The ferocious Jah’rakal the Troll Warlord has seen his fair share of battles, he has drawn so much blood that it puts Bloodseeker to shame. He is also one of the few heroes who can solo kill Roshan. His fearless spirit and vigor are unparalleled. From being able to survive 1v5, Troll is also capable of farming quickly and turning his foes into dust.
We bring you the Best 5 Troll Warlord builds that help in wrecking the enemy team. These builds are tried and tested by professional players all over the world.
5. Yatoro Build
Yatoro is known for his versatile hero pool and immense map awareness, Yatoro has quickly become one of the most respected and feared players in the scene. Troll Warlord remains one of his favorites regardless of the meta.
Yatoro is a fan of the Battlefury into Aghanim's Scepter build, primarily due to increased farming speed along with sustainability in teamfights. He loves to jump on support heroes and delete them first. Yatoro prefers fast-paced games and is seen ending pub games in just under 30 mins. This build is quite the standard one but is tried and tested so it stands the test of time, transcending all metas.
Use This Build If:
- You are facing heroes with annoying spells and disables. Aghanim's Scepter allows you to dispel such abilities and helps Troll get back into team fighting.
Skill Points
- Level 1: Whirling Axes - Provides Troll with ranged axes on default which deal damage to enemies and slow them.
- Level 2: Berserker’s Rage - It is a toggleable ability, Troll can switch between melee and ranged attacks, which have their own bonus perks of a chance to ensnare the attacked enemy on melee form, high movement speed, and low base attack time
- Level 3: Whirling Axes - Provides Troll with ranged axes on default which deal damage to enemies and slow them.
- Level 4: Fervor - Troll has increased attack speed on the target he has been repeatedly attacking, breaking the attack speed count if he changes targets
- Level 5: Whirling Axes - Provides Troll with ranged axes on default which deal damage to enemies and slow them.
- Level 6: Battle Trance - Forces Troll to continuously attack his closest enemy, making him invulnerable and granting him immense lifesteal. It also applies a basic dispel
- Level 7: Whirling Axes
- Level 8: Fervor
- Level 9: Berserker’s Rage
- Level 10: Berserker’s Rage
- Level 11: Fervor
- Level 12: Battle Trance
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Wraith Band - Bought at around 2 minutes. It provides all 3 Basic attributes along with 4 armor and 10 attack speed.
- Phase Boots - Bought at 6 minutes. Phase Boots offer high movement speed along with increased armor as well as physical damage. The item also allows him to phase through enemies when activated, making it easy to escape or initiate fights without getting his body blocked.
- Battlefury - Bought at around 12 minutes. As the Prominent focus of this build is to farm towards the Aghanim’s quickly, Battlefury is quite essential as it is the gateway to acquiring other items quickly. It deals AoE damage on physical attacks, also allowing Troll to farm fast and clear waves
- Aghanim’s Scepter - Bought at 18 minutes. It causes Whirling Axes (Melee) to dispel Troll and the ranged axes to dispel enemies.
- Manta Style - Bought at 23 minutes. Manta Style allows him to disjoint spells and split push lanes, supplemented by his Battlefury. It also provides decent stats and movement speed. Manta also increases Troll’s map presence and helps him stay durable in fights.
- Skull Basher - Bought at around 25 minutes. Provides a chance to bash enemies on physical attacks and prevents them from escaping, it is later upgraded into Abyssal Blade at 34 minutes, which allows Troll to stun and lock down the targetted enemy.
- Daedalus - Bought at 32 minutes. Daedalus has a chance to do critical damage on physical attacks. Helps Troll deal impressive physical damage in the early to mid-game.
4. Ana Build
Ana’s Troll Warlord is quite different from everyone else’s on this list, this is because it’s one of his most played heroes. He quite well knows everything the hero can do, this helps him induce fear in the mind of his enemies. The aggressive playstyle of Ana assists him in outplaying his enemies.
Ana has been praised widely for his intense and nail-biting performance on Troll. Everything from jumping on enemies and following it up with his ultimate, he knows it all. Ana loves the initiator-style Blink build combined with the lethal Skull Basher on this hero, this essentially makes him a tanky initiator.
Use This Build If:
- You want to deal high damage. The skill and item build allows Ana to deal high physical damage and be the ideal hard carry. This is the standard carry build on Troll
Skill Points
- Level 1: Whirling Axes - Provides Troll with ranged axes on default which deal damage to enemies and slow them.
- Level 2: Berserker’s Rage - It is a toggleable ability, Troll can switch between melee and ranged attacks, which have their own bonus perks of a chance to ensnare the attacked enemy on melee form, high movement speed, and low base attack time
- Level 3: Whirling Axes
- Level 4: Fervor - Troll has increased attack speed on the target he has been repeatedly attacking, breaking the attack speed count if he changes targets
- Level 5: Whirling Axes
- Level 6: Battle Trance - Forces Troll to continuously attack his closest enemy, making him invulnerable and granting him immense lifesteal. It also applies a basic dispel
- Level 7: Whirling Axes
- Level 8: Berserker’s Rage
- Level 9: Berserker’s Rage
- Level 10: Berserker’s Rage
- Level 11: Stats
- Level 12: Battle Trance
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Bottle - Bought at around 1 minutes. Bottle contains 3 charges which slowly replenish mana and health. Bottle is an essential item on Mid Troll as he does not have to call out for extra regen or head back to base in order to regen.
- Phase Boots - Bought at 5 minutes. Phase Boots offer high movement speed along with increased armor as well as physical damage. The item also allows him to phase through enemies when activated, making it easy to escape or initiate fights without getting his body blocked.
- Diffusal Blade - Bought at 12 minutes. Slows down targetted enemy upon activation and burns their mana on physical attacks. Diffusal is a meta item on Troll and is seen in most matchups.
- Black King Bar - Bought at 17 minutes. Provides magic immunity, making Troll invulnerable as he is initiating. It is essential in all matchups even when Troll is using his ultimate.
- Monkey King Bar - Bought at 25 minutes. Provides True Strike on physical attacks and increases the physical damage.
- Skull Basher - Bought at around 30 minutes. Provides a chance to bash enemies on physical attacks and prevents them from escaping, it is later upgraded into Abyssal Blade at 33 minutes, which allows Juggernaut to stun and lock down the targetted enemy.
- Blink Dagger- Bought at 32 minutes. Blink Dagger allows Troll to initiate or disengage. It can be further upgraded into Swift Blink.
3. Raven Build
Raven was the only professional player spamming Troll Warlord even when it was nerfed! He is an absolute master when it comes to successfully predicting enemy movements. Raven has been playing professional Dota for over a decade now, he has lots of tricks up his sleeve, which explains his high win rate on Troll.
As a carry player, Raven ensures to hit the proper timings and fight with his team whenever possible. He opts for the fighting build which offers a great deal of damage and farming potential as well. Standard items include Maelstorm, Sange and Yasha, Skull Basher, and defensive items like Linken’s Sphere. These items ensure there is no way his enemies leave the fight alive!
Use This Build If:
- You want a late-game-oriented build. This build allows Troll to farm away with the help of Maelstorm and further accelerate his item timings, out farming his carry counterpart.
Skill Points
- Level 1: Whirling Axes - Provides Troll with ranged axes on default which deal damage to enemies and slow them.
- Level 2: Berserker’s Rage - It is a toggleable ability, Troll can switch between melee and ranged attacks, which have their own bonus perks of a chance to ensnare the attacked enemy on melee form, high movement speed, and low base attack time
- Level 3: Whirling Axes
- Level 4: Fervor - Troll has increased attack speed on the target he has been repeatedly attacking, breaking the attack speed count if he changes targets
- Level 5: Whirling Axes
- Level 6: Battle Trance - Forces Troll to continuously attack his closest enemy, making him invulnerable and granting him immense lifesteal. It also applies a basic dispel
- Level 7: Whirling Axes
- Level 8: Berserker’s Rage
- Level 9: Berserker’s Rage
- Level 10: Berserker’s Rage
- Level 11: Stats
- Level 12: Battle Trance
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Quelling Blade - Bought at 2 minutes. Increases the damage dealt to creeps, making it easy for Troll to last hit in the early game with low damage.
- Power Treads - Bought at 4 minutes. Power Treads provide Troll Warlord with bonus three attributes, which can be toggled, providing increased HP, movement speed, or mana according to the attribute set.
- Maelstrom - Bought at around 11 minutes, Maelstrom allows Troll Warlord to farm fast as it releases a bolt of electricity that passes through all units nearby. It is also further upgraded into Mjolnir at 43 minutes.
- Yasha - Bought at 14 minutes. Provides decent stats and agility, and it is further upgraded into Manta Style at 17 minutes into the game.
- Linken’s Sphere - Bought at 22 minutes. This is a situational item, but it is extremely useful in games where the magic immunity from the Black King Bar isn’t enough. It is highly essential in the late game in specific matchups.
- Skull Basher - Bought at around 27 minutes. Provides a chance to bash enemies on physical attacks and prevents them from escaping, it is later upgraded into Abyssal Blade at 41 minutes, which allows Troll to stun and lock down the targetted enemy.
- Eye of Skadi - Bought at around 31 minutes. On Slark’s physical attacks, it reduces the enemy’s regen while also providing stats, it also slows their movement as well as attack speed.
- Black King Bar - Bought at around 36 minutes. It provides spell immunity, which is important as you are extremely vulnerable even after acquiring all the previous items.
2. Yuragi Build
Yuragi is known for his jaw-dropping gameplay on various heroes. His quick rise to success in the EU scene is unparalleled. Most of his plays may look cocky but they’re quite calculated. Troll Warlord remains one of his favorites since it suits his ultra-aggressive playstyle.
Qojva loves building damage items along with items that provide him with sustain, such as Battlefury, Sange and Yasha, Satanic, and Skull Basher. If let loose, Yuragi can single-handedly destroy the enemy team with his insanely high damage and quick reflexes. This build provides great durability and stats, it also guarantees immense damage in team fights, most of which can’t be negated.
