Luna the Moon rider is essentially one of the best carries in the game in the current meta, we frequently see her getting picked in both pub and pro games. The reason is her quick farming abilities and massive AoE damage output. Her relevancy in the current meta is due to her immense physical damage as well as her magical damage which makes her extremely flexible.
We bring you the Best 5 Luna Builds that wreck hard in the current meta which can help you play the Moondrider quite effectively.
5. Yatoro build
Yatoro is undoubtedly one of the best carry players in current times. His exceptional hero pool transcends the orthodox carry heroes, making you witness some unusual picks at times. But he is Yatoro so he makes it all work out well. Luna is picked frequently by him, he puts up a show.
Yatoro loves building items that allow him to play the tanky front lining carry by buying all the high-value items as soon as he can. Beefy items like Butterfly and Satanic are built by him quite early on in the game, these items may take time to farm as they require a lot of gold, but they are highly relevant in the late game. Yatoro loves playing the late-game reliant Luna, hitting all the timings and then inching closer towards victory, one step at a time.
Use This Build If:
- You want to be tanky and deal high damage at the same time. Luna is a squishy carry hero, but in the late game, she can be highly tanky and elusive with the help of the right items.
Skill Points
- Level 1: Lunar Blessing - Increases physical damage of Luna and her allies in a small radius. Essential in the early game in order to last hit.
- Level 2: Lucent Beam - Stuns the targetted enemy, can be helpful in interrupting enemies or stopping them from last hitting.
- Level 3: Lunar Blessing
- Level 4: Lucent Beam
- Level 5: Lunar Blessing
- Level 6: Moon Glaive - Makes Luna’s attacks AoE, allowing her to farm faster. It can later be used to split push in case of the Manta Style build.
- Level 7: Lunar Blessing
- Level 8: Moon Glaive
- Level 9: Moon Glaive
- Level 10: Lucent Beam
- Level 11: Stats
- Level 12: Eclipse - Deals extreme amount of magical damage in relationship to Lucent Beam’s current level. It is essential in teamfights.
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Power Treads - Bought at 4 minutes. Power Treads provide Luna with a bonus of three attributes, which can be toggled, providing increased HP, movement speed, or mana according to the attribute set.
- Mask of Madness - Bought at around 9 minutes. On activation, it provides Luna with increased attack speed while silencing her for the duration of it.
- Dragon Lance - Bought at 12 minutes. It provides increased attack range to Luna as she is a ranged hero, along with providing bonus stats. It is later upgraded into Hurricane Pike at 24 minutes.
- Manta Style - Bought at 17 minutes. Manta Style provides Luna with increased agility and movement speed. It is also used to disjoint spells and split push lanes. Manta also increases her map presence and helps her stay durable in fights.
- Satanic - Bought at around 22 minutes. Allows Luna to lifesteal immensely on physical attacks upon activation, and also provides basic dispel from the latter. Great to sustain in the ultra-late game as she can be surrounded by multiple enemies at once.
- Aghanim’s Shard - Consumed from Roshan at 26 minutes. The Shard increases the movement speed and allows him to deal physical damage during Bladefury.
- Butterfly - Bought at around 27 minutes. Butterfly provides Luna with increased agility and movement speed along with high evasion which complements the already existing tankability and makes her untouchable due to her high damage.
- Black King Bar - Bought at 31 minutes. Provides magic immunity, making Luna invulnerable during teamfights. It is essential in most matchups.
4. Magical build
Ever since the addition of Aghanim’s Scepter to Luna, this build has been highly popular, with certain tweaks and changes. The focal point of this build is to farm the essential items first and then hammer down the opponents as soon as you can. Magic damage can’t be negated early on in the game, hence the threat potential is high before the enemies get the chance to buy items such as Black King Bar or Pipe of Insight.
There are various different permutations to this build, but the one that works the best is where you farm a few right-click items, which ensures you can further translate into the magical build after farming enough. This build works well if you have allies that can synergize well with the Aghanim’s upgraded ultimate. Heroes such as Mars, Magnus, Tidehunter, and Nightstalker, who are known to be the best initiators can work extremely well with the magical Luna.
