was an unexpected move. With the Chinese powerhouse, Sumail has managed to find his long-lost love for the game and emerge back as the GOAT. His consistent gameplay and hyper-aggressive playstyle have ranked him so high on the list.

Sumail has switched to a much team fight-oriented yet flashy play style which is reminiscent of his tenure at EG. Aster has truly awoken the beast. You may have witnessed him slaying enemies left and right, outclassing and outplaying them at the Riyadh Masters. Sumail's versatility is also worth a mention, as he has one of the widest hero pools as a mid laner. The GOAT is here to stay and annihilate his haters, proving to them that he is not a one-trick pony. With his unexpected foray into the Chinese region, we only wish him luck and success at further tournaments. 

Recent Tournament Achievements 

  • 7-8th - Riyadh Masters - $500,000
  • 8th - DreamLeague Season 20 - $37,500

7. Seleri

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Seleri has come a long way from playing in tier 3 EU stacks to winning four premier tournaments in a row with Gaimin Gladiators. As a position 5 player and also as a captain, Seleri has a great understanding of the dynamics of the game. He has that extremely sacrificial yet impactful lane support style that works in all scenarios, allowing his carry to excel in terms of farms and levels with constant stacking and ample vision from the wards.

If Seleri is not in the lane next to his carry, he is often seen setting up ganks in other lanes and securing those lanes for his teammates, which is now easier with Twin Gates. Seleri is one of the few captains who have successfully pulled teams out of losing situations with a cool and calm attitude and vast game experience. Seleri is also an excellent drafter, which is an often overlooked skill to seek in a support hero.

Recent Tournament Achievement 

  • 4th Place - Riyadh Masters - $1,200,000
  • 1st Place - Bali Major - $200,000


6. Quinn

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Quinn or CCnC as he was formerly known as, is by far one of the hottest prospects to emerge from the North American region. From competing in various tier 2 teams to winning four tournaments in a row, Quinn has achieved so much with Gaimin Gladiators. His impressive and jaw-dropping mechanical skills along with his bold and dominant playstyle is the reason why he is ranked number one on this list. In the recent few patches, we have seen Quinn win his lane regardless of the players he is facing, which is a commendable feat.

Apart from his mechanical skills and lane dominance, Quinn is also lauded for his vast hero pool. His versatility is off the charts as he is known to pull off any mid-hero (both meta and off-meta) without breaking a sweat. There have been games where Quinn has his major hero pool banned, yet he emerges victorious with any hero he picks. Quinn is eying the International, we all know it, and we are sure that with enough practice, Gaimin can prove victorious! 

Recent Tournament Achievement 

  • 4th Place - Riyadh Masters - $1,200,000
  • 1st Place - Bali Major - $200,000



5. Micke

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Micke is a powerhouse of a carry hero with the new Liquid line-up. His impressive gameplay is all thanks to his ability to get through tough early games and still translate into a salvageable late game. Micke is extremely powerful if he has an easy early game, he can essentially steamroll through the game with the right hero and the right item build. His domination of heroes like Terrorblade, Monkey King, Wraith King, etc. makes him a menace to play against in the current meta. 

It is complicated to truly understand the thought process of Micke if he's winning on the enemy team. He is also known for his remarkable teamwork as he has been playing with fellow Boxi and Insania for well over five years! His team dynamic with Zai and Nisha makes for a strong trinity that is hard to destroy as at any given time, one of the three is extremely powerful even if the team is lagging. Micke's ability to synchronize with his teammates while maintaining his impact has undoubtedly contributed to Team Liquid's top 3 finishes in numerous tournaments.

Recent Tournament Achievements -

  • 2nd Place - Riyadh Masters - $2,500,000
  • 2nd Place - Bali Major - $100,000

4. Zai

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The majority of this list consists of upcoming players who are making the news as mechanically gifted beasts, while the veteran Zai has been relevant forever. His vast mechanical skill and map awareness is unparalleled by pretty much any other player on this list. The reason behind Zai's relevance is his ability to adapt to new patches and metas quickly, which explains his successful runs on teams like EG, Team Secret, and now on Team Liquid.

