[Top 10] Dota 2 Best Heroes Against Timbersaw

Timbersaw counters
15 Feb 2022

This maniac has a knack for shredding through trees and destroying everything that comes in his path! Timbersaw loves ripping his foes apart, especially if they’re melee and have strength attributes. There has been a meteoric rise in his pick rate, due to the buff on his abilities! 

If you are fed upon this Treephobe just like we are, you’ve come to the right place! This list contains the best 10 heroes that can counter Timbersaw! We hope you’re able to bring back your lost MMR! 


10. Pangolier

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Though relatively a new hero, players have quickly understood his potential and have ranked him as one of the best counters to Timbersaw. There are a lot of factors for this, one of them includes the Disarm and slow mechanics from Lucky Shot and the extremely high physical AoE damage dealt by him in team fights. Timbersaw can’t sustain himself in the late game if he is facing a fat Pangolier!

Why is Pangolier Great against Timbersaw? 

  • Rolling Thunder's stuns make it harder for Timbersaw to escape with Timber Chain.
  • High physical damage potential that can pierce his armor.
  • Great talent tree that has the potential to scale well with items and levels. 

Items to Buy Against Timbersaw

  • Maelstorm
  • Skull Basher
  • Aghanim’s Shard
  • Diffusal Blade

Pangolier Highlights


9. Invoker

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Grand Magus is one of the most complex heroes in the game! Invoker is a great fit both as a mid laner or in the support role if playing against Timbersaw. EMP essentially renders him useless, giving Invoker gets that edge above him. All you need to do is gank the Timbersaw a few times using your Tornado and EMP combo, and he may eventually rage quit! Cheap items may also do the trick in the early game before he manages to get the Pipe!

Why is Invoker Great against Timbersaw? 

  • Cold Snap can prevent Timbersaw from using both Timber Chain and Chakram due to the frequent stuns interrupting the lengthy cast animations, as well as stopping him mid-chain. 
  • Later in the game, Invoker's heavy magical and pure damage can be difficult to avoid, meaning Timbersaw's armor is less useful.

Items to Buy Against Timbersaw

  • Spirit Vessel
  • Black King Bar
  • Shiva’s Guard
  • Eul’s Scepter
  • Aghanim’s Shard

Invoker Highlights


8. Lion

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This treacherous witch mage has filled his enemies with fear and baneful hollowness. Lion is one of the most picked support heroes in the recent patches. His disables have proved to be great of use against escape heroes like Timbersaw. Not only can you drain his mana but also Hex him while you’re at it. The insane burst damage from Finger is something that Timber can’t escape from, no matter how high armor he has! 

Why is Lion Great against Timbersaw? 

  • Hex greatly reduces Timbersaw's mobility.
  • In addition, Lion can follow up with his Earth Spike and Mana Drain combo, preventing Timbersaw to escape with Timber Chain. And he can finish Timbersaw off with Finger of Death if the latter's HP is low enough.

Items to Buy Against Timbersaw

  • Aghanim’s Shard
  • Blink Dagger
  • Glimmer Cape
  • Aether Lens

Lion Highlights


7. Doom

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Feared by both angels and devils, Doom is known to dominate the battlefield with his terrifying spells and animosity. Though the laning phase may be rough on Doom against the Timber, he hits his item timings quickly, thanks to Devour and Scorched Earth. Being more level reliant over the farm, Doom must constantly gank other lanes to secure farm and space for his team! He shreds through Timbersaw due to his high magic damage and disables, rendering him useless. 

Why is Doom Great against Timbersaw? 

  • Doom shuts down Timbersaw completely, negating his mobility and preventing him from doing any damage.
  • Infernal Blade can stun Timbersaw several times in a fight, potentially interrupting Timber Chain. 

Items to Buy Against Timbersaw

  • Silver Edge
  • Black King Bar
  • Shiva’s Guard
  • Pipe of Insight

Doom Highlights


6. Shadow Shaman

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Many have come and gone but none can withstand the cursed abilities of this Shaman. Shadow Shaman is a great addition to your team against a Timbersaw as he offers you insane disable potential allowing your team to follow up with damage and spells. Apart from disabling, he is also known to push out lanes effortlessly and deal damage to buildings with his ultimate! He can also rat well in the late game if he has all the right items!

Why is Shadow Shaman Great against Timbersaw? 

  • Hex greatly reduces Timbersaw's mobility.
  • The stun and damage over time from Shackles mitigates Reactive Armor's HP and armor regen.

Items to Buy Against Timbersaw

  • Aether Lens
  • Blink Dagger
  • Force Staff
  • Glimmer Cape
  • Aghanim’s Scepter

Shadow Shaman Highlights


5. Silencer

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Silence is one aspect that counters Timbersaw the most. And well, Silencer… you know it’s kind of self-explanatory. Having spells that silence or prevent from using any items makes him very powerful against Timbersaw. The best part is that laning is totally not fun for Timbersaw against a Silencer, frequent right-click damage, low CD spells shove him out of the lane! 

Why is Silencer Great against Timbersaw? 

  • Global Silence will silence Timberaw no matter where he is on the map. This can be used to help allies get a kill on him, or prevent Timbersaw from killing someone.
  • Arcane Curse deals repeated stacks of damage to Timbersaw because he relies on constantly using his abilities.
  • Glaives of Wisdom deals pure damage.

Items to Buy Against Timbersaw

  • Scythe of Vyse
  • Hurricane Pike
  • Silver Edge
  • Black King Bar
  • Aghanim’s Scepter

Silencer Highlights


4. Pugna

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Pugna is infamous for sucking the soul out of you. The skeletal figure comes alive after he drains their life and turns them into bones and dust. A pure lane matchup can favor Pugna as he has more INT and mana pool compared to Timbersaw, along with that you face constant harassment and get shoved out of the lane due to the bonkers damage he deals. He is known to farm effortlessly due to his AoE spell and hit his item timings relatively early. You can also save your low HP allies with Life Drain!

Why is Pugna Great against Timbersaw? 

  • Nether Ward can punish Timbersaw, as Timbersaw is a spell-caster with low cooldowns. 
  • Timbersaw has no stuns or silences to stop Life Drain. 
  • All of Pugna's Spells are magical, hence the damage can be devastating to Timbersaw, especially when combined with Decrepify

Items to Buy Against Timbersaw

  • Aether Lens
  • Aeon Disk
  • Scythe of Vyse
  • Dagon
  • Blink Dagger

Pugna Highlights


3. Faceless Void

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Faceless Void is a carry that hasn’t been nerfed enough in the recent patches. Laning against the annoying Timbersaw may be tough due to the constant harassment, but if you buy enough regen you’ll be fine! FV can utterly dominate the game if he can land great Chronos and gets to hit Timber with Silver Edge. Team synergy and follow-up are essential in the early game as he can’t deal heavy damage right off the bat! 

Why is Faceless Void Great against Timbersaw? 

  • Time Dilation is similar to a long duration silence, making Timbersaw useless in team fights, or forcing him to adapt his build.
  • Time Walk negates Timbersaw's burst damage.
  • Time Lock provides magical damage and lockdown and is effective against both Reactive Armor and Timber Chain.

Items to Buy Against Timbersaw

  • Silver Edge
  • Black King Bar
  • Daedalus
  • Monkey King Bar
  • Satanic

Faceless Void Highlights


2. Bane

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Bane is the culprit of endless nightmares in the shadow realm. He remains a solid counter to Timbersaw. He can quickly disable the latter by applying debuffs, and locking him down for a good duration! This means that the Timbersaw can’t escape Bane’s wrath if locked down with Nightmare or Fiend’s Grip! The upside of having so may single targetted spells is that you can break the Linken’s as well! 

Why is Bane Great against Timbersaw? 

  • Brain Sap's pure damage ignores stacks of Reactive Armor.
  • Nightmare prevents Timbersaw from using Timber Chain, setting him up for chain stuns and burst damage.
  • Enfeeble highly reduces regeneration granted by reactive armor.

Items to Buy Against Timbersaw

  • Glimmer Cape
  • Ghost Scepter
  • Force Staff
  • Aether Lens

Bane Highlights


1. Ursa

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Being a melee carry hero is not a good spot to be in versus Timbersaw, but not if you’re an angry bear! Ursa can rip through pretty much any hero in the game, this is due to the ferocious abilities that he was bestowed with by IceFrog! Ursa does not require many items to come online, but once he has all he needs, he can be a deadly and unstoppable force! Timbersaw cannot withstand the force of Ursa in the late game! An early Aegis and BKB seal the deal for Ursa! 

Why is Ursa Great against Timbersaw? 

  • Enrage can be activated before being hit by Chakram and other abilities. 
  • Earthshock slows down Timbersaw’s movement speed which makes him easy prey further amplified by Aghanim’s shard.
  • Massive physical damage that rips through Reactive Armor

Items to Buy Against Timbersaw

  • Diffusal Blade
  • Black King Bar
  • Sange and Yasha
  • Blink Dagger
  • Aghanim’s Shard

Ursa Highlights

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