Use This Build If:
- You want to deal magical damage in case you are facing heroes that have high natural armor and low base magic resistance. This build is useful in the early to mid-game, late game can be slightly slippery if you do not maintain the tempo, causing the enemies to build magic immunity items and quickly come back into the game.
Skill Points
- Level 1: Lunar Blessing - Increases physical damage of Luna and her allies in a small radius. Essential in the early game in order to last hit.
- Level 2: Lucent Beam - Stuns the targetted enemy, can be helpful in interrupting enemies or stopping them from last hitting.
- Level 3: Lunar Blessing
- Level 4: Lucent Beam
- Level 5: Moon Glaive - Makes Luna’s attacks AoE, allowing her to farm faster. It can later be used to split push in case of the Manta Style build.
- Level 6: Lucent Beam
- Level 7: Moon Glaive
- Level 8: Moon Glaive
- Level 9: Lunar Blessing
- Level 10: Stats
- Level 11: Eclipse - Deals extreme amount of magical damage in relationship to Lucent Beam’s current level. It is essential in teamfights.
- Level 12: Eclipse
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Power Treads - Bought at 5 minutes. Power Treads provide Luna with a bonus of three attributes, which can be toggled, providing increased HP, movement speed, or mana according to the attribute set.
- Mask of Madness - Bought at around minutes. On activation, it provides Luna with increased attack speed while silencing her for the duration of it.
- Yasha - Bought at 12 minutes. It provides increased stats and agility along with increasing HP regen. It is further upgraded into Sange and Kaya which decreases mana cost of spells and items.
- Aghanim’s Scepter - Bought at 18 minutes. Turns Eclipse ultimate into a ground targetted area ability. It can also be cast on allies, which can increase their damage as they initiate the team fight.
- Aether Lens - Bought at 21 minutes. It increases the cast range of spells, along with increasing mana regen. It is an essential component of this build as this build is magic damage centered.
- Octraine Core - Bought at 24 minutes. Aether Lens is further upgraded into Octraine Core which provides spell lifesteal along with an increased mana pool, along with decreasing cooldowns by a significant margin, making it easy for Luna to cast her abilities quickly.
- Refresher’s Orb - Bought at 28 minutes. Refresher is seen in the late game, it allows Luna to use her abilities and items twice, increasing her damage potential by a huge margin.
- Blink Dagger- Bought at 29 minutes. Blink Dagger allows Juggernaut to initiate with Bladefury or Omnislash. It is further upgraded into Arcane Blink at 36 minutes.
- Linken’s Sphere - Bought at 43 minutes. This is a situational item, but it is extremely useful in games where the magic immunity from the Black King bar isn’t enough. It is highly essential in the late game in specific matchups where single targetted abilities can prove to be lethal.
- Boots of Travel - Bought at 45 minutes into the game. Boots increase Luna’s movement speed and allow her to have a global presence, enabling her to teleport on allied creeps.
3. Timado build
Timado’s immense mechanical skill is unmatched in the American region. His impressive gameplays on heroes like Luna is always a topic of discussion among his peers.
Timado’s Luna is known to be a menace in pub games. Timado puts up a show and has an amazing impressive performance. He often chooses the risky path of buying off meta items, which can sometimes make or break the game. Refresher’s is an item which you rarely see on carry right click Luna, yet Timado makes it work. The Aghanim’s Shard is also an extremely rare sight on this hero but is viable in certain matchups. Timado has the eye for that, he knows what’s best.
Use This Build If:
- You want to deal magical damage against low magic resistance heroes. This build can prove to be lethal with the help of both Refresher's and Arcane Blink, reducing the cooldown of spells, and enabling Luna to use all her spells and items frequently.
Skill Points
- Level 1: Lunar Blessing - Increases physical damage of Luna and her allies in a small radius. Essential in the early game in order to last hit.
- Level 2: Lucent Beam - Stuns the targetted enemy, can be helpful in interrupting enemies or stopping them from last hitting.
- Level 3: Lunar Blessing
- Level 4: Moon Glaive - Makes Luna’s attacks AoE, allowing her to farm faster. It can later be used to split push in case of the Manta Style build.