Ever since his splash into the pro scene, Zai has been a versatile player. He has played offlane and both support roles in his professional career, his adaptability is his biggest strength. The game knowledge that this genius has is widely incomparable, his tricks and strategies have left fans in awe. Ever since the addition of Zai, Team Liquid has been a hungry and dominant force, eying the Aegis of the Immortal once again. 

Major Tournament Achievements

  • 2nd Place - Riyadh Masters - $2,500,000
  • 2nd Place - Bali Major - $100,000

3. Lari

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Before joining Team Spirit, Lari was a relatively unknown yet skilled player. The young mid-laner has to fill the spot of the mighty Torontotokyo after his exit from the team last year, quite big shoes to fill in terms of the impact the latter had on the team. Larl is an emerging superstar, known for his raw mechanical skills which he displayed at Riyadh Masters time and time again with his Puck, Shadow Fiend, Queen of Pain, and many more! He is a highly versatile mid-laner, and he exhibited his flawless performance on the main stage.

It is not an easy task playing as a mid-hero against the likes of Nisha or Quinn, but Lari manages to make it all look like a cakewalk. His moves are calculated and fully thought through, just like a chess move! Larl’s biggest strength is his ability to come back even from the worst situations, which allows him to recover and lead his team to victory. His meteoric rise and exceptional gameplay will only solidify his place in the team and increase his credibility as a mid-player. Larl is young and highly motivated, and we are looking up to his performance for the upcoming International. 

Recent Tournament Achievements - 

  • 1st Place - Riyadh Masters - $5,000,000
  • 1st Place - DPC EEU Division 1 - $30,000 

2. Nisha

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If there is a player who is an absolute feast to watch, then it has to be Nisha. A young prodigy who quickly became a household name and a worldwide success. Nisha is quite the star, who shines hard and blinds enemies with his strength. He is known for his flashy plays, which are often unpredictable and highly devastating to enemies. He is undoubtedly the vital reason behind Team Liquid's consistent high placement and gameplay. Nisha prioritizes kills and aggression over farming, as he knows the outcome of the game if he lets his enemies farm simultaneously.

Nisha's consistent and relentless performance over the last few years officially grants him the GOAT status. His lane dominance is rarely matched by any other player, as they often get run over due to his wrath. No matter the hero he chooses to play, Nisha always gets the better end of the stick due to his impressive mechanical skills and game knowledge. The rough second place at the Riyadh Masters is not what the prodigy wanted, but knowing his determination and grit, we are sure he is already practicing for the coming International! 

Recent Tournament Achievements -

  • 2nd Place - Riyadh Masters - $2,500,000
  • 2nd Place - Bali Major - $100,000



1. Yatoro 

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The second youngest TI winner and an absolute sensation Yatoro has managed to be triumphant at the Riyadh Masters! This was largely credited to Yatoro’s beautiful performance spread across various heroes. No one expected Team Spirit to win the stacked tournament, primarily due to their recent slump. His excellent map awareness combined with his understanding of lane dynamics is what makes him a great player and sets him apart from others. His aggressive playstyle is one to emulate if you want to win your pub games! 

Along with his vast hero pool, Yatoro is also known for his impressive mechanical skills that allow him to exhibit jaw-dropping plays and lead his team to victory. His lane dominance often puts him in a favorable position, which can further allow him to snowball and lead in terms of net worth. With his current form, there are high chances that Yatoro and co can repeat their success at this coming International, making them one of the few players to win the international twice. Yatoro has quite undoubtedly solidified his place as one of the best carry players to ever touch the game. 

Recent Tournament Achievements 

  • 1st Place - Riyadh Masters - $5,000,000
  • 1st Place - DPC EEU Division 1 - $30,000

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What is Lorem Ipsum?It's time for them to learn their place. Reina storms the King of Iron Fist Tournament in #TEKKEN8  Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.     Why do we use it?It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).Where does it come from?Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.Where can I get some?There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised