[Top 25] D&D Best Offensive Spells That Are Awesome

04 Mar 2022

Before writing about amazing spells to use in a Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) encounter, I like to provide definitions. Chapter 10 in The D&D Player’s Handbook spells out (pun intended) the definition of a spell: “A spell is a discrete magical effect, a single shaping of the magical energies that suffuse the multiverse into a specific, limited expression.”  

Now that the word is clarified, let me show through gameplay and research the Top 25 Best Offensive Spells to use. This was not an easy endeavor, because there are so many good spells to choose! I picked the best based on the amount of damage the spell could do and how interesting the spell is. Read on to learn more!

25. Blight (Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

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This 4th level necromancy spell is wicked—literally! Reserved for spellcasters who are not the most lawful good of the bunch, Blight is a great offensive spell to use if a party is in a bind and in close quarters, since the range is 30 feet. Because Blight is a 4th level spell, magic users will have to earn a few stripes (levels) to be able to choose this spell. Read on to find out more about the Blight spell! 

Why is Blight a Great Spell

  • The target must  make a Constitution save or suffer 8d8 (!) necrotic damage. If the target does make the save, they will still suffer half damage. That is a lot of hit points! 
  • After 5th level, damage increases by 1d8. 
  • The spell works well with all monsters except for undead creatures (You will want to sic your cleric on Dracula).
  • Casting this spell only takes an action and the duration is instantaneous!

Blight details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:blight

24. Burning Hands (Sorcerer, Wizard)

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Wouldn’t it be awesome to be able to shoot flames from your fingertips? With Burning Hands, you can! A 1st Level evocation spell, Burning Hands is a hot spell to use (couldn’t resist) for lower-level Sorcerers. Requiring an action, the flames burst out of the spellcaster’s fingers in a 15 feet radius. Anything flammable in the radius is fair game and will burst into flames. Read more to find out why this spell is awesome!

Why is Burning Hands a Great Spell

  • Anyone within the 15-foot radius needs to make a Dexterity save or suffer 3d6 of fire damage. Those who make the save will still take half damage. 
  • When a spellcaster advances in levels, after Level 2 the damage will increase by 1d6. 
  • This spell is effective for monsters that are Arctic in nature. (A Frost Giant is an example.)

Burning Hands details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:burning-hands

23. Chain Lightning (Sorcerer,Wizard)

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Chain Lightning is a powerful 6th level evocation spell, which requires some interesting items: a piece of fur, a piece of amber, glass or a crystal rod; and exactly three silver pins. The description, quoted from the D&D Player’s Handbook is fierce: “You create a bolt of lightning that arcs toward a target of your choice that you can see within range. Three bolts then leap from that target to as many as three other targets, each of which must be within 30 feet of the first target.”  Also, the target can be an object or a monster. Read more to find out why Chain Lightning is a must-have in a Wizard’s magical repertoire! 

Why is Chain Lightning a Great Spell 

  • Chain Lightning can deliver some serious damage. Anyone in the radius must make a Dexterity save or take 10d8 (!) lightning damage. Even if the creature makes the save, they will take half damage! One strike could easily take out one or more opponents. 
  • When using a 7th spell slot or higher, there is an additional bolt of lightning that leaps from one target to the next. 

Chain Lightning details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:chain-lightning

22.Chill Touch  (Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

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I chose this necromancy cantrip for my sorcerer character Thia Snow because necrotic damage is nasty and effective against most monsters. The imagery is cool, too. The spell caster creates a ghostly skeletal hand that invades the space of the target. The range of the spell is large—120 feet! Read on to find out more about the Chill Touch spell! 

Why is Chill Touch a Great Spell 

  • When the hand touches the target, if they do not make the save, they will suffer 1d8 necrotic damage and hit points are lost until the start of the next round. 
  • At higher levels, the damage from the cantrip increases by 1d8. For 5th level, damage is increased by 2d8, at 11th level, damage is increased by 3d8, and at 17th level, the damage is increased by 4d8. 
  • Undead monsters will suffer a disadvantage on attack rolls against the spellcaster (Most necrotic spells do not negatively affect the undead).

Chill Touch details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:chill-touch

21. Circle of Death  (Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

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Circle of Death is another high level and high-powered spell reserved for Sorcerers, Warlocks, and Wizards, oh my! This is a 6th level necromancy spell (I know, there’s something about necromancy spells that I like). The spell requires an action and one of the ingredients is the powder of a crushed black pearl worth at least 500 gp. (Would the spell be less effective if it was worth 499 gp?) Anyhow, this instantaneous spell has a range of 150 feet. Read on to find out more about the Circle of Death!

Why is Circle of Death a Great Spell
  • The energy emerges out 60 feet and creatures must make a Constitution save or suffer 8d6 necrotic damage. If the creature succeeds, they take half damage. 
  • Spellcasters who use a spell slot of 7th Level or higher will increase damage by 2d6. 
  • The Circle of Death can take out a lot of enemies in one turn! 

Circle of Death details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:circle-of-death  

20. Cloudkill (Sorcerer, Wizard)

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Finally, a spell that is not necromancy! Cloudkill is a 5th Level Conjuration spell that is reserved for Sorcerers and Wizards. The spellcaster focuses on a point and then a circle of poisonous, yellow-green fog emits throughout the designated area. The spell requires an action and has a radius of 120 feet. The magic user will also need to be able to concentrate for up to 10 minutes. Read on to find out more information about Cloudkill! 

Why is Cloudkill a Great Spell 

  • Creatures who try to hold their breath or do not breathe are also affected by this spell. 
  • The range of 120 feet can affect a large group of monsters. 
  • Creatures must make a Constitution save or suffer 5d8 (!) points of damage. On a saved roll, they will take half damage. 
  • For spellcasters who use a 6th level spell slot or higher will add 1d8 damage above 5th level. 

Cloudkill details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:cloudkill

19. Cone of Cold  (Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)

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The Cone of Cold is a 5th Level evocation spell just for Sorcerers and Wizards that requires an action, a small crystal, or a glass cone. I love it when spells require props! For this instantaneous spell, cold will emanate from the spellcaster’s hands and may cause serious damage. Read on to find out more!

Why is Cone of Cold a Great Spell

  • Any creature standing within 60 feet (you may want to advise your characters to stand behind you) must make a Constitution save or suffer 8d8 cold damage. If the creature makes a save, they will take half damage. If a creature perishes from the spell, they will instantly become an ice statue.  
  • This is a great spell against hot creatures like fire giants or red dragons. 
  • When spellcasters use a spell slot at 6th level, the damage is increased by 1d6.

Cone of Cold details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:cone-of-cold

18.Destructive Wave (Paladin)

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Finally, a spell designed only for Paladins! This 5th Level evocation spell requires an action and happens instantaneously. To do this, the Paladin will strike the ground, causing a divine wave of energy that emanates from them. Read on to find out more about this divine spell and why it is so effective!

Why is Destructive Wave a Great Spell

  • Any creature that the Paladin chooses within a 30 feet range must make a Constitution save or suffer 5d6 thunder damage, and additional 5d6 necrotic or radiant damage! On a save, the creature will take half damage. 
  • If the creature misses the Constitution save, they will also be knocked prone. (Knocked prone means the creature is low and not in a fighting stance.) If the creature makes the Constitution save, they are not knocked prone and can remain in a fighting stance (unless they are at 0 hit points).

Destructive Wave details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:destructive-wave

17. Disintegrate (Sorcerer, Wizard)

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Disintegrate is a transmutation spell designed for Sorcerers and Wizards. Basically, spellcasters point at a creature or object and a ray of green force will emit from the finger. From what I have researched, this spell does some serious damage! (I may need to select this spell for my sorcerer.) This spell requires props: a lodestone and a speck of dust. The spell requires one action and is instantaneous. Read more to find out why Disintegrate is a must-have spell! 

Why is Disintegrate a Great Spell

  • Disintegrate is an awesome spell because of the extensive damage. The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. If the save fails, the creature will suffer 10d6 + 40 force damage. If/when the creature or object is at 0 hit points, they will automatically disintegrate into a cloud of gray dust. (A spell such as true resurrection or wish will restore the being or item.) A being that is Huge will disintegrate by the size of a 10-foot cube. 
  • As if there isn’t enough damage from this spell, a caster at 6th level or above will inflict an additional 3d6 damage. 

Disintegrate details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:disintegrate

16. Eldritch Blast (Warlock)

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Ah yes, the trusty Eldritch Blast. A staple in the repertoire of Warlocks, as they are the only class that I know of that can use this cantrip. For a zero-level spell (all cantrips are), the Eldritch Blast packs quite a proverbial punch in battle. Read on to find out more about why Eldritch Blast  should be in every Warlock’s spell list!

Why is Eldritch Blast a Great Spell

  • This is an evocation spell that has a long range of 120 feet. 
  • If the target misses the saving throw, they will suffer 1d10 force damage. 
  • Eldritch Blast is the spell gift that keeps on giving, as Warlocks will be able to have more than one beam to aim at targets. When Warlocks reach 5th level, they earn 2 beams, at 11th level, they earn 3 beams, and at 17th Level, Warlocks earn 4 beams! Each beam is considered as one attack, so in one round, a 17th level Warlock could inflict 40 points of damage from a cantrip. That’s amazing!

Eldritch Blast details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:eldritch-blast

15. Finger of Death (Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

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Back to the necromancy spells! As a 7th Level necromancy spell, Finger of Death is reserved for higher level Sorcerers, Warlocks, and Wizards. (Lucky Level 13 is the first level a magic user can cast a 7th Level spell.)  When my character is 13th level, I will be adding this one to the list!  This spell emits searing pain through an unlucky opponent and causes a lot of damage! The spell also requires one action and reaches up to 60 feet. Read more about this deadly spell!

Why is Finger of Death a Great Spell

  • Finger of Death is an amazing spell because of the damage it causes. On a failed Constitution save, the target suffers 7d8+ 30 necrotic damage! So, the spell could cause 86 points of damage in one round! If the creature is “lucky” and makes the save, they suffer half damage. 
  • In addition, a creature that perishes from this spell will rise as a zombie, who will be under the spell caster’s control. So, basically the enemy could become a pet zombie! 
Finger of Death details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:finger-of-death  

14. Fire Storm (Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer)

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The grouping of spellcasters who can cast the Fire Storm Spell (Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer) is interesting! Fire Storm is a 7th Level evocation spell for advanced Level (13th) magic users. It requires an action, and the duration is instantaneous. Read on to find out why I included Fire Storm on this list of amazing offensive spells! 

Why is Fire Storm a Great Spell

  • The imagery of roaring flames would make for excellent storytelling! The length of the spell is 150 feet! 
  • Each affected creature must make a Dexterity saving throw or suffer 7d10 damage. On a save, the creature will take half damage. 
  • A benefit of this spell is that if the spellcaster wishes, plant life will not be affected. 

Fire Storm details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:fire-storm

13. Harm (Cleric)

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Harm is a spell reserved only for Clerics and it is a nasty 6th level necromancy spell! The spell requires one action, and the range is 60 feet. Basically, the hapless creature who is within eyeshot will be afflicted with a horrible disease. Read on to find out how potent the Harm spell is!  (Also, it’s another reason why not to make a cleric mad!)

Why is Harm a Great Spell

  • Harm is a deadly spell that can do a lot of damage!
  • If a creature fails a Constitution saving throw, they will take 14d6  necrotic damage. That is a maximum of 84 hit points for one round! If the creature makes the save, they will take half damage. 
Harm details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:harm  

12. Inflict Wounds (Cleric, Paladin (Oathbreaker))

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Only two classes can use this spell: Clerics and Paladins who have strayed away from the light. (These Paladins are called Oathbreakers.) This 1st Level necromancy spell is self-explanatory, as the Cleric or Oathbreaker would create a melee spell attack against a creature. Read on to find out why this spell is a must have for Clerics and Oathbreakers!

Why is Inflict Wounds a Great Spell

  • For a 1st Level Spell, Inflict Wounds is a good one, because of the amount of damage it can inflict. If a creature is struck with this spell, they will take 3d10 necrotic damage. That is a lot of damage for a low-level spell. 
  • When spellcasters use a spell slot of 2nd level or above, damage to opponents increases by 1d10. A 2nd Level Cleric or Oathbreaker can inflict up to 40 points of damage in a turn.

Inflict Wounds details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:inflict-wounds

11. Lightning Bolt (Sorcerers, Wizards)

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Lightning Bolt is a 3rd Level evocation spell that Sorcerers and Wizards can use (Thia, my Sorcerer, has this spell. It’s a good one). Using an action with the components of some fur and a rod of amber, crystal, or glass, a bolt of lightning emits from the rod and strikes an opponent. Read on to find out why my character has this spell and why all Sorcerers and Wizards should use this spell!

Why is Lightning Bolt a Great Spell

  • The creature must make a Dexterity save or suffer 8d6 lightning damage. On a successful save, the damage is halved. 
  • In addition, anything in the area that is flammable (except for items on a person) will catch fire. 
  • Spell casters who use a spell slot of 4th Level or higher will increase damage by 1d6 per level above 3rd.

Lightning Bolt details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:lightning-bolt

10. Phantasmal Force (Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard)

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This 2nd Level Illusion Spell requires an action, concentration up to one minute, and a bit of fleece to execute this spell. Bards, Sorcerers, and Wizards can use this spell. With this spell, a creature, illusion, or object is created out of the mind of the target. The target must make an Intelligence save or be afflicted.  Although this spell doesn’t necessarily directly cause a lot of damage, the Force can indirectly cause the creature a lot of problems.  Read on to find out more! 

Why is Phantasmal Force a Great Spell

  • The Phantasm (Force) can inflict 1d6 psychic damage on the target. As an example, if the Force is a figure and the inflicted person is convinced that it is alive and fights it, there could be damage. 
  • The Force could also be in the form of a bridge or a trap that the afflicted walks over or through. 
  • Phantasmal Force is a great distraction for an opponent.

Phantasmal Force: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:phantasmal-force

9. Power Word Kill (Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

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Power Word Kill is a 9th Level enchantment spell reserved for Bards, Sorcerers, Warlocks, and Wizards. It requires one action with a range of 60 feet. This is a powerful spell, so spellcasters must be at least Level 17 to have a 9th level spell. Power Word Kill will be a spell that my character will have if or when she makes it to Level 17. Read on to find out why this spell is awesome to use in battle!

Why is Power Word Kill a Great Spell

  • The spellcaster must utter one word to a target of their choice. If the creature has fewer than 100 hit points, they will instantly die. No saving throws or melee combat dice rolls. Talk about words having power!
  • This is super effective if the affected party has fewer than 100 hit points. If they have more than 100 hit points, the spell will not work. 

Power Word Kill details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:power-word-kill

8. Poison Spray (Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

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Poison Spray is a conjuration cantrip that is instantaneous and requires one action. Druids, Sorcerers, Warlocks, and Wizards can enjoy having this cantrip in their respective repertoires! To execute this spell, the spell caster extends a hand towards the creature and a cloud of gas emits from the palms. To learn more about this simple yet effective spell, please keep reading!

Why is Poison Spray a Great Spell

  • It is a cantrip, so a spellcaster will not have to use a spell slot. 
  • Opponents must make a save throw versus Constitution or suffer 1d12 poison damage. (For a 0 Level spell, the damage inflicted is decent.)
  • At 5th Level, the damage increases by 2d12, at 11th Level, the damage increases by 3d12, and at 17th Level, the damage increases by 4d12! Not bad for a cantrip! 

Poison Spray details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:poison-spray

7. Shocking Grasp (Sorcerer, Wizard)

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Shocking Grasp is another useful cantrip designed for Sorcerers and Wizards. It requires an action and for the spell caster to touch the target.  When lightning emerges from the magic user’s hand, the action happens instantaneously. Read on to find out more about this cantrip!

Why is Shocking Grasp a Great Spell

  • Shocking Grasp is great for close combat but be sure to retreat behind someone because spellcasters are not usually well-armored. 
  • On a hit, the target will suffer 1d8 lightning damage, and they will not be able to react until the next turn. 
  • This spell is also great to use on enemies with metal armor. In fact, the spellcaster has an attack advantage. 
  • As the spellcaster levels up, the cantrip increases too. At 5th Level, the damage is 2d8, at 11th Level the damage is 3d8, and at Level 17, the damage is 4d8! Yay for Cantrips!

Shocking Grasp details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:shocking-grasp

6. Storm of Vengeance (Druid)

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Storm of Vengeance is a 9th Level conjuration spell that only Druids can access. This spell takes an action and a minute of concentration. An epic storm consisting of high winds, lightning, and thunder can spread to a radius of 360 feet. Anyone caught under the storm must make a Constitution save or suffer 2d6 thunder damage. The target also is deafened for one round. If the Constitution save fails, there is additional damage. Read on to find out more!

Why is Storm of Vengeance a Great Spell

  • The storm can last up to 10 rounds. Round 2 consists of acid rain and each creature takes 1d6 acid damage. Round 3 calls up to six bolts of lightning to strike 6 targets of the Druid’s choosing. They must make a Dexterity save or suffer 10d6 lightning damage, or half if the creature makes the save. Round 4 produces a hailstorm with creatures suffering 2d6 bludgeoning damage. Rounds 5-10 produce lovely freezing rain and high wind gusts. Creatures will suffer 1d6 cold damage. 
  • This is a great spell to have indoors or outdoors and can cause significant damage to enemies.

Storm of Vengeance details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:storm-of-vengeance

5. Tsunami (Druid)

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Tsunami is another awesome spell only reserved for Druids! This 8th level conjuration spell takes a minute to cast and requires concentration for up to 6 rounds. The D&D Player’s Handbook states that “A wall of water springs into existence at a point you choose within range. You can make the wall up to 300 feet long, 300 feet high, and 50 feet thick. The wall lasts for the duration.”  Read on to find out why Tsunami is a must-have offensive spell for Druids! 

Why is Tsunami a Great Spell

  • Creatures must make a Strength saving throw or suffer 6d10 bludgeoning damage. That is significant damage! If the enemy makes a save, they will still take half damage. For each round the Tsunami exists, enemies must save versus Strength or take 5d10 damage. Every round after that, the damage is only 1d10. 
  • This is a great spell to have on hand in both indoor and outdoor battles.

Tsunami details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:tsunami

4. Wall of Fire (Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)

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Wall of Fire is a 4th Level evocation spell that Druids, Sorcerers, and Wizards can use in battle. The spell takes one action, one minute of concentration, and is cast up to 120 feet. Also, the spell requires a prop: a small piece of phosphorus. Read on to find out why the Wall of Fire is a great one for spellcasters to have!

Why is Wall of Fire a Great Spell

  • This is a great spell because of the damage it inflicts on opponents. On a failed Dexterity save, targets take 5d8 fire damage and suffer half on a successful save. 
  • As the spellcaster advances in levels, the damage from the Wall of Fire does as well. For each slot level above 4th level there is an additional 1d8 damage. 

Wall of Fire details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:wall-of-fire

3. Wall of Force (Wizard)

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Wall of Force is another cool wall spell reserved for Wizards. This 5th Level evocation spell requires 10 minutes of concentration, one action, and a pinch of clear crushed gemstone. The Wizard will be able to conjure up an invisible wall of their choosing up to 10 feet. The range is 120 feet. Read on to find out about the Wall of Force!

Why is Wall of Force a Great Spell 

  • A Dispel magic spell cannot not penetrate the wall; only Disintegrate will dissolve the wall. 
  • This wall penetrates the Ethereal Plane, so ethereal travel or regular travel cannot penetrate the wall.
  • Although this Wall does not necessarily deal damage, it is a terrific offensive move to block enemies so party members can retreat and prevent enemies from entering a room or a space.

Wall of Force details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:wall-of-force

2. Wall of Ice (Wizard)

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Ice, ice baby! This 6th Level evocation spell is designed only for Wizards. The spell requires one turn, about 10 minutes of concentration, and one piece of quartz. The range of this spell is 120 feet, and the Wizard can create the wall as a dome, a sphere, or panels. The wall is one foot thick. Read on to find out why the Wall of Ice is an excellent one for Wizards to use!

Why is Wall of Ice a Great Spell

  • The Wall of Ice delivers 10d6 (!) points of damage on a failed Dexterity save, or half the damage on a successful save. Either way, this spell delivers a lot of damage!
  • This wall turns into a being with hit points and has an AC of 12. If the wall is broken, frigid air remains, and a creature must make a Constitution save or take 5d6 of cold damage and take half damage on a save. 
  • After 6th level, the damage from the Wall of Ice increases by 2d6 per level.

Wall of Ice details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:wall-of-ice

1. Wall of Thorns (Druids)

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Last on this list is a spell specifically designed for Druids. Wall of Thorns is a 6th Level conjuration spell that requires about 10 minutes of concentration and one action. The Druid creates a thorny wall up to 60 feet in length, 10 foot high, and 5 feet thick, or a circle that is 20-foot round, 20 feet high, and 5 feet thick. The thorns are razor-sharp and cause a lot of damage. Read on to find out more about this thorny spell!

Why is Wall of Thorns a Great Spell

  • Each creature in the Wall of Thorns must make a Dexterity save throw or endure 7d8 piercing damage. On a save, the creature will take half damage. 
  • When Druids reach 6th Level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8.

Wall of Thorns details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:wall-of-thorns


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