Use This Build If:
- You want a tanky build. Usually, carry heroes lack the durability factor. This gap can easily be filled with items like Sange and Yasha which provide status resistance and Satanic, providing maximum lifesteal.
Skill Points
- Level 1: Whirling Axes - Provides Troll with ranged axes on default which deal damage to enemies and slow them.
- Level 2: Berserker’s Rage - It is a toggleable ability, Troll can switch between melee and ranged attacks, which have their own bonus perks of a chance to ensnare the attacked enemy on melee form, high movement speed, and low base attack time
- Level 3: Fervor - Troll has increased attack speed on the target he has been repeatedly attacking, breaking the attack speed count if he changes targets
- Level 4: Whirling Axes
- Level 5: Whirling Axes
- Level 6: Battle Trance - Forces Troll to continuously attack his closest enemy, making him invulnerable and granting him immense lifesteal. It also applies a basic dispel
- Level 7: Whirling Axes
- Level 8: Berserker’s Rage
- Level 9: Berserker’s Rage
- Level 10: Berserker’s Rage
- Level 11: Stats
- Level 12: Battle Trance
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Power Treads - Bought at 5 minutes. Power Treads provide Troll Warlord with bonus three attributes, which can be toggled, providing increased HP, movement speed, or mana according to the attribute set.
- Battlefury - Bought at around 13 minutes. Battlefury is quite essential as it is the gateway to acquiring other items quickly. It deals AoE damage on physical attacks, also allowing Troll to farm fast and clear waves
- Yasha - Bought at 15 minutes. Provides decent stats and agility, and it is further upgraded into Sange and Yasha at 18 minutes into the game.
- Satanic - Bought at around 24 minutes. Allows Troll to lifesteal on physical attacks upon activation, and also provides basic dispel from the latter. Great to sustain in the ultra-late game as you can be surrounded by multiple enemies at once.
- Skull Basher - Bought at around 26 minutes. Provides a chance to bash enemies on physical attacks and prevents them from escaping, it can later be upgraded into Abyssal Blade, which allows Troll to stun and lock down the targetted enemy.
- Eye of Skadi - Bought at around 34 minutes. On Slark’s physical attacks, it reduces the enemy’s regen while also providing stats, it also slows their movement as well as attack speed.
1. Topson Build
This legend needs no introduction! Topson is not only regarded as the best mid-laner but also a hyper-aggressive and dominating carry player as well. Troll Warlord is a specialty of Topson, he is one of the few pro players to actively play this hero regardless of the meta and still make it work.
Topson is known to have an aggressive playstyle on Troll Warlord, he is often known to build unconventional items that are extremely situational but win him the games! Topson loves buying items that provide him immense damage and resistance, such as Daedalus, Malestorm, Black King Bar, and much more!
Use This Build If:
- You want a tanky build while dealing high damage. Usually, carry heroes lack the durability factor. This gap can easily be filled with items like Sange and Yasha which provide status resistance and Satanic, providing maximum lifesteal.
Skill Points
- Level 1: Whirling Axes - Provides Troll with ranged axes on default which deal damage to enemies and slow them.
- Level 2: Berserker’s Rage - It is a toggleable ability, Troll can switch between melee and ranged attacks, which have their own bonus perks of a chance to ensnare the attacked enemy on melee form, high movement speed, and low base attack time
- Level 3: Whirling Axes
- Level 4: Fervor - Troll has increased attack speed on the target he has been repeatedly attacking, breaking the attack speed count if he changes targets
- Level 5: Berserker’s Rage
- Level 6: Battle Trance - Forces Troll to continuously attack his closest enemy, making him invulnerable and granting him immense lifesteal. It also applies a basic dispel
- Level 7: Fervor
- Level 8: Berserker’s Rage
- Level 9: Fervor
- Level 10: Berserker’s Rage
- Level 11: Stats
- Level 12: Battle Trance
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Wraith Band - Bought at around 2 minutes. It provides all 3 Basic attributes along with 4 armor and 10 attack speed.
- Power Treads - Bought at 7 minutes. Power Treads provide Troll Warlord with bonus three attributes, which can be toggled, providing increased HP, movement speed, or mana according to the attribute set.
- Maelstrom - Bought at around 12 minutes, Maelstrom allows Troll Warlord to farm fast as it releases a bolt of electricity that passes through all units nearby. It is also further upgraded into Mjolnir at 43 minutes.
- Black King Bar - Bought at around 17 minutes. It provides spell immunity, which is important as you are extremely vulnerable even after acquiring all the previous items.
- Yasha - Bought at 20 minutes. Provides decent stats and agility, and it is further upgraded into Sange and Yasha at 23 minutes into the game.
- Satanic - Bought at around 26 minutes. Allows Troll to lifesteal on physical attacks upon activation, and also provides basic dispel from the latter. Great to sustain in the ultra-late game as you can be surrounded by multiple enemies at once.
- Daedalus - Bought at 33 minutes. Daedalus has a chance to do critical damage on physical attacks. Helps Morhpling deal impressive physical damage in the early to mid-game.
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