- Level 5: Lucent Beam
- Level 6: Lunar Blessing
- Level 7: Lunar Blessing
- Level 8: Moon Glaive
- Level 9: Moon Glaive
- Level 10: Moon Glaive
- Level 11: Lucent Beam
- Level 12: Eclipse - Deals extreme amount of magical damage in relationship to Lucent Beam’s current level. It is essential in teamfights.
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Power Treads - Bought at 5 minutes. Power Treads provide Luna with a bonus of three attributes, which can be toggled, providing increased HP, movement speed, or mana according to the attribute set.
- Mask of Madness - Bought at around 9 minutes. On activation, it provides Luna with increased attack speed while silencing her for the duration of it.
- Sange and Yasha- Bought at 15 minutes. It increases stats while providing increased regen, and status resistance along with both the strength and agility attributes of Luna.
- Manta Style - Bought at 15 minutes. Manta Style provides Luna with increased agility and movement speed. It is also used to disjoint spells and split push lanes. Manta also increases Luna’s map presence and helps her stay durable in fights.
- Black King Bar - Bought at 19 minutes. Provides magic immunity, making Luna invulnerable during teamfights. It is essential in most matchups.
- Blink Dagger - Bought at 22 minutes. Blink Dagger allows Luna to initiate with Eclipse. It is further upgraded into Arcane Blink at 41 minutes into the game.
- Linken’s Sphere - Bought at 26 minutes. This is a situational item, but it is extremely useful in games where the magic immunity from the Black King bar isn’t enough. It is highly essential in the late game in specific matchups where single targetted abilities can prove to be lethal.
- Aghanim’s Shard - Bought at 28 minutes. The Shard increases the attack damage of Luna every time a hero is hit by the Lucent Beam.
- Eye of Skadi - Bought at around 32 minutes. On Juggernaut’s attacks, it reduces the enemy’s regen while also providing stats, it also slows their movement as well as attack speed.
- Silver Edge - Bought at 38 minutes. Silver Edge allows Luna to go invisible and apply break when hitting an enemy under its duration, breaking their passive abilities.
- Aghanim’s Scepter - Bought at 45 minutes. Turns Eclipse ultimate into a ground targetted area ability. It can also be cast on allies, which can increase their damage as they initiate the team fight.
- Refresher’s Orb - Bought at 47 minutes. Refresher is seen in the late game, it allows Luna to use her abilities and items twice, increasing her damage potential by a huge margin.
2. Topson build
Topson is a huge threat as an enemy carry. His impressive game knowledge has won him thousands of games. He is one of the few Ti winners on this list. Though not a huge Luna player, he makes the games look fairly easy as if it is his thousandth Luna game.
His hyper-aggressive playstyle and immense mechanical skill win him the game. His durable skill build makes it easy for him to dominate the. He has been known to win his lane most of the time and dominate the enemy laner, he does this exceptionally with his Luna. His early game glory translates extremely well in the later stages where he maintains the tempo and secures teamfights with his quick reflexes and item builds.
Use This Build If:
- You want to synergize with your team with the help of Aghanim's Scepter. This build also does wonders in the late game when you have multiple items which deal high damage. This is a composite build, a mixture of both magical and physical damage.
Skill Points
- Level 1: Lunar Blessing - Increases physical damage of Luna and her allies in a small radius. Essential in the early game in order to last hit.
- Level 2: Lucent Beam - Stuns the targetted enemy, can be helpful in interrupting enemies or stopping them from last hitting.
- Level 3: Lunar Blessing
- Level 4: Lucent Beam
- Level 5: Moon Glaive - Makes Luna’s attacks AoE, allowing her to farm faster. It can later be used to split push in case of the Manta Style build.
- Level 6: Moon Glaive
- Level 7: Moon Glaive
- Level 8: Lucent Beam
- Level 9: Moon Glaive
- Level 10: Lucent Beam
- Level 11: Eclipse - Deals extreme amount of magical damage in relationship to Lucent Beam’s current level. It is essential in teamfights.
- Level 12: Eclipse
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Wraith Band - Bought at around 1 minutes. It provides all 3 Basic attributes along with 4 armor and 10 attack speed
- Power Treads - Bought at 6 minutes. Power Treads provide Luna with a bonus of three attributes, which can be toggled, providing increased HP, movement speed, or mana according to the attribute set.
- Mask of Madness - Bought at around 10 minutes. On activation, it provides Luna with increased attack speed while silencing her for the duration of it.
- Sange and Yasha- Bought at 15 minutes. It increases stats while providing increased regen, and status resistance along with both the strength and agility attributes of Luna.
- Aghanim’s Scepter - Bought at 19 minutes. Turns Eclipse ultimate into a ground targetted area ability. It can also be cast on allies, which can increase their damage as they initiate the team fight.
- Aghanim’s Shard - Bought at 21 minutes. The Shard increases the attack damage of Luna every time a hero is hit by the Lucent Beam.
- Black King Bar - Bought at 27 minutes. Provides magic immunity, making Luna invulnerable during teamfights. It is essential in most matchups.
- Monkey King Bar - Bought at 32 minutes. It provides True Strike on physical attacks and increases the physical damage.
- Butterfly - Bought at around 37 minutes. Butterfly provides Luna with increased agility and movement speed along with high evasion which complements the already existing tankability and makes her untouchable due to her high damage.
- Satanic - Bought at around 44 minutes. Allows Luna to lifesteal on physical attacks upon activation, and also provides basic dispel from the latter. Great to sustain in the ultra-late game as she can be surrounded by multiple enemies at once.
1. Ana build
Ana is the only two-time Ti champion on this list! Ana has achieved every feat this game has to offer. He is undoubtedly a legend in the game and his builds are obviously copied by fans in order to emulate his playstyle and climb up the MMR ladder.
Luna is often played by Ana, as she is now the rage in the pubs, thanks to all the recent buffs by IceFrog. Everything from Manta dodging to farming with illusions, Ana knows it all. He quite well knows everything the hero can do, this helps him induce fear in the mind of his enemies. This is a fairly standard build but Ana makes it look extremely easy, like a cakewalk! Ana loves buying stat items first as it allows him to get early game survivability and also enables him to team fight as soon as he can.
Use This Build If:
- You want to deal high damage. The skill and item build allows Ana to deal high physical damage and be the ideal hard carry. This is the standard carry build on Luna.
Skill Points
- You want to deal high damage. The skill and item build allows Luna to deal high physical damage and be the ideal hard carry. This is the standard carry build on Luna, and is tried and tested by professional players.
- Level 1: Lunar Blessing - Increases physical damage of Luna and her allies in a small radius. Essential in the early game in order to last hit.
- Level 2: Lucent Beam - Stuns the targetted enemy, can be helpful in interrupting enemies or stopping them from last hitting.
- Level 3: Lucent Beam
- Level 4: Moon Glaive - Makes Luna’s attacks AoE, allowing her to farm faster. It can later be used to split push in case of the Manta Style build.
- Level 5: Moon Glaive
- Level 6: Moon Glaive
- Level 7: Moon Glaive
- Level 8: Lunar Blessing
- Level 9: Lunar Blessing
- Level 10: Lunar Blessing
- Level 11: Eclipse - Deals extreme amount of magical damage in relationship to Lucent Beam’s current level. It is essential in teamfights.
- Level 12: Eclipse
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Power Treads - Bought at 5 minutes. Power Treads provide Luna with a bonus of three attributes, which can be toggled, providing increased HP, movement speed, or mana according to the attribute set.
- Mask of Madness - Bought at around 9 minutes. On activation, it provides Luna with increased attack speed while silencing her for the duration of it.
- Sange and Yasha- Bought at 15 minutes. It increases stats while providing increased regen, and status resistance along with both the strength and agility attributes of Luna.
- Black King Bar - Bought at 20 minutes. Provides magic immunity, making Luna invulnerable during teamfights. It is essential in most matchups.
- Aghanim’s Shard - Bought at 23 minutes. The Shard increases the attack damage of Luna every time a hero is hit by the Lucent Beam.
- Hurricane Pike - Bought at 26 minutes. Increases the attack range and damage of Luna along with increasing her stats. Its active allows Luna to push her and the targetted enemy back while allowing her to hit the enemy from that increased distance, it can also be used on allies or on herself to escape, akin to the Force Staff.
- Butterfly - Bought at around 31 minutes. Butterfly provides Luna with increased agility and movement speed along with high evasion which complements the already existing tankability and makes her untouchable due to her high damage.
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